Mami's Maisonette: Madoka Magica Megathread

And given that out of the 6 Magical Girls we've seen in the show+movies, 2 of them iterally rewrote the universe and reversed witchification in some way or another, I'd say his "Magical Girls do impossible shit all of the time" isn't far from the mark.

Obviously Kyouko's love for Sayaka was simply insufficient to overcome her curse.
That's a biased sample. It's 2 out of . It's 2 out of every magical girl to have ever existed on multiple planets over thousands of years.
Not so much "thousands of years" as "since sentience became a thing".

I was deliberately lowballing it.

The fact that 2 magical girls rewrote reality does mean that magical girls can do truly impossible things, just that you know its kinda hard to do the impossible.

That depends on what you mean by that. People can't do things they can't do and can do things they can do by definition. Also, if one person can do something and you can't, then it's obviously not the factor you have in common that is the deciding factor giving them the ability to do that. If you mean they can do things that are impossible without magic, well, there are far more magical girls who do that, but ability to do one task does not necessarily imply ability to do another.
And what makes you think someone's never done it before and we just don't know? :V
The fact that witches existed disproves that someone had made it impossible for them to exist.

EDIT: Which, yes, means we have absolute proof of every single prior magical failing utterly.
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That depends on what you mean by that. People can't do things they can't do and can do things they can do by definition. Also, if one person can do something and you can't, then it's obviously not the factor you have in common that is the deciding factor giving them the ability to do that. If you mean they can do things that are impossible without magic, well, there are far more magical girls who do that, but ability to do one task does not necessarily imply ability to do another.
Yes but if one magical girl can utterly rewrite reality then it is possibly for others to do the same.
Its like saying only Jesus Christ could take the sins of the world, just because he did, doesn't change the fact that theirs no way to prove no one else could, just that no one else did, unless you disbelieve in free will.
Yes but if one magical girl can utterly rewrite reality then it is possibly for others to do the same.
Its like saying only Jesus Christ could take the sins of the world, just because he did, doesn't change the fact that theirs no way to prove no one else could, just that no one else did, unless you disbelieve in free will.
Well, I am a strict determinist. But anyway, that's not my point. My point is that the fact that someone did it isn't proof that everyone else could do it. What's more, the low percentage of individuals who did it lowers the likelihood of it being something everyone could do.
I ran into a headcanon some time ago that some of Kyubey's disabilities, like his inability to tell straight lies or directly suggest wishes, actually came from retroactive wishes from previous Magical Girls.

On a much smaller scale than our Madoka, of course, but same principle.
I ran into a headcanon some time ago that some of Kyubey's disabilities, like his inability to tell straight lies or directly suggest wishes, actually came from retroactive wishes from previous Magical Girls.

On a much smaller scale than our Madoka, of course, but same principle.
I am aware of this belief. It is certainly possible. It doesn't change the fact that they didn't make stop witches from existing though.
I am aware of this belief. It is certainly possible. It doesn't change the fact that they didn't make stop witches from existing though.
Weren't we also talking about magical girls doing impossible things?

Because while removing the reason you make your wish from before you mae it certainly is impossible, it isn't the only impossible thing out there.
Well, I am a strict determinist. But anyway, that's not my point. My point is that the fact that someone did it isn't proof that everyone else could do it. What's more, the low percentage of individuals who did it lowers the likelihood of it being something everyone could do.
I am aware of this belief. It is certainly possible. It doesn't change the fact that they didn't make stop witches from existing though.
Because while removing the reason you make your wish from before you mae it certainly is impossible, it isn't the only impossible thing out there.
That's a biased sample. It's 2 out of . It's 2 out of every magical girl to have ever existed on multiple planets over thousands of years.
Kyubey, has seen magical girls do impossible things before, he implied this during his chat with Kyoko, now he has seen it done enough times that he's unable to tell her that theirs no way for a magical girl to turn back a magical girl back from a witch, even though this is a thing he has never seen happen before. How ever when Homura asked if Kyoko could of done it, hes say's of course not, this is simply that before hand he did not posses the information to know if she (Kyoko) could do this impossible thing, so when she failed, he has all the information to say that she had no hope of ever doing it, this is truth because he has no information that it is untruth. After all who says witches were their at the start of the magical girl system? Were we there to see it?
The fact that witches existed disproves that someone had made it impossible for them to exist.

EDIT: Which, yes, means we have absolute proof of every single prior magical failing utterly.
It isn't proof that A) a successful dewitching on a small scale, or B) a universe rewriting wish unrelated to witches never happened though.
Weren't we also talking about magical girls doing impossible things?

Because while removing the reason you make your wish from before you mae it certainly is impossible, it isn't the only impossible thing out there.

Again, what do you mean by "impossible"? Also, like I said earlier, the very fact that there is distinction is important. My ability to do one "impossible" thing is not necessarily evidence of my ability to do a different impossible thing. eg. My ability to turn people into newts doesn't grant me the ability to create toothpaste ex-nihilo. Maybe, despite my ability to do the impossible task of turning people into newts, I'm completely incapable of creating toothpaste ex-nihilo.

Kyubey, has seen magical girls do impossible things before, he implied this during his chat with Kyoko, now he has seen it done enough times that he's unable to tell her that theirs no way for a magical girl to turn back a magical girl back from a witch, even though this is a thing he has never seen happen before. How ever when Homura asked if Kyoko could of done it, hes say's of course not, this is simply that before hand he did not posses the information to know if she (Kyoko) could do this impossible thing, so when she failed, he has all the information to say that she had no hope of ever doing it, this is truth because he has no information that it is untruth. After all who says witches were their at the start of the magical girl system? Were we there to see it?

No. He said that magical girls defy logic with their abilities all the time. He can't say that she cannot do this seemingly illogical thing (as doing so would be against his goals). He specified to Homura that he knew that he was sending Kyouko to her death and she had no chance of success and he knew that information before he spoke to her. It was all part of his plan to get Kyouko killed. Again, he confirms that.

Also, of course didn't start with witches. Witches are made from agical girls, so they had to come first. Whereupon they had no ability to get grief seeds at all and so quickly witched out.

It isn't proof that A) a successful dewitching on a small scale, or B) a universe rewriting wish unrelated to witches never happened though.

I never claimed otherwise. I claimed that no one else had achieved Universal dewitchification, as that was the point originally made. It doesn't change anything I said. Such a magical girl would still be a failure though. Those that almost survived are no less dead than any other corpse, to use an appropriately morbid metaphor.
I claimed that no one else had achieved Universal dewitchification, as that was the point originally made.
Except not really.
And given that out of the 6 Magical Girls we've seen in the show+movies, 2 of them iterally rewrote the universe and reversed witchification in some way or another,
The point talks about rewriting the universe and reversing witchification in some capacity, not reversing witchification universally.
I never claimed otherwise. I claimed that no one else had achieved Universal dewitchification, as that was the point originally made.
'I claimed that no one else had achieved Universal dewitchification, as that was the point originally made.'
:Citation Needed:
The point talks about rewriting the universe and reversing witchification in some capacity, not reversing witchification universally.
dam late I was.
And what makes you think someone's never done it before and we just don't know? :V
Because they weren't named characters. Backgrounds are helpless against people with names, unless they're an unnamed 'mysterious' type character.

Less joking now, come to think of it, I can rarely think of an unnamed major character, that wasn't treated as mysterious.
If a character is major and unnamed, they're likely to be mysterious or named quickly.
Then I misunderstood the original point and for that I apologise. By "reversed witchification" I assumed a Universal scale was meant.
Potential and Wish Magic
Hmm to continuation the discussions I'm moving it here so we don't clutter up things up.
No, it's because all of her potential went into her wish magic.
To use a Tabletop gaming metaphor, MG powers operate on a Point Buy system, and Homu dumped all her point into her wish magic, and then took half a dozen flaws so she could do that some more. Homura's other stats suck balls, and she compensates via years worth of accumulated skill and knowing the "level" she's playing inside and out.
yes and to use the Tabletop metaphor Homura had the least amount of Points out of all the other girls but was able to put all of thouse points into a single stat despite it going higher then would be usually aloud due to her wish, so she is still the weakest Mg in canon in terms of total stat points.
Mami is bullshit. Like, straight up, she could kick the ass of every MG in canon that wasn't throwing around "I'm god" powers.
And when I say canon I include all the spin-off MGs, including the french bitch with the incorruptible gem and the the one who's powers are literally "whatever I need to better fuck over this one person in particular".
And that's because Mami rolled perfect on the RNG roll that chooses how many points someone gets.
Two things other than Madoka. Walpurgisnacht, as you mentioned, and Homura herself, as the crux upon which all those timelines rest. I firmly believe that Homura's wish to protect Madoka could only have resulted in Homucifer if it ended up having enough potential behind it to directly contest Madoka's own wish.
Homura's wish let her go Homucifer by way of never having been completely fulfilled. She never actually succeeded in protecting Madoka, but a Magical Girl's wish must always come true, so when Madoka rebooted the universe and wrote herself out of existence, the only way Homura could protect her was if her wish crowbarred her into an equal level of power with Madokami.

The problem of it also increasing Homura's power is that, well, it didn't. Once A girl's wish is made, her power is set, regardless of any potential fluctuation later.
I think that when a MG goes though a change of the soul gem aka becoming a MG/Witch said individual gains all the power that they built up to that time, Homura had an unknown amount of timlines and an unknown amount of time between Madoka's rise to godhood and the events of rebellion that when everyone started messing with her soul she gained access the all the power that she needed.
All wishes are fulfilled... to a certain extent. Mami's wish to "live" didn't stop Charlotte from killing her. Homura wished to "redo my meeting with Kaname-san. Instead of being protected by her, I want to protect her!" That wish could be considered fulfilled by the time the main series comes to a close - Homura did redo her meeting, and she did protect Madoka on numerous occasions. Depending on if you take "Homura's Revenge" as canon, she may even have assisted Madoka and let her defeat Walpurgisnacht.
I don't believe that the relatively mundane potential that Loop 1 Homura had is enough for her wish to overpower Loop N Madoka. So although I don't think Homura's puella magi abilities got stronger through the loops (except through practice), having been "locked" at the level they were at when she wished, I think that her potential still increased - and once she became a witch, then a witch again, that was enough of a state change for all that backlogged potential to manifest itself.
Homura didn't fully become a witch at any point in the show, or the Movie, think about the typical changes that happen to a Soul when a Magical girl becomes a witch, now does anyone remember that 90% of rebellion happens in Homura's soul? And if she did become a witch do you honestly think that Madoka's wish would allow it?
Homura didn't fully become a witch at any point in the show, or the Movie, think about the typical changes that happen to a Soul when a Magical girl becomes a witch, now does anyone remember that 90% of rebellion happens in Homura's soul? And if she did become a witch do you honestly think that Madoka's wish would allow it?

Madoka allowing it has nothing to do with it. Nutcracker gonna crack nuts, y'know.

I have my reasons to think that the idea of MGs allocating points from their potential into their wishes is total codswallop, but yes, Homura could become Homucifer because of her wish. Mami's wish is irrelevant, because immortality wasn't what she was wishing for. She was merely trying to survive the accident.