[X] Plan Vox Dei
1. War on Terrorists
- Big Picture: boots on the ground in Syria. Blow stuff up, come home when we're done - no nation building. Cut head off ISIS snake.
- Support efforts against Boko Haram, Al-Quada in Arabian Peninsula, etc.
2. Support our Allies
- Big Picture: no revival of the former Soviet bloc. Support NATO and EU in pushing back against Putin's aggression in Eastern Europe.
- Support Israel's right to exist, and oppose the Iran nuclear deal
3. Energy Independence
- Big Picture: an 'all of the above' approach to energy self-sufficiency. Promote clean coal, fracking, nuclear power, electric cars, Keystone Pipeline.
- Move towards renewable energy, but fulfill energy needs now.
4. A Healthier America
- Big Picture: repeal Obamacare. Replace government-run healthcare w/ market-friendly alternatives. Fix VA hospital system along similar lines.
- Allow Medicare to negotiate down drug costs. Let insurance companies to compete across state lines. Tort reform.
5. Defending Life
- Big Picture: no abortions after viability. Hardline stance to protect against 'pro-choice' vulnerability.
- Defund Planned Parentood.
6. Yearning to Breathe Free
- Big Picture: encourage and simplify process for legal immigration. Increase enforcement against illegal immigrants. Defund sanctuary cities.
- Support ESL classes for families, encourage assimilation
7. Train Up a Child
- Big Picture: emphasize STEM education. Promote technical colleges, vocational training, and apprenticeships.
- Support school choice in all its forms -- charter schools, vouchers, homeschooling.
Random notes:
- Immigration reform will be removed from 'People over Politics' major plank, to stand as a plank of its own. Upgrade to Major Plank?
- Education reform will be removed from 'Secure Our Future' major plank, to stand as a plank of its own. Upgrade to Major Plank?
- Nuclear power removed from 'Secure our Future' and added to 'Energy' plank. Get used to calling them 'Molten Salt Reactors'
- Make sure to include repeal of 'Death Tax' in tax reform part of 'People Over Politics' plank
- Add agricultural reform to 'People Over Politics' plank. Focus on how farmers are overregulated. Talk about cutting farm subsidies?