Adhoc vote count started by MrRageQuit on Feb 12, 2024 at 6:36 PM, finished with 207 posts and 65 votes.

Centralized: 31
Decentralized: 28

Negotiation: 37
Liberation: 25

Realmer Syncretism: 32
State Secularism: 16
Cantaran Spirituality: 16

It's now anyone's game regarding centralization. In terms of expansion, Negotiation has a lead but not an insurmountable one. Realmer Syncretism seems to be running away in the lead.
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[X] [NAME] The New Confederation
[X] [FLAG] "The Fire Rises"
[X][EXPANSION] Negotiation
[X][RELIGION] Realmer Syncretism
[X][EXTRA] The Realmers will be, in addition with integrating cultural practices and beliefs as the New Confederation spreads, also be tasked with vetting those practices for malign Warp influence, with resources provided to them to aid in that task.
[X] [NAME] The New Confederation
[X] [FLAG] "The Fire Rises"
[X][EXPANSION] Negotiation
[X][RELIGION] Realmer Syncretism
[X][EXTRA] The Realmers will be, in addition with integrating cultural practices and beliefs as the New Confederation spreads, also be tasked with vetting those practices for malign Warp influence, with resources provided to them to aid in that task.
[X] [NAME] The New Confederation
[X] [FLAG] "The Fire Rises"
[X][EXPANSION] Negotiation
[X][RELIGION] Cantaran Spirituality
[X][CENTRALIZATION] Decentralized
Out of curiosity how soon do we plan on expanding our ground army? I know there's some military infrastructure upgrades we could get first, but I'm leery of relying on fate to ensure the Dark Eldar don't take a swing at us in the middle of us spooling up. Even just an action on a unit of combat androids could help.

Also went through the front page and noticed some bits missing, not sure if they're just waiting for the turn to be over before being updated?
5 slots available
2 closed due to damage.

Slot 3: Closed
Slot 4: Closed
Slot 5: Closed
Don't know if it should be filled with anything yet, but the third slot should at least be open.
Maximilian Shaw
Age 53
A former planetary governor of the Confederation. He seems to know quite a bit about the confederations old legal system and agriculture. Remarkably boring. The man's a menace when it comes to rationalizing tax brackets.

Infrastructure Magnate: Maximilian is extremly capable in the work of planning and building infrastructure. While he is not overly experienced with all types of infrastructure his eye for detail and knowledge of population mechanics greatly aids in all sorts of constructions.
Effects: +10 to his rolls with the infrastructure tech type.

Further experience in optimizing infrastructure placement and capital flows gives "Infrastructure Magnate" +5 to its effect.
Shaw's Magnate trait should be +15, and his hidden traits should now be revealed.
Grachis Fal
Age: 39

Grachis' traits should also now be revealed.
Biology3, +30 (19 stages until next level)

Psionics1, +10 (2 stages until next level)
Effects: Beginner understanding of the Hedonist-Gluttonous Warp Strain gained. Basic knowledge of the fact these strains can gestate within mortals gained. Psionics research improved by two stages.

Effects: 2 Stages of Psionics research gained. 1 Stage of Biology research gained.
Psionics should be at tech level 2 now, though I don't know how whether the increase from Legacy of the Vega has already been included. Biology should be at 18 stages left.
AI2, +20 (14 stages until next level)
AI tech improves by three stages.
AI should be at 11 stages left.
Well we have the war council so we should always be doing something to bring up our military. I think we should build some fighters since they are cheep at 5 and get some infrastructure to get some mechs going or at least improve our ground forces beyond just lasguns before building more unless they work retroactively in which case would should get some of those too.
I think we should go heavy on intrigue and industry. We need both before bring in other civilizations. Intrigue to find out what they need and what they're hiding before that can be a problem. Industry to speed up uplift and defenses for those planets.
[X] [NAME] The New Confederation
[X] [FLAG] "The Fire Rises"
[X][EXPANSION] Negotiation
[X][RELIGION] Realmer Syncretism
[X][RELIGION] Realmer Syncretism
[X][EXTRA] The Realmers will be, in addition with integrating cultural practices and beliefs as the New Confederation spreads, also be tasked with vetting those practices for malign Warp influence, with resources provided to them to aid in that task.
We gotta shoot their ships down before they land on our planets to do their raiding business. Send their wretched souls straight to the Dark Prince they made from their overexcess.
Nah, they definitely have another way onto the planet that doesn't involve ships, the ground forces still managed to flee last time even after Prometheus wiped out their fleet. Presumably there's a webway gate somewhere planetside, so we need to do improve our ground and space forces.
Examine the Eldar Fleet Remains: While your obliteration of the Eldar frigate left very little in the way of scrap to be examined, the smaller shuttles and fighters that you left drifting about in the system are another story. With it being the first non-human ship design you'll be analyzing and of high quality build, there's a wealth of information you can learn from their capabilities and design. Dark matter weapons especially intrigue you given you have a fair amount of experience with the manipulation of dark matter for energy production, like for your own somewhat antiquated main reactor. While you frankly lack the expertise and understanding to fully recreate your own components it should prove rewarding to investigate the fundamental basics of its utilization.
DC 150
Used Techs: Eldar, Weaponry, Voidcraft, Physics
Effects: Grants research stages in Weaponry, Voidcraft and Eldar tech. May point to the likely origin of these craft and Eldar.
I do want to spend an action on this next turn. Between +110 from Tech levels and +40 from PR-01's traits we can basically autocomplete it, and even on a critical failure we can mitigate it to a regular failure with Disciplined.
I think we should throw bunch of actions in the military, after all we are basically defenceless.
Build orbital defences, fix Prometheus, raise armies etc.
We really urgently need to fix PR-01 by at least one wound so we got an action back. It also doubles as making our one ship even stronger. Honestly a plan that repairs 4 wounds to get 2 actions back would be really nice, and it would contribute a great deal to defense. I do wonder if the final wound's repair will have any special effect. It also raises the issue of the need of more diverse defenses because if PR-01 leaves the system to do anything then it can't defend us.
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We really urgently need to fix PR-01 by at least one wound so we got an action back. It also doubles as making our one ship even stronger. Honestly a plan that repairs 4 wounds to get 2 actions back would be really nice, and it would contribute a great deal to defense. I do wonder if the final wound's repair will have any special effect. It also raises the issue of the need of more diverse defenses because if PR-01 leaves the system to do anything then it can't defend us.
Starting with the Drydock boon put as at 5/12 Wounds. We took one from the Dark Eldar and recovered two from harvesting the Vega, putting us at 6/12 overall. We'd need to fix Prometheus up to 9/12 to get another action, so we may as well wait until we've got the Space Elevator up and then the full Shipyard.
Fixing Prometheus fill take very long time so we should start sooner rather then later.
We need around 46 Actions to conduct full repairs, after all it is fuckoff huge dreadnought.
Starting with the Drydock boon put as at 5/12 Wounds. We took one from the Dark Eldar and recovered two from harvesting the Vega, putting us at 6/12 overall. We'd need to fix Prometheus up to 9/12 to get another action, so we may as well wait until we've got the Space Elevator up and then the full Shipyard.
Neither of those actions claim to make repairing PR-01 faster or cheaper. So the sooner we do it the sooner we get the actions, and more defense against attackers. We should also look into repairing the sensors for another specialized action, but that seems like a lower priority.
Effects: Upgrades the drydock to allow for the construction of multiple ships at once. Allows for the construction of battleship class vessels. Reduces ship capital costs and build time for all ship types. Can be upgraded further.
Effects: Will create a piece of infrastructure that allows for the upgrading of the Orbital Stations and infrastructure. Unlocks multiple space construction actions and interplanetary trade actions. Allows STC infrastructure to affect spaceborne actions and DC's
This only makes new ships cheaper, not repairs, and the space elevator just makes actions easier and unlocks some new stuff.
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Neither of those actions claim to make repairing PR-01 faster or cheaper. So the sooner we do it the sooner we get the actions, and more defense against attackers. We should also look into repairing the sensors for another specialized action, but that seems like a lower priority.
Effects: Upgrades the drydock to allow for the construction of multiple ships at once. Allows for the construction of battleship class vessels. Reduces ship capital costs and build time for all ship types. Can be upgraded further.
Effects: Will create a piece of infrastructure that allows for the upgrading of the Orbital Stations and infrastructure. Unlocks multiple space construction actions and interplanetary trade actions. Allows STC infrastructure to affect spaceborne actions and DC's
This only makes new ships cheaper, not repairs, and the space elevator just makes actions easier and unlocks some new stuff.
I find it hard to believe that the bigger shipyard designed to build battleships wouldn't make it easier to fix our dreadnaught sized ship. Same with the Space Elevator making it easier to ferry resources and materials up to space.

Looking at the Capital costs and income I think we'll have at least 50 to play with next turn not counting mining, which should be enough to get the third and final STC Industrial Zone expansion and both Military Infrastructure actions, with the first level of the Space Elevator can probably wait until turn 8.
Either way having a relable way of moving not only material but also personell from planet to PR is in itself and aid.
While a lot can be achived with automatons, sentient frinds do make things easier, not to mension all the external needs

As for the Druchi. Usually they do not same system twice within a century so we should be fine, unless someone has a actuall grudge.

Also having 'some' repair don on our ship each turn would still be an improvment.
there is also the option of 'permanent crew' a posibility of makin them specifically usefull.

Another look into improving system industry for fixing, would be it's usefullness in supplying what's needed faster
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I think we would be better of taking the actions effects at face value and immediately gain an action and more defense, then wait for more efficiency that we don't know exists. We are getting to the point that resources are really not the bottleneck as much as actions, and the sooner we get actions the faster we can make more infrastructure.
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