The Gramont family escape technique.

I'm truly a dumb idiot.

Why didn't I think about using it earlier!?
Headline of the news grapevine the day after: Duchess Valierre declare war against the Gramont for a slight of unimaginable proportion against her family!

In all seriousness though, come on Henry, when you go with Noblesse Oblige, there's no such thing as freedom. If you're free to do as you please, then you're free to do your duty and help people. :V
Honestly this was coming, and Henry has really been an ass about the drinking with Joseph. He's a representative of their whole country, and getting drunk off his ass and puking all over the place is simply not acceptable behavior. If they chucked him right into a carriage and sent him home then he didn't even get to say goodbye to Isabella.

And as a wise man once said, you shouldn't make little girls cry.
Exactly! He's party to a major political marriage to ensure peace between their nations, and all he wants to do is get drunk, write books, and indulge in other shady vices. Karin's country needs this to succeed, so she will harshly discipline her child to beat him into the right shape for the plan to succeed.
Exactly! He's party to a major political marriage to ensure peace between their nations, and all he wants to do is get drunk, write books, and indulge in other shady vices. Karin's country needs this to succeed, so she will harshly discipline her child to beat him into the right shape for the plan to succeed.
Unfortunately, all of her attempts merely push him further as he is just as stubborn as her.
Exactly! He's party to a major political marriage to ensure peace between their nations, and all he wants to do is get drunk, write books, and indulge in other shady vices. Karin's country needs this to succeed, so she will harshly discipline her child to beat him into the right shape for the plan to succeed.

ironically enough getting drunk, writing books and indulging in those other shady vices make henry more successful at the goal then Karin's methods. The future queen likes books likes her little stories, the king likes drinking.
She really is an utterly unreasonable person, with no sense of how even vaguely normal people actually form relationships.

Maybe it's because I find tsunderes disgusting people, but it kinda stuns me that Pierre, who could have his literal pick of the women almost across the continent, actually loves her. I can understand the marriage (military power value is huge), but loving that?
Honestly I think this was inevitable, and it's largely Karin's fault. Much as I might have praised her, she is a very strict disciplinarian and Henry isn't just an unruly child, but also a fully matured adult capable of thinking for himself in a teenager's body. This clash was always coming, between Henry's beliefs and Karin's Rule of Steel. I think once they work this out their relationship will improve dramatically. That said, they're going to have to work it out at swo-er wandpoint in order to get to there.

In part though, I think that's where a lot of Henry's rebellion is coming from. Much as it might drive Karin insane, much as it might make him bleed and cry, much pain as it'll cause them both, he'll make her respect him. It's a hard lesson for both of them, for him it's about having to accept that no, he's not going to have all the freedom he wants to have. He's going to have to give some up because that's the nature of his position and deep down he knows it. For her it's a lesson in how hard you can push something on someone before they fight you back tooth and nail. Her 'Rule of Steel' has it's place, especially in the setting they're in, but there comes a point where the message is lost in the expectation.

This is going to be a heartbreaking lesson for both of them, but it's still necessary.
Oh dear... this here, this type of 'tough love this hurts me more than you" thing? Is the type of thing that leads to Henry avoiding you and not comming home for years and snubbing you. Good job.

"I love you!" Raven yelled from the sidelines, as if encouraging me
But at least theres good news in Henry learning how araven feels about him. So theres that.
Someone refresh my memory on the escape technique?

I'm also incredibly not impressed with Lord Valliere or Karin.

Him with having the constitution of wet toilet paper and her for trying to hide the fact that this is all a unilateral decision on her part.
The Gramont family escape technique.

I'm truly a dumb idiot.

Why didn't I think about using it earlier!?
Would this technique even work? Karin is a square mage, that does mean she does know of how to get to you before you even escape and second won't you trying to escape hurt you more with all the wind magic forcing you into the ground?
Would this technique even work? Karin is a square mage, that does mean she does know of how to get to you before you even escape and second won't you trying to escape hurt you more with all the wind magic forcing you into the ground?
Well the fact that the Gramont secret technique has work countless times against nobles of varying degrees, including nobles who are square mages. I'm sure that it would work, to a certain degree.
Someone refresh my memory on the escape technique?

I'm also incredibly not impressed with Lord Valliere or Karin.

Him with having the constitution of wet toilet paper and her for trying to hide the fact that this is all a unilateral decision on her part.

Would this technique even work? Karin is a square mage, that does mean she does know of how to get to you before you even escape and second won't you trying to escape hurt you more with all the wind magic forcing you into the ground?

Depends really, the magic cause a hole to form below you, letting you fall, and then immediately close it up.

So, if he time it right, he can cast it when she recasting the spell so there no wind pushing him. The only problem I see is if he can escape after he cast it. -i still think their in the study- Cause if they outside, he made his own grave.
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I don't understand why he fights this so much. It will be only an year, and then he will be more or less free to do what he wishes. It has been like this for years and he still resists without any plan, just for the sake of "Freedom"....
Great, now I picturing family dinner as him and his wife finishing yhen him going over to his father-in-law to get drunk
Hates how Pierre was depicted this chapter. Before, Karin was more of a "first among equals" in their relationship. Now he is shown as having a paper mache spine.