Vote tally:
##### 3.21
[x] Kill
No. of votes: 2
SailorMidgard, Torgamous

[X] Chew
No. of votes: 13
anailater, Zam, Sereg, MrLZRS, Draggon73, RadioactiveSpoon, Slith10, RexHeller, akrasiel23, Lordsservent, veekie, Steelhooves, Always Late

[X] Kill
-[X] Give the Bunnycat to pink girl
No. of votes: 1

[X] Chew
-[X] Educate bunnycat how to be a proper cat
No. of votes: 1

[X]Sleep On
No. of votes: 6
UbeOne, Higure, zero_breaker, Alivaril, wingnut2292, Hyp3rB14d3

[x] - Pink Girl! I am going on adventure! With a friend!
-[x] Pick Bunnycat by nape of neck.
--[x] Egress. City awaits!
No. of votes: 1

[X] Devour
No. of votes: 1

[X] 'Hello.'
[X] Sleep On; there's no reason to kick Bunnycat out, there's plenty of space in here for the both of you
-[X] Ignore any attempts by Bunnycat to wake you up
No. of votes: 2
hugh_donnetono, ltmauve

[x] play bites
No. of votes: 1

[X] Chew
There is only one thing to do.
You wiggle closer to Bunnycat, and without delay, chew on its ear.


'This is most peculiar behavior,' it says while you nom its ear. Soft. Kind of sweet.

Madoka's box lunch in the corner wiggles, and pops open. Frilly Girl falls out of it. She fell asleep in there!
She takes one look at what you're doing, then comes over and joins you.

'You are behaving very nonsensically,' Kyubey states as both you and Frilly Girl chew on him. Eventually, he just vanishes! Aww.

As soon as he does, the bas is turned sideways, and you slide out onto Madoka's desk.
Pink Girl smiles at you as she begins to put away her books. You just sit on the table. You can wait patiently!
There's a water bottle near the edge.

[] Knock it over.
[] Write in...
[X] Chew it. Chew ALL THE THINGS.

Amura in very interesting period for kitty. The time of Double Row Of Teeth. She needs to chew to let baby teeth out.
...I'm sorry, Pink Girl. I could no longer resist. I'm just too curious...

[x] Chew it. Chew ALL THE THINGS.
Last edited:
Been awhile since I posted a pic.

Badass + Awesome. (Seriously favourite character along with Lux.)

Ear scratches/pats.

And we're done here. (I ship it) ;)