MakeAmericaSaneAgain. A 2016 political campaign.

Is it wrong I want to portray Pakati as the 'angry old man' fed up with the politics of today and wants to show America how it's done after pulling out the weeds, trimming the bushes and chasing that annoying tumbleweed off his front lawn.
It'll play into the hands of someone like Rubio who'll hit us on Pataki's age and health. Probably while saying he has the deepest respect for Pataki's service to the country... the little shit.
I'm absolutely loving this. Always enjoy politics and this is a fun way to get everyone in on the same side. Thanks for the thread!
Turn 3. A hill of beans.
Well, your luck sure as shit didn't hold up. It's multiplied. You make sure to tell Mama this fact, and she gently chides you that maybe, if you actually attended church, instead of relying on her and your father's prayers, this turnaround might've happened sooner. To be honest, you doubt prayer has anything to do with it, but you'll take any favourable outcomes you can lay your hands on. As you relax into your office, you start opening emails. Lots of new volunteers. Looks like Pataki is generating a lot of positive buzz! And Cool J has been stomping hard in NYC, so you are pretty sure your numbers will have gone up there, as well. Next you open emails about funds. Seeing all those zeroes warm your heart. Last week was a good week for cashing up! You can actually afford to advertise properly, in big newspapers! Hell, you could afford a TV spot, if you wanted to really go out on a limb and risk your checkbook.

Before you can give too much thought to that, though, you start reading some stuff from the SuperPAC guys. They have plugged the leak. Some dipshit from the Walker campaign. He really was a dipshit, because he openly attempted to call his paymaster back at Walker HQ during work hours. You had a good laugh at that. Jesus christ. You thought your people could be retarded but this guy….he makes parker look smart. Which is no mean feat! You call up George after reading that, making sure he's up to date on everything. He's apparently having a pretty good time on the campaign trail. Really getting into the swing of things.

He's got some concerns, though. Namely, that you won't bust threshold for the debates, and that the Republican party might be too right wing. You kind of agree, but you didn't stick with this party since childhood just to ditch it now. Apparently he and Cool J are getting on pretty well, to boot. Which is good, because if James is right, when you win the primaries, you can rip the black support right out from under Hillary Clinton…

It's a pipe dream, but one you can get behind! Pushing that from your head, though, you get to the meat of the emails. You've not given Enten much to work with yet, but he doesn't seem to be too off-put. You look through the public polls he's earmarked and sent to your desk. Your jaw smacks the floor hard enough to bruise it.

Polling Agency Sample Size Margin of Error Date Conducted Jeb Bush Ben Carson Chris Christie Ted Cruz Carly Fiorina Lindsey Graham Mike Huckabee Bobby Jindal John Kasich George Pataki Rand Paul Rick Perry Marco Rubio Rick Santorum Donald Trump Scott Walker Others
The Economist/
233 ± 4.4% June
12% 9% 3% 3% 6% 0% 7% 1% 4% 3% 9% 7% 10% 3% 2% 9% Other 1%
No preference 11%
Public Policy Polling 492 ± 2.9% June
15% 12% 4% 8% 5% 12% 4% 8% 13% 15% Someone else/
Undecided 7%
Monmouth University 351 ± 5.2% June
9% 11% 4% 5% 2% 2% 8% 1% 1% 2% 6% 4% 9% 3% 2% 9% Other 0%
No one 2%
Undecided 18%
Reuters/Ipsos 676 ± 4.3% June
12% 10% 7% 8% 2% 3% 12% 3% 8% 8% 5% 4% 10% Wouldn't vote 9%
Holy damn! Look at that! Hah! That's some pretty solid improvement. Going by last week, you reckon you are in the buisness now. Polling ahead of allegedly serious candidate Carly Fiorina in polling. You are also ahead of that lardbag Trump, who's talk about rapists and some kind of mexican invasion don't seem to be doing him any favours. Fuckin' karma, personally. Jeb doesn't seem to be doing too hot, either. Tied with Scott Walker, who had only (officially) entered the race this week. That's worrying, but you are fairly certain that's just a blip. Hopefully Jeb's reliably weak polling so far, will aid in splitting off establishment donors.

Frustratingly, you don't have any polling from Iowa or New Hampshire, though Enten explains in the email that it shouldn't be too expensive to set up a state polling initiative. If this were last week, you'd still be chewing your nails at the thought of money leaving the campaign, but hell, you've got a decent amount coming in now, and as your profile raises, background fundraising has been going up. So you will definately have to look into it this turn. As you are thinking about that, though, your computer dings, scaring the crap out of you. It has 'SC POLL-OLD'. Ah, Harry. You swear he isn't aware you can make email headers that aren't all bold text. You roll your eyes, once your heart-rate returns to 'acceptable' levels. You are going to need to see a dentist at this rate, what with your jaw smashing into the floor so much.

Morning Consult
Margin of error: ± 5.0%
Sample size: 389
May 31 – June 8, 2015 Lindsey Graham
Ben Carson
Jeb Bush
Scott Walker 10%, Marco Rubio 8%, Mike Huckabee 7%, Ted Cruz 6%, Chris Christie 5%, Rand Paul 5%, George Pataki 3%, Donald Trump 2%, Carly Fiorina 1%, Don't know/No Opinion/Refused 14%, Someone else 1%
Well... you haven't even really campaigned in South Carolina yet, but you are already third from the bottom! And ahead of that bitch Fiorina, to boot! God-damn if your luck holds up you might actually pull ahead of everyone after the debates. A pipe-dream sure, but an achievable one, you reckon! You can hardly contain your excitement as you start to plan your long week of campaign activity.

CURRENT DATE: June 15th, 2015
NEXT DEBATE: August 6th, 2015
NEXT PRIMARY: Iowa, February 1st, 2016

Campaign Funds.
Campaign Warchest: 496k
Ongoing Costs: 19k
SuperPAC Warchest: 1.45m

This stuff is your bread and butter. Organised by you, actions conducted by the Campaign machine are things you will have most direct influence over. Pick three.

[] State Polling, Iowa. Having reliable, on ground polling in Iowa is essential if you want to be able to keep tabs on how shit is going, and if you are going to make guesstimates about how much cash you are going to have to sink into the damn state. (Cost: 15k Chance of Success: 45% Result: State polling initiated for Iowa.)
[] Prepare some (more) Ads. After your success last week, you are going to look into pumping out some more cheap ads in some more cheap newspapers and online. Internet is the future baby! (Cost: 15K Chance of Success: 55% Result: Positive Momentum gained, Name recognition increased.)
[] Bigger, shinier ads. Well, now you are packing cash, you can look into seriously pumping out ads. In proper News Papers, like the Des Moine register, and the Manchester Union-Leader! It'll cost way more, but it'll also do way more. (Cost: Varies. Min: 5k (Production costs) 38k (Running costs, NH.) Chance of Success: 75% Result: Large Momentum/Name recognition boost. Specify state.)
[] Money makes the (political) world go round! You are cashed up, and can now largely support yourself, New York might be tapped for a little bit, but you can always head to California, Texas and even Pennsylvania, Illinois, and Michigan for cash! Getting some more big donations would be a huge boon, but you souldn't neglect the small folk either. (Cost: Free. Chance of Success: 50% Result: +Unknown amount of K. Possible major fundraiser contacted. Specify State)
[] Recruit Groundpounders in Iowa. Now you have an HQ, it would probably be a good idea to start organising a 'professional' volunteer service, handing out fliers, making posters, all that good shit. (Cost: 15K (-2K to income, due to running costs) Result: Footsodiers recruited, momentum increased, pampheleting unlocked.)
[] Hunt for endorsers. With Jeb seeming pretty much unstoppable, it's only a matter of time until everyone falls in behind him. You need to act fast and find some people to endorse George before there aren't any left. (Cost: 5K Chance of Success: 65% Result: Endorsers found. +Momentum in State. Specify state for search.)
[] Fuck 'em. You can always start to pump out some negative advertising. It would be foolish to rely on your SuperPAC to do it for you, and you should probably at least make sure the campaign staff are on board with making them. (Cost: 12k. Chance of Success: 70% Result: [CANDIDATE] Momentum lowered, potentially into negative. Specify state and Candidate. Price/Chance of success will be adjusted. Choose method of attack. (Experience/Immigration/Religion, etc.)

Well, you aren't going to lie. Harry doesn't seem super happy to be here, but hey, who cares? He's already taken a small group of your smarter interns (Parker not included), and he's fortified the office you'd been using as a storage room as his own personal fortress of doom. Eh, it works for you! Pick two.
[] Keeping tabs. You need info on the other candidates. Like….now. You know nothing beyond Scott Walker and Jeb Bush being the only 'credible' candidates in most peoples minds. So….you probably need to figure out if they are. Especially after plugging that leak by Walker. Bloody bastard thinks he can screw you?! DOES HE KNOW WHO YOU ARE?! (Cost: 5k Chance of Success: 70% Result: Information about chief rivals gained.)
[] The rise of state polling. You could broaden your horizons a bit, by setting up state polling in all three front-running states. It'd be expensive, but Harry is insistant that you do this. He also wants a nicer office, to better fit all the computers and shit that a pollster apparently needs. (Cost: 40k. Chance of Succes: 80% Result: State Polling commenced in IA, NH, SC. -15k running costs.)
[] Building a better office. If you are completely honest, Harry's office is still mostly a storage closet. You are sure he'd appreciate something more....refined. At least, you are sure he'd appreciate you removing the boxes. (Cost: 8k Chance of Success: Automatic Result: Harry Enten appeased.)

Of course, as his chief advisor, you can naturally give Pataki his schedule for the week. He's surprisingly agile, so you reckon he can take on quite the workload! That's good, because he's got a lot of work to do. (Pick 4)

[] Storm the barn! Sending Pataki into Iowa, to knock doors, hold some speeches, visit a few town halls, would both energise what few volunteers you have in-state, and generally create a positive buzz. Hopefully he isn't asked questions about abortion, though. (Cost: 4k Chance of Success: 50% Result: Momentum in IA increased)
[] Fundraise! Probably a good idea to send him to one of the bigger states (New York, California, Texas) for this one, but he should be able to generate a decent amount of income for the Campaign! Might even be able to find you a proper big-name donor to beef up the 'People before Politics' PAC (Cost: Varies by state. Chance of Success 80% Result: Varying amounts of money raised, potential donors located. Specify State.)
[] Practice debate. Having a few practice debates with the team should get George in the right state of mind for August. Sure, it's awhile away, but it doesn't hurt to prepare. (Debating skill increased by +10)
[] Practice Issue familiarity. This is important for when the debate season starts, but also if you have to give interviews. Having George able to not fuck up the few interviews he will land would be a very, very good idea. (Issue Familiarity increased by +10)
[] Made from Granite. While you aren't targeting it, having Pataki barnstorm New Hampshire wouldn't be a bad idea. It's a smaller state, so he can cover much more ground. It's also much more liberal and educated than Iowa, so any questions about social or enviromental issues will be less…..awkward. (Cost: 6k Chance of Success: 65% Result: Momentum in NH increased.)
[] In the shade of the Palm Trees. With you doing better in South Carolina than you thought, it might be a good idea to give the other two states a rest, and start stomping in SC. It'd certainly raise morale, even higher than last weeks poll! (Cost: 8k. Chance of Success: 75% Result: Momentum/Footsoldier morale raised in SC)
[] Prepare a speech. Okay, so the announcement didn't go over too great. You are going nowhere in the polls right now, but maybe getting Pataki to prepare a speech for friday could work? A nice big speech in some state…. (Pick topic of speech, State it will be given in. Cost: 10k Chance of Success: Varies by state. Result: Momentum greatly increased in [STATE])
[] Slam down. This is a presidential race, and the only guys who remain positive lose. Totally positive at least. You need to be ready to try and smash the competition, and hard! (Pick state, and issue of attack. Cost: 6k Chance of Success: Varies by target Result: Reduced momentum for [CANDIDATE] in [STATE]. Can create negative momentum.)
[] Brushing up old contacts. Pataki knew a lot of people, back in the day, and his personal word carries a helluva lot more weight than yours. Maybe he can dig up some endorsers? (Cost: 10K Chance of Success: 75% Result: Endorsers found. +Momentum in State. Specify state)

Candidate's wives have a long tradition on the campaign trail, augmenting their respective partners by appearing alongside them and campaigning in their stead. Libby stands erady to assist you as best you can. (Pick 1)
[] Barnstorm with George. Having Libby appear alongside her husband would both increase the amount of terrain they could cover, and increase the impact. Having two smiling waving people happy to talk is better than just one (Cost: 2k Chance of Success: Automatic Result: +10 chance of success to barnstorming action/s, +1 momentum generated
[] Raise money. Libby has contacts in the beauty product industry, primarily with Revlon, as well as having ties to the pro-Israel lobby. Hopefully she can bring in some more cash for the campaign and SuperPAC with these people(Cost: Free. Chance of Success: 50% Result:
[] Barnstorm in general. She won't be anywhere near as effective on her own, but she might still be able to do something, which means you could barnstormtwo states! (Cost: 6k. Chance of Success: 40% Result: Momentum raised in [STATE]. Specify state.)

He campaigned with the Governor in 2002, so it's a good thing he's here now, getting ready to help you once more. Until August, at least. He's going to become much busier, then. (Pick 1.)
[] Barnstorm. Cool J is quite charismatic, you have to be, to be a prominent musician, and he's good with crowds, another positive! He's also black. That, if nothing else, will get people's attention. (Cost: 10k Chance of Success: 80% Result: Momentum in [STATE] raised. Specify State.)
[] Fundraise. He's got connections in the music industry, and while the rap industry isn't reknowned for it's support for the GOP, certainly not to the extent that the Country Music industry is, he insists that he can find the right people, to pump more money into the campaign. You almost believe him. (Cost: Free Chance of Success: 70% Result: Unknown amount of k raised.)
[] Endorsers. Cool J is apparently in talks with some musical contacts of his, to organise both a big performance for Pataki, and to organise their endorsement of him. (Cost: 15k Chance of Success: 75% Result: Parties unknown endorse Pataki, event can be organized for it.)

As you finish the first round of emails, giving everyone stuff to do, you can finally relax, falling into your decently comfortable seat, and opening up the news headlines, and dear god are there a lot of them. The ones that stick in your mind are....





Heh, you made the news! Not bad, not bad at all.
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[X] Plan Seeding

This stuff is your bread and butter. Organised by you, actions conducted by the Campaign machine are things you will have most direct influence over. Pick three.

[X] Prepare some (more) Ads. After your success last week, you are going to look into pumping out some more cheap ads in some more cheap newspapers and online. Internet is the future baby! (Cost: 15K Chance of Success: 55% Result: Positive Momentum gained, Name recognition increased.)

[X] Bigger, shinier ads. Well, now you are packing cash, you can look into seriously pumping out ads. In proper News Papers, like the Des Moine register, and the Manchester Union-Leader! It'll cost way more, but it'll also do way more. (Cost: Varies. Min: 5k (Production costs) 38k (Running costs, NH.) Chance of Success: 75% Result: Large Momentum/Name recognition boost. Specify state.)
-[X] NH

[X] Hunt for endorsers. With Jeb seeming pretty much unstoppable, it's only a matter of time until everyone falls in behind him. You need to act fast and find some people to endorse George before there aren't any left. (Cost: 5K Chance of Success: 65% Result: Endorsers found. +Momentum in State. Specify state for search.)
-[X] Iowa

Well, you aren't going to lie. Harry doesn't seem super happy to be here, but hey, who cares? He's already taken a small group of your smarter interns (Parker not included), and he's fortified the office you'd been using as a storage room as his own personal fortress of doom. Eh, it works for you! Pick two.
[X] Keeping tabs. You need info on the other candidates. Like….now. You know nothing beyond Scott Walker and Jeb Bush being the only 'credible' candidates in most peoples minds. So….you probably need to figure out if they are. Especially after plugging that leak by Walker. Bloody bastard thinks he can screw you?! DOES HE KNOW WHO YOU ARE?! (Cost: 5k Chance of Success: 70% Result: Information about chief rivals gained.)

[X] Building a better office. If you are completely honest, Harry's office is still mostly a storage closet. You are sure he'd appreciate something more....refined. At least, you are sure he'd appreciate you removing the boxes. (Cost: 8k Chance of Success: Automatic Result: Harry Enten appeased.)

Of course, as his chief advisor, you can naturally give Pataki his schedule for the week. He's surprisingly agile, so you reckon he can take on quite the workload! That's good, because he's got a lot of work to do. (Pick 4)

[X] Storm the barn! Sending Pataki into Iowa, to knock doors, hold some speeches, visit a few town halls, would both energise what few volunteers you have in-state, and generally create a positive buzz. Hopefully he isn't asked questions about abortion, though. (Cost: 4k Chance of Success: 50% Result: Momentum in IA increased)

[X] Made from Granite. While you aren't targeting it, having Pataki barnstorm New Hampshire wouldn't be a bad idea. It's a smaller state, so he can cover much more ground. It's also much more liberal and educated than Iowa, so any questions about social or enviromental issues will be less…..awkward. (Cost: 6k Chance of Success: 65% Result: Momentum in NH increased.)

[X] In the shade of the Palm Trees. With you doing better in South Carolina than you thought, it might be a good idea to give the other two states a rest, and start stomping in SC. It'd certainly raise morale, even higher than last weeks poll! (Cost: 8k. Chance of Success: 75% Result: Momentum/Footsoldier morale raised in SC)

[X] Slam down. This is a presidential race, and the only guys who remain positive lose. Totally positive at least. You need to be ready to try and smash the competition, and hard! (Pick state, and issue of attack. Cost: 6k Chance of Success: Varies by target Result: Reduced momentum for [CANDIDATE] in [STATE]. Can create negative momentum.)
-[X] Rand Paul, South Carolina

Candidate's wives have a long tradition on the campaign trail, augmenting their respective partners by appearing alongside them and campaigning in their stead. Libby stands erady to assist you as best you can. (Pick 1)
[X] Barnstorm with George. Having Libby appear alongside her husband would both increase the amount of terrain they could cover, and increase the impact. Having two smiling waving people happy to talk is better than just one (Cost: 2k Chance of Success: Automatic Result: +10 chance of success to barnstorming action/s, +1 momentum generated

He campaigned with the Governor in 2002, so it's a good thing he's here now, getting ready to help you once more. Until August, at least. He's going to become much busier, then. (Pick 1.)

[X] Endorsers. Cool J is apparently in talks with some musical contacts of his, to organise both a big performance for Pataki, and to organise their endorsement of him. (Cost: 15k Chance of Success: 75% Result: Parties unknown endorse Pataki, event can be organized for it.)

Spread it out, start knocking on doors, usual business.

Also remove our rival in SC.
[x] State Polling, Iowa. Having reliable, on ground polling in Iowa is essential if you want to be able to keep tabs on how shit is going, and if you are going to make guesstimates about how much cash you are going to have to sink into the damn state. (Cost: 15k Chance of Success: 45% Result: State polling initiated for Iowa.)
[x] Prepare some (more) Ads. After your success last week, you are going to look into pumping out some more cheap ads in some more cheap newspapers and online. Internet is the future baby! (Cost: 15K Chance of Success: 55% Result: Positive Momentum gained, Name recognition increased.)
[x] Recruit Groundpounders in Iowa. Now you have an HQ, it would probably be a good idea to start organising a 'professional' volunteer service, handing out fliers, making posters, all that good shit. (Cost: 15K (-2K to income, due to running costs) Result: Footsodiers recruited, momentum increased, pampheleting unlocked.)

[x] Keeping tabs. You need info on the other candidates. Like….now. You know nothing beyond Scott Walker and Jeb Bush being the only 'credible' candidates in most peoples minds. So….you probably need to figure out if they are. Especially after plugging that leak by Walker. Bloody bastard thinks he can screw you?! DOES HE KNOW WHO YOU ARE?! (Cost: 5k Chance of Success: 70% Result: Information about chief rivals gained.)
[x] Building a better office. If you are completely honest, Harry's office is still mostly a storage closet. You are sure he'd appreciate something more....refined. At least, you are sure he'd appreciate you removing the boxes. (Cost: 8k Chance of Success: Automatic Result: Harry Enten appeased.)

[x] Storm the barn! Sending Pataki into Iowa, to knock doors, hold some speeches, visit a few town halls, would both energise what few volunteers you have in-state, and generally create a positive buzz. Hopefully he isn't asked questions about abortion, though. (Cost: 4k Chance of Success: 50% Result: Momentum in IA increased)
[x] Fundraise! Probably a good idea to send him to one of the bigger states (New York, California, Texas) for this one, but he should be able to generate a decent amount of income for the Campaign! Might even be able to find you a proper big-name donor to beef up the 'People before Politics' PAC (Cost: Varies by state. Chance of Success 80% Result: Varying amounts of money raised, potential donors located: New York
[x] Made from Granite. While you aren't targeting it, having Pataki barnstorm New Hampshire wouldn't be a bad idea. It's a smaller state, so he can cover much more ground. It's also much more liberal and educated than Iowa, so any questions about social or enviromental issues will be less…..awkward. (Cost: 6k Chance of Success: 65% Result: Momentum in NH increased.)
[x] In the shade of the Palm Trees. With you doing better in South Carolina than you thought, it might be a good idea to give the other two states a rest, and start stomping in SC. It'd certainly raise morale, even higher than last weeks poll! (Cost: 8k. Chance of Success: 75% Result: Momentum/Footsoldier morale raised in SC)

[x] Barnstorm with George. Having Libby appear alongside her husband would both increase the amount of terrain they could cover, and increase the impact. Having two smiling waving people happy to talk is better than just one (Cost: 2k Chance of Success: Automatic Result: +10 chance of success to barnstorming action/s, +1 momentum generated

[x] Fundraise. He's got connections in the music industry, and while the rap industry isn't reknowned for it's support for the GOP, certainly not to the extent that the Country Music industry is, he insists that he can find the right people, to pump more money into the campaign. You almost believe him. (Cost: Free Chance of Success: 70% Result: Unknown amount of k raised.)
Sure. Question, did Peter learn it from his parents speaking around the house or did they all immigrate from somewhere in Euskal Herria while he was really young?

Also, do we know if he has any crazy skeletons in his own closet like that Bannon guy?
Peter was taught by his parents, but was born in America. On a ranch in Nevada.

And the most damaging thing about Peter is the fact people confuse him for latino (One guess as to who will use that against you) and the fact he's a more moderate Republican than the mainstream. He's more in line with Colin Powell, than Ted Cruz, if you get what I'm saying.
Edit* vote changed to [X]Plan name to be decided

Hopefully we can get a endorsement from the National Black Republican Association
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[X] Plan name to be decided
[X] Bigger, shinier ads. Well, now you are packing cash, you can look into seriously pumping out ads. In proper News Papers, like the Des Moine register, and the Manchester Union-Leader! It'll cost way more, but it'll also do way more. (Cost: Varies. Min: 5k (Production costs) 38k (Running costs, NH.) Chance of Success: 75% Result: Large Momentum/Name recognition boost. Specify state.)
-[X] Iowa

[X] Hunt for endorsers. With Jeb seeming pretty much unstoppable, it's only a matter of time until everyone falls in behind him. You need to act fast and find some people to endorse George before there aren't any left. (Cost: 5K Chance of Success: 65% Result: Endorsers found. +Momentum in State. Specify state for search.)
-[X] New Hampshire

[x] Recruit Groundpounders in Iowa. Now you have an HQ, it would probably be a good idea to start organising a 'professional' volunteer service, handing out fliers, making posters, all that good shit. (Cost: 15K (-2K to income, due to running costs) Result: Footsodiers recruited, momentum increased, pampheleting unlocked.)

[X] Keeping tabs. You need info on the other candidates. Like….now. You know nothing beyond Scott Walker and Jeb Bush being the only 'credible' candidates in most peoples minds. So….you probably need to figure out if they are. Especially after plugging that leak by Walker. Bloody bastard thinks he can screw you?! DOES HE KNOW WHO YOU ARE?! (Cost: 5k Chance of Success: 70% Result: Information about chief rivals gained.)

[X] Building a better office. If you are completely honest, Harry's office is still mostly a storage closet. You are sure he'd appreciate something more....refined. At least, you are sure he'd appreciate you removing the boxes. (Cost: 8k Chance of Success: Automatic Result: Harry Enten appeased.)

[x] Brushing up old contacts. Pataki knew a lot of people, back in the day, and his personal word carries a helluva lot more weight than yours. Maybe he can dig up some endorsers? (Cost: 10K Chance of Success: 75% Result: Endorsers found. +Momentum in State. Specify state)
-[x] Iowa

[x] Made from Granite. While you aren't targeting it, having Pataki barnstorm New Hampshire wouldn't be a bad idea. It's a smaller state, so he can cover much more ground. It's also much more liberal and educated than Iowa, so any questions about social or enviromental issues will be less…..awkward. (Cost: 6k Chance of Success: 65% Result: Momentum in NH increased.)

[x] Practice debate. Having a few practice debates with the team should get George in the right state of mind for August. Sure, it's awhile away, but it doesn't hurt to prepare. (Debating skill increased by +10)

[X] In the shade of the Palm Trees. With you doing better in South Carolina than you thought, it might be a good idea to give the other two states a rest, and start stomping in SC. It'd certainly raise morale, even higher than last weeks poll! (Cost: 8k. Chance of Success: 75% Result: Momentum/Footsoldier morale raised in SC))

[X] Barnstorm with George. Having Libby appear alongside her husband would both increase the amount of terrain they could cover, and increase the impact. Having two smiling waving people happy to talk is better than just one (Cost: 2k Chance of Success: Automatic Result: +10 chance of success to barnstorming action/s, +1 momentum generated

[X] Endorsers. Cool J is apparently in talks with some musical contacts of his, to organise both a big performance for Pataki, and to organise their endorsement of him. (Cost: 15k Chance of Success: 75% Result: Parties unknown endorse Pataki, event can be organized for it.)
[X] Plan name to be decided
[X] Bigger, shinier ads. Well, now you are packing cash, you can look into seriously pumping out ads. In proper News Papers, like the Des Moine register, and the Manchester Union-Leader! It'll cost way more, but it'll also do way more. (Cost: Varies. Min: 5k (Production costs) 38k (Running costs, NH.) Chance of Success: 75% Result: Large Momentum/Name recognition boost. Specify state.)
-[X] Iowa

[X] Hunt for endorsers. With Jeb seeming pretty much unstoppable, it's only a matter of time until everyone falls in behind him. You need to act fast and find some people to endorse George before there aren't any left. (Cost: 5K Chance of Success: 65% Result: Endorsers found. +Momentum in State. Specify state for search.)
-[X] New Hampshire

[x] Recruit Groundpounders in Iowa. Now you have an HQ, it would probably be a good idea to start organising a 'professional' volunteer service, handing out fliers, making posters, all that good shit. (Cost: 15K (-2K to income, due to running costs) Result: Footsodiers recruited, momentum increased, pampheleting unlocked.)

[X] Keeping tabs. You need info on the other candidates. Like….now. You know nothing beyond Scott Walker and Jeb Bush being the only 'credible' candidates in most peoples minds. So….you probably need to figure out if they are. Especially after plugging that leak by Walker. Bloody bastard thinks he can screw you?! DOES HE KNOW WHO YOU ARE?! (Cost: 5k Chance of Success: 70% Result: Information about chief rivals gained.)

[X] Building a better office. If you are completely honest, Harry's office is still mostly a storage closet. You are sure he'd appreciate something more....refined. At least, you are sure he'd appreciate you removing the boxes. (Cost: 8k Chance of Success: Automatic Result: Harry Enten appeased.)

[x] Brushing up old contacts. Pataki knew a lot of people, back in the day, and his personal word carries a helluva lot more weight than yours. Maybe he can dig up some endorsers? (Cost: 10K Chance of Success: 75% Result: Endorsers found. +Momentum in State. Specify state)
-[x] Iowa

[x] Made from Granite. While you aren't targeting it, having Pataki barnstorm New Hampshire wouldn't be a bad idea. It's a smaller state, so he can cover much more ground. It's also much more liberal and educated than Iowa, so any questions about social or enviromental issues will be less…..awkward. (Cost: 6k Chance of Success: 65% Result: Momentum in NH increased.)

[x] Practice debate. Having a few practice debates with the team should get George in the right state of mind for August. Sure, it's awhile away, but it doesn't hurt to prepare. (Debating skill increased by +10)

[X] In the shade of the Palm Trees. With you doing better in South Carolina than you thought, it might be a good idea to give the other two states a rest, and start stomping in SC. It'd certainly raise morale, even higher than last weeks poll! (Cost: 8k. Chance of Success: 75% Result: Momentum/Footsoldier morale raised in SC))

[X] Barnstorm with George. Having Libby appear alongside her husband would both increase the amount of terrain they could cover, and increase the impact. Having two smiling waving people happy to talk is better than just one (Cost: 2k Chance of Success: Automatic Result: +10 chance of success to barnstorming action/s, +1 momentum generated

[X] Endorsers. Cool J is apparently in talks with some musical contacts of his, to organise both a big performance for Pataki, and to organise their endorsement of him. (Cost: 15k Chance of Success: 75% Result: Parties unknown endorse Pataki, event can be organized for it.)
Wow so many options. @The Karvoka Man you might want to start adding multi turn actions, I don't know how many surrogates and extra votes we can find, but the votes will be getting long.
[] State Polling, Iowa. Having reliable, on ground polling in Iowa is essential if you want to be able to keep tabs on how shit is going, and if you are going to make guesstimates about how much cash you are going to have to sink into the damn state. (Cost: 15k Chance of Success: 45% Result: State polling initiated for Iowa.)
[] Prepare some (more) Ads. After your success last week, you are going to look into pumping out some more cheap ads in some more cheap newspapers and online. Internet is the future baby! (Cost: 15K Chance of Success: 55% Result: Positive Momentum gained, Name recognition increased.)
[] Bigger, shinier ads. Well, now you are packing cash, you can look into seriously pumping out ads. In proper News Papers, like the Des Moine register, and the Manchester Union-Leader! It'll cost way more, but it'll also do way more. (Cost: Varies. Min: 5k (Production costs) 38k (Running costs, NH.) Chance of Success: 75% Result: Large Momentum/Name recognition boost. Specify state.)
[] Money makes the (political) world go round! You are cashed up, and can now largely support yourself, New York might be tapped for a little bit, but you can always head to California, Texas and even Pennsylvania, Illinois, and Michigan for cash! Getting some more big donations would be a huge boon, but you souldn't neglect the small folk either. (Cost: Free. Chance of Success: 50% Result: +Unknown amount of K. Possible major fundraiser contacted. Specify State)
[] Recruit Groundpounders in Iowa. Now you have an HQ, it would probably be a good idea to start organising a 'professional' volunteer service, handing out fliers, making posters, all that good shit. (Cost: 15K (-2K to income, due to running costs) Result: Footsodiers recruited, momentum increased, pampheleting unlocked.)
[] Hunt for endorsers. With Jeb seeming pretty much unstoppable, it's only a matter of time until everyone falls in behind him. You need to act fast and find some people to endorse George before there aren't any left. (Cost: 5K Chance of Success: 65% Result: Endorsers found. +Momentum in State. Specify state for search.)
[] Fuck 'em. You can always start to pump out some negative advertising. It would be foolish to rely on your SuperPAC to do it for you, and you should probably at least make sure the campaign staff are on board with making them. (Cost: 12k. Chance of Success: 70% Result: [CANDIDATE] Momentum lowered, potentially into negative. Specify state and Candidate. Price/Chance of success will be adjusted. Choose method of attack. (Experience/Immigration/Religion, etc.)
Alright first thing I'm going to talk about, Bigger Shinier Ads, this is extremely expensive. It will triple our current running costs. Comparing it to the existing adds however it is probably worth it since it appears to offer double the benefits, so if we wanted to match this going forwards with regular ads we'd need to run it twice every turn and we'd still have a lower chance of success. We can consider the 8k per turn that bigger ads costs as the price of having two extra campaign actions per turn and thats a bargain, we don't know what fundraising is statistically likely to offer but being able to throw one extra in per turn definitely ought to make up for that. When you make a plan, include this, ongoing effects are powerful, its basically a surrogate who we can only do one thing with.
Okay so the others, the addition of the research actions means that State polling Iowa is now a bad option, it has a low chance of success, the research option nearly doubles it and it also provides extra states at a very low cost. Money make s the world go round seems to be an improved version of fundraise, always a good thing however as a matter of priorities I'd rather capitalise on our unexpected gains rather than get more money. Groundpounders is a near necessity, I said why ongoing effects are powerful and unlike last turn we don't have to choose between it or research because we don't have the funds to afford both. Endorsers is next up and if a success on this is something that earns us surrogates then we've made a horrible mistake in not picking this every plan we've had so far, SCIENCE must be done. Finally 'Fuck 'em' I've said before, we aren't in the position to benefit from ruining a candidates vote, but now I'm wondering if doing this could remove Drumpf from the list, that way even if we bad end out we will still have accomplished good.
[] Keeping tabs. You need info on the other candidates. Like….now. You know nothing beyond Scott Walker and Jeb Bush being the only 'credible' candidates in most peoples minds. So….you probably need to figure out if they are. Especially after plugging that leak by Walker. Bloody bastard thinks he can screw you?! DOES HE KNOW WHO YOU ARE?! (Cost: 5k Chance of Success: 70% Result: Information about chief rivals gained.)
[] The rise of state polling. You could broaden your horizons a bit, by setting up state polling in all three front-running states. It'd be expensive, but Harry is insistant that you do this. He also wants a nicer office, to better fit all the computers and shit that a pollster apparently needs. (Cost: 40k. Chance of Succes: 80% Result: State Polling commenced in IA, NH, SC. -15k running costs.)
[] Building a better office. If you are completely honest, Harry's office is still mostly a storage closet. You are sure he'd appreciate something more....refined. At least, you are sure he'd appreciate you removing the boxes. (Cost: 8k Chance of Success: Automatic Result: Harry Enten appeased.)
Keeping tabs remains something that we don't need until we plan to start damaging reputations. I've already said that this state polling option is significantly better than any we've been offered. The Building a better office option is a bit of a mystery since we don't know what having unhappy characters is likely to do, however I'm going to recommend it because if its a malus to vote success then that's something we want gone asap.

[] Storm the barn! Sending Pataki into Iowa, to knock doors, hold some speeches, visit a few town halls, would both energise what few volunteers you have in-state, and generally create a positive buzz. Hopefully he isn't asked questions about abortion, though. (Cost: 4k Chance of Success: 50% Result: Momentum in IA increased)
[] Fundraise! Probably a good idea to send him to one of the bigger states (New York, California, Texas) for this one, but he should be able to generate a decent amount of income for the Campaign! Might even be able to find you a proper big-name donor to beef up the 'People before Politics' PAC (Cost: Varies by state. Chance of Success 80% Result: Varying amounts of money raised, potential donors located. Specify State.)
[] Practice debate. Having a few practice debates with the team should get George in the right state of mind for August. Sure, it's awhile away, but it doesn't hurt to prepare. (Debating skill increased by +10)
[] Practice Issue familiarity. This is important for when the debate season starts, but also if you have to give interviews. Having George able to not fuck up the few interviews he will land would be a very, very good idea. (Issue Familiarity increased by +10)
[] Made from Granite. While you aren't targeting it, having Pataki barnstorm New Hampshire wouldn't be a bad idea. It's a smaller state, so he can cover much more ground. It's also much more liberal and educated than Iowa, so any questions about social or enviromental issues will be less…..awkward. (Cost: 6k Chance of Success: 65% Result: Momentum in NH increased.)
[] In the shade of the Palm Trees. With you doing better in South Carolina than you thought, it might be a good idea to give the other two states a rest, and start stomping in SC. It'd certainly raise morale, even higher than last weeks poll! (Cost: 8k. Chance of Success: 75% Result: Momentum/Footsoldier morale raised in SC)
[] Prepare a speech. Okay, so the announcement didn't go over too great. You are going nowhere in the polls right now, but maybe getting Pataki to prepare a speech for friday could work? A nice big speech in some state…. (Pick topic of speech, State it will be given in. Cost: 10k Chance of Success: Varies by state. Result: Momentum greatly increased in [STATE])
[] Slam down. This is a presidential race, and the only guys who remain positive lose. Totally positive at least. You need to be ready to try and smash the competition, and hard! (Pick state, and issue of attack. Cost: 6k Chance of Success: Varies by target Result: Reduced momentum for [CANDIDATE] in [STATE]. Can create negative momentum.)
[] Brushing up old contacts. Pataki knew a lot of people, back in the day, and his personal word carries a helluva lot more weight than yours. Maybe he can dig up some endorsers? (Cost: 10K Chance of Success: 75% Result: Endorsers found. +Momentum in State. Specify state)
The only new Pataki option is In the shade of the Palm trees, I'd like to check that this is a barnstorm action, if it is then the Libby/George combo just got 50% better.

Same old, same old.
[] Barnstorm. Cool J is quite charismatic, you have to be, to be a prominent musician, and he's good with crowds, another positive! He's also black. That, if nothing else, will get people's attention. (Cost: 10k Chance of Success: 80% Result: Momentum in [STATE] raised. Specify State.)
[] Fundraise. He's got connections in the music industry, and while the rap industry isn't reknowned for it's support for the GOP, certainly not to the extent that the Country Music industry is, he insists that he can find the right people, to pump more money into the campaign. You almost believe him. (Cost: Free Chance of Success: 70% Result: Unknown amount of k raised.)
[] Endorsers. Cool J is apparently in talks with some musical contacts of his, to organise both a big performance for Pataki, and to organise their endorsement of him. (Cost: 15k Chance of Success: 75% Result: Parties unknown endorse Pataki, event can be organized for it.)
Good chance of success for a fair price on the barnstorm. Fundraise has a good chance of success however there is no chance of contacting major donors. The Endorsers is probably the best option as it has a high chance of success and the chance of an event.
[X] Plan Dark as Silver
[X] Bigger, shinier ads. (Cost: Varies. Min: 5k (Production costs) 38k (Running costs, NH.) Chance of Success: 75% Result: Large Momentum/Name recognition boost. Specify state.)
-[X] Iowa
[X] Hunt for endorsers. (Cost: 5K Chance of Success: 65% Result: Endorsers found. +Momentum in State.Specify state for search.)
-[X] New Hampshire
[x] Recruit Groundpounders in Iowa. (Cost: 15K (-2K to income, due to running costs) Result: Footsodiers recruited, momentum increased, pampheleting unlocked.)
[X] The rise of state polling (Cost: 40k. Chance of Succes: 80% Result: State Polling commenced in IA, NH, SC. -15k running costs.)
[X] Building a better office(Cost: 8k Chance of Success: Automatic Result: Harry Enten appeased.)
[X] Storm the barn! (Cost: 4k Chance of Success: 50% Result: Momentum in IA increased)
[X] Made from Granite. (Cost: 6k Chance of Success: 65% Result: Momentum in NH increased.)
[X] In the shade of the Palm Trees. (Cost: 8k. Chance of Success: 75% Result: Momentum/Footsoldier morale raised in SC)
[X] Practice debate. (Debating skill increased by +10)

[X] Barnstorm with George. (Cost: 2k Chance of Success: Automatic Result: +10 chance of success to barnstorming action/s, +1 momentum generated

[X] Endorsers. (Cost: 15k Chance of Success: 75% Result: Parties unknown endorse Pataki, event can be organized for it.)
Differences between my plan and plan Name to be decided are that in the Research team I chose State Polling rather than Keeping Tabs. I have a hard time thinking of what information that we can get from spying that would help when we don't know what issues matter to the public.
Secondly I dropped the brush old contacts issue in favour of Storm the barn. I feel that momentum is crucial, we can't afford for the front runners to start pulling away from us. While we might have made relatively large gains over a short period, until the polls start showing that our support is larger than their margin of error we risk being sidelined as irrelevant.
Secondly I dropped the brush old contacts issue in favour of Storm the barn. I feel that momentum is crucial, we can't afford for the front runners to start pulling away from us. While we might have made relatively large gains over a short period, until the polls start showing that our support is larger than their margin of error we risk being sidelined as irrelevant.
I'm pretty sure margin of error doesn't work that way. Additionally, brushing up on old contacts also grants us momentum:
[] Brushing up old contacts. Pataki knew a lot of people, back in the day, and his personal word carries a helluva lot more weight than yours. Maybe he can dig up some endorsers? (Cost: 10K Chance of Success: 75% Result: Endorsers found. +Momentum in State. Specify state)
I'm pretty sure margin of error doesn't work that way. Additionally, brushing up on old contacts also grants us momentum:
True, however combining barnstorming options with Libbys support action effectively doubles the momentum gain from said barnstorm options.
We do not know what or how momentum gains are quantified, but up until this point I have been assuming that a 'large' momentum increase is equal to twice what a standard momentum gain result would give us.