I know we're already several updates on due to Shade's insane productivity, but I assign Henry some partial responsibility for the whole broken nose/over-reaction thing.

Why? Because he started the whole thing by reaching out and trying to ruffle Anne's hair. That's a pretty intimate thing to be doing, and it was a clear social signal that the setting was one where barriers were down and they could treat each other immaturely. She responded by trying to give him a noogie, and if they had been alone an unobserved then it would have ended amusingly and fluffy there. Instead there were guards and grappling and broken noses and attempted murders. So let that be a lesson. If Anne is supposed to behave with propriety in a given setting, you have to treat her with propriety. No mixed signals.

Oh, and building up a huge army to "liberate" another country is pretty suspect, yes. Why do the Albion rebels need to be stopped again?

The Albion rebels need to be stopped because their leader is more Robespierre than Washington and in canon at least tried to use necromancy and mind control to conquer all the other kingdoms in order to unite everyone in a giant bloody crusade against the elves. How that'll work without Sheffield's help I don't know but Reconquista has ambitions far beyond overthrowing their king.
The Albion rebels need to be stopped because their leader is more Robespierre than Washington and in canon at least tried to use necromancy and mind control to conquer all the other kingdoms in order to unite everyone in a giant bloody crusade against the elves. How that'll work without Sheffield's help I don't know but Reconquista has ambitions far beyond overthrowing their king.
I dunno, elves are bastards, is it really that bad?

A gift from: Henry

To: His sister Louise.

The gift is porn.

Jeez, Shade! Taking the siscon path, now are we? *lewdly giggles*

Dammit Louise, Henry gave you one job! ONE JOB!

What sort of job, now hmm? *poster lewdly giggles once more, this time at his juvenile double entendre and returns to browsing memes and weaboo filth*
Louise will rule the academy from a throne of porn. The maids and headmaster will have no choice but to do what she says, lest they find themselves cut off from her generous bounty.
Well, Louise is going to have a BLAST.

As for the books behind the Black Door, I imagine one day Kiche will make some suggestive comment that isn't quite accurate and Louise will reflexively correct her without realizing it. Next thing Louise knows the big busted girl will be cuddling her, gushing about her little Louise is growing up.
alchemists who were more than willing to take into exam the priming
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"Oh, he's a quite prolific author of children fairy tales and theater plays, alongside novels and brief treaties on certain aspect of every day life
author of children's fairy tales
of everyday life
"He's wrote all of this
written all of
Getting close to summoning. Wonder who Louise shall manifest?
Well, Louise is going to have a BLAST.

As for the books behind the Black Door, I imagine one day Kiche will make some suggestive comment that isn't quite accurate and Louise will reflexively correct her without realizing it. Next thing Louise knows the big busted girl will be cuddling her, gushing about her little Louise is growing up.

I doubt the books are particularly accurate either. It's porn. Everyone in written porn is double-jointed and a professional contortionist.
Omake - Louise's Not So Extraordinary Late Night event.

She would have kicked herself in the shins. She would have slammed her head against the wall. Her big brother had taken time out of his really busy schedule to come visit her, and she had treated him coldly all throughout it! But brother had to learn she was no longer the little girl that would run towards him to be hoisted up or that suffered tickling -although she would rather not be tickled to find out if she still suffered from it or not.

Still, she was sulking because her big brother had left, and she was once more alone. She missed her family. She missed Cattleya, who had married Jean-Jacques and moved out. She missed Eleonore, who yelled only because she cared -and thus, cared a lot- believing her brother, she missed Josette, who had been her playmate and friend and had to leave without a word of explanation. She missed Tiffania, who was a friend of big brother -like her older sister, who worked for him from what she understood.

She missed her father, and she missed her mother too.

She missed her family, but she wouldn't see them until the end of the year.

That was if they still wanted her, because she was proving herself to be a true failure of a mage. It didn't matter what she tried, she only made explosions. She could light candles though, mostly because if she made a tiny explosion, it might light the fuse -and even then, not always. She knew her brother wouldn't care about that, and he had told her-he had told her he'd find her something to do in his army.

She could ride on a manticore like mother and go around blowing things up for her brother. She'd be Louise, the Explosion. Nobody would make fun of her, or laugh-

"Louise! Louise!" a voice cawed from the window, and as she turned her head towards it, her brother's familiar stood there beyond the window flapping his wings. He couldn't fit through the window, so he simply placed one of his claws on the windowsill to hold himself steady, and with practiced ease let a letter drop from the tip of his beak and onto the floor of her room. "See you later! Henry sends his hugs and love!" he flapped his wings, and was soon gone in the dark of the night.

Louise bent down to pick the letter, and after opening it up carefully, she began to read near the candlelight.

Lulu! My dear little sister who's such a cold-hearted young lady that she won't even hug me! I'm sad! No, I'm more than sad! I'm in tears-

Louise sighed. Her brother could be so melodramatic at times...but it didn't make her feel any better anyway. Perhaps she could have given him a parting hug? That would have been appropriate, wouldn't it?

I understand that you might face incredible pressure and trials ahead of you, so I have decided to give you a few very important pointers. First of all, the headmaster can be bribed with young ladies undergarments-

She shrieked as she read that part, throwing the letter away from her body as if made of pure undiluted poison -it could quite possibly be poison by just how filthy that suggestion was-

There is an inn called the Charming Fairy Inn in Tristain, the owner Scarron sells his workers' panties for a small sum-buy in bulk if the need arises. Use them to have the headmaster conveniently forget mentioning your bad points during the course of the year. If on his parting letter to the family. Be forewarned not to boast of your achievements, but also not to undersell them. Mother will know if you do either, and she will not be pleased.

Also, outside the school a short horse ride away there is a split on the road. Take the left rather than head straight for the capital and then trot until you see a tree with the bark all twisted and mangled. From there, follow the mangled trees until a small clearing in the forest. Beneath the white rock lies an entrance to my Man Cave Number Two. If you drink or eat something though remember to replace it! And keep it a secret from everyone, even your bestest friends! This is family only, you understand? Family only! Do not bring any young lords into my cavern or I will find out, I will come over there, and I will murder them! Understood!? No young lords in my cavern!

Louise sighed. Seriously-when would her brother ever learn?

There are a lot of books in there. Some of which you probably haven't read. Whatever you do though, do not open the black door. No, seriously, don't open it. I left stuff in there that you absolutely must not open!

She nodded most resolutely to herself. She would not open the black door. If her brother was so serious about it...then it had to be something really important. He was a bit stupid though, he could have recovered it before, no?

Also, the clearing is rarely visited. You could use it to practice your explosions -do not practice them indoor, Lulu! It's dangerous and the ceiling might fall on you! Now, I fully expect you to write back to me, thus I am leaving you with a mean to do so. This is my secret method of corresponding, known as the Raven Path. Look out of your window-

Louise turned her head towards the window, where a small raven stood in wait -or was it a crow? She never understood the differences anyway- and as she quickly opened the window, the crow flew in and landed quietly on her desk.

"Nevermore!" it said with a chirp. "Nevermore!"

Tie the letter to its leg and let him fly. He'll catch up to Raven no matter where he is and in turn my familiar will bring it to me. Don't hesitate to write to me! I demand a letter once a week! I want to know what happened, who happened, when it happened and how many names I must tally on my to-kill list!

Know that I love you, Lulu, no matter what you can or cannot do, and no matter whether or not you hug me or not. I'll always be proud of you.

True strength lies not in our ability to never fall. True strength lies in falling down time and time again...and yet standing back up each time to face new and ever-rising odds.

Hugsies and kisses-

Louise sighed, folded the letter quite neatly, and then proceeded to hide it in one of her desk's drawers. The crow looked at her expectantly, and Louise somehow had the impression that it was waiting for something.

"Nevermore!" it cawed. "Nevermore!"

She narrowed her eyes, clenched her fists...and then relented.

Her fingers delicately touched and rubbed the back of the raven's head, and she sighed. "I don't see what brother finds of interesting in this-it's just a feathered creature..."

"Nevermore," the raven said, dropping down and turning on its feathered belly, a pure ecstatic look on its face.

Still, Louise smiled.

If all else failed, she could get this raven as her familiar next year.


Beyond the black door, much to Louise's disbelief, stood a large library containing what could only be described as the lewdest, most horrifying ensemble of perverted books the history of Halkeginia had ever seen.


Nobody knew that but her, though, so...

Perhaps a tiny peek or two?

"Brother, how did you collect so much lewd material?"

"I wrote it, of course."
"Oh?" I blinked. "What is this...Nazism?"

"Nothing," Anne said, perhaps for once wising up to her own words -a miracle by itself.
Well, at least she's smart enough to not poke the (apparent) Nazi. Maybe being European gave her enough of a modifier to understand that?
"I cannot guarantee I'll find him quickly, but in a few months perhaps I'll have a lead," I said, "What do you say?"
Henry, that was what you did with Josette's investigation, and look where that got you. You can't always count on being lucky enough that the other side only want to hurt you and not kill you.
And if it failed, then...well, the Shadow of the Night would suffer a terrible death by random accident.
At that point the collective male outrage might be enough to unite Halkeginia, if it ever came to light the most infamous author of his time died because someone dug too insistently :p
...I expect the reveal to be dramatic and suitably angsty.
Let's just hope Vittorio won't be able to turn Anne into working for him this way - he does have portals to send her back. Or if she doesn't want that, if Henry got to her enough that she realized there's really nothing really keeping her back on Earth, she could be bribed by Vittorio giving her internet access or something, since wireless networks work over the portal.
Let's just hope Vittorio won't be able to turn Anne into working for him this way - he does have portals to send her back
How do those portals work? I was under the impression the only paths between Earth and Halk were the eclipse, the summon portal and the Void spell Gate?
As Karma for Henry trolling Anne with the Great Power quote, Louise will summon Kyuubey and excitedly write to Henry with great detail about how her familiar comes with a wish!