[x] Silence
In the end you simply decide to wait and watch, it's more likely to give you a hint regarding this creatures motives and has the advantage of making sure you don't accidently anger someone you'd rather not anger….though people of that nature are a rarity. You wonder why, it's not as if it's fun to get under their skin or any….no wait it is why such people are rare, you love messing with people, have always loved messing with people and in all likelihood always will like messing with people, it's just the way you work.
The figure looks around as if trying to see something….can he really sense your presence? You've better go into full stealth mode for this one.
Using the smallest bit of magic, you enhanced your naturally quite presence removing you not only from sight, but from the remaining sense as well as man magical means of detection.
It may seem like overkill to the eyes and rationality of many, heck it may even be actual overkill when used against many of the creatures whose existence you know of, but whatever it is that lives under that hood is almost certainly going be good at seeing in the dark, if not being reliant on its other sense entirely.
Soon enough the creature seems to drop its suspicions and begins walking into the wilderness around the city…while human cities tend to draw the most attention and are better for magical rituals due the large number of intelligent souls around the wilds feel the most at home to the fey and as such have become a common meeting ground for Fey to talk with each other and come to agreements, so of like a proverbial truce zone in many ways….expect without any semblance of a truce since the majority of Fey will still try and kill someone they hate if the run into them in the wilds.
Eventually the figure comes to a small clearing in the woods, a circle of trees with a rather grassy plane right in the middle….it is rather odd, especially since you see one particularly large tree resting on the opposite side of the circle from where you arrived, as if it's waiting to greet disasters….bah! That is thing totally an Ent, this place has 'Sacred Ent Grove' clearly and transparently written all over it. In fact it's almost embarrassing to see that such a place is this badly hidden.
Almost as if to prove your point the large tree rumbles before undergoing a transformation, it's bottom has splitting in two and forming legs as very large arm like branches sprout from its side. In the center of the tree some of it's bark almost seems to cave in on itself giving rise to openings that resemble eyes and a mouth.
….Boo! Zero out of Ten would not recommend this 'Sacred Ent Grove' for anything!
The end walks up to the figure, causing the figure in question to pull down it's robs and giving you a better look at it.
The figure in question looks less like anything naturally and more like a collection of mushrooms attempting to form a fake parody of a person. The closest thing it has to a face is a large mushroom top that seems to take up the role of a mask, even having some intents in it that make it looks as if someone has carved into it and made a crude face….the rest of its body is more of a vaguely human shaped blob defying any further description.
"Do you have the souls promised?" You hear it ask the Ent.
Oh so this a deal with the Lord of Thriving Fungi, that greedy fungus has always been opposed with gathering human soles, even if it means crossing the other two major leaders of the Court of Black Weeds….the question if is they want to do anything about this?
Do you?
[x] Nah, you really don't care about these guys.
[x] Yes…it's mauling time! Finally!
[x] Yes, reveal yourself and lay down the law.
[x] Yes, but be discreet about it, there has to be some way you can screw this up for them without being caught.