Fulgrim was going to come back with twice as many ships. If that failed, the next primarch would be coming with 250 ships.

The light house would have had its progress in the rumors and notable events. In the action you would have gotten the following at one sentence per turn: He comes clad in gold. He comes drenched in blood. He comes upon the broken backs of a million men. He comes to douse the light of freedom. He comes.

3 turns after the lighthouse turns on The Emperor would arrive with Horus and Leman Russ. If you manged to repel them then the quest would good end, if not, bad end.

Primarch #2 would have been Sigmar Unberrogen.
We could have waited until the Heresy began before attempting the Lighthouse, could we?
What sort of conditions would have prompted Roboute to rebel?

He actually rebelled in canon at approximately the same time as Horus. It's just that when Horus' rebellion failed, he pretended he had never rebelled and moved to take over the imperium. Roboute was too ambitious to play second fiddle to Horus and to bow his head to The Emperor forever.
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He actually rebelled in canon at approximately the same time as Horus. It's just that when Horus' rebellion failed, he pretended he had never rebelled and moved to take over the imperium. Roboute was too ambitious to play second fiddle to Horus and to bow his head to The Emperor forever.
...I'm trying to square your assessment of him with this:
When the Emperor proclaimed Horus, Warmaster of the Imperium, Guilliman accepted the news without resentment, and Horus continued to seek his counsel.
From the wiki, to be clear. It goes on to state that while Horus certainly believed Roboute to be envious, it only Horus's belief.

I'm also just...not seeing any reference to the rebellion of which you speak. At all. In fact, the wiki claims that Roboute was in fact dutifully amassing a massive force on Calth at Horus's order when the Heresy began, part of Horus's schemes to weaken Roboute's forces at the start of the Heresy.

Where are you getting all of this? Is there some source the wiki blacklisted which reveals the dark truth of Guilliman, or something?
...I'm trying to square your assessment of him with this:

From the wiki, to be clear. It goes on to state that while Horus certainly believed Roboute to be envious, it only Horus's belief.

I'm also just...not seeing any reference to the rebellion of which you speak. At all. In fact, the wiki claims that Roboute was in fact dutifully amassing a massive force on Calth at Horus's order when the Heresy began, part of Horus's schemes to weaken Roboute's forces at the start of the Heresy.

Where are you getting all of this? Is there some source the wiki blacklisted which reveals the dark truth of Guilliman, or something?

Think he mean this:

Imperium Secundus - Warhammer 40k - Lexicanum

Which, whilst certainly shady, isn't quite an open rebellion. Part of canon's obsession with fellating the loyalty of the loyal primarchs, I guess. (There can be nuance! Nuance is interesting!)
There's also the general issue for the entire setting where just having good sources doesn't mean you're right. Nothing is considered noncanon in the entire body of 40k literature. That doesn't necessarily mean that its all true.

Maddening for debates, but it certainly gives fanfic writers a lot of leeway.
I never got to make my populist Chaos peoples, either. I hadn't even introduced the Tzeenchian viewpoint character!

Who were the primarchs we would have been able to turn to our cause? I'm guessing Fulgrim was one and likely would have turned when he learned that the emperor tried to kill his sister, was Magnus a potential one or was he to far gone in tzeentches hands?

Who were the primarchs we would have been able to turn to our cause? I'm guessing Fulgrim was one and likely would have turned when he learned that the emperor tried to kill his sister, was Magnus a potential one or was he to far gone in tzeentches hands?

Angron and Magnus would be going to you after the emperor dicked them over. Fulgrim might have been subvert able if you played your cards right.
Um just found this quest and I got to ask, at this point, has Angron been found?
Also, was Magnus informed of his sister's flesh cure?
Angry was a long way off from being found. Bahu Set got the flesh change cure to Magnus before talking to the Emperor.
Batman quest as in 'Bruce-Man/Bat-Wayne himself' quest or 'Characters in Batman's Neighborhood' quest?

Batman + batfamily in no man's land.

What would a good end look like?

The Imperium decides spending the resources to crack you is a waste compared to expanding in other directions. Then a civil war happens, because it will, and by the time the imperium gets it's shit back together you have an insurmountable tech lead.
And all the while, the actually kinda nice Chaos people go undetected, slowly infiltrating the highest levels of anarchist society, such that it exists....
And all the while, the actually kinda nice Chaos people go undetected, slowly infiltrating the highest levels of anarchist society, such that it exists....

So the thing about the anti-chaos stuff that I never communicated to my satisfaction is that just holding the chaos gods as deities is not illegal. The murder, rape, deliberately spreading diseases, and various attempts to gain hierarchical power are what's illegal. It's just that, because worshiping a chaos god almost always quickly leads to that kinda shit, the two are linked inextricably in the public eye.
So the thing about the anti-chaos stuff that I never communicated to my satisfaction is that just holding the chaos gods as deities is not illegal. The murder, rape, deliberately spreading diseases, and various attempts to gain hierarchical power are what's illegal. It's just that, because worshiping a chaos god almost always quickly leads to that kinda shit, the two are linked inextricably in the public eye.
And that cultural assumption is what they hope to change! Also the heretics. All the heretics.

Well, Sarah doesn't actually care because she's like, bad at this.