[X] Plan: Let's actually start thinking long term about this thing
[] No. What are you? Fucking stupid? You suck at dealing with people. People are stupid and smell bad! You should stick to what you know.
We took Angrish. We'd be idiots to put our campaign manager up on a podium where he actually has to interact with people.
[] Yes. Things went great last time! (O'Reilly - Prison Reform)
@Cavalier makes a fantastic set of points when he talks about trying to set ourselves up as the ReformCon candidate. Prison reform is a big part of that and O'Reilly is (theoretically) one of the more respectable Fox News shows. Lets try and demonstrate some meat behind all the bluster.
Roll = 89. Pataki rolls O'Reilly over.
[] Money makes the (political) world go round! You are cashed up, and can now largely support yourself, New York might be tapped for a little bit, but you can always head to California, Texas and even Pennsylvania, Illinois, and Michigan for cash! Getting some more big donations would be a huge boon, but you shouldn't neglect the small folk either. (Cost: Free. Chance of Success: 50% Result: +Unknown amount of K. Possible major fundraiser contacted.) - California
Roll = 40 + 10. Narrow success. All hail the power of rap music!
[] Smackdown! Well, the alcohol fueled madness that was dinner with the Johnsons was a great time! Dwayne, however, wants to fly to New York this time, to chat with George, and co-ordinate with fellow pro-pataki wrestlers. They haven't endorsed, yet, but he assures you it is only a matter of time. (Cost: 15k. Chance of Success: 45% Result: Wrestling Endorsements.)
Roll = 100. The Rock recovers from the flu, major wrestling endorsements, huge cash influx, the firestorm grows more intense.
[] Hunt for endorsers. With Jeb! On the decline already, and Walker's campaign in bloody, bitter tatters right out of the gate, it would be a good idea to go hunt for more endorsers. It can't hurt! (Cost: 10k Chance of Success: 60% Result: Endorsers found. +Momentum in State.) - New Hampshire
Roll = 92. Major endorsement. Sen. Kelly Ayotte.
[] Keeping tabs. All considered, this was nearly a fucking catastrophe. Nearly being the operative word here. It wasn't, not quite. Still, now you've got the basic outline of Walker's campaign, and sent him into paranoia mode, it might be a good idea to search out everyone else. (Cost: 5k Chance of Success: 65% Time to Completion: Two Weeks Result: Information on a specific campaign gained.) - Donald Jonathan Trump
Roll = 4. Critical failure. Narrowly avoided criminal incident. -34k. Harry Enten very agitated.
[] The Beanslide begins. Apparently Harry has been taking Scott Walker's attacks very personally. You acn't blame him. You have been as well. He's a realy piece of work, that slick-haired twat. Harry's got an idea to help screw him, though. (Cost: 15k upfront. Unknown amount down the road. Chance of Success: Unknown. Time to Completion: Unknown. Result: Harry Enten appeased. Otherwise unknown. This action locks until completion)
Roll = 30. Radio silence for now. Beanslide continues to build.
[] Invulnerable. Harry wants to conduct a sweep of the state organizations for spies. To make sure your organization is tight and unbeatable. (Cost: 20k. Time: 2 turns.)
Roll = 56. Two walkerites found. Purged.
[] Practice debate. Having a few practice debates with the team should get George in the right state of mind for August. Sure, it's awhile away, but it doesn't hurt to prepare. (Debating skill increased by +10)
Roll = 12. Failure. +5
[] Practice Issue familiarity. This is important for when the debate season starts, but also if you have to give interviews. Having George able to not fuck up the few interviews he will land would be a very, very good idea. (Issue Familiarity increased by +10)
Roll = 58. Success. +10
[] Brushing up old contacts. Pataki knew a lot of people, back in the day, and his personal word carries a helluva lot more weight than yours. Maybe he can dig up some endorsers? (Cost: 10K Chance of Success: 75% Result: Endorsers found. +Momentum in State. Specify state.) - New England
Roll = 43. Major endorsement. Fmr. Mayor Rudy Giuliani.
Rolls are done! Leaving work, I'll finish the turn when I'm home.