Original by @MTB , @taovkool , @Ian Drash , @Syn0 , @JaceAoT , @Pietersielie , @traviswj , @Silver W. King
Edits by me for grammar and consistency (yes, even poetry has editors) dnd to ease threadmarking. Yes, the rhymes are all over the place.

Ten little nobles went to a wedding
one of them had too much wine,
and then it were just nine.

Nine little nobles woke up with a headache
one wandered to an alley
and then it were just eight.

Eight little nobles all bleary-eyed, unshaven
one fell in a bucket,
and then there were just seven.

Seven little nobles went and joined their cliques
one joined the wrong crowd,
and now there are just six.

Six little nobles were just glad to be alive.
They bit of more than they could chew
and now there are just five.

Five little nobles panicked with a roar,
one failed in his escape,
and now there are just four.

Four little nobles went to flee,
one trusted the wrong servant,
and now there are three.

Three little nobles hid in the loo,
one picked the wrong door,
and now there are two

One little noble thought the danger's gone.
A Raven descends all slow,
and then there was none.


Ten little noble ghosts were lounging in the Never,
one got reincarnated,
will he come back ever?
You Missed my two little nobles
Chapter One Hundred and Sixty-Four
Chapter One Hundred and Sixty-Four

Freedom could easily hold two. Agnes stood behind me, holding on to my sides as the manticore's wings flapped in rhythm. The sun was high over the horizon, and as the wind gathered around us, the rest of the knights followed on their dragons.

"Your highness," Agnes said. "I-"

"I know you did not do it," I replied. "What do you take me for, a fool? One would hope they taught you how to kill someone quickly," I kept on speaking with a flat tone. "Make no mistake, Agnes. Someone did kill Richmon with the intention of starting another war, which is why we aren't stopping easily, and why I asked you to come with me. I'm sorry I took you away from Louise, but if the enemy is who I think it is-then it is best to have the Gandalfr near me."

Agnes remained quiet for a bit, "You should have all the rights to suspect me, your highness. It doesn't do you any good not to. I could have helped with the hunt-"

"No," I acquiesced. "I hired someone to act the part and get us out of there fast enough. The assassin truly wasn't such an amateur that he'd come back to admire the show. His purpose was to cause an accident, spark trouble, and he succeeded. Depending on circumstances, we might still go to war as we might not, but if it had happened back then, then we would have had to fight both my home country and Germania. This way, we got away safely for the time being."

"Your highness," Agnes said. "You know who the enemy is?"

"I can infer it is the same that has been repeatedly sabotaging the peace talks prior to today. Rather than smooth things over, this event worsened them considerably once more. There are a few actors who might want this. People who seek a disunited Halkeginia, people who sought to make a fool out of the Emperor, people who wished to try one last bid at freeing their princess from her bleak future-even the elves aren't that far-fetched as far as guilty people can go," I hummed thoughtfully, "Any who commit a murder have something to gain from it, Agnes. That's one truth that has never changed since the beginning of time."

"Even if it's peace for one's soul?" Agnes asked.

"Murder doesn't bring peace," I replied. "It brings doubt. It brings fear. It begets querying what now? when the last man falls. Whom do I kill now? That is the most dreadful question you will ask yourself after the last one dies. Whom do I kill, now that all are dead? Whom do I kill to make the pain stop, now that everyone who is guilty is dead? One needs hatred to survive pain, but once the pain starts to ebb away, to slowly become dull-even if some winds might one day bring it back in harsher strokes...no one can hate forever."

I glanced up at the bright sun, which shone without mercy nor care down below. "That's why...at the end of the corpses, the final enemy that must be confronted...is to ask oneself forgiveness for having survived where the others did not...and live on. We are the living memories of those that came before us, so it is up to us to bring them forth into the new generations, to tell their stories, and have ours narrated in turn-"

Freedom flapped his wings and took an air current that made him glide slightly lower, passing by a cloud that showed the shadows of myself and Agnes on the back of the manticore. I glanced at it go by without a second thought. "No one can hate forever," I sang gently, "who wants, to hate, foreveeeerr?"

"Your highness, please stop singing or let me down. I can walk with my own feet to the border," Agnes said behind me. Her voice as firm as steel.

"Oh come on, Agnes. We've got a lot of time ahead of us-let us sing something together, shall we? It bolsters camaraderie!" I exclaimed. In answer, Agnes simply pressed her face against my back and said absolutely nothing. "Oi, don't dig yourself a nest in my back!"

"I have discovered I am afraid of heights, your highness," Agnes said with a flat voice, definitely lying. "As such, I would like it if you allowed me this."

"It is allowed, Agnes," I said with a hum as I felt something wet trickle down my back that was being lightly shaken by a trembling form that had somehow found its way attached to my back. "It is allowed. I, on the other hand, shall sing to cover strange noises in my ear! Worry not, go at it! My tone deaf self shall hide everything! I'm singing in the rain! Just singing in the rain, ah, what a glorious day, that I'm singing in the raiiin!" I sang even as I felt small punches hit my sides. They ended up failing though, because that was just her appreciating my vocal chords.

Everyone made horrible faces whenever I sang, but it wasn't like I sang worse than Vogons narrated poetry.

At least, nobody had committed suicide to escape me yet.

Not that I would allow something as trifling as death to stop people from enjoying me singing. Perhaps I should ask Isabella to buy a theater for me to sing in? No, if I asked, she most definitely would buy it, and then ensure it could never be opened to the public.

We touched down at our expected rendezvous point by the Gendarmerie near the border, and as relief showed itself visibly on the faces of those assembled, we made a quick break to rest and recover.

As I stared at the clean shaven faces snapping up to attention at my passage, I couldn't help but admire the building itself. It was a simple rectangular shaped tower that rose up in the air, a large unlit brazier capable of emitting billowing smokes visible from quite the distance away mounted on the rooftop. If the brazier burned, then the others spread throughout the region would see it, and lit theirs in answer.

It could easily be snuffed out, but the point was that if they couldn't do anything to stop the enemy, they could still lit the beacon while running away.

The inside of the tower had two different compartments, the rooms for the officers and the rooms for the soldiers. Since the kitchen area and the bathrooms were shared, officers and troops ate, if not at the same table, at the very least in the same area.

"I'll need my rest," I said as I took a seat on the comfortable enough sofa of the entrance. "But you can send a messenger ahead stating I have arrived past the border without accident."

"Yes, your highness!" one of the officers snapped to attention, before making to leave.

"Also, Agnes, get yourself armed back up properly," I said, looking towards the woman who was back in her utterly uncaring face of I-absolutely-did-not-cry-self. "Officer Beltram, make sure the armory treats her well."

"Oh, old Martinique will do that even if you don't ask him too, your highness," the man said with a small bout of laughter, before showing the way towards the place's armory to Agnes. I, for my part, simply propped a dusty looking pillow from one side of the sofa to the other, removed my boots, and then dropped half-dead from exhaustion and tired realization of the futility of existence.

Melodramatic, says the Raven.

Nevermore, quoth the Prince.
Now I can foresee the last battle of this story:

.and as they clashed swords and spells, Henri pulled out a book, the action stopped as the man opened the small bundle of pages, everyone feared for a strange spell, but instead the man started reciting:

Oh freddled gruntbuggly,
Thy micturations are to me,
As plurdled gabbleblotchits,
On a lurgid bee,
That mordiously hath blurted out,Its earted jurtles,
Into a rancid festering confectious organ squealer. [drowned out by moaning and screaming]
Now the jurpling slayjid agrocrustles,
Are slurping hagrilly up the axlegrurts,
And living glupules frart and slipulate,
Like jowling meated liverslime,Groop,
I implore thee, my foonting turling dromes,
And hooptiously drangle me,
With crinkly bindlewurdles,
Or else I shall rend thee in the gobberwarts with my blurglecruncheon,
See if I don't!

the effects of his words may not been instantaneous as a hexagon spell, but he did achieve victory as his enemies fought to reach death first than others and escape those twisted verses.
Now I can foresee the last battle of this story:

.and as they clashed swords and spells, Henri pulled out a book, the action stopped as the man opened the small bundle of pages, everyone feared for a strange spell, but instead the man started reciting:

Oh freddled gruntbuggly,
Thy micturations are to me,
As plurdled gabbleblotchits,
On a lurgid bee,
That mordiously hath blurted out,Its earted jurtles,
Into a rancid festering confectious organ squealer. [drowned out by moaning and screaming]
Now the jurpling slayjid agrocrustles,
Are slurping hagrilly up the axlegrurts,
And living glupules frart and slipulate,
Like jowling meated liverslime,Groop,
I implore thee, my foonting turling dromes,
And hooptiously drangle me,
With crinkly bindlewurdles,
Or else I shall rend thee in the gobberwarts with my blurglecruncheon,
See if I don't!

the effects of his words may not been instantaneous as a hexagon spell, but he did achieve victory as his enemies fought to reach death first than others and escape those twisted verses.

That's if his body didn't shut itself down to save the world from itself.
"Murder doesn't bring peace," I replied. "It brings doubt. It brings fear. It begets querying what now? when the last man falls. Whom do I kill now? That is the most dreadful question you will ask yourself after the last one dies. Whom do I kill, now that all are dead? Whom do I kill to make the pain stop, now that everyone who is guilty is dead? One needs hatred to survive pain, but once the pain starts to ebb away, to slowly become dull-even if some winds might one day bring it back in harsher strokes...no one can hate forever."

Before you embark on a journey of revenge, first dig two graves.
Oh my god. It was Isabella, wasn't it? She has Albion, and now she wants Germania.

It could be the elves. The elves want humans to distrust one another so they wont launch another "Holy Crusade!" because dealing with that is more trouble than encouraging infighting before they unite?
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The only true party that stands to gain everything and lose nothing is Romalia.

Germania never followed Brimiric religion and the union could lead to estranging of Tristanian common people to a religion that only abused them. After all to be a noble in Germania you only needed wealth, a plot of land and a merit towards the royal family and the country. Something so shocking and revolutionary would be a much welcomed alternative to the "we, insects, live to serve the blessed".

Not only that but by managing to set Germania on Galia, Pope Mcdongcopter could wipe out his strongest opposition and the heathen. Henry has made it clear that he will not support the holy crusade and also made it known about his knowledge of Void users. So in the eyes of the pope he would be the public enemy No. 2 right under elves.

Had this been intervention of the elves, that would have been akin to USA priming their own nukes at themselves, pointless and ridiculously stupid. In fact elves should support Germania spreading their disposition towards Brimirism and Galia attempting to be peaceful, it will cost them nothing and will prevent any unnecessary conflicts for them.

It must have been the pope, that or the Head Justice blew himself up with some botched spell cast.


I forgot to account for Henrietta getting rid of corruption... but thinking about it this is the worst possible way to deal with it. But is she even aware of the corruption in her country, on top of all the shit she went through? I highly doubt so really. But by a marginal chance it was her doing... bravo to her stupid attempt at breaking the marriage not even a day after cementing it.
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Clearly, all of you are wright:cool:. It's all Bidashal who is working for Henrietta on Joseph's orders who allied with the Pope behind Henry's back because Isabella is planning to kill him and become the next Void mage because Henry manipulated her in order to defeat the elves and become the God-Emperor of humankind. Seems clear enough? But the real mastermind was of course Raven.
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Clearly, all of you are wright:cool:. It's all Bidashal who is working for Henrietta on Joseph's orders who allied with the Pope behind Henry's back because Isabella is planning to kill him and become the next Void mage because Henry manipulated her in order to defeat the elves and become the God-Emperor of humankind. Seems clear enough? But the real mastermind was of course Raven.
Incoming Xanatos Gambit Pile up.

Henry facepalming as various would be masterminds argue with each other over who is actually winning or "already won."

"ALRIGHT! Anyone who doesnt or who has not planned some grand scheme in the last few years raise your hand!


Joseph. Put your hand down. Remember the crown thing?"
"Oh right."

"Anna... Why is your hand up?"

"... I wanted to feel included."

"Please. Put. Your. HAND. DOWN!"

"Alright, alright, partypooper."

"Now if anyone else- Tiffiana. Why are you here with your hand raised."

"Um... I actually didnt have a plan? But I just thought everyone should know that Mr. Plant is loose and we dont know where he went."

"Mr. Plant?"

"Is Loose?"


"Oh there he is!"

"Oh boy."
As I stared at the clean shaven faces snapping up to attention at my passage, I couldn't help but admire the building itself. It was a simple rectangular shaped tower that rose up in the air, a large unlit brazier capable of emitting billowing smokes visible from quite the distance away mounted on the rooftop. If the brazier burned, then the others spread throughout the region would see it, and lit theirs in answer.
So a question, but did you get this from Lord of the Rings?