A return
Bahu Set, Heroine of Eztili, Mistress of the Black Hammer, Slayer of Warboss Scrimjaw, and a hundred other titles besides, fell to her hands and knees on soft grass. Behind her, the portal to the Immaterium closed. She sucked in breaths, even as her shattered armor fell to the ground beneath her.

A horrible clicking sound. One she understood.

[Holy shit, are you okay?]

She looked up and saw one of the vile spider xenos the Anarchians had foolishly accepted into their federation. She looked down, unwilling to look at it for too long. At least she had gotten to where she wanted. Then she laughed.

"No. No I'm not. All I did for him, and he tries to kill me immediately when I insist I'm a woman. All I did to you and even those who hate me respect my womanhood here." She pounds the ground with her fist.

The spider is silent.

"If I must die I would rather die for what I've done than for what I am."

Wait. She looked up at the xeno and blinked. Oh.
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So, I just realized something. What exactly did all of those reformed soldiers do in Anarchia? Because the possibility exists that an enormous amount of info just got leaked.

They did. C'est la guerre. I honestly for really sad when I read that. And then even sadder when she came back.

Depending on communication speed, we could try to send a ship to try and intercept Fulgrim.

Doubt he's going to guve back prisoners because we asked nicely though.
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Big E sure is an asshole! Way to lose your daughter, brah! Good for us though, Set now has a lot of motivation to turn her genius to protecting and expanding the federation. She's also going to be a kickass psyker. Question is whether she had a chance to disseminate our tech, or if things degenerated before she got to that part.

I'm waiting for Magnus to pop in. I bet the dialogue will contain a horrified "you have daemons in your heads!".
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Turn 30 Results

[X] Terraform Xania 3. (7/10)

Work continues apace.

[X] Send the Main Army to Zentch to knock over the Sorcerer Kings, as well as enough people and material to liberate the masses, rebuild the society, and convert them from Chaos to Maltheism. (9/10)

Okay, the planet is electrified and has internet now. There haven't been any demonic incursions this year either, which is good.

[X] Maintain Fleet

See War Turns

[X] Demand to the Autochthonian Church that Thousand Blooming Flowers be tried for murder.

The Autochthonian Church accedes to your demand, but due to… irregularities, a mistrial is pronounced and most of the evidence your people collected thrown out. The retrial sees Thousand Blooming Flowers acquitted.

[X] Send a diplomatic ship to Sol. Because seriously, what the fuck. This will double as recon.

The ship remains en route.

[X] Root out Chaos Cults.

In addition to the Nurgle Cult, you found a slaanesh cult on Bookchin, a non-sorcerer Tzeentch cult on Galak, and a Khorne cult on Talon. Also a cult of chaos undivided on Warren.

[X] Put out propaganda to convince people to join the army.

You get two more armies out of it.

[X] Upgrade the Militia: Power Armor - Muffet
[X] Upgrade the Militia: Power Weapons - Muffet
[X] Upgrade the Militia: Medium Protective Amulets - Muffet (1/2)

The militia of Muffet are upteched. Designing new power armor for people with six arms is an interesting design challenge, albeit one your people are more than capable of meeting.

[X] Fund Warp Research.

Colorless Green Ideas Sleep Furiously.

[X] Fund Physics Research.

In light of recent events, the space force has come out with a desgin for a new class of space ship. The "Corvette" is a light warship with the speed of a dreadnought but only about half the combat threat of a frigate. It is suited for anti-piracy work.

Notable Events:

Bahu Set has returned to Anarchia, having arrived via warp portal on Muffet.

New Andalusia has made formal contact with New Eden and the two state formations on Autochthon. Relations are chilly, given that they are mostly muslim and the others are theocracies that aren't muslim.

The One Alone has advanced to the steam age, and is working on their first nuclear reactor.

Two young individuals have demonstrated immense psychic talent, there are now two more betas in the federation.
After we integrate search we should root out chaos again.
So the physics research created a ship design that's even more useless? Bloody hell.
Light engagements. Pursuits. Cover. Screens and policing.

But yeah, militarily? It's basically useless. Very much a peacetime vessel. But it says that on the tin. Nothing about military engagements. What does it say it's good for? Light engagements and anti piracy.
So the physics research created a ship design that's even more useless? Bloody hell.
It's not too slow to even participate, so it's actually more useful than frigates in interplanetary combat. Not a high bar to clear, though. I'll still be pushing for exclusively dreadnought construction unless our fleet wipes again.
The Autochthonian Church accedes to your demand, but due to… irregularities, a mistrial is pronounced and most of the evidence your people collected thrown out. The retrial sees Thousand Blooming Flowers acquitted.
Well, they had their chance to do this their way.
Turn 31

Thought for the day: Political Freedom without economic equality is a pretense, a fraud, a lie

You have 12 Action Points. 1 is locked in an ongoing military action, 1 is locked on a terraforming action, and 1 is locked building amulets for muffet's militia.

The Augers predict grave danger in Santi in 2 years.


[] Root out Chaos Cults.

[] A Lighthouse. Turn Proudhon 6 into a Beacon in the Warp. This will provide a massive boost to navigational capacity to everyone in the galaxy. It will also, by it's nature, tell everyone in the galaxy exactly where you are. This will be a Long Term Project (5 turns).

[] Stage a cultural festival where people from all over Anarchia can share their diverse cultures.

[] Send out Explorers further. With the birth of Slaanesh a century ago, the Warp can now be safely traveled again. Find out what's out there. Besides the Orks.

[x] Terraform Xania 3. This will be a long term project. (10 turns)

[] Put out propaganda to convince people to join the army.

[] Send an Army Group to one of your planets to help against Orks. (Can be taken once for each planet with an ork threat rating)

[x] Send the Main Army to Zentch to knock over the Sorcerer Kings, as well as enough people and material to liberate the masses, rebuild the society, and convert them from Chaos to Maltheism (The belief that the Chaos Gods exist and are gods, but are evil). This will be a long term project. (10 Turns, 1 Army Group locked for the duration)

[] Send the Main Army to New Eden to topple the Priest Kings.

[] Send the Main Army to Diaspora to topple the Regional Governers.

[] Send the Main Army to Sub Caelum to topple the Emperor.

[] Send the main army to Tirak to topple the king, the lords, and the capitalists.

[] Invade Autochthon. The augurs and analysts think this will go poorly.

[] Build 5 Corvettes. May be taken multiple times.

[] Build 5 Frigates. May be taken multiple times.

[] Build 3 Cruisers. May be taken multiple times.

[] Build 1 Dreadnought. May be taken multiple times.

[] Construct a Bolo to protect a planet. May be taken multiple times. (A planet can't have more than 1 Bolo plus 1 Bolo per 5 Billion people without it requiring AP upkeep)

[] Upgrade the Militia: Have enough Power Weapons manufactured to arm the people of one of your planets. (Can be taken once for each planet)

[] Upgrade the Militia: Have enough Power Armor manufactured to armor the people of one of your planets. (Can be taken once for each planet)

[] Upgrade the Militia: Commission sufficient lesser protective amulets to supply the militia on a given planet. (Can be taken once for each planet)

[] Upgrade the Militia: Commission sufficient medium protective amulets to supply the militia on a given planet. This will be a long term project. (2 turns) (Can be taken once for each planet)

[] Send Special Forces to assassinate Ork leadership. (Can be taken up to 2 times, once for Proudhon System and once for Jeric System)

[] Send Special Forces to assassinate leadership on Sub Caelum.

[] Send Special Forces to assassinate leadership in New Christendom.

[] Send Special Forces to assassinate leadership in the Autochthon Church.

[] Send Special Forces to assassinate leadership on New Eden.

[] Send Special Forces to assassinate leadership on Diaspora.

[] Send Special Forces to assassinate leadership on Tirak.

[] Send Special Forces to assassinate Thousand Blooming Flowers.

[] Fund Medical Research.

[] Fund Physics Research.

[] Fund Warp Research.

[] Some Communists want to arm the people of New Eden and entice them to rebel. This would need enough space lift to require the entire federation to get in on it.

[] Some Communists want to arm the people of Diaspora and entice them to rebel. This would need enough space lift to require the entire federation to get in on it.

[] Some Communists want to arm the people of Sub Caelum and entice them to rebel. This would need enough space lift to require the entire federation to get in on it.

[] Some Communists want to arm the proletariat of Tirak and entice them to rebel.

[] Some Communists want to arm the proletariat of Autochthon and entice them to rebel.

[] Increase Workweek.

1 Hour Moratorium on Voting
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We should root out chaos every turn.
We should build a few corvettes, but focus primarily on dreads.
Also, more research is better.
Light engagements. Pursuits. Cover. Screens and policing.

But yeah, militarily? It's basically useless. Very much a peacetime vessel. But it says that on the tin. Nothing about military engagements. What does it say it's good for? Light engagements and anti piracy.

tbh cruisers are the smallest size of ship to be made because splitting the fleet to cover multiple zones is a potentially valid proposition but ultimately the only thing that matters is the weight of metal you can bring to a battle so it's kind of irrelevant in this system and given that we're building huge fleets any way you might as well just make huge piles of dreadnoughts and split them across the areas you need defended.

hahaha, the corvettes give the same number as the frigs do.. Bloody hell.

provisional suggestions.

[] Root out Chaos Cults.
[x] Terraform Xania 3. This will be a long term project. (10 turns)[locked]
[x] Send the Main Army to Zentch to knock over the Sorcerer Kings, as well as enough people and material to liberate the masses, rebuild the society, and convert them from Chaos to Maltheism (The belief that the Chaos Gods exist and are gods, but are evil). This will be a long term project. (10 Turns, 1 Army Group locked for the duration) [locked]
[] Build 1 Dreadnought. May be taken multiple times. x6

[] Construct a Bolo to protect a planet. May be taken multiple times. (A planet can't have more than 1 Bolo plus 1 Bolo per 5 Billion people without it requiring AP upkeep)
For Proudhon 5-VI

[] Stage a cultural festival where people from all over Anarchia can share their diverse cultures.
[] Send out Explorers further. With the birth of Slaanesh a century ago, the Warp can now be safely traveled again. Find out what's out there. Besides the Orks.
[] Fund Medical Research.
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We should root out chaos every turn.
We should build a few corvettes, but focus primarily on dreads.
Also, more research is better.
Yes. We should. Also a few cruisers but our fleet should be mostly dreads with a few cruisers for screens.

But chaos rooting every turn is a must and we have the ap
Locked and Might-As-Well-Be-Locked:
[] Send the Main Army to Zentch to knock over the Sorcerer Kings, as well as enough people and material to liberate the masses, rebuild the society, and convert them from Chaos to Maltheism (The belief that the Chaos Gods exist and are gods, but are evil). This will be a long term project. (10 Turns, 1 Army Group locked for the duration)
[] Terraform Xania 3. This will be a long term project. (10 turns)
[] Upgrade the Militia: Medium Protective Amulets - Muffet (2/2)
[] Root out Chaos Cults.

Fleet Buildup For Next Time:
[] Build 1 Dreadnought. May be taken multiple times.
[] Build 1 Dreadnought. May be taken multiple times. X2
[] Build 1 Dreadnought. May be taken multiple times. X3
[] Build 5 Corvettes. May be taken multiple times.

Good Ideas:
[] Stage a cultural festival where people from all over Anarchia can share their diverse cultures.
[] Fund Medical Research.
[] Fund Physics Research.
[] Fund Warp Research.
I cannot believe any one wants to build Corvettes. Why? They're basically worse frigs but a little faster. Just build more dreadnoughts it's not like we can't just blanket the skies with dreads any way. We literally shouldn't build any corvettes because our existing Frigate fleet can be repurposed for hunting pirates if that actually becomes a problem.
[] plan: Kongreya Star

-[] some anarcha-feminists want to make a clandestine trip to New Eden to establish an underground movement for women's liberation, let them

-[] some anarcha-feminists want to make a clandestine trip to Autochondia to establish an underground movement for women's liberation, let them

-[] Stage a cultural festival where people from all over Anarchia can share their diverse culture

-[x] Terraform Xania 3. This will be a long term project. (10 turns)

-[] Build 1 Dreadnought. May be taken multiple times x5

-[x] Send the Main Army to Zentch to knock over the Sorcerer Kings, as well as enough people and material to liberate the masses, rebuild the society, and convert them from Chaos to Maltheism (The belief that the Chaos Gods exist and are gods, but are evil). This will be a long term project. (10 Turns, 1 Army Group locked for the duration)

-[] Send an Army Group to one of your planets to help against Orks. (Can be taken once for each planet with an ork threat rating) Santi/Muffet

-[] Root out Chaos Cults