Madara Campione Quest

Actually @Emperor Toast there is an fanfic about it. It describes in stark detail how painful the death of shadow clone is though its short it should satisfy anyone with questions.

I don't actually think the death of a shadow clone is painful. They dispell from a strong hit, I don't see them having the time to feel pain, because every hit is instant death.
Anddd I totally forgot to give a bonus to the attack plan for committing forces to it sooo for everyone that voted for that option there's a +5 bonus to the attack. I'm closing out the vote soon unless we get a burst of participation.
[x] Strike in the time frame between when the ritual completes and Raijin descends upon the earth. Have the Committee evacuate the civilians as you wipe out the cultists and draw Raijin away. High Difficulty Option (+20 bonus due to high knowledge)
[x] Have the Committee commit forces to fighting the cultists (-10 to allevacuation plan choices)
[x] Assign to evacuation plans (+5 to evacuation plan rolls, chance of death)
Though your command over chakra is delicate and precise, this has not translated well in the usage of your divine powers. You are completely and utterly lacking in finesse in channeling your divinity and this is causing your spells to overload. It is embarrassing but you are effectively the genin equivalent of a god.
This reminds me of Naruto with his chakra problems at the start of the series.

Battle Plan:

[x] Strike in the time frame between when the ritual completes and Raijin descends upon the earth. Have the Committee evacuate the civilians as you wipe out the cultists and draw Raijin away.

[x] Have the Committee commit forces to fighting the cultists

[x] Assign Kureha to assist with evacuation plans

Bonuses and Maluses: +25 to Strike Roll, -5 to evacuation roll

The Committee managed to gather hundreds of staff and agents to participate in the upcoming battle. You immediately divide the forces with the less combat oriented staff aiding in the evacuation with Kureha leading them. The remaining combat agents, nearly 200 in all, stay with you in order to fight the cultists.

The Sons of Raijin have gathered nearly all of their two thousand members to lend their power to the ritual. You had no desire to run around Hokkaido hunting them all down so this is a convenient turn of events. Formed into 5 concentric rings with a massive force of patrolling perimeters guards, the ritualists slowly chant and funnel their powers to the head cultist who then shunts the power into the sky above. The clouds begin to darken and the air feels saturated with static.

You order your forces to form a perimeter around the cultists to prevent any from escaping as you wait for Raijin's descent.


Evacuation: 87 -5 = 82 Success Difficulty Check 60

Luckily the cultists chose a relatively small city to do their ritual next to as it makes evacuation much simpler. Kureha leads the other Committee agents and staff in creating a massive sound based illusion over the city which simulates a tsunami warning mandatory evacuation. A large group of agents are dressed as police and JSDF forces and block off the eastern exits from the city and instead funnel the evacuees west away from the ensuing conflict. The darkening sky is definitely helpful in adding realism to the illusion and soon the population of the city begins to flow out. The evacuees make it out of the city in record time and the Committee forces follow them out.

Kureha sends a shikigami to you announcing her success.


Strike: 36 + 25 = 61 Difficulty Check 80 Failure

One of the agents on the western side of the perimeter is seen before he can properly hide himself and is blasted by at least 4 bolts of lightning. Turned to ash within seconds, his partner retaliates with a wind based attack that cuts through three of the Sons of Raijin and wounds a fourth but receives a blast through the chest for his efforts.

The Committee forces begin to counterattack almost immediately with a salvo of long ranged spells. They do considerable damage to the cultist forces but they are outnumbered more than 2 to 1 counting only the perimeter forces. The ritual is creating a focal point for the powers of their god which is fueling the strength of the Sons of Raijin. The Committee forces cannot survive this engagement.

Make a choice:

[ ] Have the Committee forces retreat

[ ] Intervene and fight the Sons of Raijin (may cause the ritual to stop)

[ ] Do nothing
[X] Intervene and fight the Sons of Raijin (may cause the ritual to stop)

We help the HCC fight off the cultist. It won't stop the ritual when the cultist themselves are empowered by the Yet to Manifest God so thier toast. We can at least clean the rest of the cultist before evecuating the HCC agents to safety then fight the local Raijin.
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[X] Intervene and fight the Sons of Raijin (may cause the ritual to stop)

I don't feel like Madara should fight a God before he has finished training up his skills.
Though I do not get why people chose to allow a God to manifest. Just the manifestation of a god would cause immense amounts of damage, as in if a storm god actually manifested while the battle is going on massive storms will wrack all of Japan.

I though Madara wanted to protect Japan. And by choosing to let the god manifest we are actually following in the foot steps of the more callous Campione, like Voban or Luo Hao.
[X] Have the Committee forces retreat
-[X] But leave lots of explosives behind.

We let the God manifest for a few reasons.

1. Being Long-Term over short term we're much more able to save lives and protect Japan if we have more Authorities, we're planning for the future here to gain as much strength as possible to protect out assets.
2. It makes sense in character to do so with Madara being a battle maniac, he would want to fight another God espeically if he is guaranteed to get more power from beating it.
3. We don't know what upsetting an unknown magic ritual with enough power to completely summon a God would do and if we could do it safely instead of all of the energy just blowing up on us. We're in no way magicians or experts at Magic or rituals and even if we were any number of things could go wrong if we were to attempt to interupt a ritual with that much power.
4. ... It's just more interesting. This is a Quest after all, fighting Gods and gaining power is what we're here for. Not to just go the boring route where we gain nothing.
Though I do not get why people chose to allow a God to manifest. Just the manifestation of a god would cause immense amounts of damage, as in if a storm god actually manifested while the battle is going on massive storms will wrack all of Japan.

I though Madara wanted to protect Japan. And by choosing to let the god manifest we are actually following in the foot steps of the more callous Campione, like Voban or Luo Hao.
Authorities. That is really long and short of it. Sure, we are more powerful than any mortal, but if we gain no new authorities the latter encounters will wipe the floor with us. It is ruthless calculus.
[X] Have the Committee forces retreat
-[X] But leave lots of explosives behind.

Works for me. We're here more to kill the god than destroy the cult.