My Magical Warrior Best Friend can't find out my Secret!

Does advocate aggression, strength and ripping throats out? Serious question here
I think it specializes in getting the opponent on the ground, keeping them there, and then utterly wrecking their day, or life. Depends on how much force you use and how long you hold it. Which, by the way, is much more effective against armored enemies. (Armor doesn't stop a joint lock and dislocation!)

Okay so somewhat off. It's officially known as Dog style, but I think it might work better in our favor. Remember when not as wolf, we're much squishier. (and the wolf is much squishier during the New Moon [comparatively].) And well, if we don't want to be very obvious about not being human we kinda need a way to deal lots of pain but not throw a mook through a wall. Despite what action movies show, that is not normal.
Mary Interlude Part 1
[x] Mary

You feel really bad about just ditching Johnathan like you had, he's your oldest friend and both of you where really looking forward to that time at the gaming convention, but it's your duty to protect the people from the forces of evil…if you don't stand up and fight when evil is on the move you'll never be able to forgive yourself not when you're the only magical warrior in the city and thus the only one that can actually fight these things. You've been raised among humanity unlike many Fey and you've learned to emphasize with their pain and their love for these fellows. Many other Fey even those of the same Court like to look down on humanity but you have faith in them, both in their potential for good and their ability to bounce back from the destruction of the original human powers, and all that optimism isn't just because you happen to be half human!

Still you really do feel bad about it, you'll have to find some way to make it up too him later. At least he's a pretty forgiving guy, he'll heckle you for a few weeks but you know he won't hold a grudge over this incident. Good thing too…you've had to bail on him a lot thanks to your secret double life.

Finding a safe place away from prying eyes you activate your transformation. The first and fastest change is that your green hair turns a far lighter shade of green as several flowers grow within it. Next the causal T shirt and jeans you had been wearing transform into an almost painfully peppy looking magical girl outfit that somehow manages to not impair your movement greatly. You still really don't like it, honestly the moment you figure out how to control your glamor beyond 'on' and 'off' you are making yourself a better costume, this current one is just flat out silly. Also your skin turns green, it's kind of weird but it's how you were brought into the world so you don't mind it.

Now it's off to the park!


Thankfully no one's died since you fist left to stop that horrible monster. There are some creators in the park but beyond that it seems like this are just fine.

This time the monster looks shockingly like a human male, albeit being about 8 feet tall instead of any high that a human could reasonably grow too without either being a freak of nature of being influence by some unnatural force like magic of technological tampering. However the creatures grey skin is a key tell that lets you know that this thing is not human in the slightest…it does make his bald head look cooler though. He is wearing simple cargo pants and no shirt letting you get a good look at his rather muscular frame, not one for fashion the source of this abomination is. He has several grey viens that run along this arm ending in small holes that have actual chains growing out of them…that cannot be comfortable in the slightest. At the end of the largest of these chains is a giant metal ball…likely the source of those craters on the ground.

"So." He looks at you with what can only be described as unbridled disdain. "The Fey once again seek to impose their will upon the realms of man…your kind are disgusting in every meaning of the word."

"Disgusting!?" You shout back at the creature. "You are the one destroying stuff…and you aren't even human! You have no right to talk!"

"I was made by the hands of man." The creature grunts as he begins winding up the ball and chain. "That gives me far more room to talk then you have."

That Jerk! He doesn't know anything about you, because if he did he'd realize that you are at least half human….that's more than he could ever be!?

Well…either way it looks like you have a fight on your hands.

Do you have any retorts to his last statement?
[x] Write in.

Also how do you fight this guy?
[x] Carefully keep your distance until get his fighting style down.
[x] Process of elimination get rid of those strange wire creatures first and then focus all your attention of the big guy.
[x] Use your illusion magic to disguise yourself as one of the wire monsters and take advantage of the confusion…you really hope this works.
[x] Go full in, he can't hit you with that thing very well if you say very close to him!
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Given the title of this quest, how far are we willing to go to keep our identity secret yet still be there for the action?

Tuxedo Kamen route? Besides what's a magical girl genre without its token guy character?
[X]"Any right you had to talk disappeared when you started attacking people, Chrome-dome!"

[x] Use your illusion magic to disguise yourself as one of the wire monsters and take advantage of the confusion…you really hope this works.
[X]"Any right you had to talk disappeared when you started attacking people, Chrome-dome!"

[x] Use your illusion magic to disguise yourself as one of the wire monsters and take advantage of the confusion…you really hope this works.

Hm, i'd like to point out that the flavor text of the Alpha Homunculus indicates to me that Homunculi might have some sort of hivemind or command and control network. It might not be possible to fool them with only a visual Illusion.
[X]"Any right you had to talk disappeared when you started attacking people, Chrome-dome!"

[x] Carefully keep your distance until get his fighting style down.
[X]"Any right you had to talk disappeared when you started attacking people, Chrome-dome!"
[X] Carefully keep your distance until get his fighting style down.
Given the title of this quest, how far are we willing to go to keep our identity secret yet still be there for the action?

Tuxedo Kamen route? Besides what's a magical girl genre without its token guy character?
Generally keeping your secret is one of the PC's higher goals, though he's not adverse to a good fight if he gets the chance to make a good disguise.
[X]"Any right you had to talk disappeared when you started attacking people, Chrome-dome!"

[x] Carefully keep your distance until get his fighting style down.
[x] "Any right you had to talk disappeared when you started attacking people, Chrome-dome!"
[x] Process of elevation get rid of those strange wire creatures first and then focus all your attention of the big guy.
[x] Go full in, he can't hit you with that thing very well if you say very close to him!

What's that saying? "The best defense is a good offense"?

Yeah, that's my plan
Thankfully no one's died since you fist left to stop that horrible monster. There are some creators in the park but beyond that it seems like this are just fine.
fist -> first, creators -> craters, this -> things?
unnatural force like magic of technological tampering
of -> or?
the creatures grey skin
creatures -> creature's
Anyway, I have no clue about Mary's combat capabilities so I don't have a vote for combat tactics.
[X]"Any right you had to talk disappeared when you started attacking people, Chrome-dome!"

[x] Carefully keep your distance until you can get his fighting style down.

Mary can be the controlled defensive fighter while Jonathon can be the wild aggressive fighter.
Gear Interrupt
[x] Distance

You can't afford to let this guy get a good hit on you…that weapon of his clearly has some power in it given what you've seen it doing to the park…and you doubt that those holes in the ground are the worst thing that his weapon can do. Just being near this thing seems to put you on edge…is the metal it's made of enchanted or something? Well it wouldn't surprise you in the least, after all this thing is clearly of an unnatural make and it already seems to have some sort of inbuilt disdain for the Fey so you suppose the next logical leap is that it would come equipped with a weapon built for killing the Fey. Why couldn't this stupid thing have shown up when the actually evil Fey were around, at least then it would have a good target…and the Forces of Evil would actually be fighting each other instead of you for once too!

…That would be so nice.

Unfortunately it seems that fate is not so kind and you end up having to jump back in order to avoid a swing from that dumpster size metal ball of a weapon that your homunculus enemy uses.

You end up having to shield your eyes with your arms to avoid the shrapnel effect of his weapon slamming into the ground and throwing up plenty of debris at you.

Yep….you definitely don't want to get hit with that.

Almost immediately after he finishes up his first swing he pulls his weapon back and launches it directly at you.

This time he actually managed to nick you with it.

….And it hurts far worse than any other blow you've taken to this point. No one not even the more sadistic of the other Fey had an attack that could cause you so much pain so quickly. Is this the potency of the Fey weakness to enchanted metal?....and you're only half Fey too so this is actually less pain than a normal Fey would be feeling at this moment.

Still you stay standing, if this monster thinks that a little horrible agony is all it will take to make you give up the fight then he doesn't know the first thing about this Fairy Princess.

Hmmmm it seems that his weapon actually gets easier for him to control and attack with the further you get away from him….which naturally means that in this case your best course of action would be to close the distance as fast as you can!

Immediately you start closing in on the monster, avoiding the chain and the anti-Fey metal that it's made up of as you do so.

And then you jump back to your original position as a powerful magical blast impacts next to the Homunculi.

"Evil Fey and rampaging constructs have no place in the mortal realm!" You hear an extremely peppy voice ring out. "Now evil doers you must face the wrath of the magical Lady of Gears!"

Standing in opposition to both you and the monster is a silver haired young lady. Like you she's wearing a dress but unlike yours hers actually looks somewhat like it could double as armor and has several gears moving on it. The most notable feature however is her hands as while the rest of her body looks organic her hands are clearly mechanical in nature, with a series of six gears moving along each wrist and making it look as if she were wearing some sort of gauntlet.

This bad…this is very bad. The Lady of Gears is one of the most powerful and temperamental magical warriors out there. She's also one of the most experienced and could probably defeat both you and this monster without even resorting to her infamous blasting…and that glare she's giving you is not a pleasant one. Darn it she knows you're a Fey….and evil Fey are infamous for both lying and taking up false identities.

… it wrong that you're also fangirling a little….yeah sure she wants to toast you, but she was actually a part of your inspiration for taking up heroics to start with.

What do you do?
[x] "Wait!? No! I'm not evil!"
[x] You have the perfect strategy…RUN AWAY!
[x] Woman up and fight! You are no coward!
[x] Write in.