Amura: "It's over Catnip Cat! I have the high ground!"

Catnip Cat: "Pffft..." *Rolls around in laughter*
Oh I got this...

Amura: I have failed you Catnip, I have failed you...

Catnip Cat: I should've known that the Puellas were planning to overthrow Kyubei.

Amura: Catnip, Kyubei is evil!

Catnip Cat: From my point of view, the Puellas are evil!

Amura: Then you are lost!
Changing from live ammo to catnip shells!

Target seems peaceful and content after meowing. No further movement detected.

Do we engage?

Target is peaceful for now, though intervention may be necessary in the future if target grows unruly.

For now, continue monitoring the target.
Obviously the solution here guys is...

Summon Bigger Catnip and Summon Bigger Cat/Girl. Because if we're bigger, that means we can get more petting done at the same time.

Maximizing our petting/time ratio is important to fill up our petting quotas.
Also being bigger means we can eat more fish and roll in more catnip.

Really we should become a large kitten. Fullproof plan, no flaws here.
Unleash, the scratching post.
Jesus Christ how horrifying.

After a shameful retreat successful advance in the opposite direction of Cat, Onmur raises a glass as he hears the sound of heavy aircraft rushing past his position.

Madokami bless.