And another thought. If I remember correctly, Matilda and Tiffana are the only survivors of thier family, since Tifa's existence is "heretical". Suppose Henry will be in a position to, secretly perhaps, grant them all asylum when the hunt starts?
Ehhh, either way, I seriously doubt that they don't have the archetype of the wicked priest already, it just needs to be shown that he's a deviant that betrayed the teaches of Brimir but that the Church itself was still good and holy.

And another thought. If I remember correctly, Matilda and Tiffana are the only survivors of thier family, since Tifa's existence is "heretical". Suppose Henry will be in a position to, secretly perhaps, grant them all asylum when the hunt starts?
I don't quite think Matilda would trust him enough for it, although he might have butterflied up her conscription into Reconquista. Hell, depending on how much Joseph decide to do things differently, Reconquista might not even win the civil war.
It might be the Disney version, both more likely to go down well with a 10 year old girl, and less likely to get him burned for heracy. Probably is as isabelle asked why they were mean to quasimodo as he did nothing wrong. In Hugo Victor's books he tried to kidnap Esmeralda at frollo's behest, and was thus flogged and publicly shamed.
You're a dangerous man Shade...

Filling the heads of that world with Disney of all things.

You know the dangers right? The true horror that lurks within, waiting patiently for it to consume any inattentive soul within reach.

But you couldn't let the beast slumber. You had to wake it. You couldn't... Let it go~

Well, Tabitha/Charlotte does use ice spells, is abnormally strong, and is very repressed...
Isabella thoughtfully thought about it for a second, and then nodded. "I'll look forward to reading it whole," she said. "Also, I formally extend you an invitation to my tenth birthday party. It will be held in Gallia's capital, Lutece, in Grand Troyes-" she smiled, "You'll be my knight so, barring extremely unavoidable circumstances, you'll have to be present."

... And now I feel extremely conflicted about shipping those two together as much as I do. Which, together with the awkward feeling of knowing that I'm shipping an SI, now makes me feel weird as hell for wanting them to hit it off and then (presumably) rule the world with their iron fists.
*pets evil chicken pet*

Seems accurate, chickens are already evil bastards. I work with them, believe me.

Implying a bear would last a second against Karin.

So that bear rug in the house is a real bear, just too scared of her to move?

He was a Judge/Justice Minister in the Disney movie, while the Archdeacon of Notre Dame is a good guy that opposes Frollo several times in the movie.

Well, if he's using the novel, then Frollo would be actually sympathetic yet retain the obsession over Esmeralda. Might be a interesting idea, showcase the temptation of a man of the cloth when faced with the girl of his dreams....
Being Giant isn't actually that useful. Trust me I'm actually slightly closer to seven feet tall than I am six. And in exchange for not needing step ladders I am unlikely to live as long as short people, My joints are weaker, I've hit my eyes on the corner of Cabinets and more. Being big sucks. That's why I don't understand shortman's syndrome as they already have the better deal to begin with.
I agree.
Ah nevermind.
Three Henriette's it seems.
And now she has turned into a unit of measurement
... And now I feel extremely conflicted about shipping those two together as much as I do. Which, together with the awkward feeling of knowing that I'm shipping an SI, now makes me feel weird as hell for wanting them to hit it off and then (presumably) rule the world with their iron fists.
Oh you sweet summer child, in Shade's previous SI fics, there were a lot of shipping involved that it was hilarious.
Seems accurate, chickens are already evil bastards. I work with them, believe me.

Depends on how you raise them- raised right, they're the most loving little things you'll ever meet. Racist little birds, though.

Also, keep roosters away from them if you want them to be friendly- Roos are evil bastards, and don't do 'consensual.' Understandably, they'll mostly shy away from contact after that(Oh, how I wish I had known that when we realized we had a rooster in the ranks...)
You know, if The hunchback of Notre-Lord ends up being really popular, which it might with a royal showing interest in it, there might be a bunch of deformed, hunchbacked men at the following Sleipnir ball.
"Uhm...two dozens dragon knights, and I think there are ground troops hidden beneath the trees?"
two dozen dragon knights
Memorizing chants had be rewrite them a hundred time each-did you know there are sixty nine variations of the same chant for lighting a candle?
had me rewrite them a hundred times each
"The trick to this is that I'm going to plant this beans, and magic the shit out of this entire thing until I manage to self-replicate the conditions for their growth."
plant these beans, and magic
It was a day in which the cute loli girl that spent hours looking at her underwear was brutally thrown out of the window by the rest of the teaching staff.
Never understood the thought process behind this sort of thing. Is it something people actually do IRL, or is it a silly caricature?
two dozen dragon knights

had me rewrite them a hundred times each

plant these beans, and magic

Never understood the thought process behind this sort of thing. Is it something people actually do IRL, or is it a silly caricature?
I don't even understand that sentence in the first place, so I'm in no position to know why that thing apparently happens (?).

No, seriously, where is the bolded part from? What does it mean?
If you look later in the chapter, you'll notice that Old Osmond became a young girl "again". I assume that's what that sentence referred to.
No, seriously, where is the bolded part from? What does it mean?
Referring to the headmaster of Tristain academy, Osmond, and his perverted behavior. He apparently TF's into a little girl when the mirror is usable going by that line, and I know the guy uses the senses of his mouse familiar to peek up dress in canon.