MakeAmericaSaneAgain. A 2016 political campaign.

The vote is pretty close! That's a first. I'm going to keep it open for another hour, before I start work on the rolling/results.
[X] Plan Dark as Silver

I'll break the deadlock - I agree with the reasoning put forth in Dark as Silvers' comment. Worst case scenario is that we don't built the momentum in time to break through.
Five minutes to closing time! It is currently 8-7 in favour of the plan without a name.
Rolls done!

[X] Bigger, shinier ads.
-[X] Iowa
Roll = 6. Complete failure. Ad never even makes it out of the shop.

[X] Hunt for endorsers.
-[X] New Hampshire
Roll = 77. Fmr. Gov. Craig Benson, Senate President Chuck Morse, State Senators Nancy Stiles and John Reagan.

[x] Recruit Groundpounders in Iowa.
Ground pounders recruited for Iowa. Footsoldiers in Iowa raised to 1.

[X] Keeping tabs.
Roll = 36. Fuck Scott Walker. Fuck him and the undefined, geometric shape he rode in on!

[X] Building a better office.
Enten is appeased. Praise Nate Silver.

[x] Brushing up old contacts.
-[x] Iowa
Roll = 51. Making friends (And enemies) in Iowa.

[x] Made from Granite.
Roll = 40 + 10. Crowds getting a bit tired. Give them a break!

[x] Practice debate. (Debating skill increased by +10)
Pataki put through wringer, again.

[X] In the shade of the Palm Trees.
Roll = 74 + 10. Stomping on Bush.
Hard. (See Interlude

[X] Barnstorm with George. Having Libby appear alongside her husband would both increase the amount of terrain they could cover, and increase the impact. Having two smiling waving people happy to talk is better than just one (Cost: 2k Chance of Success: Automatic Result: +10 chance of success to barnstorming action/s, +1 momentum generated

[X] Endorsers.
Roll = 79. A chammillion dollar deal. (See interlude.)
It's good the ad never made it out.

Sure we have lost money but the impact would of been worse if the ad was terrible and let loose.
New rule. All adds must be reviewed by us first (when we are sober) and we have to spend a solid hour on it.
Turn 3. Results.
[X] Bigger, shinier ads. Well, now you are packing cash, you can look into seriously pumping out ads. In
proper News Papers, like the Des Moine register, and the Manchester Union-Leader! It'll cost way more, but it'll also do way more. (Cost: Varies. Min: 5k (Production costs) 38k (Running costs, NH.) Chance of Success: 75% Result: Large Momentum/Name recognition boost. Specify state.)
-[X] Iowa
Roll = 6. Complete failure. Ad never even makes it out of the shop.

Well, shit. That went….fucking catastrophically. Seriously. The ad was such a fucking mess, and you didn't even catch it until it was almost too late! You swear to god if the Des Moines register hadn't sent an advanced copy of the next day's print you would've been fucked! Fortunately, they did. You've already fired the fucking idiot that came up with the ad. The DM Reg didn't allow you to get running costs back, which you suppose is kind of fair. They'd already set the plates, and you've had to shell out an extra 40k just to convince them to change the plates. Looks like your lucky streak is

[X] Hunt for endorsers. With Jeb seeming pretty much unstoppable, it's only a matter of time until everyone falls in behind him. You need to act fast and find some people to endorse George before there aren't any left. (Cost: 5K Chance of Success: 65% Result: Endorsers found. +Momentum in State.
Specify state for search.)
-[X] New Hampshire
Roll = 77. Fmr. Gov. Craig Benson, Senate President Chuck Morse, State Senators Nancy Stiles and John Reagan.

Not quite! When you aren't screaming at the little bitch that sent that ad to the DM, you are making phone calls. Thank christ New Hampshire is such a small state, because you manage to touch base with just about everyone you wanted, and were even able to fly up there personally, shake some hands, share a sandwich. Tasted pretty damned good! The ex-governor, Benson, is happy to go full throated in his support for you, and he'll start pounding ground in NH. Getting Morse on board was a bit of a pain. A lot of talk about taxes and social issues, but your
charming demenour (and two bottles of scotch) have won him over. He, Stiles and Reagan can't campaign as hard for Pataki, though. They have day jobs, unlike their former boss. (Gained. +1 Footsoldier, NH)

[x] Recruit Groundpounders in Iowa. Now you have an HQ, it would probably be a good idea to start organising a 'professional' volunteer service, handing out fliers, making posters, all that good shit. (Cost: 15K (-2K to income, due to running costs) Result: Footsodiers recruited, momentum increased, pampheleting unlocked.)
Ground pounders recruited for Iowa. Footsoldiers in Iowa raised to 1.

Well, with everything going on, getting extra boots on the ground was pretty easy! Quick to organise, and not that expensive. The only problem is they are starting to run out of merchandise and the like. WHich is
exactly the kind of problem you like to hear about. You really should get on the Libby shirt idea…

[X] Keeping tabs. You need info on the other candidates. Like….now. You know nothing beyond Scott Walker and Jeb Bush being the only 'credible' candidates in most peoples minds. So….you probably need to figure out if they are. Especially after plugging that leak by Walker. Bloody bastard thinks he can screw you?! DOES HE KNOW WHO YOU ARE?! (Cost: 5k Chance of Success: 70% Result: Information about chief rivals gained.)
Roll = 36. Fuck Scott Walker. Fuck him and the undefined, geometric shape he rode in on!

Well, that was nearly a goddamn catastrophe.
Nearly. Fortunately, even though they found out about your spy, They don't know he was working for you, and he managed to get out before they could. You've not got a treasure trove of blackmail or anything, but you know the insides of the Walker campaign…..and it's good. It's oh so fucking good. You thoguht you were in the shit! You were worried a thousand dollar box of cigars was an unsustainable expense, but this? Hah! The fucker spent thousands of dollars on a single town hall in Iowa! Film crew, sound stage, banners and pennats. You'd better not tell George about that, you are worried he'd get ideas, and you don't have that kind of money to burn. Neither does Scott Walker. The thought brings a great big smile to your face, and you cheerfully light up your expensive cigar.

[X] Building a better office. If you are completely honest, Harry's office is still mostly a storage closet. You are sure he'd appreciate something more....refined. At least, you are sure he'd appreciate you removing the boxes. (Cost: 8k Chance of Success: Automatic Result: Harry Enten appeased.)
Enten is appeased. Praise Nate Silver.

Harry….seems exceptionally pleased with his new office. It's weird. You aren't sure you've seen him pleased since he walked into this office. Just somewhere between resigned and miserable. He's been enjoying the last few days, you suspect it's because you are largely giving him free reign over his corner of the building. Also that you let him buy a two thousand dollar chair. He literally scoots around the office in the damned thing. It's almost….cute. In a bizarre, childish way. You don't give a shit. He keeps doing good work, he can buy as many stupidly overpriced office chairs as he wants. Especially getting your guy out of Walker's HQ. You swear, that was some 24 styled shit right there. He might have strange tastes, but you can't question his work ethic.

[x] Brushing up old contacts. Pataki knew a lot of people, back in the day, and his personal word carries a helluva lot more weight than yours. Maybe he can dig up some endorsers? (Cost: 10K Chance of Success: 75% Result: Endorsers found. +Momentum in State. Specify state)
-[x] Iowa
Roll = 51. Making friends (And enemies) in Iowa.

Well, nothing has come of it, yet. George says he might have an in with something
big though. He wouldn't clarify what he meant by that, but you trust him (somewhat) so you'll give him the benefit of the doubt (Action can be taken again, for unknown results.)

[x] Made from Granite. While you aren't targeting it, having Pataki barnstorm New Hampshire wouldn't be a bad idea. It's a smaller state, so he can cover much more ground. It's also
much more liberal and educated than Iowa, so any questions about social or enviromental issues will be less…..awkward. (Cost: 6k Chance of Success: 65% Result: Momentum in NH increased.)
Roll = 40 + 10. Crowds getting a bit tired. Give them a break!

You can't quite put your finger on it, but the granite state seems to be getting just a little worn out. It's a small state, so there is only so much that you can say before you repeat yourself to the same people on a loop. No-one wants that! You still draw decent crowds, though. You might get George to let up on NH next week, though. Don't want to wear that Granite down too much, once you crush your rivals at Iowa, it'd be humiliating to lose the state people
expect a candidate but yours to win.

[x] Practice debate. Having a few practice debates with the team should get George in the right state of mind for August. Sure, it's awhile away, but it doesn't hurt to prepare. (Debating skill increased by +10)
Pataki put through wringer, again.

Well, that was fun. You are enjoying getting to play the bad guy, and grill George on everything. He's getting better. He doesn't pause as much when Abortion or Gay marriage is brought up. Not as much, but he still does, and that worries you
quite a lot. If that comes up (and it will) he might well get crucified. You can't afford that, not at all. Especially with how your advertising campaign is going. You'll die!

[X] In the shade of the Palm Trees. With you doing better in South Carolina than you thought, it might be a good idea to give the other two states a rest, and start stomping in SC. It'd certainly raise morale, even higher than last weeks poll! (Cost: 8k. Chance of Success: 75% Result: Momentum/Footsoldier morale raised in SC))
Roll = 74 + 10. Stomping on Bush.

When you got the news out of SC, you'll admit. You laughed for five straight minutes. More people came to your townhall in fucking Rock Hill than went to his in Columbia City. Which has almost twice the population! Hah! That's glorious! And it has even made the news. Hot damn are you killing shit out under the shade of the palm trees! You make sure to buy George and Libby and ice cold Southern Sweet Tea when you head down to visit. You have a good feeling about South Carolina. And your feelings aren't often wrong!

[X] Barnstorm with George. Having Libby appear alongside her husband would both increase the amount of terrain they could cover, and increase the impact. Having two smiling waving people happy to talk is better than just one (Cost: 2k Chance of Success: Automatic Result: +10 chance of success to barnstorming action/s, +1 momentum generated.

Libby seemed to really be enjoying the change of scenery in South Carolina, she's spent most of her week there, instead of in New Hampshire, getting acclimatised, drinking tea, meeting some local fans. You swear she's enjoying this campaign more than George is! Which is impressive, as you've been watching George live it up in the limelight for three weeks now.

[X] Endorsers. Cool J is apparently in talks with some musical contacts of his, to organise both a big performance for Pataki, and to organise their endorsement of him. (Cost: 15k Chance of Success: 75% Result: Parties unknown endorse Pataki, event can be organized for it.)
Roll = 79. A chammillion dollar deal. (See interlude.)

Well...that was one
hell of a meeting. You can't remember the last time you went back to Nevada. Let alone visited Vegas. Let alone remembered visiting Vegas. Still, you are going to be looking into getting a dentist, given how much time your jaw spent on the floor in vegas. (Interlude. The Chamillion dollar deal.)

SuperPAC roll = 96. $1m ad buy against Scott Walker. +5 Pataki Momentum IA, NH, SC. -15 Walker Momentum IA, NH, SC

Sweet Jesus. That was....actually kind of rattling. The SuperPAC guy wasn't kidding when he said they had something absolutely devestating in the pipes. You didn't even know the WEDC was a thing, and it's provided a juicy opportunity to portray him as in the pocket of big buisness. His slow response time to allegations about the WEDC, the revised bill keeping politicians on it's payroll....Jesus H. Christ, you've ruined him!
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Rooting for you cool jay. I know yoi have something damn cool to show.

Seriusly dependong what it is I might just name him one of the most exceptional hands ever.
It's too bad that our bad roll lost us 80k but at least it wasn't a PR disaster or anything. Our trait(diligent) might've saved our asses from that or maybe it was the fact that we didn't crit-fail.

EDIT: I got to say that this decay rate on Pataki's debating and issue familiarity seems a bit excessive. We literally have to train every week in it to increase it.
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Okay, to note. It's clearly Chamillionaire. He's a one hit wonder, but he's also, like, a legitimate and fabulously wealthy businessman.

Yes, the rapper Chamillionaire is an actual chamillionaire. Like, not even just because of rapping.
Oh, I recognise this.
Weird Al parodied him.

Yes, he did. It's actually a pretty interesting song.[1] Well, because of that song and the rest of his career and his business career which included a record studio and a bunch of other things, he's, like, an actual Chamillionaire.

[1] Especially in regards to what else has happened in the time since its release in terms of cops and the black community.
I hope our PC finally sees the worth of Social Media and how cheap it is compared to buying ads, hell, he should do what campaigners here in the Philippines do, hire trolls, make fake accounts, keep posting interesting and positive things about our candidate, negative comments about his opponents, and bam! the Philippines forget how the previous admin strengthened the economy, national defense, and education, and elect someone whose campaign promise is to kill all drug dealers/users (and anyone questioning his motives is a damn traitor! though he really did follow-up in this promise, so that's good, i guess...)
I hope our PC finally sees the worth of Social Media and how cheap it is compared to buying ads, hell, he should do what campaigners here in the Philippines do, hire trolls, make fake accounts, keep posting interesting and positive things about our candidate, negative comments about his opponents, and bam! the Philippines forget how the previous admin strengthened the economy, national defense, and education, and elect someone whose campaign promise is to kill all drug dealers/users (and anyone questioning his motives is a damn traitor! though he really did follow-up in this promise, so that's good, i guess...)

Can't attack the Pataki!

Can't smack the Pataki

Or something like that, if Trump can do it so should we.
I hope our PC finally sees the worth of Social Media and how cheap it is compared to buying ads, hell, he should do what campaigners here in the Philippines do, hire trolls, make fake accounts, keep posting interesting and positive things about our candidate, negative comments about his opponents, and bam! the Philippines forget how the previous admin strengthened the economy, national defense, and education, and elect someone whose campaign promise is to kill all drug dealers/users (and anyone questioning his motives is a damn traitor! though he really did follow-up in this promise, so that's good, i guess...)
Though they DO have to remember the ads, since social media are a multiplier effect, they do nothing if they got no media to multiply!