Haven't quite pinned down what I want the final plan to look like, but here's my plan skeleton and my thoughts.

PR-01: 3/4
Ceriox: 1/1
Maximilian: 1/1
Sila: 1/2
Sister Amara: 1/1
Grachis Fal: 1/1

One Assignable Military Action 1/1
One Assignable Diplomacy Action 1/1
One Assignable Stewardship Action 1/1
One Assignable Learning Action 1/1
One Assignable Intrigue Action 1/1

Capital: 82


Build Military Infrastructure on Cantara: DC 80 (Ministry - Grachis) [8 Capital]
Explore Vareena V: DC 70 (Sila)
Repair the Prometheus: DC 150 (Grachis) [10 Capital]
Fabricate Fighter Squadrons: DC 50 (PR-01) [5 Capital]

Vareena V First Contact: DC 50 (Ministry - Ceriox)
Cantaran Lobster-Men First Contact: DC 50 (Ceriox)

STC Industrial Zone Expansion (3/3): DC 180 (Ministry - Maximillian Shaw, PR-01) [25 Capital]
Begin Work On A Space Elevator: DC 90 (Maximillian Shaw) [15 Capital]
Expand Medical Facilities: DC 90 (Amara) [5 Capital]
Begin the Foundations of Military Industry: DC 100 (PR-01) [10 Capital]

Decrypt Psionics Records: DC 100 (Ministry - PR-01)

Surveil Local Space: DC 60 (Ministry - PR-01)

Total: 78/82

Since our isolation is ending, per Sila, it behooves us to get ready for it. As such, I'm putting a high priority on both Prometheus repairs and on getting a Fighter Squadron online, along with completing the STC, starting on the orbital elevator, and doing military industry and infrastructure.

That doesn't leave enough resources for arcologies, so instead I'm putting Amara on expanding the medical facilities, which her traits make her great at. Vareena V surveillance and first contact and cantaran lobster first-contact both round things out by helping us have a more unified diplomatic front if the system as a whole has to work together against outside influences.

I still have a PR-01 action and a Sila action free, and I'm not sure where to put them for best effect - I'm considering having PR-01 spend their own action on surveillance and having Amara use the Intrigue ministry action to Surveil the General Population?
[x] Plan: Isolation's End
-[x] 78/82 Capital Used

-[x] Explore Vareena V: DC 70 (Sila)
-[x] Fabricate Fighter Squadrons: DC 50 (PR-01) [5 Capital]
-[x] Repair the Prometheus: DC 150 (Grachis) [10 Capital]
-[x] Build Military Infrastructure on Cantara: DC 80 (Ministry - Grachis) [8 Capital]

-[x] Vareena V First Contact: DC 50 (Ministry - Ceriox)
-[x] Cantaran Lobster-Men First Contact: DC 50 (Ceriox)

-[x] STC Industrial Zone Expansion (3/3): DC 180 (Ministry - Maximillian Shaw, Volunteer Labor Drives) [25 Capital]
-[x] Begin Work On A Space Elevator: DC 90 (Maximillian Shaw) [15 Capital]
-[x] Expand Medical Facilities: DC 90 (Amara) [5 Capital]
-[x] Begin the Foundations of Military Industry: DC 100 (PR-01) [10 Capital]

-[x] Decrypt Psionics Records: DC 100 (Ministry - PR-01)
-[x] Occult Investigation: DC 60 (PR-01)
-[x] Examine the Eldar: DC 100 (Sila)

-[x] Surveil Local Space: DC 60 (PR-01)
-[x] Surveil the General Population: DC 80 (Ministry - Amara)
On the other hand, can we actually replicate the exact genetic tinkery that produce blanks? I dont think its something you cant science away really.
[x] Plan: Isolation's End
[x] Plan: Isolation's End w/ Eldar ships

I like the medical slightly more then gettting arcology started.
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It's prehaps paranoid, but I prefer getting a squadron of fighters and repairing right now, I feel like we are over due for an attack.
[X] Plan: Ad Astra!
[x] Plan: Isolation's End

I'll vote for this, but I made my own version which put Amara's Intrigue Ministry action on Local Space (as she only has a 1% chance of failing it as opposed to PR-01's 9%), and PR-01's 4th action on the Eldar Ships (also a 1% chance of failure, with a chance to mitigate a crit fail to a normal fail).

I also noticed that Sila hasn't been assigned to any Ministry action yet in your plan @Redshirt Army, so I swapped the Military Infratstructure and Repairing Prometheus around so the latter is now the Ministry action, then assigned Sila to it with Grachis. I don't know if that actually works, I can't seem to find the Informational for it, but if it does it'd give us ~50+% chance of a critical success as well as contribute towards removing her Loner trait for Grachis.

[x] Plan: Isolation's End w/ Eldar ships
-[x] 78/82 Capital Used

-[x] Explore Vareena V: DC 70 (Sila)
-[x] Fabricate Fighter Squadrons: DC 50 (PR-01) [5 Capital]
-[x] Repair the Prometheus: DC 150 (Ministry - Grachis + Sila) [10 Capital]
-[x] Build Military Infrastructure on Cantara: DC 80 (Grachis) [8 Capital]

-[x] Vareena V First Contact: DC 50 (Ministry - Ceriox)
-[x] Cantaran Lobster-Men First Contact: DC 50 (Ceriox)

-[x] STC Industrial Zone Expansion (3/3): DC 180 (Ministry - Maximillian Shaw, Volunteer Labor Drives) [25 Capital]
-[x] Begin Work On A Space Elevator: DC 90 (Maximillian Shaw) [15 Capital]
-[x] Expand Medical Facilities: DC 90 (Amara) [5 Capital]
-[x] Begin the Foundations of Military Industry: DC 100 (PR-01) [10 Capital]

-[x] Decrypt Psionics Records: DC 100 (Ministry - PR-01)
-[x] Occult Investigation: DC 60 (PR-01)
-[x] Examine the Eldar: DC 100 (Sila)
-[x] Examine the Eldar Fleet Remains: DC 150 (PR-01)

-[x] Surveil Local Space: DC 60 (Ministry - Amara)