[x] Distraction
"Oh my gosh!" You scream in delight throwing the Lady of Gears off balance. "I can't believe that I'm meeting the greatest magical defender ever, I'm your biggest fan!"
She looks confused and bewildered as does the monster.
Just as planned…now it is time to activate stage 2!
"Hey!" You hear the Lady of Gears call at you angrily as you quickly put distance between the two of you, but it's quickly drowned out as you here the monsters wrecking ball smash into the ground…good with the two of them fighting it means you have more time to escape from the Lady before she comes and kills you horribly.
Thankfully you manage to put enough distance between yourself and the lady that she can't track you down again and then make your way over to the gaming center. You hope you didn't miss too much of the good stuff, and that your friend doesn't feel like trying to mess with you right off the bat.
Well at least from the initial look around you can tell that the tournament is in its early stages so at least now you know that you haven't missed your slot, maybe Johnathan won't be as inclined to mess with you since you didn't miss as much….nah that's way too optimistic he'll have a field day and you both know it.
I eventually make my way over to my friends waiting place and find Johnathan hanging around with Joseph whose face is almost completely red.
"Hey!" Anna seems to arrive at just that moment before grabbing ahold of Joseph and pulling him away from John.
"Whoa." Johnathan raises his arms as if to surrender. "Calm down it's not like I'm going to steal your boyfriend or anything."
I go up and pat Johnathan on the back.
"Yeah." I let out a laugh. "Johnathan isn't one to steal someone that's taken, he's kind of stubborn about respecting others romances."
Johnathan crosses his arms and nods in agreement with me. "Come on, I may be a bit of prankster but you act like I don't have standards…do you really think so little of me Anna?"
"Right." Anna relents while still maintaining her hold on Joseph. "Sorry about that."
"It's fine." You laugh it off. "You're in that city with the Lady of Gears in all the monsters right? I can't blame you for being on edge when so many people in your home city end up kidnapped by evil monsters."
"Yeah!' Anna says a little too eagerly. "You've got my reasoning nailed down!"
Suuuuure Anna….that's totally your reason.
"Well what are we waiting around for!" Mary interrupts the both of you. "Let's get to playing!"
With that said the four of you spend the rest of the day having fun at the tournament. Anna and Joseph end up beating you and Johnathan about midway into it but they'd also end up going on to be the champions of the entire thing and you beat pretty much everyone else you fought from that point anyway, thus getting you a pretty good place with all things considered.
That and you have fun which was the entire point of traveling here with your buddy so you're more than happy with the results.
That night you feel the power of the New Moon coursing through your veins. You can feel is driving you to roam, to search for information….and to pull off a variety of hilarious pranks!
Well ok not really but you can definitely feel that boost! It feels soooooo nice, especially compared to your crash at the beginning of the day!
Shifting and a shadow like form you exit your room and into the darkness of the night.
What do you do?
[x] You smell the presence of a follower of a evil god…you'd better go check it out.
[x] This smell….it's artificial….what could it possibly be?
[x]You sense a gathering of Fey nearby…someone's prepping for something big.
[x] Father has an offer for you…well family is important.