Wait, wait.

Shade got promised to Tabiclone?

Joking aside, firing a spell strong enough to rip someone's head off as a "Warning Shot", and then judging "Them" for losing control of their emotions? Karin remains Worst Mother. She's all the stereotypes of the Dragon Parents except has the firepower of a WMD to back up her "Enforcement" with.
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Tiffiana (the Half-Elf cousin of Wales) is a Deredere type. Of course, Henry is now promised to Isabella, who IIRC was nearly a clone of Tabitha in both looks and temperament.

In my humble opinion, this is even better. Kuudere waifu best waifu.

I don't think there is any "deredere" in that girl.

At most a "de".

But at least you get ground floor access to her crazy dads plan to end the world. Also, i think he has some elven connections which you could try to leverage carefully.

Isn't this quite the woman to be betrothed to.
I can almost see shark teeth.
Yeah... if I recall correctly a number of the missions that Tabitha gets sent on after she becomes a chevalier (and possibly before, not sure) are given to her by Isabella in the hopes that she'll either die trying to fulfill them or fail and give an excuse to fully banish/imprison/whatever her.

She gets better after daddy-dearest dies and Tabitha/Charlotte takes the throne, and then has some personal revelations, but until then... yeah...
Wait, wait.

Shade got promised to Tabiclone?

Joking aside, firing a spell strong enough to rip someone's head off as a "Warning Shot", and then judging "Them" for losing control of their emotions? Karin remains Worst Mother. She's all the stereotypes of the Dragon Parents except has the firepower of a WMD to back up her "Enforcement" with.
Eh, she is probably extremy upset from this arrangement, but she will support it for her country's sake.
Huh. I wonder if Henry's protectiveness of his sisters will transfer to Tabitha/Charlotte after they are married?

Also, Lets wait to speculate on Karin's mood until we see the next snippet. Henry is actually really good at picking out her moods and his voice is the only one I will trust on this.
Gah! The mood whiplash stings!

You know, this could be a reason Warde's might use to try and convince Henry to turn traitor. Promise of more freedom.
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And, y'know, isn't she Joseph's kid?

So, now Henry is not only the child of Worst Mother, but he's engaged to the daughter of the Gallian Prince who is presently plotting the sudden demise of his brother and will rather shortly be earning his title as the Mad King.

I am beginning to see why this story has lacked immediate trauma thus far. It was all just waiting in the wings, aging like french cheese and becoming even fouler and more pungent with every delay.
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All hail King Henry/Henri! Only.... your wife to be is a tad bit mad. Perhaps at age 10, she can still be salvaged....

Also, I hope the SI remembers Charlotte/Tabitha. Then again, I imagine he'd rather not be remotely involved in the carnal house of reeking sewage that's Gallian Royal Politics. And worse, it exposes him to a possible bad end of being brainwashed by an Elf.

Here's another potentially scary thing. With this marriage, Henry is only a scant few premature deaths away of having a very, very good claim to the Tristian and Albion thrones...
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It's not really fair to bash Isabella like that considering she had to deal with Joseph as her father. Joseph felt nothing(haha) towards her and probably was one step from torturing and killing her to find out if he would've felt anything from that. It's just not really healthy environment for child to grow in. For that matter is there any information at all about Joseph wife?
Actually, it doesn't work that way, and it's kind of insulting for it to be described that way too, especially after he showed that "Why yes I do have a grasp of politics".

He wouldn't be King, he's be Prince-Consort. A title that has no actual power in itself except in so far as sharing the bedroom with royalty. More importantly, this only happens if Isabella inherits the throne, which is pretty unlikely as she's rather far down on the inheritance list. If this doesn't happen? He simply retains whatever titles he already holds.

I get the feeling that Karin kind of got poleaxed by the fact that he actually knew what was going on, and tried getting back on script, and when he deviated again, she just snapped and ended the discussion with what amounted to being a death threat.

I don't even think she fully knew what she was doing, and just rode the whole thing on autopilot. Especially since he admitted that "Yes, I know, I'll do my part, but I don't intend to pretend in private that I like it. The job is not "Liking" these arranged marriages after all, and snapping at him for admitting that he didn't like it in what should be private circumstances isn't exactly helping."

He doesn't even really have the option of disappearing and going to ground either, because Karin has both the resources and the will to track him down. That being said, "Karin is a terrible mother" is kind of an ironclad rule of the setting, since she's both absurdly overpowered--and utterly incapable of not being the platonic incarnation of Tsun.
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Shit just went Nintendo hard. Forget Wardes, you're now playing the Game of Thrones against a fucking mad scientist and his pet Myononatanir (however that's spelled). You're gonna be so deep in heresy.
So... I assume he just got disinherited? I mean, there's no way his parents, who are hardcore loyalists, would allow the Valliere lands to pass on to the Gallian Crown. All hail the future Duchess Eleonore?

And doesn't he become prince consort and not king if he marries that Gallian princess? As far as I understand, Gallian inheritance laws allow queen regnants...
He wouldn't be King, he's be Prince-Consort. A title that has no actual power in itself except in so far as sharing the bedroom with royalty. More importantly, this only happens if Isabella inherits the throne, which is pretty unlikely as she's rather far down on the inheritance list.

Isabella is the daughter of the future-mad king Joseph.

She is his only child, thus...she is the next in line for the throne. Even if we went through the feudal idea of a non-matriarchal line, the only way for her to not inherit would be for Joseph to live long enough for Tabitha to marry someone else, have a male son, and the marriage between Henry and Isabella to bring out only daughters.

IN that particular circumstance, though, the daughters would need to all die without marrying someone.

Of course, rather than say 'Prince-Consort' better to say 'king' to sweeten the deal. Karin's thoughtful like that.