Mandat de l'impératrice des Cieux - Imperial Princess Troubleshooter Space Opera Quest

...Uhh, I'm rating that insightful because I'm CERTAIN something in there will be a critical bit of info sometime down the line.
And if not then hey, another reminder of the tail-destroying thirst.
I'm sure ol' Johnny's got what it takes to come out okay.
Was that before or after you noticed that Maggie cut up a bunch of potatoes for fries? Without Johnny noticing or hearing what she was doing.

Also image link for Amagi updated in the chapter.
That was when I realized Yonatan was not just "practicing his lines" to hide the fact he's shacking up with Maggie, but that his practiced lines included the plans for the 13th Fleet.
Was that before or after you noticed that Maggie cut up a bunch of potatoes for fries? Without Johnny noticing or hearing what she was doing.
For me the bigger worry is Sumeragi seems to me to be that they're up in Yonny's face, getting intel they REALLY shouldn't have. Which suggests we just fell for a snipe hunt...
Also this chicka is apparently on drugs of some kind and that sounds like Defenestration is about to occur.
If I understood correctly the point of disbanding the 13th Fleet is that the Sumeragi think they can flat out take over the empire so what we were told wasn't, strictly speaking, a lie because disbanding the fleet and distributing the ships will work to keep Rim systems from seceding. From their empire. While also making it easier for them to take over in the first place since it allows them to further build-up unnoticed and removes the hammer against the Great Houses that, presumably due to Yui, was actually loyal which, in turn, makes easier to convince other groups(in hindsight implied to already be somewhat compromised) to support them.

Well played indeed.

The Egon situation should be part of that so hopefully that will give us enough information IC to start preparing for the coming storm.
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Well, that was a doozy of a side story, Whiskey. It gave me much food for THOT.
For me the bigger worry is Sumeragi seems to me to be that they're up in Yonny's face, getting intel they REALLY shouldn't have. Which suggests we just fell for a snipe hunt...
She has that intel because Johnny was nervous about telling his beloved psuedo-daughter that he had to scalp her command, so was practicing his speech... while Amagi was home with him, and eavesdropped. :p That's not so much 'intel', as 'forgetting your under-the-table-semi-wife was home and awake'.
She has that intel because Johnny was nervous about telling his beloved psuedo-daughter that he had to scalp her command, so was practicing his speech... while Amagi was home with him, and eavesdropped. :p That's not so much 'intel', as 'forgetting your under-the-table-semi-wife was home and awake'.
I feel better about the fleet thing.
I freaked out because part of his practiced speech was pretending he was happily celibate, so I assumed he was actually lying about the 13th fleet.

This is still terrible news for us, since we are literally investigating the Sumeragi at this moment and now they all presumably know its just a matter of waiting Yui and her investigators out.
Yonatan: You can't trust House Sumeragi. They're definitely plotting to take over the empire, and we need to be vigilant, watching for their devious maneuvers.

Also Yonatan: Sure, I'll start sleeping with a member of House Sumeragi...and give her the keys to my house...and talk out loud to myself about military strategy while she's nearby. Oh wow Maggie, you chopped those potatoes without a sound - how stealthy you are!
Yonatan: You can't trust House Sumeragi. They're definitely plotting to take over the empire, and we need to be vigilant, watching for their devious maneuvers.

Also Yonatan: Sure, I'll start sleeping with a member of House Sumeragi...and give her the keys to my house...and talk out loud to myself about military strategy while she's nearby. Oh wow Maggie, you chopped those potatoes without a sound - how stealthy you are!

Yonatan: "Also by the way, she's Ri-Sumeragi. Cadet branch, not the main house, y'know."
Any sane thinking person: "That doesn't make it any better!"


Let's also not forget that she's his Adjutant, so she already has a lot of access to him professionally. Also, even in an empire run by thirsty foxes, fraternisation still is illegal under the UCMJ. If it gets out, this right here is a court martial in Yonatan's future, and not even Prince Masatada's influence can save him. (Also Yonatan is more like Prince Masatada's patron. :V) The typical fox response to the law is thus to keep any such relationships on the downlow and very discreet. There's the obvious interpretation that Maggie was sent as a Sumeragi plant to entrap Johnny and suborn him into becoming a Sumeragi puppet with the blackmail of this illegality, especially given they've been carrying on for about a year now.

Like on one hand, he really should know better, but then you look at the USN's senior leadership who're in limbo or gutted because of the Fat Leonard scandal, and wellll.... :V

I freaked out because part of his practiced speech was pretending he was happily celibate, so I assumed he was actually lying about the 13th fleet.
He never actually said anything about being celibate, only that he had no looks and no money and completely understood why he wasn't married. But otoh that lying uncle of ours is basically kinda sorta maybe almost virtually married. To his adjutant. Who is also a cadet member of Great House Sumeragi. :V

I've tried to establish that Yonatan is something of an unreliable narrator when it comes to personal things, but professionally speaking that tendency is toned down a lot, because as Yui's dad noted, Yonatan actually does indeed give a shit.
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...If there is ONE thing I will say about this, it's that this going on constantly and All. The. Time. Is probably what Yonatan's life is like. So it's only fitting that Saltmeister loggie-man swings a bucket of it into our face everytime he's shown up.

Hooopefully we can figure out a way to have him not get knifed or damsel'd by Sumeragi, because things are going to go SOUTH if he does get kidnapped.
Does Yonatan have a noble title at this point, or does his rank count for snobbery purposes? Because otherwise Maggie isn't completely risk-free, given that she's effectively a commoner's wife right now.
Like at this point in time, you have to realise that maggi probably has her own agenda.

Also, salty teitoku is well aware that she's a honey pot. The last line was pretty obvious.
I keep coming back to this latest sidestory in my head (just reread it too).

@Whiskey Golf you are amazing.

There is so much characterization there. And you didn't hit us over the head with any thing either.

Yonatan and Amagi are completely relaxed and informal with each other which goes a long way to show the trust and affection they have (despite Yonatan claiming otherwise to himself).

Then there's Amagi's casual way Amagi always refers to Yui in such a patronizing way. (So the dislike is mutual I guess).

And Amagi's apparently an addict. Which actually makes me think she's being fairly genuine with Yonatan. It would fairly out there to fake that just get in with the Fleet Admiral and I wouldn't trust a high person to be a consistent actor.

It just makes me wonder how all this is going to play out.

I mean narrative law says there's going to be a lot of problems for Yui and her little cousin.

Though now I am wondering if the Sumeragi are red herrings in the long run.

And if they are not, there's going to be a lot of telenovela level drama in the near future.
Does Yonatan have a noble title at this point, or does his rank count for snobbery purposes? Because otherwise Maggie isn't completely risk-free, given that she's effectively a commoner's wife right now.
I've been thinking about this for a bit, and i figure I might as well toss in a little bit of commentary on the Johnny & Maggie side. Your post makes a good jumping off point. And no, he doesn't have a noble title of his own (the hierarchy of titles is Marquess > Baroness > Countess > Duchess > Grand Duchess > Empress).

Yonatan's shitposting at Yui about his lack of marriage prospects was my way of further establishing this trait about Yonatan: that when it comes to his personal life, when it comes to things personal (as opposed to professional), he's quite the unreliable narrator. He undersells his attractiveness as a marriage prospect but consider this:

In an Empire run by foxthot nobles, where sucession is more often than not Matrilineal (when Yui was born, Masatada was pushed down the line of succession), where nobles have privilege, advantage and wealth, Yonatan Chew has:
- Made a good life for himself despite coming from a commoner background without any of the advantage of fox nobles.
- enlisted out of high school and clawed his way up to be the third in command of the entire Imperial Navy. He can't go any higher, there's only so much salt and competence can go against the glass ceiling, but he's still in a great position to be.
- From an operational standpoint, he's the most powerful man in the Navy. All the fleet commanders ultimately report to him - the First Star Lord may be the head of the navy, but he sets policy, while Commander Fleet Operations executes (which is why the position has, for decades, been unofficially referred to as Third Star Lord).
- He's got an eye for talent, and he has a network of officers he has trained, mentored, led, befriended, served with, fought alongside, who will backchannel info to him. He taught Yui how to gain the trust and loyalty of one's subordinates, and he did this despite being a salt ossan instead of a beautiful fox princess. (Yonatan considers himself the unfun uncool ossan, but he's actually rather popular among his subordinates and among the Navy rank and file.)
- Prince Masatada isn't Yonatan's patron, Yonatan is Prince Masatada's patron.

This bears repeating: In an empire that favors girls like Yui - rich, foxgirl, noble, politically-connected, female - Yonatan, a middle-class human commoner man with no connections, has risen to be third in command of the Imperial Navy.

This is a man who should be drowning in foxtails sent by Great Houses to influence him. And so, enter Captain Amagi Ri-Sumeragi, Adjutant to Commander Fleet Operations, a Marquess and member of Great House Sumeragi's cadet branch, who seduced her way into Yonatan's life... by being really, really, really good at her job. Actually she's probably a better staff officer than Yui, but Johnny has *some* tact and isn't completely savage towards his niece, even if he has that facade up. :V

The funny thing is that I actually feel like writing Yonatan side more than Yui route quest, lmao, but commitment ho! :p

Also so long as they're officially not married, Amagi has zero risk of their relationship affecting her standing within Great House Sumeragi.
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what the hell kind of atas ramly burgers are you eating Whiskey
The sunflower seeds are actually from the cooking show that Yonatan is listening to as he's making that "atas" Ramly Burger. The apple cider vinegar and ground cinnamon are because he's making Worchestershire sauce from scratch, the utter madman. The Pallas Pipers (good quality premium potatoes) and expensive meat... well, i mean, this is why he's got no (serious) money, he spends his money on good ingredients to make good food. Actually, I just realised. Johnny:

> gave his niece military MREs
> cooks homemade upscale Ramly Burger for Maggie


Walau Johnny, apa la lu ini. (What la you this.)
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The sunflower seeds are actually from the cooking show that Yonatan is listening to as he's making that "atas" Ramly Burger. The apple cider vinegar and ground cinnamon are because he's making Worchestershire sauce from scratch, the utter madman. The Pallas Pipers (good quality premium potatoes) and expensive meat... well, i mean, this is why he's got no (serious) money, he spends his money on good ingredients to make good food. Actually, I just realised. Johnny:

> gave his niece military MREs
> cooks homemade upscale Ramly Burger for Maggie


Walau Johnny, apa la lu ini. (What la you this.)
Obviously hes trying to turn the tables on the honey pot.

Like a way to any person's heart is through their stomach.
The funniest thing about people freaking out about latest "is X a traitor/is X leaking vital information to our enemies?" is that from the perspective of the Empire, Yui is the single most dangerous and likely traitor.