Madara Campione Quest

Okay, yeah. If we got the ability to incarnate as lightning our eyes may eliminate the primary drawback of the form and make us even better than Raijin at it. That'd be pretty useful. Even if our time in the form was limited for short periods of time to keep us from just using it for everything.

Still. Blitzkrieg anyone?

We'd probably have the same drawbacks Godou and Alec did when they first got their god speed authorites. You the whole its puts a lot of stress on our heart until we either learn to deactiviate at will like Godou or turn into a lighting avatar like Alex.
And people yet wondered why all Campione seem to have harems. Long-term social and magical engineering experiments would be so much harder without them! :p
*puts on CK eugenics hat*
Well Madara is a powerful ninja in his prime. He's about at the age were he should have some children. After all, it's his duty to the clan to make sure the Sharingan is passed on to the next generation. Kureha is in her prime fertility years and any children he has with her would possibly inherit the genius and attractive traits (which Madara himself probably also has) as well as being children of a champione, being able to use hime miko magic, and possibly having a chakra system and a sharingan.

Plus Madara and Kureha would be there to train them along with the lost arts within the golden pagoda.

Think of the power gaming!
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We'd probably have the same drawbacks Godou and Alec did when they first got their god speed authorites. You the whole its puts a lot of stress on our heart until we either learn to deactiviate at will like Godou or turn into a lighting avatar like Alex.

We can reinforce our heart with chakra. Remember, super speed isn't unheard of in Naruto, and shinobi bodies are more durable then non shinobi bodies.
We'd probably have the same drawbacks Godou and Alec did when they first got their god speed authorites. You the whole its puts a lot of stress on our heart until we either learn to deactiviate at will like Godou or turn into a lighting avatar like Alex.

We can reinforce our heart with chakra. Remember, super speed isn't unheard of in Naruto, and shinobi bodies are more durable then non shinobi bodies.

And that's before the Campione first enhancements as well.
I think it is fairly safe to say we will go cult-hunting after this? Making examples out of all rabble-rousers should likely force the rest to behave when the cultist population of Japan starts to drop alarmingly fast: I doubt we will have much of an issue with them once they have been assured by the examples that messing around in Japan results in Campione's personal attention.
I know that casualties will always appear in any battle less than that of a curbstomp, but... yeah.
Current minions are still too squishy.

If Madara had any less morals or any more twisted like... say, Voban, he'd see the casualties as an inevitable loss or even a source of entertainment. I hope he sees the fallen as at least people worthy of a smidgen of respect for putting their lives on the line and fighting under his banner.

Madara could always put all of the HCC's human assets into support, and deal with all the combat by himself. Doubly so if he ever gets a Godspeed authority.
A dead subordinate isn't a useful subordinate.

Unless you're a necromancer or someone with power over the dead, that is.
Voban's morality is pretty much "the right of the strong is to disregard the weak".
It's not perfectly "the strong devours the weak", but more like he just does whatever the hell he wants without thinking of anyone else's wishes.

It's par for course as a Campione, since that's how their mindsets work (not to mention that's also one of the qualifications of being a Campione in the first place). As a human with morals, however...

Honestly, I hope we can fight Voban at some point when we have grown powerful enough to take him on. The old bastard could use a kunai in the eye.
Why use kunai... when you have kunai attached with kunai summoning tags exploding kunai exploding kunai attached with exploding kunai summoning tags Susano-o's blade?
Voban's morality is pretty much "the right of the strong is to disregard the weak".
It's not perfectly "the strong devours the weak", but more like he just does whatever the hell he wants without thinking of anyone else's wishes.

It's par for course as a Campione, since that's how their mindsets work (not to mention that's also one of the qualifications of being a Campione in the first place). As a human with morals, however...

Why use kunai... when you have kunai attached with kunai summoning tags exploding kunai exploding kunai attached with exploding kunai summoning tags Susano-o's blade?
Strong disregarding the weak is something Voban can live and die by.

He does what he wants and fuck the little guys.
But if someone else wants him to stop?
They got to pretty much kill him.

Which really just enforces Voban's ideology.

Laws are always enforced by the strong.

So it's not wrong.
Unethical? Perhaps.
Descent of the Thunder God

[x] Have the Committee forces retreat.
[x] Leave explosives behind

You henge yourself and transform into a non-descript suit before launching a green flare into the air to signal the general retreat of the Committee forces.

Explosive Retreat: 33 Medium Losses Taken

A number of agents rig the surrounding landscape with explosives before attempting to make an exit but are killed before they can trigger the bombs. The rest of the forces make a disorderly retreat and are sniped with spells as they flee the area. Dozens of Committee agents are killed in the retreat. Between the Sons of Raijin counterattack and the retreat at least a third of the forces that came with you are dead. These losses are going to be difficult to replace in the short term.

History Compilation Committee weakened from combat losses
Cult and sorcerous activity more likely to gain a foothold
History Compilation Committee opinion of you reduced

You hold yourself back from attacking in order to allow the completion of the ritual. The rhythmic chanting has built into a frenzy and the amount of power the head cultist is shunting into the sky is impressive. Suddenly he stops and the roar of thunder reaches your ears as the clouds above part in a massive ring. A massive bolt of lightning slams straight down and disintegrates the head cultist and the surrounded leaders. A massive spike in power catches your attention as Raijin dons his godly mantle and begins his descent. About time.

Allowing henge to dissipate as you emerge from your hiding place your mangekyo activates and tracks the nearly 2000 targets in front of you. Before the first cultist can even react you have already punched him straight across the clearing, pulverizing his torso and liquefying his organs. You stand still and wait for the counterattack.

A veritable storm of lightning strikes against you but your innate resistance to magic combined with your raiment makes it impossible for them to do a thing to you. They seem to realize exactly what you are a few moments later as they find their attacks entirely futile. When they do nothing but start to flee you decide to indulge in a combination attack.

Bringing forth two shadow clones, you flow through the hand seals for Katon: Zukokku, as your clones utilize Futon: Atsugai and Raiton: Gian respectively. The ensuing blast of lightning, fire and wind obliterates everything it touches as you and your clones sweep your attack across the clearing. The ensuing conflagration covers two thirds of the ritual area and is rapidly spreading. Many of the cultists were killed outright, the bulk of the remainder are trying to escape the fire and failing. You draw two kunai in order to kill off the rest but you hear someone clapping.

From the shadows of the conflagration what must be Raijin steps forth. Standing at nearly eight feet tall with red hair and red claws, he looks nothing like you expected. The legends primarily spoke of an ogre like appearance, but this is far more elegant. There's an element of malice and sadism in those eyes, unlike the mischievous prankster in the myths.

"I've never seen skills quite like those," you start to circulate additional chakra into your limbs as Raijin starts to speak. A god of lightning and thunder is going to be fast.

"Interesting, but they won't be enough to defeat me." Raijin smiles at you as he begins pooling lightning in his hands.

Madara vs Raijin: First Engagement

66 vs 29 Madara Victory

"That's what the last god said before I killed him." Your legs blur as you begin to close in on Raijin. Ranged combat is your weakness here, lightning is going to move considerably faster than anything you can utilize and your raiton jutsu are not going to do a thing against a god of the element.

The predictive capabilities of your Sharingan are able to read all of Raijin's tells, allowing you to know where Raijin will strike probably before even he does. You immediately convert the neutral chakra you had been funneling into your limbs into wind chakra and coat your forearms, shins, hands, and feet in dense, pressurized, swirling wind.

Deflecting Raijin's lightning infused swipe to the side, you slam your left fist into his kidney followed by an uppercut to the stomach. As Raijin reels from the blows you snap your foot into the back of his knee and push down bringing him towards the ground before channeling chakra into your foot and stomping down. Raijin screams with pain as you grind your heel into what should be a shattered knee though you have no idea how quickly he can recover from an injury like this.

Raijin's eyes glow with power as he channels a torrential amount of lightning which he launches in a massive line. Quickly dodging to the left you are grazed by a few streaks of lightning that nearly lock up your right side but you manage to ground your feet and slam an axe kick into Raijin's skull driving him face first into the dirt.

Raijin vs Madara: Raijin Makes Distance

92 vs 9 + 10 = 19 Raijin Victory

In your haste to try and kill Raijin you ignored the fact he is not only the god of lightning, he is also the god of thunder. Raijin slams his palms into the ground creating a massive shockwave of sound and force that crushes your ribs and launches you a hundred feet in the air. You manage to right yourself and utilize the wind chakra you've built up to steer yourself back to the ground. The moment you land however you see that Raijin has managed to gather a much larger portion of his power and is just about ready to obliterate you.

Raijin vs Madara: Raijin Counterattack

33 vs 54 +10 = 64 Madara Victory

You flash through the hand seals for Fuuton: Fujinheki and manage to create a wall of wind between you and Raijin just in time to deflect the barrage of lightning bolts that Raijin throws your way. The light is painfully bright, necessitating the deactivation of your sharingan for a moment. The clouds of dust thrown in the air by the explosion of lightning however present a grand opportunity. Utilizing Doton: Moguragakure no Jutsu you quickly claw your way underground and start making your way towards Raijin.

There is a stutter in his step as he pauses probably realizing you are no longer present where he was targeting. The hesitation buys you the time you were looking for and you reach up through the ground and grab his ankle and drag him partially into the earth while pulling yourself above ground. Focusing wind chakra into your hands, you form a blade of wind around your right arm and attempt to strike Raijin. He manages to block part of the blow but the rest of it slices a deep gash along his forearm and carves a furrow into his side.

"ENOUGH!" Raijin slams his hands together creating a deafening thunderclap that craters the ground around him and pushes you back. This time your footing is much more solid and you stay within melee combat range. Raijin however is having none of this as he launches himself into the air and begins wrapping the clouds around his body. They spin lazily at first but gather speed. You can see arcs of lightning start to spread, it seems likely he is incarnating into an avatar of lightning.

"Susanoo" you intone as you channel increasingly large amounts of your power into your eyes. Your mangekyo spins wildly as you incarnate a war god with chakra. Rising in the air as Susanoo appears first as a disembodied head then as his body and limbs manifest. Raijin emerges from the dark clouds as a being of pure lightning. He has not change much in terms of size, but he radiates an immense amount of power.

Madara: Susanoo vs Raijin: Avatar of Lightning

13 v 14 Raijin slight victory

99 vs 58 Madara critical strike

51 vs 48 Madara slight victory

41 vs 34 Madara slight victory Raijin Killed

65 vs 66 Raijin slight victory

Raijin forms a glowing spear nearly 30 feet long and rushes at you. Incarnated as lightning his speed is far beyond your own, the downside however is the tunnel vision and predictability of motion. Raijin's attack moves in a perfectly straight line, allowing you to angle Susanoo away from the oncoming attack and take a slight scratch that simply drains a tiny bit of chakra. As he ends up flying into the ground you draw Susanoo's blade and stab him straight in the back. The ground shatters and explodes in a massive wave of force and fire, rupturing the land for miles. Though Raijin has taken lightning as his form Susanoo's blade cuts beyond merely the physical.

Emerging from the rubble, Raijin is looking decidedly worse for the wear. The lightning that composes his body is frayed and ragged. Where he once was pure power, Raijin now looks more like a flickering light.

Drawing upon the last vestiges of his powers to create two large blades of lightning to fight your Susanoo form, Raijin uses his innate speed to dance around you but the sheer predictability of his lightning avatar prove to be his downfall. The next two dozen exchanges are in your favor as you dodge, parry and cut into his body. With every nick his body flickers more, with every blow he becomes a little more unsteady, until finally the lightning dissipates from his body and Raijin collapses in a heap on the ground. You position Susanoo's blade above Raijin's neck, before raising its blade and delivering the coup de grace. Raijin's head parts from his body and he explodes in a shower of golden light.

You've slain your second god.


I am tired. This probably needs some editing but I decided to get this out. Artwork as always has been illusive and I tried to fit in a taiko drum lead up but I couldn't find anything that worked on youtube :/ dice were definitely in your favor except for the initial strike which failed pretty bad.

....Damn..we fucked up..
Right now we should prioritize the safety of the country as whole.
Speeding up the training and arming our AEGIS Enforcers is must to help what remains of the HCC or at least its Local Branch.
We should expect many small cults to start regrouping and rising again that despite the fact that he is a Campione and untrained as one with little skill in our [Authorities], we are still one man. Our status is useless if we can't enforce our will as we see it.
If the other mortals can't strike at him, they will others that they can.
Right now personal power meant little in ruling the Mystic Japan right now.
Also remember that Voban is the oldest living Campione atm. He was born over 400 years ago if I remember right (300 atleast but I think 4), and he grew up and lived in those times. He's seen a hell of a lot and lived in an entirely different world/ society than our modern viewpoint.

"The strong can disregard the weak" is correct. And though it may seem unethical or dismoral now, 400 years ago when Kings ruled, war in the name of conquest was celebrated and slaves were owned by noble and anyone with enough with money/power, it's entirely likely that that was an acceptable viewpoint. It's just an older one, and as Voban is old himself and live urging those times it's an entirely valid and understandable one for him to take. Especially as it isn't wrong and is just more unpalatable to the modern view instead.
We do have a way to boost our elite minions, mind, but that requires huting for magical beasts, throwing them into the battle and force-feeding them to people.
....Damn..we fucked up..
Right now we should prioritize the safety of the country as whole.
Speeding up the training and arming our AEGIS Enforcers is must to help what remains of the HCC or at least its Local Branch.
We should expect many small cults to start regrouping and rising again that despite the fact that he is a Campione and untrained as one with little skill in our [Authorities], we are still one man. Our status is useless if we can't enforce our will as we see it.
If the other mortals can't strike at him, they will others that they can.
Right now personal power meant little in ruling the Mystic Japan right now.

I'm sorry but where did you get that we fucked up? We defeated the cult, defeated the God, gained more power and Authorities increasing our combat potential and our strength, we also proved out worth as a Campione who will actively defend Japan and is able to kill the Gods that threaten it. Sure some of the Commitee may have been hurt but honetsly they volunteered for this and even if they're not completely happy they still have to see what we did and they can't/ won't do anything about it. Without us they wouldn't have even been able to fight/ defeat the God and that's a whole of a lot worse than what happen. If anything them being found out even with so much information would be to blame for their deaths, we even allowed them to retreat the moment wy were spotted and attacked. We could entirely blame all their injuries in their own faults.

Campione are also not seen as only one man, we take on literal GODS one-on-one in single comat and Win! The magic of mortals literally cannot touch us or do anything to us no matter how strong, we can take on Armies of Mages and win easily. If anything even with the diminished presense of the History Committee I would expect quite a few cults to leave or not develop that would have. A Campione is literally Divine, before they just had to hide from a mortal organisation that didn't even control the entire country, now they have to both hide from a Divine King can use the powers of the Gods and even if they succeed they'll be calling that Divine being right to them to fight/kill them. With this act we've both shown and proven that Japan has a dedicated Camoione who has taken it as his territory and is willing to fight for it and defend it. And that terrifying to the cultists. Maybe they'll come back sooner than they would with less Committee members that we lost, but right now I expect the shock and horror of knowing that they're now against a Divine Campione to stop most cults in their tracks.
Most likely not, but we do have ninjutsu affinity; we most likely could develop it.

However, there are some problems; if we plan on covering whole Japan with it and then use it regulary, it most likely will have very mundane consequences. Also, the original technique also covered one city at most, and unless we plan to stay constantly on the move, we need a version which covers whole Japan.
Most likely not, but we do have ninjutsu affinity; we most likely could develop it.

However, there are some problems; if we plan on covering whole Japan with it and then use it regulary, it most likely will have very mundane consequences. Also, the original technique also covered one city at most, and unless we plan to stay constantly on the move, we need a version which covers whole Japan.
Our chakra reserves has been tripped to what it previously was, but if we kill a water god would it remove the drawbacks of using the technique?
Our chakra reserves has been tripped to what it previously was, but if we kill a water god would it remove the drawbacks of using the technique?
I dunno lol. :V

If the authority has some sort of synergy, it probably would, I guess, but it's up to Toast to decide how well these things mesh together.

I also was speaking about, well - covering Japan in heavy rainfalls every week for prolonged durations of time is probably not going to do any favours to the country in general.
Since I don't feel Like having our MC look everywhere for his runaway targets
Does Madara know this technique? And if he doesn't can he create it for his use?
Most likely not, but we do have ninjutsu affinity; we most likely could develop it.

However, there are some problems; if we plan on covering whole Japan with it and then use it regulary, it most likely will have very mundane consequences. Also, the original technique also covered one city at most, and unless we plan to stay constantly on the move, we need a version which covers whole Japan.
Developing this technique could be a way to remotely view the situation in the west of the country.
I say it's something worth looking into.

If only to get bonuses on rolls when we actually go in person.
Edit: When I mean bonuses on rolls, I mean that we get some info and can adjust so it may affect rolls? Idk.
Gotta ask Toast.
I'm interested in what Authority we'll get from this. Raijin was a god of both Lightning and Thunder, and we've seen some of his abilities.

Lightning Authorities
1. Generic lightning control. Probably with a high level of power. The pro of this would be that it would give us a divine level ranged attack, which we're currently lacking outside of possibly the most high end lightning jutsu we might possess. Using in conjunction with Kamui could be interesting - point blank lightning strikes might be doable by sending lightning through into the Kamui dimension and then spitting it out. Could also come with a bonus of enhancing our Lightning jutsus.

2. Lightning avatar/godspeed. What Raijin displayed at the end of the battle. As has been mentioned the tunnel vision would likely be offset by our Sharingan, so I imagine this is the likely favorite and most suited to our character's abilities and might make us the most powerful godspeed user of all. Likely pretty similar to Black Prince Alec's Black Lightning Authority, though I hope Emperor Toast changes some aspects so it isn't a carbon copy. The lightning that Alec's avatar generates isn't strong enough to harm Heretic or Campione, but has a Black Thunder attack mode which incinerates everything in an area and is as powerful as Godou's White Stallion Authority but at the cost of not being able to use the Authority for half a day. Maybe allow the lightning for our version of the avatar being able to do low level divine damage, but having no secondary attack? Alternatively we could get a secondary mode where we infuse Susanoo with the power of the avatar of lightning, making it faster and more powerful than usual.

Thunder Authorities
1. The thunderclap ability shown. Seems to be fairly powerful, and it could deafen enemies temporarily. Honestly though I think we'd go for a lightning authority, so I'm not going to go into this possibility too much.
Well, at least once we have gotten whatever authority we will out of this, we will have plenty of chances to mend our relations with the HCC. Not that they could do a damn thing if we did decide to act like a prick, but it is always better to have HAPPY underlings if there is really nothing lost in making sure they are happy.

We already know that Kureha is holding a candle for us, so she is unlikely to hinder us (even if the oath didn't make that impossible to begin with), and might attract more lieutenants to our cause. Which would be good, considering most other Campione already have their own organizations to call upon, and we wouldn't want to get caught with our pants down if, say, Voban or Alec decided to mess with the newcomer.

I wonder if these cults could be converted to worshiping US instead of heretic gods...possibly by simply killing all gods they end up summoning to prove ourselves superior.
Well, at least once we have gotten whatever authority we will out of this, we will have plenty of chances to mend our relations with the HCC. Not that they could do a damn thing if we did decide to act like a prick, but it is always better to have HAPPY underlings if there is really nothing lost in making sure they are happy.

We already know that Kureha is holding a candle for us, so she is unlikely to hinder us (even if the oath didn't make that impossible to begin with), and might attract more lieutenants to our cause. Which would be good, considering most other Campione already have their own organizations to call upon, and we wouldn't want to get caught with our pants down if, say, Voban or Alec decided to mess with the newcomer.

I wonder if these cults could be converted to worshiping US instead of heretic gods...possibly by simply killing all gods they end up summoning to prove ourselves superior.

I'm thinking that financial compensation for the families of the dead as well as giving the HCC some access to the lesser artifacts in our Golden Pagoda to give some of their members a power boost may smooth things over. Also, once our own enforcers are trained it should help quite a bit since we'll have added to the strength available to them.