[X] Commit a large force [80% of Levy is devoted to the war].
[X] Yes, let us take King Harpos and a large contingent of Peuketii [+500 men for campaign, mostly skirmishers and light cavalry, and Harpos].
[X] No, the Epulian League should stay at home [No Levies from Epulian League].
[X] Herodion, a man with the experience and expertise suited for the position.
@Spacegnom you seem to be overlooking that if we're sending a large and prestigious force to aid fellow Ionians in their wars, it's fairly likely they'll respond if we call upon them in our hour of need in future. The prospect of such reinforcements would very much break the deadlock between us and the Dauni, and provide us a backstop should the Lucani or Samnites go on the rampage.