[X] Trinket
-[X] Level 3.
I don't want to spend a turn we could be using to make another overpowered trinket on research. In the time it'll take to make the wand and three bombs, we could make two trinkets and six bombs.
Why do we need better wands right now? We still haven't fully supplied the troops with Trinkets.
How do we know research will improve our wandmaking?
I don't think research will get us a wand this turn, it should unlock it for next turn.
About that,we already gotten hints from the QM that Mistletoe's particular magical skill would benefit from a trinket bringing it to the fullest.Well, we probably also get bombs while making the wand. And wands are said to be the MAIN tool for MG's, so I'd rather focus on that instead of superior extras that might or might not combo with the girl.
Along with what LunarDreams said, trinkets are currently the only defensive option we have for the magical girls since we can't make costumes yet. Trompdoy needs a trinket to support her illusions, hopefully with some bonuses to help her defense so that she stops getting hurt so often. I'd rather make the trinket with 3 bombs to boost the magical girls immediately against the witch and alchemist and then research the sword next turn.Well, we probably also get bombs while making the wand. And wands are said to be the MAIN tool for MG's, so I'd rather focus on that instead of superior extras that might or might not combo with the girl.
This line in particular. While research for one could certainly result in a T3 Wand from our lovely cursed blade, I'm uncertain of how safe said wand would be for user while it remains cursed. Especially considering our MC's reaction to it's history and the curses, it seem likely that there could be adverse effects from the user if put into action directly from research.Thrice, you would need to break the curses of it before it could be issued.
No, that's just flavor. If it really took three turns to make the thing usable, it'd never be worth the turns spent. We'd be better off making three tier one wands to equip the team, or just as many trinkets. It said it's one turn, and one turn it shall be. Barring shitty dice rolls anyway, which is always a risk.This line in particular. While research for one could certainly result in a T3 Wand from our lovely cursed blade, I'm uncertain of how safe said wand would be for user while it remains cursed. Especially considering our MC's reaction to it's history and the curses, it seem likely that there could be adverse effects from the user if put into action directly from research.
I think it's an efficiency upgrade. Out Construction speed is 1.5 now.Given the options didn't change, I'm not clear what this does mechanically. Maybe shorten long projects?
Sapient.This was no mere mortal creation of your own typology, but rather some immortal tool that had been crafted in ages long past where Man had not walked first among the sentient races of the earth.
This is starting to explain why megucas tend to end up on the streets."Because you never had the time to get them!" Calypso yelled. "I've talked to Rose about it enough to know. You think you're doing fine. You're good. It's all going good. Then you take one hit too many, one bruise you can't explain, get locked down. Get ambushed going to school or at work- because they don't care. A swarm of ghouls tries to get you in public, or a vampire hits you from behind. Nobody can protect you anymore, so you try hiding. It doesn't work."
Ah, that bitch and her alchemist boy toy."More Witches in town, and there's a big one who set up in the forests north of the train line." Lappin said, shivering. "I'm not a city girl, and it's been really bad. I even took a strike team in, but we couldn't do anything."
Ah, Homer, our precious problem child."GANGWAY THE HATCHES!" Homer yelled as an explosion rolled out of the Library. "SHE'S GONNA BLOW!"
Dashing out with a fuck on your lips, you watched as a blast of arcane energy threw Homer out of the Library and right on to you as a scroll sat on the plinth inside on fire. Not normal fire, no, this was fucking magical fire, and if your nose was right on the money this was ethereal fire too. Good shit, strong shit, but god damnit Homer!
Gently and firmly picking Homer up by the scruff of his neck, you kindly and politely threw him into a chair to think about what he'd done and get over any arcane energy induced migranes while you dealt with the ethereal fire he'd lit. Once the initial explosion had blasted the shit out of him and therefore done the magical equivalent of throwing a breaker, the scroll of A4 paper had died down to the sort of dull roar you were used to from your furnace.
Wait. You had magically enchanted forever burning paper, and a furnace that always ate heat like a motherfucker.
"Homer!" you yelled, grinning.
"No' now, boss, nearly got it." Homer muttered, punch-drunk from the fact he'd probably lit himself up like a Christmas tree from that stunt. "Soon we can cast Fireball. They'll nae be stoppen us nau."
"Homer, do you think you could do this to a brick?"
"Aye, ah can make tha' brick burn with the ligh' o a sun!" Homer said, grabbing a red solo cup of Flavor-Aide™ and raising it high above his head. "Just as soon as I visit me wee lassie, an' get to… an get too… er, wot came af'er that again?"
You shrugged, Homer shrugged, and the glass spilled and coated him in red goop. It was gonna be one of those days.
Good man."One, there's enough of y'all that I'm changing that to Tuesday-Thursday because I'm not putting up with BO in my dining room; and two, this is medical. I never skimp on medical."
These scenes are always great.It was Friday before you could finally really get to work on your workshop.
Poor Mistletoe."Yeah." She muttered. "I just don't know, Chris. I mean, it's a dump, but it's a dump with good people. I keep getting lucky, you know?"
A wah-wah sound came out the other end you couldn't decipher.
"Calypso got out fine. I'm just worried, alright? I know you want in, but it's not worth it. The monkey's paw closes and you get trapped."
More wah-wah.
"No, I didn't! It's just- well, you know! Dad didn't take it well, alright? There was a fight."
Angry wah-wah noises as you slipped in. Mistletoe nearly dropped the phone, before she glared at you and sighed.
"When your dad's a homophobic asshole who thinks you're an abomination against God, yeah. I felt my power there, Chris. I could have put him down like a dog."
You tried not to wince, but you couldn't hide it.
"If he tried to hit me? I would have."
Now the muttering coming out the other end of the headset took on a darker tone.
"Yeah, I know. I love you too. Goodnight, babe."
This is nice, very nice indeed.Tool Effects:
Potion Stand I: Will automatically build 3x Tier I Bombs per action spent crafting or triple production of higher tier bombs.
Forge: Allows you to forge, increasing the number of other tools you can construct.
Arcane Furnace II: Allows you to work on up to three components to a project simultaneously. Upgrades Workshop Level by 1.