Marca Estrella: A Game of Chivalry in the Time of Archengines

Which extra materials do you want for the chapter end?

  • Warfare in the Guirlanda: Part 1

    Votes: 8 11.1%
  • Daily Life in the Holy Ispano Empire: Part 1

    Votes: 12 16.7%
  • Cofre Del Tesoro: A Brief History

    Votes: 2 2.8%
  • The Geneology of House de la Bota

    Votes: 4 5.6%
  • The Design of an Archengine

    Votes: 21 29.2%
  • Alien Races of the Guirlanda and Frontier

    Votes: 25 34.7%

  • Total voters
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How many hours does that give us? If we wait the full time? I want our armor if possible, and... I get the feeling this guy is honorable to his own words/ideals at least.

[X] "Very well. But if I even suspect you have laid a finger upon my parents, I won't hesitate to kill you."
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[X] "Very well. But if I even suspect you have laid a finger upon my parents, I won't hesitate to kill you."

This absolutely has to be as dramatic as possible, to do justice to the sweet boss fight music.
[X] "I am no fool or coward, and you don't need hostages to keep my attention. We end this now."
How many hours does that give us? If we wait the full time? I want our armor if possible, and... I get the feeling this guy is honorable to his own words/ideals at least.

It's early afternoon right now. Sunset this time of year on Cofre del Tesoro is about 9 PM, so Mireia would have 5-6 hours to prepare.

Probably not enough time to full refurbish Michael's armor, but at least strap on some makeshift gear.
This absolutely has to be as dramatic as possible, to do justice to the sweet boss fight music.
Agreed, that is some absolutely amazing music. Made all the better by not being the music you would initially be expecting (say something from HDSoundi or something similar).

It... it gives almost the same feeling that Comboy Bebop did by doing if anyone gets what I mean.
[X] "Very well. But if I even suspect you have laid a finger upon my parents, I won't hesitate to kill you."
[X] "Very well. But if I even suspect you have laid a finger upon my parents, I won't hesitate to kill you."

Why do I get the feeling it will be the image of man who even if he died knows he has already won?
[x] "Very well. But if I even suspect you have laid a finger upon my parents, I won't hesitate to kill you.

He has behaved honorably thus far, at least to us. Also, he holds the lives of our parents in his hand. If he is not planning on betraying us, it is a way to ensure that our parents live. If he *is* planning on betraying us... well, I do not think that he is, but it will at least give us time to tune up our archengine.
[x] "Very well. But if I even suspect you have laid a finger upon my parents, I won't hesitate to kill you.

I'm pretty sure it's a trap personally...
[X] "Very well. But if I even suspect you have laid a finger upon my parents, I won't hesitate to kill you."
I'm pretty sure it's a trap personally...
Maybe, but even if it is, at that point we'll have some armor and maybe some of the toys in the armor to use. Hopefully anyway, I think the initial estimate for everything being repaired was two or three days, but that was at a leisurely pace as well. Now they're going to be going into over-drive and working solely on ours with the best of whatever they have/can dredge up.

And we need to learn how to throw some "Fight smarter" into our instincts as well as calm down a bit so we can think a little even in the middle of the fight. I'm thinking learning how to meditate/getting some entry level mental/emotion calming skills from our co-pilot? Not sure how long that would take though, might not have time for even the easiest one right now.
Part Uno XVIII: The Storm Before Sunset
Author's Note: Literally our biggest update so far, and a bit of a monster. There are 3 multiple choice sections this time, so don't miss them!

[x] "Very well. But if I even suspect you have laid a finger upon my parents, I won't hesitate to kill you."

"So brash, but don't worry. Your mother was the prize in this sortie, so I wouldn't dream of hurting her. As for your father, well..." You hear him laugh. "Wouldn't be the same if he wasn't around to give you away at our nuptials, would it?"

"I accepted your challenge, Balduino. What else do you want?"

"We both know what Mireia, but…" His slender archengine lowers its head and spreads its willowy arms in a mock bow, goading you. His grip on the ejected cockpits remains firm. "I suppose I must bid you farewell for the afternoon, a second time."

"Don't think I'll run away. I'll see you soon." You raise your spezzante in challenge and stand him off. He begins to trudge off, walking in the direction of a group of waiting engine-bearers hidden at the horizon. He moves without care, and with good reason: time is on his side as his Murgleys has little more than a few superficial scratches. While you wait, you send the order to begin salvage and recovery of the ruined archengines near the estate.

<<Interesting man. Shame the engagement didn't work out.>> Avagis chimes in. He sounds sympathetic, but also irksomely unbothered. <<Don't worry. If we survive the duel, I expect there to be others.>>

That doesn't make you feel much better, but he seems to notice this time.

<<The silent treatment? You know... >> Avagis pauses.

<<Know what?>>


<<You said 'you know' and didn't finish the sentence. When you say such things it's the leadup to making a statement, one that invites conversation or raises a question.>>

<<So you do talk.>>

<<I do. But this isn't the best time. My parents have been taken hostage and the household will look to me for guidance. Father has given me no responsibilities so I will not be treated with the severity the situation demands and…>>

<<None at all?>>

<<I'm given a stipend to spend on artifacts and help the prospecting teams survey new sites but that's hardly…>>

<<...enough? I think it's plenty.>>

<<I suppose.>>

<<If this was your first battle, you'll notice you were talking like an idiot and screaming a lot. That's normal.>> Avagis says, and then corrects himself. <<Actually, I suppose you won't have noticed at all. Adrenaline tends to cause tunnel vision.>>

<<I was fine, I…>> You remember the gaffe with Balduino, when you accused him of betraying your parents. In your mind, you know the opposite to be the truth and it had been made clear to you moments before. <<Good god.>>

<<Interesting, isn't it? It'll get better as you get more experience. That man had an easier fight, of course, but he remained calm because he's quite used to this… if I had to guess.>>

<<Didn't read his mind?>>


<<I see.>> You harumph, making note of that. <<And don't think I'll take that comment about an easier fight lightly. My house are your liege lords, and I expect respect towards them.>>

<<You are, yes. But I think you undersell yourself. Did Murgleys fight three of your parents and their Grifon?>>

<<>> You blink as you thumb the controls idly, watching your fiance-turned-enemy as he moves out of sight. Murgleys is beginning to strap into its engine bearer, at the very edge of your augur's range. You hold silence as you watch them start up, kicking up dust as they roll away into the high desert. <<Was that a compliment?>>

<<It was. I am tremendously lucky, to have been found by an honorable, talented and spirited young woman who also happens to be incredibly beautiful.>>

You sigh wistfully and lean your head back into the cushion of the headrest, pinned twintails ringing as they tap against the metal supports around you. <<I've already had my heart broken by one flatterer today, Avagis.>> You say seriously, though still smiling.

<<Of course. But I still look forward to the days ahead.>>

[ ] <<So do I.>>
[ ] <<Let's survive to see them.>>
[ ] <<I wish I shared your optimism.>>
[ ] <<I don't.>>

With Balduino finally gone, you return to the workshop as quickly as you can and dock Michael with one of the engine-bearers.

The staff are running around frantically. Your salvage crews have come in full-force, rather than the usual skeleton crew your parents keep running to cut costs. Everyone from the surrounding townships who works for the de la Bota is swarming over the remains or working in the workshop to clean and refurbish Michael's parts. Thomas is playing foreman, standing on the scaffolding and barking orders, while the maids do their best keeping everyone fed and watered so work has no delays.

"Mistress! I've called in everyone we can to work. I should have a full salvage report for you in half an hour." Your ersatz foreman stands up straight and salutes firmly, the very first thing you see as the hatch opens. He's with Aina, having apparently run around the scaffolding to meet you.

"Thomas, wait until she's out." Aina smiles a bit weakly. "Mireia, how are you feeling?"

Avagis steps out adroitly, while your own legs wobble and shake, the blood rushing from your face all at once as you stand up for the first time in what feels like days. Aina helps you up, and you feel your stomach churn.

You brace onto her and heave once, with nothing coming out. You attempt to speak to clarify things to Aina, that you're fine and that you should all focus on work but the second heave isn't nearly as pretty.

Mercifully, Thomas brought a bucket along. Aina holds your hair and rubs your back for a few minutes until it passes. You feel better but not good, and your stomach is still a tangle of worry and anger as you contemplate the events of the battle.

Leaning against the rail and catching a breath, you nod to Thomas. "I'll need that report soon."

"Of course. What should I tell the staff… about… the situation?"

"My parents have been taken hostage. The worst may pass, but di Gano has no intention of hurting them. For now." You sigh, glancing down to the figures below scurrying with bundles of scrap. On any other day, this level of activity would make you enormously happy. "Get me the notary. I'll write a will while I'm acting head of the house, just in case."

He nods firmly, making note of everything on his slate. "I'll have her brought in."

You remember di Gano's threat, regarding exposing his scheme and going to the authorities. "And Thomas."


"Don't let any rumors spread. The men who came were brigands, you understand? Not a famous count from the east and certainly not my fiance." You sigh again. "Or at least… try to keep the troublemakers quiet until tomorrow. That's all I need."

"Y-yes, of course. I won't let anything bad happen because we were mouthy."

"Thank you, Thomas. You were always…" You stop yourself from making too strong of a compliment, feeling Aina's hot gaze on your back. "...very reliable. I won't let father forget."

He smiles, making a little bow as he runs off back to work.

"...mmm. Now I wonder the context of all that." Avagis muses loudly, rubbing his chin.

Aina looks at him dourly. "Even if you are my Mistress' escudero, don't think you have precedence over her lady in waiting. I know how dangerous her looks and words can be."

"Err… what?" You look between them, a little bewildered. The adrenaline crash and the combination of hunger and exhaustion biting into you aren't helping at all.

Avagis smiles. "Oh, I know too. That man… your sibling… I think he-"

"E-nough!" Aina claps her hands, almost loud enough to cut through the hail of hammer blows, drill screeching and rattle of debris going on below. Your escudero smiles thinly, rubs the back of his head and turns away slightly intimidated. "Mistress! Your meals. What shall I get for you and this primordial ruffian?"

"Nothing too substantial. The gazpacho from earlier, bread and a little meat?" You rub your eyes. "And coffee… I suspect I'll need it."

"Then I'll be off." She smiles and bows, and quickly leaves. You're left with Avagis for a moment, who's turned away to contemplate Michael's naked hull. His pale hands stroke across the silvery hull, almost the same hue save for the difference in finish.

"Will it be able to carry what we've salvaged?" You ask, moving behind him.

"Almost all of it."

"Then I suppose we should get to work too, hmm? After dinner, of course." You offer, extending a hand to Avagis.

He takes it, his fingers smudging your own with dust caked on from the fighting. He seems genuinely happy for the chance at a meal, and nods with gusto. "Food! It's been hundreds, maybe thousands of years. I'd pledge my life to you a second time for a good meal…"

"Then you should be glad you're with my household. Our cook is quite good… "


You sit inside the estate's dining room with Avagis. The kitchen is a storm of activity as maids run to and fro, but it is otherwise insufferably quiet to you. Only Aina is serving you, although Thomas burst in just moments before to deliver a tablet with the salvage findings.

"Good, isn't it?" You sip gazpacho hungrily and take a bite of bread to chase it.

"'s something." Avagis admits sheepishly. He's tapping away at the contents of his plate, spoon making little chipping noises against something quite solid.

You glance over to the middle of his plate and notice that a good portion of his chilled soup is frozen solid. You give a second glance to Aina, who shrugs nonchallantly and refills your wine glasses. You let it pass for the moment and slide your portion towards Avagis, not having so much of an apetite so quickly after having an attack of nausea.

"Oh, my thanks!" He smiles and digs in.

Your lady-in-waiting seems nonplussed but goes about serving the two of you with that gesture in mind, answering Avagis' requests. You quickly go through the course of bread and sliced meats, nibbling just enough to keep your strength, and set your plate aside.

Having finished the meal, Aina serves you sweet and milky coffee and a few lemon and anise seed-flavored biscuits, which does a lot of good in settling your stomach. You finally reach for the tablet and run your fingers across the glass, scrolling through the notes written in Thomas' sloppy handwriting.

The sum of salvage reads:
  • Grifon (DAMAGED)
    • 1x Lato, Sword
    • 1x Buckler
    • Armour: Head, Torso, Legs
  • Mach Mustang (DAMAGED)
    • 1x Magnetic Pistol-Sabre
    • 1x Cavalry Escudo, with Mantella
    • 1x Camouf Cloak
    • Armour: Head, Arms, Legs
    • 1x Magnetic Pistol-Sabre
    • 1x Cavalry Escudo, with Mantella
    • 1x Ampio, Spear
    • Armour: Torso, Legs
  • Mach Mustang (DESTROYED)
    • 1x Magnetic Pistol-Sabre
    • 1x Cavalry Escudo, with Mantella (DESTROYED)

A second section lists the names of the prisoners you've taken, numbering five in total. A sixth is alive but in such a severe state that they'll likely be out of commission for months. Hidalgo of breeding never die of injuries that weren't fatal, so you expect them to all eventually make a recovery. You'll eventually have to talk to them, since mercenaries in livery as they are have legal protections demanding fair treatment as prisoners. The ransoms from their company will help a little with repair costs, you expect.

Given your limited time, you have fairly limited options. It'll be impossible to fully refurbish Michael's armor in time, so you'll have to fill the gaps with pieces from the three mercenary units and the Grifon in order to be combat ready. The Ampio is a mostly-standard physical spear designed for thrusting strikes, with sturdy wings to prevent overpenetration and a combination gas ejection-magnetic driver assembly surrounding the blade to punch deeper into targets and eject as needed. You can't make use of the slave units' mercury knuckles because of their design incorporating large reservoirs that would be too much effort to extract, but their armor is lighter than the main units and could be used to give you a little protection.

How do you armor up?

[ ] Go heavy and use parts from the Mach Mustangs. Michael is strong enough to handle it.
[ ] Use a mix of armor, mostly from the slave units and Grifon, to be protected but still maneuverable.
[ ] Focus on staying agile and protect just the essentials with Grifon's intact plating.

And for equipment? Multiple options are possible, and write-ins are encouraged at this phase.

[ ] Take the Grifon's weapons. You'll bring them honor.
[ ] Take the Spezzante. It's served you well so far.
[ ] Take the Ampio. You could use the reach of a polearm with better reliability.
[ ] Take a Pistol-Sabre. A ranged element would be a lot of help.
[ ] Take an Escudo. You've been fighting without a mantella this whole time, and it's frankly insane you've survived the last fight without one.
[ ] Take the Camouf Cloak. Misdirection is not dishonorable when your parents' lives are at stake.
[ ] (Option available because of your relationship with Avagis.) Ask Avagis about Michael's equipment and what you should prioritize for repairs.
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[X] <<Let's survive to see them.>>
[X] Go heavy and use parts from the Mach Mustangs. Michael is strong enough to handle it.
[X] Take the Spezzante. It's served you well so far.
[X] Take an Escudo. You've been fighting without a mantella this whole time, and it's frankly insane you've survived the last fight without one.

[X] (Option available because of your relationship with Avagis.) Ask Avagis about Michael's equipment and what you should prioritize for repairs.

If Break Blade is any indication, a super strong mech's natural state is running a shield and lance build, with the heaviest armor plating you can strap onto it.

We had so much power that it was actually hurting our overall combat ability. We're not good enough to be that dodgy just yet, so let's just focus on being the god-damned juggernaut.
[x] <<I wish I shared your optimism.>>
[x] Use a mix of armor, mostly from the slave units and Grifon, to be protected but still maneuverable.
[x] (Option available because of your relationship with Avagis.) Ask Avagis about Michael's equipment and what you should prioritize for repairs.
-[x] Default to below if not in conflict
--[x] Take an Escudo. You've been fighting without a mantella this whole time, and it's frankly insane you've survived the last fight without one.
--[x] Take the Camouf Cloak. Misdirection is not dishonorable when your parents' lives are at stake.
[x] <<I wish I shared your optimism.>>
[x] Use a mix of armor, mostly from the slave units and Grifon, to be protected but still maneuverable.
[x] (Option available because of your relationship with Avagis.) Ask Avagis about Michael's equipment and what you should prioritize for repairs.
-[x] Default to below if not in conflict
--[x] Take an Escudo. You've been fighting without a mantella this whole time, and it's frankly insane you've survived the last fight without one.
--[x] Take the Camouf Cloak. Misdirection is not dishonorable when your parents' lives are at stake.

That doesn't leave us with any weapons.

An Escudo is a shield. Assuming that my reading on it is right. It can certainly be used as a weapon, but it's primary focus seems to be projecting a mantella

Spezzante and shield should be the core of our fighting style, with Michael's sheer power letting us close the distance in a hurry, while parrying or tanking anything in the way.

We're not going to be agile, but that's okay, sheer raw power counts in sufficient quantities.
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Veekie has determination to fist. Like all fatal flaws, I can only solemnly respect that.
Veekie has determination to fist. Like all fatal flaws, I can only solemnly respect that.

Not gonna lie though, Lance and Shield is chivalrous as fuck.

And we make it work with our STRONK Archengine. Perhaps when we've properly restored Michael's armor, we can adjust our build, but we must make due with the best materials on hand.
Also, going to post this for posterity. For the purposes of being intact or not, equipment without a damage tracker next to it is in useable condition. Almost nothing from salvage is mint at this point, but it's all good enough to be used.

And you can carry multiple items and mount them basically anywhere that makes sense, to clarify. There's stowage on the hips and back for extra weapons, and you can probably bully your engineers into bolting gear in place as long as you mind not being able to remove it and potentially losing movement range.
[X] <<Let's survive to see them.>>
[X] Use a mix of armor, mostly from the slave units and Grifon, to be protected but still maneuverable.
[X] Ask Avagis about Michael's equipment and what you should prioritize for repairs.

My instinct is to not rely on heavy armour against Mulgreys. It's a boxer, so I expect that it will defeat heavy armour pretty handily. We should go for something able to protect us against ranged damaged, but not something so heavy we expect to rely on it up close. Also the reduced weight means that we can bananas elsewhere, like so:

[X] Spezzante
[X] Ampio
[X] 2x Pistol-Sabers
[X] 2x Escudo, mounted to the arms (I checked with Exhack, it can be done)

We can maintain an awesome defence on the charge due to the combination of the spezzante matched with an escudo, maintain that strong defence when the spezzante is reforming it by relying on both escudo, harry at range with twin guns and switch to the ampio as a back-up weapon. I presume that we can stow and switch between a number of weapons, and with Avagis we should be able to keep track.
[X] <<Let's survive to see them.>>
[X] Use a mix of armor, mostly from the slave units and Grifon, to be protected but still maneuverable.
[X] Ask Avagis about Michael's equipment and what you should prioritize for repairs.

[X] Spezzante
[X] Ampio
[X] 2x Pistol-Sabers
[X] 2x Escudo, mounted to the arms (I checked with Exhack, it can be done)
[X] <<Let's survive to see them.>>
[X] Use a mix of armor, mostly from the slave units and Grifon, to be protected but still maneuverable.
[X] Ask Avagis about Michael's equipment and what you should prioritize for repairs.

[X] Spezzante
[X] Ampio
[X] 2x Pistol-Sabers
[X] 2x Escudo, mounted to the arms (I checked with Exhack, it can be done)
Is that first vote an optimist/realist/pessimist scale?

[X] <<Let's survive to see them.>>
[X] Use a mix of armor, mostly from the slave units and Grifon, to be protected but still maneuverable.
[X] Ask Avagis about Michael's equipment and what you should prioritize for repairs.

[X] Spezzante
[X] Ampio
[X] 2x Pistol-Sabers
[X] 2x Escudo, mounted to the arms (I checked with Exhack, it can be done)

To be honest, I kind of want the cloak as well. But that's just my "More than our Honor is on the line, pull out all the stops" coming out.