Magical Girl Home Base Quest

So, how does this magic system actually work? Does the "average" magical person have only a single specific talent?

Our main character's inborn power seems to be instinctive understanding of how to mesh different magical ingredients together and, presumably, use his own mana as some sort of binding agent to make functional artifacts. This ability apparently also functions in reverse because we can evidently break the cursed sword. But is making and unmaking things all we can do with our magic, or could we, for example, grab a wand and start blasting? Or can we learn spells in the future?
So, how does this magic system actually work?

In character, you have no idea. You build things and fix things, which can include people when the chips are down. Some of the girls know more and some know less, but it's not like there's any formal study of this shit. Magical girls don't have a great shelf life, nor do they have some special ability to figure this shit out.
Also I got a question on true names. Will the name a person is given at birth always count, or if it is changed would it change as well? i.e. if a person changes their last name after marriage would their true name be the new one or their maiden name, or if a transperson changes their name would their true name be their deadname, or if a person moves to a different country and transliterates their name would that count as their true name? And for an extreme edge case what if someone was born in isolation and the people raising them never referred to them directly, not even pronouns, or "the kid", or subject 413, or anything like that?
Oh geez, it better not be truename-is-deadname, because if so I would be morally obligated to fight somebody. True name as chosen name would be good though.
I'd imagine it's true name is the name you on a fundamental level identify most with. Changing it would then require significant change in circumstances or self-identity, or both. That makes more sense than a magically significant true name being whatever they wrote on your birth certificate when you were too young to even have much of a personality or identity.
Our dude is a noob, yes, but he should definitely know whether he can personally use the stuff he makes. So, I reinstate my question; can we grab a wand and do some magical ultra-violence?
No. Because our dude is strictly non-combatant.

And that narrative seems important in allowing our character to do what he does. He can do things that 'warriors' like Magical Girls cannot. Plus, this is rather strictly a quest about noncombatant support of those on the frontlines.
I'd imagine it's true name is the name you on a fundamental level identify most with. Changing it would then require significant change in circumstances or self-identity, or both. That makes more sense than a magically significant true name being whatever they wrote on your birth certificate when you were too young to even have much of a personality or identity.

I'd say either this, or a true name is not a name as we know it, such as Alan or Lucas, it would instead be something alike a title or, like in the Kingslayer, it's something so complex most people can't even understand, and saying it is more akin to a word of power than a true word.
And that narrative seems important in allowing our character to do what he does. He can do things that 'warriors' like Magical Girls cannot. Plus, this is rather strictly a quest about noncombatant support of those on the frontlines.
I'm not saying that we should start adventuring with the girls, but at some point the monsters are going to come for us. So our personal ability to fight is actually relevant. But really, my question wasn't really about our murder-potential, rather I wanted to know whether or not we can use magic for other things than enchanting. Perhaps I should have said "grab a wand and conjure butterflies"...
The issue with 'the true name is the one a person most identifies with' is that if that is so, and they're using these 'new names/titles' consistently for any long period of time, eventually some of them are going to start thinking of themselves by said new names or titles instead of their old names, which could have unfortunate effects...
The issue with 'the true name is the one a person most identifies with' is that if that is so, and they're using these 'new names/titles' consistently for any long period of time, eventually some of them are going to start thinking of themselves by said new names or titles instead of their old names, which could have unfortunate effects...

You have to be as crazy as Batman for that to happen. Batman self-identifies with his alternate ego enough that he thinks of that as his real identity, but that makes him the exception.
You have to be as crazy as Batman for that to happen. Batman self-identifies with his alternate ego enough that he thinks of that as his real identity, but that makes him the exception.
Most superheroes have a mundane life, so they continually use their real name. Here, MGs inevitably leave their mundane life behind. After that, when would they ever use their real name? If you never use a name, it's not really your name anymore.
I mean, maybe they die first, but they're starting out as teenagers, sometimes or often young teens. Survive long term, or even medium term, and you could be spending a noticeable percent of your life functioning under and thinking of yourself as 'Magic Girl the Girl' instead of your birth name, and after spending a third and a bit of your life thinking yourself as that name and never functioning in a place where you end up using your original name, hell, having to make sure not to use your original name because one slip up in that could kill you... how long does it take to start to self-identify as Maria, The Reaper, instead of Sally?

And hell, look at the ones whom do make it long term. When was the last time Ooroboros would have used her real name for any noticeable length of time? She's probably spent enough time under that title that it's not a question of what percent of her life she's been using that title, but what minimal percent of her life she spent under her actual original name.
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So, I reinstate my question; can we grab a wand and do some magical ultra-violence?


Perhaps I should have said "grab a wand and conjure butterflies"...

Still no.

Also I got a question on true names. Will the name a person is given at birth always count, or if it is changed would it change as well?

You, the character, don't know. The problem is, a True Name gains it's power from the fact it is a description of who you are and have been- and that last portion is the sticking point everything hangs on. There's no shoveling the past under a rock, and every name has some power. How much is the ten million dollar question.

I'd say either this, or a true name is not a name as we know it, such as Alan or Lucas, it would instead be something alike a title or, like in the Kingslayer, it's something so complex most people can't even understand, and saying it is more akin to a word of power than a true word.

A True Name is mutable, but with great difficulty. With time, titles and epithets can become part of your True Name, but they have to be from deeds that are worthy of it- legendary deeds, infamous ones, even acts of evil not seen for a hundred years. The Lionhearted is part of Richard I's True Name, but Mazarin would not be part of Cr. Giulio Mazzarino's True Name, even though it was by that he was more well-known in his life.

also, votes caaaaaaaled.
7734 threw 4 6-faced dice. Reason: Mission Successes Total: 18
5 5 2 2 6 6 5 5
7734 threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Magical Girls in Area Total: 5
5 5
7734 threw 1 4-faced dice. Reason: Reoccurring Magical Girls Total: 2
2 2
7734 threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Research Total: 10
10 10
Inserted tally

edit: dice gods love you apparently.
Adhoc vote count started by 7734 on Mar 25, 2020 at 7:31 PM, finished with 112 posts and 50 votes.
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Oh Boy!

Looks like we're getting some real shit coming down the pipeline.

Nat 10 on Research here sort of suggests that we're going to actually fully reverse engineer T3 Wands out of this, which is oof to our long term prospects, given how every T3 Wand we get is a slot that's full for the forseeable future.
Nat 10 on Research here sort of suggests that we're going to actually fully reverse engineer T3 Wands out of this, which is oof to our long term prospects, given how every T3 Wand we get is a slot that's full for the forseeable future.
That sound incredibly overly optimistic. Maybe we've figured out T2 wands, but that's as much as I'm willing to hope for.
I don't think we'll jump directly to T3, given how big the power spikes of each level have been shown. But it's absolutely a good thing, this 10 ^^
Between tier, skill and workshop upgrades we could be going from base dice roll in duration to roll x 6. That's a huge difference, if it does work that way.