[X] Commit a large force [80% of Levy is devoted to the war].
[X] Yes, let us take King Harpos and a large contingent of Peuketii [+500 men for campaign, mostly skirmishers and light cavalry, and Harpos].
[X] No, the Epulian League should stay at home [No Levies from Epulian League].
[X] Herodion, a man with the experience and expertise suited for the position.
[X] Commit a large force [80% of Levy is devoted to the war].
[X] Yes, let us take King Harpos and a large contingent of Peuketii [+500 men for campaign, mostly skirmishers and light cavalry, and Harpos].
[X] No, the Epulian League should stay at home [No Levies from Epulian League].
[X] Herodion, a man with the experience and expertise suited for the position.
We are now fighting pur fellow Greeks for honor, glory, and the defense of our Ionian brethren sending a small force is the height of folly and hubris.
[X] Commit a large force [80% of Levy is devoted to the war].
[X] Yes, let us take King Harpos and a large contingent of Peuketii [+500 men for campaign, mostly skirmishers and light cavalry, and Harpos].
[X] No, the Epulian League should stay at home [No Levies from Epulian League].
[X] Herodion, a man with the experience and expertise suited for the position.
[X] Commit a large force [80% of Levy is devoted to the war].
[X] Yes, let us take King Harpos and a large contingent of Peuketii [+500 men for campaign, mostly skirmishers and light cavalry, and Harpos].
[X] No, the Epulian League should stay at home [No Levies from Epulian League].
[X] Herodion, a man with the experience and expertise suited for the position.
All I ask is that you please post important information on here.

I ask that it not be necessary to follow two different websites to play this quest.

Sure, I just use it as an opportunity to answer questions people may have about background info or hypotheticals, not for valuable info that will influence a vote.
[X] Commit a large force [80% of Levy is devoted to the war].
[X] Yes, let us take King Harpos and a large contingent of Peuketii [+500 men for campaign, mostly skirmishers and light cavalry, and Harpos].
[X] No, the Epulian League should stay at home [No Levies from Epulian League].
[X] Herodion, a man with the experience and expertise suited for the position.
[X] Commit a large force [80% of Levy is devoted to the war].
[X] Yes, let us take King Harpos and a large contingent of Peuketii [+500 men for campaign, mostly skirmishers and light cavalry, and Harpos].
[X] No, the Epulian League should stay at home [No Levies from Epulian League].
[X] Herodion, a man with the experience and expertise suited for the position.
Metapontion: Hey Eretria you coming?
Eretria: yeah, sorry. packing up all our rocks takes a while
Metapontion: Oh okay. Thanks for bringing so many men! Who's that guy with the eyepatch?
Eretria: that's herodion. he's our leader. dude's great, you'll love him. knows all about fighting syrakousians
Metapontion: Oh, excellent! How'd he learn about that?
Eretria: he was a mercenary for those phoenicians for like a decade.
Metapontion: Your leader killed Hellenes for the accursed Carthaginian foreigners?!
Eretria: ya, was pretty badass. i think he's the one who killed gelo. herodion, did you kill gelo?
Metapontion: ...
Eretria: okay so it wasn't him but he was like ten feet away when it happened. so it totally could've been him.
Metapontion: Well, where's the rest of the Epulian League? Might we invite their leaders to a war council?
Eretria: naw, they wanted to sit this one out so we let them.
Metapontion: You went to war and let your League members sit out?
Eretria: yah, but nbd. check it, we brought our pet barbaroi instead. waaaaay better, trust me.
Metapontion: [internal screaming]
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[X] Commit a large force [80% of Levy is devoted to the war].
[X] Yes, let us take King Harpos and a large contingent of Peuketii [+500 men for campaign, mostly skirmishers and light cavalry, and Harpos].
[X] No, the Epulian League should stay at home [No Levies from Epulian League].
[X] Herodion, a man with the experience and expertise suited for the position.
[X] Commit a large force [80% of Levy is devoted to the war].
[X] Yes, let us take King Harpos and a large contingent of Peuketii [+500 men for campaign, mostly skirmishers and light cavalry, and Harpos].
[X] No, the Epulian League should stay at home [No Levies from Epulian League].
[X] Herodion, a man with the experience and expertise suited for the position.
[X] Commit a small force [50% of Levy is devoted to the war].
[X] Yes, let us take King Harpos and a large contingent of Peuketii [+500 men for campaign, mostlyskirmishers and light cavalry, and Harpos].
[X] No, the Epulian League should stay at home [No Levies from Epulian League].
[X] Herodion, a man with the experience and expertise suited for the position.

So glad to see this coming back!
[X] Commit a large force [80% of Levy is devoted to the war].
[X] Yes, let us take King Harpos and a large contingent of Peuketii [+500 men for campaign, mostly skirmishers and light cavalry, and Harpos].
[X] No, the Epulian League should stay at home [No Levies from Epulian League].
[X] Herodion, a man with the experience and expertise suited for the position.
[X] Commit a large force [80% of Levy is devoted to the war].
[X] Yes, let us take King Harpos and a large contingent of Peuketii [+500 men for campaign, mostly skirmishers and light cavalry, and Harpos].
[X] No, the Epulian League should stay at home [No Levies from Epulian League].
[X] Herodion, a man with the experience and expertise suited for the position.
And what does any of that do for him other than guaranteeing Eretria will march north and stomp his shit in afterward?
Break our overlordship of the Peuketii? Weaken us because he (IMO correctly) assumes that as we grow stronger war will become inevitable?

It's not like we didn't want to attack him before. What was always holding us back was that ever since we broke with Taras we were on the defensive. The Messiapii might not hold much love for the Dauni, but they won't sit around and watch us secure our northern flank.

Honestly, what I find most interesting is how different our recollection, of Eretria Eskhata's relative military strength in the region, seems to be.

Personally, I remember a city always cautious about the possibility of joint attacks by two or more of its enemies (the Dauni, the Messiapii, the Liburnians or Korinthos).
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I think it'll take a few days for people to remember which way is correct and which way isn't :V
[X] Commit a large force [80% of Levy is devoted to the war].
[X] Yes, let us take King Harpos and a large contingent of Peuketii [+500 men for campaign, mostly skirmishers and light cavalry, and Harpos].
[X] No, the Epulian League should stay at home [No Levies from Epulian League].
[X] Herodion, a man with the experienceand expertise suited for the position.

I think it'll take a few days for people to remember which way is correct and which way isn't :V
I am so out of it that I can not tell wether the correct way even exist or not.
Will the Metapontion suffer a similar cultural shock as mainland greece given the uncanny vally effect Eretria Eskhata greece had on mainland greece?
[X] Commit a large force [80% of Levy is devoted to the war].
[X] Yes, let us take King Harpos and a large contingent of Peuketii [+500 men for campaign, mostly skirmishers and light cavalry, and Harpos].
[X] No, the Epulian League should stay at home [No Levies from Epulian League].
[X] Herodion, a man with the experience and expertise suited for the position.

I'll be honest, I squealed a little when I saw MG update in the alerts.
I, Bryzos the Psiloi, do vote for thew following:

[X] Commit a small force [50% of Levy is devoted to the war].
[X] Yes, let us take King Harpos and a large contingent of Peuketii [+500 men for campaign, mostly skirmishers and light cavalry, and Harpos].
[X] No, the Epulian League should stay at home [No Levies from Epulian League].
[X] Antipater, a brash warrior, who understands the hoplites best and what they need.

And thus I have exercised my right to vote, and so I return home to prepare!
If we assume that our league members grew 2% since 300 OL from 1500 or 1750 their numbers should range from 1.7k-2k.

If they grew at a rate of 3%, we're looking at 1.9-2.2k between them.

Gnatia's men number probably 443 at 3%.
And we have 500 from the Puekettii.

The Dauni had like 4k in 306, so they should have 4.3k or less right now if they grew at 4% since. There is that new frontier settlement that was established, so maybe a 1 or 2 hundred men are guarding against encroaching Oscans.

So, the odds aren't too lop-sided in the Dauni's favor.
[X] Commit a large force [80% of Levy is devoted to the war].
[X] Yes, let us take King Harpos and a large contingent of Peuketii [+500 men for campaign, mostly skirmishers and light cavalry, and Harpos].
[X] No, the Epulian League should stay at home [No Levies from Epulian League].
[X] Herodion, a man with the experience and expertise suited for the position.
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If we assume that our league members grew 2% since 300 OL from 1500 or 1750 their numbers should range from 1.7k-2k.

If they grew at a rate of 3%, we're looking at 1.9-2.2k between them.

Gnatia's men number probably 443 at 3%.
And we have 500 from the Puekettii.

The Dauni had like 4k in 306, so they should have 4.3k or less right now if they grew at 4% since. There is that new frontier settlement that was established, so maybe a 1 or 2 hundred men are guarding against encroaching Oscans.

So, the odds aren't too lop-sided in the Dauni's favor.

[X] Commit a large force [80% of Levy is devoted to the war].
[X] Yes, let us take King Harpos and a large contingent of Peuketii [+500 men for campaign, mostly skirmishers and light cavalry, and Harpos].
[X] No, the Epulian League should stay at home [No Levies from Epulian League].
[X] Herodion, a man with the experience and expertise suited for the position.
Wrong... Here are the numbers from 2 years ago:

4,500, the Frentani don't care about you and you once killed a bunch of them in a northern expedition when they attacked the expedition and killed the assistant xenoparakletor.

The cities can only raise about 800 men. Can someone get me a source on the 2,000 number? If I'm contradicting myself I'll gladly correct it, since it's been a long time, but these cities have like 2000 people a pop at most. They're not going to be a huge help.
So, going with these taking 80% of our levy south leaves us with:
500 Peuketii + 800 men from the League + ~700 men from us = 2000 vs 4500 Dauni even Gnatia can't help us much against 2 to 1 odds.
If we go with the 50% option it would be: 3000 vs 4500. Still bad, but workable when staying defensive in my opinion.

Sorry, but I will have to call 'Hubris' on the 80% plan.
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[X] Commit a large force [80% of Levy is devoted to the war].
[X] Yes, let us take King Harpos and a large contingent of Peuketii [+500 men for campaign, mostly skirmishers and light cavalry, and Harpos].
[X] No, the Epulian League should stay at home [No Levies from Epulian League].
[X] Herodion, a man with the experience and expertise suited for the position.
[X] Commit a small force [50% of Levy is devoted to the war].
[X] Yes, let us take King Harpos and a large contingent of Peuketii [+500 men for campaign, mostly skirmishers and light cavalry, and Harpos].
[X] No, the Epulian League should stay at home [No Levies from Epulian League].
[X] Herodion, a man with the experience and expertise suited for the position.
Sorry, but I will have to call 'Hubris' on the 80% plan.

- The Epulian League are separated from us geographically.
- The Dauni can't actually do much to the city proper now that we have the stone wall, barring treachery.
- If they attack us, there's a high risk they'll get a large force of incredibly pissed Eretrians and Peuketii invading their lands when we get back.

Granted, that doesn't mean they won't invade, but Arpus is pretty wily. What does he gain from attacking us that would be worth rousing our ire? Harpos has quelled the Peuketii cities so their revolt is unlikely.

The real danger is if we come back having taken severe casualties, weakened and in no position to retaliate against an attack.
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