[X] Pink Cat is sleeping! Shhhh!
-[X] Kill Bunnycat again!
Bunnycat is going to disturb Pink Cat! How rude, Pink Cat is sleeping!
You shush Bunnycat. Bunnycat shouldn't wake up Pink Cat! But it just moves closer, making a growling noise. Oh no, you felt Pink Cat move! You can't let her wake up!
You have to kill Bunnycat! Pink Cat must get her good sleep!
With a hiss, you deploy your claws and leap at it, looking to slice it up! But then the gold rings face you and fire big beams of light! Thankfully you are nimble and you twist in midair, dodging them and landing with Pink Cat perfectly nestled in your hair. She must get a good rest!
'All of our simulations, all of our projections say you should have died already!' Bunnycat glares at you, 'How do you defy reality itself?!'
"Mew," you reply.
So you can't get too close to Bunnycat... how kill?
[] Throw things at him!
[] Wake up Pink Cat for the pink arrows.
[] Become Big Cat. Sit on Bunnycat.
[] Obviously Bunnycat doesn't exist. You're just tired and hallucinating. Go to sleep.