That said, their Flaghip was destroyed, so at least they got a bloodied nose from the initial engagement.
[] megaton buster
[] Send Goldman the Bolo that normally guards Bookchin.
[] Send Goldman the Bolo that normally guards Bakunin.
[] Send Goldman the Bolo that normally guards Kropotkin.
[] Send Goldman the Egoist, the Titan that normally guards Stirner.
[] Send Men and Material from Stirner to Goldman.

This idea is probably dumb.
I feel like we'd need more men than just one option; maybe the Beta in my plan would be unnecesary, but the Titan feels like it would be worse than having more men to actually hold the front lines- they outnumber our base troops 4-to-1, and areas held by militia will be pierced easily by Space Marines.
I feel like we'd need more men than just one option; maybe the Beta in my plan would be unnecesary, but the Titan feels like it would be worse than having more men to actually hold the front lines- they outnumber our base troops 4-to-1, and areas held by militia will be pierced easily by Space Marines.
But, like, explosions go boom, yeah? :V

Seriously, I think you're right. Replacing the Titan with troops seems like a better solution.
[] Devils Never Cry
[] Send Goldman the Bolo that normally guards Bookchin.
[] Send Goldman the Bolo that normally guards Bakunin.
[] Send Goldman the Bolo that normally guards Kropotkin.
[] Send Men and Material from Kropotkin to Goldman.
[] Send Men and Material from Stirner to Goldman.
Also, why can't we dominate their minds? Is the damage irreversible?

In addition, how effective is the bolo expected to be, especially against the ships in orbit?
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Nope. Although your cruisers would be. If you had any.
Alright then. Bad news that. But we'll make do.

[x] Plan Holding Out and Building Up
-[x] Holding Out: The Defense of Goldman
--[x] Send Men and Material from Stirner to Goldman.
--[x] Send Goldman the Bolo that normally guards Kropotkin.
--[x] Send Goldman the Bolo that normally guards Bookchin.
--[x] Send Goldman the Bolo that normally guards Bakunin.
--[x] Send a Beta to Goldman. May be taken up to 4 times (chance of refusal each time)
-[x] Building Up for a Counter-Offensive
--[x] Working hours increased to the maximum we can logistically handle - our people voted by a 99.9% margin to fight, now let them put their effort were their mouth is. Given our economy's relaxed pace until now, most likely we won't have the infrastructure in place to meaningfully utilize the output of everyone working even a 20 hour week, but that's no excuse for not giving it our all.
--[x] Our available space forces are to assemble in the Proudhon systems Oort Cloud, far enough to remain undetected, but close enough to be able to attack the Imperial fleet on short notice.
--[x] All planets in the Proudhon system (except Goldman, obviously, which is going to be very, very busy) are to focus on strengthening their defenses. That means ground forces yes, but the larger effort should be directed on orbital defenses. Surface-to-orbit guns, void shields defending our cities, stealth defense satellites ready to open up on any imperial ships in range with torpedoes, and most of all, lots and lots and lots of space-capable strike craft, both fighters and bombers.
--[x] Beyond the Proudhon system, focus our efforts on the construction of warships to defeat the imperial fleet. Focus on carriers. The required design parameters are: 1) Must be able to outrun the Imperial Fleet. 2) Must be able to carry and resupply strike craft to enable massed attacks against the imperial fleet while the carriers themselves remain out of range. 3) Must be able to be constructed fast and in large numbers!

There: That's the fastest way I can think of to create a fleet that can hopeful defeat this invasion.

Going to bed now. See you all tomorrow.
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-[x] Preparing for a Counter-Offensive
--[x] Working hours increased to the maximum we can logistically handle - our people voted by a 99.9% margin to fight, now let them put their effort were their mouth is. Given our economy's relaxed pace until now, most likely we won't have the infrastructure in place to meaningfully utilize the output of even everyone working a 20 hour week, but that's no excuse for not giving it our all.
--[x] Our available space forces are to assemble in the Proudhon systems Oort Cloud, far enough to remain undetected, but close enough to be able to attack the Imperial fleet on short notice.
--[x] All planets in the Proudhon system (except Goldman, obviously) are to focus on strengthening their defenses. That means ground forces yes, but the larger effort should be directed on space based defenses. Surface-to-orbit guns, void shields defending our cities, stealth defense satellites ready to open up on any imperial ships in range with torpedoes, and most of all, lots and lots and lots of space-capable strike craft, both fighters and bombers.
--[x] Beyond the Proudhon system, focus our efforts on the construction of warships to defeat the imperial fleet. Focus on carriers. The required design parameters are: 1) Must be able to outrun the Imperial Fleet. 2) Must be able to carry and resupply strike craft over large enough to enable massed attacks against the imperial fleet while the carriers themselves remain out of range. 3) Must be able to be constructed fast and in large numbers!
As far as I can tell, this part is not up to us, at least not this turn. In any case, still a few minutes until the Moratorium has ended, I believe.
Rape is also just a passing event, wouldn't suggest doing that to our enemies either.
Honestly, I have no idea what mind domination is like in 40k. Is it a traumatic experience? I'm sure not being able to decide what you do, and not controlling your body (if you're consicious) is, but I don't know.

[x] Holding Out: The Defense of Goldman
-[x] Send Men and Material from Stirner to Goldman.
-[x] Send Men and Material from Kropotkin to Goldman.
-[x] Send Goldman the Bolo that normally guards Bookchin.
-[x] Send Goldman the Bolo that normally guards Bakunin.
-[x] Send a Beta to Goldman. May be taken up to 4 times (chance of refusal each time)

Seeing as how this plan is the same as mine, I'll vote for it.
[x] Holding Out: The Defense of Goldman
-[x] Send Men and Material from Stirner to Goldman.
-[x] Send Men and Material from Kropotkin to Goldman.
-[x] Send Goldman the Bolo that normally guards Bookchin.
-[x] Send Goldman the Bolo that normally guards Bakunin.
-[x] Send a Beta to Goldman. May be taken up to 4 times (chance of refusal each time)


With a flick of her wrist, Helaena sent the ball around - it bounced off the floor, off the wall, and she caught it with her off hand without looking. She flicked it back to her left hand.

"Ma'am?" She looked up sharply. An ensign flinched, worrying at their sleeve, a chit clutched in sweaty fingers.

"Doctor, if you would"

"They've elected the commander of the fleet is all, doctor. The captain wants to know if you have all the supplies you need, so we can take position as ordered."

Badadum. She flicked the ball again, dropping her attention from the terrified ensign.

"Given our marching orders by an upjumped murderer, I see. We're as supplied as we'll get, I suppose."

The ensign nodded. "Yes doctor, sorry doctor."

Helaena sighed. She'd hated well enough the war on Galak - sitting in orbit in the ASAS Aesculapius, arms red to the elbow as she tried to save those poor unfortunates who were hurt bad enough that field surgery couldn't do the job. She'd lost 3 people on the table, and another died in recovery. And for each one - and the countless who hadn't died - she had taken their pain.

Badadum. That was, by and large, the main reason she was the chief surgeon on this ship - she was only 35, but, well, no other surgeon on the compliment could draw the pain out of the patient like shrapnel from a wound, or find the problem within seconds of setting eyes on the patient. She was a competent surgeon, and a Gamma level psyker.

She heard the faint rumble of the engines beneath her feet as the Aesculapius moved to take position. If she had wandered up to the bridge, she would have been unsurprised to note that the Aesculapius was taking position to support the fleet, rather than the planet. She was one of the hardier hospital ships they had, and could probably even take a glancing blow without being turned to debris.


The battle had gone rather poorly, Helaena suspected. She wasn't a strategist, and she didn't know the fleet disposition, but her medical bay was filling with badly wounded from multiple ships - they'd been shooting around the battle at a fair clip, grabbing those lifeboats which could be found. She didn't want to think about how many had died in lifeboats they couldn't reach, but given several of the lifeboats were from capital ships, she knew it was too many to bear.

Her current patient was a bridge officer from one of the frigates, his face badly burnt from some sort of horror the opposition had put in their shells. She drew as much pain from him as she could bear, but judging by the screams, neither that nor the morphine had done enough. She brought up his dog tags, and found the requisite information.

"Anaesthetist." She stepped back, letting the Anaesthetist do the necessary. His screams faded to nothing, but the medical bay didn't grow any quieter.

Her momentary pause did not last long enough for her to savour it. Another patient was marked as critical, and she made her way across the bay.

"Attention fleet. This is the captain of the ASN Great Gatsby, acting fleet commander. All remaining assets, retreat to Goldman. Do not fear pursuit at present, they will not pass us. This message will repeat. Attention fleet. This is the captain of…"

As the Aesculapius made her way to a stable orbit above Goldman, Helaena had continued her bloody work. More had died before her eyes in 20 minutes of this battle than the entire of Galak. This had been the first battle with this Eleventh Son, but she doubted it would be the bloodiest.

Things grew quiet about 5 hours after last surgery following the battle ended; those in critical condition were now stable or dead.

She wouldn't be able to sleep; she never was after days like this. Helaena fished around in her pockets, eventually drawing out a small rubber ball. Badadum.

Life would go on.
I do not wish to defend myself, I do not wish to be defended. I belong completely to the social responsibility for all my actions. I accept it completely and without reservations. I wished to oppose the invader from Versailles with a barrier of flames. I had no accomplices in this action. I acted on my own initiative.

I am told that I am an accomplice of the Commune. Certainly, yes, since the Commune wanted more than anything else the social revolution, and since the social revolution is the dearest of my desires . . . the Commune, which by the way had nothing to do with murders and arson.

. . . since it seems that any heart which beats for freedom has the right only to a lump of lead, I too claim my share. If you let me live, I shall never stop crying for revenge and l shall avenge my brothers. I have finished. If you are not cowards, kill me!
- Louise Michel, 1871, at her trial after being asked if she wished to say anything in her defence for participating in the organising of the Paris Commune.

[x] Holding Out: The Defense of Goldman

Omake, yay!

If you manage to stymie the Imperium long enough for Angron to hear of it, he'll defect to you straight off on the condition that you take out his butcher's nails.

The Warp Reflection of the God of Abraham is currently the strongest non-chaos god. Your people consider Gork and Mork "chaos" because they draw from basic cognition of the greenskins, but it's a disputed classification.
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Can we try sending some mutualists to their ships, thats worked well for us in the past :V
Omake, yay!

If you manage to stymie the Imperium long enough for Angron to hear of it, he'll defect to you straight off on the condition that you take out his butcher's nails.

The Warp Reflection of the God of Abraham is currently the strongest non-chaos god. Your people consider Gork and Mork "chaos" because they draw from basic cognition of the greenskins, but it's a disputed classification.
Does this timelines Angron have that much cognitive ability? Because he actually forced his entier legion to take the nails in the original timeline.