Marca Estrella: A Game of Chivalry in the Time of Archengines

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  • Warfare in the Guirlanda: Part 1

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  • Daily Life in the Holy Ispano Empire: Part 1

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  • Cofre Del Tesoro: A Brief History

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  • The Geneology of House de la Bota

    Votes: 4 5.6%
  • The Design of an Archengine

    Votes: 21 29.2%
  • Alien Races of the Guirlanda and Frontier

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Part Segundo VII - Chatty Geilar
Author's Note: Haha, just kidding. It's actually done now.

[X] You want formal, military clothes that give off an air of legitimacy and discipline.
[X] You want dressed-up formalwear in all styles to look good for every occasion.
[X] You want practical clothes that are easy to move and work in.
[X] You want accessories, hats and scarves, mantles and capelets.

[X] The earthen red hues of the de la Bota's house colors.
[X] Go in creams, pastels and white to emphasize your unusual palor and fine looks.

Geilar takes your measurements in short order and starts taking note of your requests: you desire a mix of formalwear, military-looking clothing for ceremony and practical clothes you can use for leisure and work. Kermes' second takes some time fussing over the specifics and throws down some sketches for you- you took a bit of Sidonie's words to heart about trousers but still intend to have a pair or two for yourself. You're also sure to mention materials, the colors you want them in and the level of embellishment you're comfortable with.

You spend a little while outlining all of the things you want to get from your wardrobe. Most of the clothing is already templates and just needs to be cut and embellished as you like it, so there won't be a need for any additional fittings except for when the clothes are finally delivered. While you're not keen to become a homebody, it is rather nice to know that you won't have to spend all of your leisure time checking on your clothes as they're worked on.

You spend almost an hour on the back-and-forth. Kermes drops in only once and merely takes a copy of your measurements to the back of the workshop to continue talking with Sidonie. By the time you're done, you feel the tang of an appetite eating its way up to the bottom of your throat.

As you sit and wait for Sidonie to come out, Geilar glances over from his perch over his table, already starting to cut from great bolts of cream and white fabric to make your clothes.

"You know, I can't quite place your features. I'm surprised to see a foreign escudero under provincial nobility."

"Ah. Well." You sigh, scratching your temple a little anxiously. "You could say I'm not quite from these parts."

"Well, don't take it the wrong way. You speak Ispano with a thick Tesorian accent, so I'd have assumed you were from these parts if I were blindfolded. A noble, with the inflections."

You actually had noticed some nuances in the way people spoke, the softness or hardness of 'th' sounds and a few other features, but it hadn't quite struck you that there were such dramatic differences of status and region inherent in the accents people carried. In a way you're a little grateful it came up now, and not in the high court. "Not quite from these parts, no. And I learned from someone who speaks a lot like I do."

He looks just a bit nervous. "Did you have a father?"

That's an odd question. Your mind races to place a context, and find an answer vague enough to satisfy him without arousing suspicion.

"Yes… although I can't speak to his condition. We're a little estranged." You perk an eyebrow and give a faint shrug. It's not a lie, even if the estrangement is mostly an affair of time.

"Of course, of course." He rubs his chin, taking that answer as something other than what you meant, you have a feeling. "I suppose, given that you're new to these parts… I should warn you speak a little bit like a woman."

"Like a… w-what?" You stammer a bit.

"No offense intended, it's simply that… well. You emphasize words a little softer than most men do." He chuckles, clearly uncomfortable. In your mind you wonder why he bothered mentioning it at all. "I didn't intend to make assumptions, but I was wondering the reasons for that."

You suppose this is the price of your hubris, hastily transcribing engrams of the Ispano language from your new mistress rather than learning it yourself. You will have to broaden your sources and make some effort to learn enunciation on your own terms to not be taken the wrong way. If appearances matter as much as you expect once you reach the high court, your borrowed manners may earn you more trouble than not.

You shake your head and laugh a little. "Not at all! As a matter of fact, you may have saved me."

He smiles a little, his expression growing a little more sheepish after a moment. "Oh, good. Though I'd appreciate if you didn't mention this exchange, then. I'd get in trouble for harassing the guests again."


"I like to talk. A lot of interesting people come in here but they're always the kind who value their privacy or have reason to come to a shady little hole in the wall like this!" He whines, although you can sort of understand the frustration. "Why just the other day there was this man in a polished iron mask with ruby lenses over the eyes… some kind of duelist! Wouldn't say a thing to me except for what he wanted."

You nod a little. "He sounds like quite the character."

"Came in the middle of the night, too. Just the oddest thing." He sighs. "One of the fun things about being a tailor is rapport, you know?"


You could probably make his day by talking about yourself. Or you could say nothing and avoid making troublesome contacts.

[ ] Sympathize with him but keep at meaningless small-talk until Sidonie returns.
[ ] Talk your archengine, technology, etc.
[ ] Talk about Mireia's fight with Balduino.
[ ] Talk about relationships.
[ ] Ask about the city you're in.
[X] Talk about relationships.
[X] Ask about the city you're in.

We could also use more of just what he's giving us: contemporary knowledge of the environment we're swimming in. We didn't know that our speech sounds like it does until he told us, after all.

[x] Talk about relationships.
[x] Ask about the city you're in.

"Well… I suppose that means you're fairly savvy about relationships? Customers laying their troubles on you often?" You look at Gailar, deciding to indulge him by talking about your woes. He's chatty enough that he certainly gives the impression of being a little savvy, though as a stranger you understand it might be ideal to talk about your issues with a little distance to it.

"I've heard a thing or two." He smiles, still fiddling with swatches even as you've finalized your work. "You're not asking for advice, are you?"

You scratch your temple, feeling just a less less confident about asking him now that he's redirected to you.

"And if I was? I'd appreciate discretion." Your answer is brief.

"Oh, trust me. If I seem chatty, it's only because Madame Kermes has made herself scarce to talk with your escort." He claps his hands and turns, stopping his work to refocus on you. "Trouble with women? Men?"

"Women!" You blurt out.

"No need to make a fuss. I prefer not to make any assumptions."

"...that's fair." Another cultural difference, you suppose. You'll have to remember to not be so shocked or incensed when the topic comes up.

"So what's the problem?" He twirls a large steel sewing needle with an ominous precision, one you think is used for stitching hide. In a pinch it'd probably double as a rather dangerous dart.

You contemplate how to explain the circumstances precisely, and nod. "A friend of mine, he's in love with-"

"A friend of yours?"

You're cut off almost immediately after beginning. He doesn't seem to he having any of it, but you're not going to shed the pretense so quickly.

"Yes, a friend." You insist.

"Nobody actually believes any of that, you know."

You glare at him a bit. "I have this friend who's in love with a knight. She's splendid on the field of battle, beautiful and soulful. Perhaps perfect in every way."

"Sounds like you're jealous." He laughs, half-hearted and lacking malice.

"I'm not jealous! Of my friend I mean, it's just that well. . . he's not sure about anything." You pause and look up. There's no way he's believing you at this point, but you suppose there's nothing to be gained by being direct when things are so obvious. "He's from a sheltered upbringing and his exact social status is uncertain due to parentage and a lack of connections. Most of all, he thinks that this lady likes other women more."

"Well has she shown any interest in this friend of yours?" Geilar looks at you earnestly, an eyebrow raising

"Well yes. I mean, they've kissed and everything. It's just… well, women with other women, isn't that like a closer bond? Between women I mean. I mean… can people really like people of both?" You stop, now completely red in the face.

". . . Well, if she kissed you, then she's probably interested huh?" He smiles at you. "Women don't kiss random guys who they're not interested in, at least, most women." He smiles, leaning over the table with his cheek against a fist. "Just because someone likes women doesn't mean they don't like men. Speaking from experience."

"I guess… I know." You sigh. "It's just so confusing."

"There's no easy answer for this. Things are confusing. They're messy and complicated. It sounds like you've found someone you really like." Geilar's smile turns a little wistful, and what feelings you can't help but notice on the surface of his mind turn lonely. "You're in a strange and uncertain part of your life, and the very best thing you can do is embrace the unknown and not be too worried about your circumstances. People who cling too hard to what they have never have them get better."

"What do you mean?"

"Well." He runs his fingers through his hair, drawing a bit out of his eyes. "I don't know this lady… de la Bota, was it?"

"I never said!"

"But you're an escudero. It's almost textbook of you." He grins, and then takes leave of the center of the workshop to wander over to some contraption of copper pipes and steaming pots. You decide not to follow, still unsure of where you're allowed to go as their client,. "Anyway. She likes you, and you've impressed her pretty well. Enough that she's kissed you after… how long have you known her?"

"About a day."

"A day! You sly dog." He steps back with a pair of small cups, each filled with a thick, slightly foamy liquid that smells bitter and sweet at once. "And drink."

"...I suppose that's true." You take a sip and find yourself running your tongue over your teeth under your lips, the grit and tartness of the drink only offset by the ungodly amount of sugar he's added to it.

"So here's what's happened. You've known her a day and gotten to know a lot of her good aspects. You're still hot on the heels of infatuation, and don't know any of her flaws… or at least not so well that you can put words to them." He wags a hand idly as he relays to you his theory of what's happened, not terribly off the mark, and bridges the silence with the noise of him sipping from his own cup. "The woman is to you, in the now, perfect."

"When you put it that way... it sounds a bit silly, almost unrealistic." You feel a faint wince.

"Because it is. If you nurse the infatuation forever you'll just get disillusioned, or you'll have your heart broken. The image you have of her now won't even last a month, let alone forever." He grins, perking up a little from the drink. "Spend some time learning more about your lady, her tics and flaws and all."

"She's a terrible liar." You blurt out, wanting to maybe offset the appearance of immaturity you've put on so far.

He laughs a bit sheepishly. "That's the spirit! Although… in the interests of sustaining a continuing relationship as your tailor, I'd ask you to not tell me too much!"

You nod carefully, realizing you may have been a bit chatty yourself. "...of course."

"So do you understand?"

"I understand. I think… no-" You scuff a toe on the thick carpet and then nod, now more determined. "I know. Alright. I won't worry. I'll win my lady's affections."

He reaches over and gives you a firm pat on the back, looking over with a self-satisfied grin. "See if you can make friends with her other friend too. It can be interesting when there's two or three people in the relationship."

You flush, all kinds of thoughts going through your head at that one, then give a slow smile.

"Anyway, as for the city. What do you want to know? If you just want to go sightseeing, I've always thought the churches are very nice. Especially the Cathedral. It's painted."

"Well, I was looking to try to buy a gift for my lady friend." It still sounds awkward. You need to figure a way to say that.

"Hmm." The tailor taps his chin. "Well, there's three places I can think of for that. Flowers are eternal and universal, and the Garden of Delights off the main street has a very complete collection of the popular types in their greenhouse."

"And if she doesn't like flowers?" You're not sure that's possible, but also don't much of anything about flowers so want some safe alternatives.

"She's a knight, isn't she? Maybe a new sword, pistol or some fancy brooch will get her fancy. I know a good blacksmith who does quick and good commissions, though not especially cheap. Or there's the Emporium of the Exotic on Broad Street. Most of it is junk, but it has many interesting things."

"I suppose I should think about that."

"Yes, and-"

"Oh Avagis! It's time. Come to the back." The voice that interrupts him is more noise than sound, although deliberately so. Sidonie does seem to like to play voices.

"What for?" You shout back.

"Your surprise!"

You look to Geilar with a confused look, while he answers you with a shrug and one of his own.

"I haven't been in the back since you arrived, so don't look at me." Is all he offers. "I suppose you should see what your lady friend has in mind? Good surprises happen all the time."

You can count the number on one hand, but you suppose Sidonie has been rather pleasant so far. You give him a nod and walk through the atelier, careful to not disturb the working staff or accidentally elbow a bolt of cloth or mannequin as you head to the office. The other side of Madame Kermes' plush double-doored entrance is a suite at once more regal and messier than the rest of her business. Bolts of sparkling cloth woven embroidered with metallic fibers, thick leatherbound books, well-worn with their embossed text faded. Momentos and curious in displays gather only a faint sheen of dust.

The cat-like woman is sitting by a mannequin, putting the finishing touches on what you imagine is a very pretty dress. The style is not quite as formal as some of the others you've seen, the cut and linkage of rigid sections suggesting it's made to be worn in public and walked in. The floral print is subtle, mostly in little swatches of dark blue fabric, and a silver brooch by the right breast completes the look.

"So what do you think?" Sidonie looks at you with self-satisfaction that is just a little disquieting, the Madame with pride. Somehow the former is the cattier of the two in how she regards you.

"It's a pretty dress. I think Mireia might like it." You answer, a bit matter of factly. It's well-made, but you know little of fashion in this age, let alone that of women.

"Oh, she will." Sidonie touches the corner of her. "But she won't be the one wearing it."

"For you, then?"

"It's a little flashy for my tastes, and I don't wear these kinds of clothes for going out." She says.

"Then who?" You ask a little more tensely, disliking the runaround.

"For you, of course."

The magistrate is smiling in a way that makes you almost sure it's a joke. You look at her, and to the dress, trying to piece it out. By the length and cut it'd have to be someone a bit taller than her. You studiously imagine the garment, strugglingly to think of who might fit into it. "But who, really? Aina? Another one of the retainers at the new estate?"

"Consider this a little wager: that if you can spend the rest of the day in this I'll give you a special reward, something even more grandiose than the information I lent to Mireia." Sidonie smiles on and runs her hands along the hem, sampling the texture between her fingers.

"Ah." You hold up a finger, wordlessly mouthing a complaint as your face goes flush. It dawns on you that she's serious. "You're serious."

Madame Kermes' gaze flicks between the two of you, but she holds her silence for the moment.

Sidonie grins. "So what will you do?"

[ ] This is obviously a bad idea. No.
[ ] (x1.2) If she's serious about that favor, I can turn this around soon after. And it's only a day…
[ ] (x0.8) Well, it would at least be cooler in this heat! And actually maybe I'll look good!
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[X] (x1.2) If she's serious about that favor, I can turn this around soon after. And it's only a day…
[X] (x1.2) If she's serious about that favor, I can turn this around soon after. And it's only a day…

This fits my view of Avagis the most; not actually wanting to wear a dress(at least before trying it and enough to go do it without extra incentive), but totally up to the challenge.
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[x] This is obviously a bad idea. No.

Frankly, I don't really trust Sidonie not to just be fucking with us for the hell of it.