Madara Campione Quest

I think we should not be too harsh on our minion but don'y babysit them either,Maybe we can select and establish our Shinobi system in this world.
We are shinobi,we know casaulity happen in fight,We need to create and train our subject of our ideology.
Name: ANBU (Ansatsu Senjutsu Tokushu Butai/Special Assassination and Tactical Squad)

Theme: Ninjas, for stealth and assassination corps, Samurai for direct combat

Equipment: modernized ninja or Samurai gear.


To reiterate my question from last page:

How many Heritic Gods have each of the other Campione's killed?
I think it's 6 for Voban 5 for Alec 4 for luo hao, 3 for everyone else
Is that during the course of LN or in their entire history? Because that seems small considering that some of them lived for hundreds of years.

Besides, why would the HCC need us to combat Heretic Gods if they are that rare? We would most certainly go and fight one when it shows up out of boredom if nothing else.
I think it's 6 for Voban 5 for Alec 4 for luo hao, 3 for everyone else

Going by the wiki, by age...

Voban - 6
Luo Hao - 4
Aisha - 5
Alec - 5
Smith - 3
Doni - 4

Of course it should be kept in mind that for the older Campione they may have other Authorities that people don't know about because they've been around for a long time, well before modern communication and record keeping was possible. Luo Hao in particular is noted in the wiki as having "known Authorities" so she likely has others not yet displayed in canon, and also has the various skills she's mastered to further increase her threat level.

Modern communication and travel times also might factor into the numbers as well, as Campione can reach areas where Heretic Gods are rampaging a lot easier than they might have in the past, which is why the three Campione born in modern times aren't that far behind in terms of the numbers of Authorities they possess.
You know I'm bot actually sure what the result would be. I guess the Campione's powers would be usurped but pandora might very well block it
I's probably never happened or if it has, it was never documented.

It'd be pretty noticeable.

And if it did happen publicly, it'd show that Campiones can be killed by normal humans and so magical organisations would try to emulate the precedence. Otherwise, how would magical organisations so readily prostrate themselves to Campiones.

...I have to wonder how many gods are left.
They don't actually die permanently, I thought. They can descend again in the future after they have finished recovering from their "death".
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...I have to wonder how many gods are left.

A lot. The entire Roman/Greek pantheon is dozens of gods, then there's the egyptians, Celtics, babylonian, hindu, chinese, mayan, aztec, tonsssss of African gods. Japan alone has a dozen major ones. There's a whole slew of gods I'm skipping over. Considering alec's primary authority is ramiel you can add angels to the list there's also major heroes that become legendary enough to be heretical gods like king arthur, achilles, heracles, siegfried, and so on.
There's also many reasons why pandora might not grant an authority. Heretic Gods fight each other too.

Yeah, that as well. Heretic Gods who are slain by a Campione but were weakened by someone else don't generally grant an authority. The fight has to be "fair".

...I have to wonder how many gods are left.

Lots and lots. Just looking at Wikipedia the Egyptian pantheon has like 40 gods by itself, and there's like 50 notable ones for Japanese deities. Also, Heretic Gods aren't limited to gods - legendary monsters, demigods, and heroes also can be Heretic Gods as well, though not all gods are equal. It's also noteworthy that when Campione kill gods they don't really die a true death, they just stop being Heretic Gods, but could become as such again in the future. Pretty much the closest thing to a god suffering a true death is a mother Earth goddess becoming a Divine Ancestor, and even those reincarnate again when they die.
A lot. The entire Roman/Greek pantheon is dozens of gods, then there's the egyptians, Celtics, babylonian, hindu, chinese, mayan, aztec, tonsssss of African gods. Japan alone has a dozen major ones. There's a whole slew of gods I'm skipping over. Considering alec's primary authority is ramiel you can add angels to the list there's also major heroes that become legendary enough to be heretical gods like king arthur, achilles, heracles, siegfried, and so on.
Oh. Soo, Can we expect to fight Teddy, or, more probably, Emperor Jimmu?
If you don't want to go the Godspeed or Black Lightning how about the power like Enel had where his Mantra was supercharged and could see everything in his territory.

Make the power give Madara the ability to see from the heavens clouds like a god and maybe some weather manipulation including creating real lightning strikes.
Lets talk about something more probable. What happens when a Campione kills another Campione?

My guess would be one dies and nothing more. At most they'd get one Authority, but I rather doubt it. I think it would have been noted in canon, given how long Campione have been around.

Oh. Soo, Can we expect to fight Teddy, or, more probably, Emperor Jimmu?

Maybe. We could fight Oda Nobunaga as well, as he's listed as a minor kami.

Personally I'm kind of hoping to run into Fūjin, the god of wind and often depicted with Raijin at the same time.

If you don't want to go the Godspeed or Black Lightning how about the power like Enel had where his Mantra was supercharged and could see everything in his territory.

He's fine with godspeed, he just doesn't want a carbon copy of Black Lightning's version of it. Having similarities is ok, but not being too close.
What would happen if a human somehow manages to kill a Campione?
I think they could only do that by kissing us(Slip poison in our mouth that attacks us from the inside)
The heads of the Committee appear to be elderly men and women from four families; the Seishuuin, the Kuhoutsuka, the Renjou, and the Sayanomiya. They introduce themselves only by their family names. You merely nod, if they are unwilling to give their full names then there is no reason to bother introducing yourself. You allow the silence to stretch as your sharingan spins lazily. At one point you had considered hypnotizing them or subjecting them to a genjutsu but an instinctual part of you thinks that these are just stand-ins and not the true heads.
Have we met with the true heads of our organization yet?
Lets talk about something more probable. What happens when a Campione kills another Campione?
If you recall Pandora said that she was adopting us as a son, as she does with all Campione, so this is considered fraticide. It seems unlikely to be rewarded and in fact the contrary is likely.

My guess would be that this would be like weakening a god too much rather than offering them a fair fight and you simply wouldn't gain an Authority, but it's possible that Pandora would offer some other kind of punishment. It would explain some of the interaction between Campione if the latter was true, in particular why Voban is so forbearing in regards to certain other Campione.
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