Madara Campione Quest

That is a nice sentiment, but the point is, we are not at point where just our normal arts are enough to always get us through fights with a god. Next time we die, there won't be a re-do you know.

And now people want to fight a God, without any training at this poing whatsoever. I am only advocating that we need to at least train a bit to get all of our skills up before we finally fight another god or Campione. After all our authority gives little combat utility at this point.
And now people want to fight a God, without any training at this poing whatsoever. I am only advocating that we need to at least train a bit to get all of our skills up before we finally fight another god or Campione. After all our authority gives little combat utility at this point.
Bit too late for that now, considering we are about to ambush a god in seconds. All we can do at this point is win the fight, clean up afterwards and enjoy our new Authority. Or several.
And now people want to fight a God, without any training at this poing whatsoever. I am only advocating that we need to at least train a bit to get all of our skills up before we finally fight another god or Campione. After all our authority gives little combat utility at this point.
We don't really have the luxury of being able to hide out and train for a few years, and anything less than that won't make a major difference against a God. As is, the best way to increase our combat abilities is to kill Gods, because they give a large, immediate boost of power.
We don't really have the luxury of being able to hide out and train for a few years, and anything less than that won't make a major difference against a God. As is, the best way to increase our combat abilities is to kill Gods, because they give a large, immediate boost of power.

Not a few years, maybe a month or two. A Campione can instinctivley grasp most things that they try to achieve. Godou's instincts were capable of helping him match a master swordsman on the fly, dedicated training will give massive pay offs. The only reason that Campione don't do this as much is that regular magics are unable to affect a god, but the jutsu that Madara uses are, so they are a viable way of increasing his combat ability noticably.
I probably will not get the update out tonight as I have a dinner to attend but I'm closing votes at this time so I can start planning and rolling. Also only Madara's high ranked jutsu do any sort of damage.
but the jutsu that Madara uses are, so they are a viable way of increasing his combat ability noticably.
But we have already mastered those. Remember, we are so good that we beat a warrior god with sheer skill, before we were a campione. Now that we are, I expect this to be easier.
I'm 60% sure it happens after each fight where they kill a god and pandora gives them an authority.

I don't think so. They are brought back if they killed a god for the first time because it was specifically a ceremony of rebirth.

For Campiones, their vitality is just so stupidly powerful that they can take damage that by all rights should have killed them already and recover from them within a couple of days, a week at most.
It's one of those weird situations where it's hard to be sure. Godou doesn't kill anybody and he's the primary character. I dunno about the test
I would say that we get the eye back, but we lose the ability to use Izanagi with it. We don't get a second "wish" with the same eye. That way, people can't use Izanagi whenever things look bad, and the game remains balanced.
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Izanagi should function as in canon - you lose the eye as the price. However, it might be the case that we'd later get an authority or magical item that might let us reverse the process.
Thought the same thing before, didn't type it for Game Balance.

Balance can be achieved by not making the process immediate. Whatever it is might allow us to make our Sharingan eye back to being useable, but would make it take time for a full recovery. Sharingan -> A day to a week. Mangekyou Sharingan -> A few weeks. Izanagi -> months to a year. It's not like it would break things that much given that resurrection authorities exist in the setting. Godou can resurrect himself once a day if need be (though not instantaneously) and the GM mentioned the Twelve Labors of Hercules before. EDIT - Voban has his Otherland's Dragon authority as well, which he can use to resurrect using massive amounts of magical power, though he's got a recovery time of at least a month or two.
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I'd like to think that Madara managed to defeat Bishamonten through both skill AND due to the fact that chakra enhancement is... an out-of-context problem for Divinity.

It's pretty much physical reinforcement to the point of absurdity (I mean, seriously, dropping meteors out of nowhere is a ninja skill?) that it still managed to conform to the world sensibilities yet strong enough to topple gods.

Much like how Luo Hao reportedly got her powers. By killing a God through sheer martial skill.