MakeAmericaSaneAgain. A 2016 political campaign.

Keep in mind, the news cycle only covers so much crap in a week, and you cannot reuse speeches, not without things going a little pear shaped, at least.

In light of that, shifting to have both of the speeches to prison reform, though with each speech coming at it from slightly different angles and tossing some barbs at Trump and HRC. That should give us a more unified message, and avoid overloading the media.
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Well, lucky you! I am closing the vote, it has been the traditional 12 hours.

By one vote, Plan: Let's start thinking about the future won. With a total of five. I'll extend the vote if you are all desperate, though :p
I mean, if that happens, I just pick one myself, but if you want to lodge a vote, go nuts. I'm at work, so I won't be starting the update until about....5pm AEST
Can we? Because looks like we're short a Pataki action.
Er what are you talking about?
It has three actions plus do the interview one.

If yes, Pataki will lose one action this week.
[] Yes. Things went great last time! (Pick a topic, and a show. Options are Al Punto, The O'Reilly factor, The Rachel Maddow Show, Chris Matthew's Hardball)
[] Practice debate. Having a few practice debates with the team should get George in the right state of mind for August. Sure, it's awhile away, but it doesn't hurt to prepare. (Debating skill increased by +10)
[] Practice Issue familiarity. This is important for when the debate season starts, but also if you have to give interviews. Having George able to not fuck up the few interviews he will land would be a very, very good idea. (Issue Familiarity increased by +10)
[] Brushing up old contacts. Pataki knew a lot of people, back in the day, and his personal word carries a helluva lot more weight than yours. Maybe he can dig up some endorsers? (Cost: 10K Chance of Success: 75% Result: Endorsers found. +Momentum in State. Specify state.) - New England
[X] Plan: Let's actually start thinking long term about this thing

@Droman this seems to be the winning plan so if you like to add the plus 10 to anything you can :D
My bad, thought the interview was a freebie.

Yeah, missed that too. Plan updated to account for it.

Surprised Long-term isn't accounting for Twitter, given how potent it's been so far.

Well, lucky you! I am closing the vote, it has been the traditional 12 hours.

By one vote, Plan: Let's start thinking about the future won. With a total of five. I'll extend the vote if you are all desperate, though :p

Twelve hours is a pretty short period for voting by SV standards. Doesn't give much time for discussing plans, which is rather important considering just how many choices there are for our plans in this quest.
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[X] Plan: Let's actually start thinking long term about this thing

@Droman this seems to be the winning plan so if you like to add the plus 10 to anything you can :D

I guess I'll add it to this then to get some cash going.

[] Money makes the (political) world go round! You are cashed up, and can now largely support yourself, New York might be tapped for a little bit, but you can always head to California, Texas and even Pennsylvania, Illinois, and Michigan for cash! Getting some more big donations would be a huge boon, but you shouldn't neglect the small folk either. (Cost: Free. Chance of Success: 50% Result: +Unknown amount of K. Possible major fundraiser contacted.) - California
and I have drunk my body weight in alcohol.
Thats impressive? Are you very small or just have an iron bladder?
despite the flu ripping through your office like a particularly vicious disease,
The virus ripped through us like a different more dangerous disease.
I mean, you make Faux News look like stupid assholes
[] Yes (Pick a theme. Shows available are Face the Nation with John Dickerson, Meet the Press with Chuck Todd, and Al Punto (Univision))
[] No. What are you? Fucking stupid? You suck at dealing with people. People are stupid and smell bad! You should stick to what you know.
Al Punto?
Anyway I'm going to read through stuff then comment on a vote.
And you're pointing that out because? Nothing constructive to say, so you're just trying to win internet points?
Not really, I hear inflation has really destroyed the market for internet points. I honestly just got a little annoyed that you seemingly ignored me trying to be helpful and only modified your plan when someone else told you.
Twitter's been working out well for us, so let's keep it going.
Thats a fallacy. We've been getting good rolls and we have very much enjoyed the results, however I'm not convinved that Twitter has ever made a big impression.

I'm Australian. That should answer your questions regarding alcohol.

It's a Spanish language talkshow. One of two in the United States.
First of all, is it racist when you are stereotyping your own race? Secondly, yeah I wikipediaed it. We speak Spanish then, I thought we were basque.

Anyway Vote closed without but Let's actually start thinking long term about this thing would have been my choice. Although I disagree that running out of ad ideas is a thing thats mechanically supported. Infact the fact that barnstorming got worse seems to be an entirely narrative interpretation of a bad dice roll.
Oh and welcome to the quest FriedIce.
First of all, is it racist when you are stereotyping your own race? Secondly, yeah I wikipediaed it. We speak Spanish then, I thought we were basque.

Anyway Vote closed without but Let's actually start thinking long term about this thing would have been my choice. Although I disagree that running out of ad ideas is a thing thats mechanically supported. Infact the fact that barnstorming got worse seems to be an entirely narrative interpretation of a bad dice roll.
My country has a long, proud history of being horribly racist, I will have you know!

You are basque, but you lived in Nevada. You picked up a fair bit of spanish, even if it has decayed over the years. You are still pretty passable, though.
Well, work has begun on the results. CUrrently writing the interview. Here is a snippet.

O'Reilly: Well, that is certainly an….interesting point, but what are you talking about, with private prisons?

Pataki gives O'Reilly a friendly grin, rising back up a bit in his chair, projecting a calm and powerful demeanour

Pataki: Well, what I'm talking about, is how if these prisons want to remain functional, operating at a level where they aren't soviet-style gualags, they require huge amounts of state and federal funding. We are basically paying for a prison already!
I'd also think a lot of basques would be passable at Spanish due to most basques living in Spain. Our character is an immigrant, after all.
Less than you'd think. Basques are deeply nationalistic, and their langauge is unrelated to the spanish language at any level. Many do not learn spanish as they do not need to.
Less than you'd think. Basques are deeply nationalistic, and their langauge is unrelated to the spanish language at any level. Many do not learn spanish as they do not need to.
Gotcha. I'm not an expert of Basques, just aware that they've run into some rough spots between Franco's policies back when he was around and France's old "Everyone must speak perfect Parisian French, not your filthy local dialects" stance
[X] Plan: Let's actually start thinking long term about this thing

[] No. What are you? Fucking stupid? You suck at dealing with people. People are stupid and smell bad! You should stick to what you know.

We took Angrish. We'd be idiots to put our campaign manager up on a podium where he actually has to interact with people.

[] Yes. Things went great last time! (O'Reilly - Prison Reform)

@Cavalier makes a fantastic set of points when he talks about trying to set ourselves up as the ReformCon candidate. Prison reform is a big part of that and O'Reilly is (theoretically) one of the more respectable Fox News shows. Lets try and demonstrate some meat behind all the bluster.

Roll = 89. Pataki rolls O'Reilly over.


[] Money makes the (political) world go round! You are cashed up, and can now largely support yourself, New York might be tapped for a little bit, but you can always head to California, Texas and even Pennsylvania, Illinois, and Michigan for cash! Getting some more big donations would be a huge boon, but you shouldn't neglect the small folk either. (Cost: Free. Chance of Success: 50% Result: +Unknown amount of K. Possible major fundraiser contacted.) - California

Roll = 40 + 10. Narrow success. All hail the power of rap music!

[] Smackdown! Well, the alcohol fueled madness that was dinner with the Johnsons was a great time! Dwayne, however, wants to fly to New York this time, to chat with George, and co-ordinate with fellow pro-pataki wrestlers. They haven't endorsed, yet, but he assures you it is only a matter of time. (Cost: 15k. Chance of Success: 45% Result: Wrestling Endorsements.)

Roll = 100. The Rock recovers from the flu, major wrestling endorsements, huge cash influx, the firestorm grows more intense.

[] Hunt for endorsers. With Jeb! On the decline already, and Walker's campaign in bloody, bitter tatters right out of the gate, it would be a good idea to go hunt for more endorsers. It can't hurt! (Cost: 10k Chance of Success: 60% Result: Endorsers found. +Momentum in State.) - New Hampshire

Roll = 92. Major endorsement. Sen. Kelly Ayotte.


[] Keeping tabs. All considered, this was nearly a fucking catastrophe. Nearly being the operative word here. It wasn't, not quite. Still, now you've got the basic outline of Walker's campaign, and sent him into paranoia mode, it might be a good idea to search out everyone else. (Cost: 5k Chance of Success: 65% Time to Completion: Two Weeks Result: Information on a specific campaign gained.) - Donald Jonathan Trump

Roll = 4. Critical failure. Narrowly avoided criminal incident. -34k. Harry Enten very agitated.

[] The Beanslide begins. Apparently Harry has been taking Scott Walker's attacks very personally. You acn't blame him. You have been as well. He's a realy piece of work, that slick-haired twat. Harry's got an idea to help screw him, though. (Cost: 15k upfront. Unknown amount down the road. Chance of Success: Unknown. Time to Completion: Unknown. Result: Harry Enten appeased. Otherwise unknown. This action locks until completion)

Roll = 30. Radio silence for now. Beanslide continues to build.

[] Invulnerable. Harry wants to conduct a sweep of the state organizations for spies. To make sure your organization is tight and unbeatable. (Cost: 20k. Time: 2 turns.)

Roll = 56. Two walkerites found. Purged.


[] Practice debate. Having a few practice debates with the team should get George in the right state of mind for August. Sure, it's awhile away, but it doesn't hurt to prepare. (Debating skill increased by +10)

Roll = 12. Failure. +5

[] Practice Issue familiarity. This is important for when the debate season starts, but also if you have to give interviews. Having George able to not fuck up the few interviews he will land would be a very, very good idea. (Issue Familiarity increased by +10)

Roll = 58. Success. +10

[] Brushing up old contacts. Pataki knew a lot of people, back in the day, and his personal word carries a helluva lot more weight than yours. Maybe he can dig up some endorsers? (Cost: 10K Chance of Success: 75% Result: Endorsers found. +Momentum in State. Specify state.) - New England

Roll = 43. Major endorsement. Fmr. Mayor Rudy Giuliani.

Rolls are done! Leaving work, I'll finish the turn when I'm home.
Yeah!!! Dem wrestlers and endorsers!!! Shame about the one failure, but the O'Reilly show really paid off! Everything seems to be going just as planned.

The Firestorm is coming at ya America!
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Awesome, natural 100 on the wrestlers. Our campaign continues to draw the weirdest celebrity endorsements.

Ayotte's a nice endorsement, and Giuliani is a decent one but probably not all that surprising to most of the political world, given that Giuliani and Pataki are both NY Republicans who served at around the same time.

Knocking out O'Reilly is good, but the low roll on debate stings a bit. Anyone know how our odds are for leveling up debate skill before the next debate?