[X]Become smaller kitten. Small enough to squeeze free.
- [X]Once free, become labrador-sized.
[X]Curl up next to Madoka.

...I'm not trying to scare the Mado. No, not at all. :V
[X]Become smaller kitten. Small enough to squeeze free.
- [X]Once free, become labrador-sized.
[X]Curl up next to Madoka.
[X]Become smaller kitten. Small enough to squeeze free.
- [X]Once free, become labrador-sized.
[X]Curl up next to Madoka.
[X]Become smaller kitten. Small enough to squeeze free.
- [X]Once free, become labrador-sized.
[X]Curl up next to Madoka.
[X] Wiggle. Maybe...
-- [X] Almost. Almost!
--- [X] Keep wiggling. You're almost free...!
---- [X] You're still stuck. Mew pitifully. Sad kitty eyes.
----- [X] Wait until Pink Girl has put her back out moving the bed aside to get you out, and then...
------ [X] ...Teleport onto Pink Girl's head. "Yay! You rescued me!"
On older note: Catgirl (0r catboy, not sure here) (omnioud latin chaning) Sephiroth

Cutest end of the world package in this thread yet.
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Well, we do have a dog-girl wandering around in the background...

Come now, Yoko would never do something so cruel, plus she's still getting this whole holding a pen and writing thing down ;)

On older note: Catgirl (0r catboy, not sure here) (omnioud latin chaning) Sephiroth

Cutest end of the world package in this thread yet.
I did not know I wanted to see this until now, awesome.