Madara Campione Quest

I'm thinking that financial compensation for the families of the dead as well as giving the HCC some access to the lesser artifacts in our Golden Pagoda to give some of their members a power boost may smooth things over. Also, once our own enforcers are trained it should help quite a bit since we'll have added to the strength available to them.
You mean give artifacts to members loyal to us right?
You mean give artifacts to members loyal to us right?

Preferably, but the idea is to smooth their general opinion of us being decreased and engender loyalty by giving them some low level shinies. Also, it's not like they would use the artifacts to cross us. We're a Campione, and it's generally more profitable to have us associated with them than not. It's also suicide to cross us.
Preferably, but the idea is to smooth their general opinion of us being decreased and engender loyalty by giving them some low level shinies. Also, it's not like they would use the artifacts to cross us. We're a Campione, and it's generally more profitable to have us associated with them than not. It's also suicide to cross us.
Unless another Campione appears in Japan, and the likelihood of that is...quite low. But if some other Campione would try to wrest the control of Japan from us, it'd likely be good to have the people on our side. Tyrants don't tend to last.

Also, random thought, but am I the only one who finds the idea of Madara in a snappy suit getting used to modern times quite hilarious? We could extend our influence by entering stock markets and the like for once.
Unless another Campione appears in Japan, and the likelihood of that is...quite low. But if some other Campione would try to wrest the control of Japan from us, it'd likely be good to have the people on our side. Tyrants don't tend to last.
They kinda do if you and a Campione/god fight you can both accidentally wipe out armies of mooks.
It depends on how powerful you are.
Well, they were billed as "medium" in the update... And really, if we would not have intervened, the casualties would have been total, not to mention whatever Raijin and his electric nutcases would have done to the rest of Japan.
Eh. if we'd hit earlier they wouldn't have died cause all of our might anihilatingth cult before the god descended.
Bad rolls.

Compensate the dead to soften the blow and work on improving the living with that magic-collecting authority-stealing bottle/spread our magical artifacts among them.
Benihisago: A large crimson gourd, it is capable of sucking in enemies. You must point the gourd then call out the target's name. If held long enough they turn into water that can be drunk granting the drinker their enemies' powers. Cannot hold a heretical god but capable of capturing a fragment of their divinity. Increased power, possibility of partial authority access.
...As discussed before, it's perfectly possible to allow other people drink from it; it's a good way to get elite mooks.
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Personally I don't worry much about the HCC betraying Madara if only because Campione are so far above people that being angry at them for destroying people would be the same as being angry at a storm for ravaging an area. You can scream and whine all you want but nothing you can do can even remotely affect a Campione.

They have no way of resisting. The most powerful of mortal spell casters can't touch a Campione, and the only way to harm them physically would be in direct combat which is stupid. Then their is the fact that the HCC gains an enormous amount of prestige and influence by putting themselves under a Campione.

After all no matter what Madara does he is still better than the people like Voban and Luo Hao.
How about we apologise to the HCC for killing their agents in the crossfire? I think friendly fire is kind of a taboo even for shinobi.
Unless another Campione appears in Japan, and the likelihood of that is...quite low. But if some other Campione would try to wrest the control of Japan from us, it'd likely be good to have the people on our side. Tyrants don't tend to last.

Another Campione showing up in Japan isn't terribly unlikely, but them trying to wrest control of Japan from us is given they either already hold a territory (that at the very least being staying primarily in one area, if not actively working to maintain it like we are) or they aren't really interested in it. Voban for instance held territory once, but he got bored and abandoned it and just travels around instead. Voban is in fact someone it seems we'd likely encounter sooner than later if he follows his canon path and kidnaps Yuri.

But I think the most likely thing to happen if another Campione shows up is that the HCC will just abandon the battlefield and let us handle it, regardless of their loyalty. At best a few of the more elite people who are loyal to us might stay to back us up.

Also, random thought, but am I the only one who finds the idea of Madara in a snappy suit getting used to modern times quite hilarious? We could extend our influence by entering stock markets and the like for once.

That would be rather silly looking, given his hairstyle.

I'm also interested in what Madara's obsession/quirk/mania will be. All of the Campione in canon have them, it seems. Voban eats a lot and eats it so quickly he never really tastes it, Alec steals stuff, Godou does whatever he can to live a normal life, Doni does crazy stuff in the name of fun, etc. It might be funny/ironic if upon exposure to modern Japanese culture Madara were to discover the joys of manga and anime...
I'm also interested in what Madara's obsession/quirk/mania will be. All of the Campione in canon have them, it seems. Voban eats a lot and eats it so quickly he never really tastes it, Alec steals stuff, Godou does whatever he can to live a normal life, Doni does crazy stuff in the name of fun, etc. It might be funny/ironic if upon exposure to modern Japanese culture Madara were to discover the joys of manga and anime...
That should totally be a thing. The most powerful man alive and you see him at an anime convention "cosplaying" as some "made up" anime like ninja.
We decided to stay in hiding and wait for the god to be summoned rather than helping their dudes out and risking the ritual failing. We had good long term reasons for doing it, mind you, but that's little consolation to the dead and the comrades they left behind.
I'm sure their opinion of us will rise if we get to work on the problems in Japan.

Your idea of compensation may work, but I don't like the cost to us and it may set a precedent.
I don't want to be handing out artifacts, jewels, and precious metals every time their opinion of us gets lowered.

If we handle the fuck up in the west, their opinion of us will probably increase.
And everything else plaguing the country.
Because it's normal for a Campione to really not give too many fucks about the organisation that pledges themselves to him.
And the good thing about this, is that we're doing it anyway to conquer and fortify Japan as our territory.
I honestly don't get why people are so concerned about keeping the loyalty of the HCC. Sure they would be useful, but remember that we are a Campione. If they don't like us then its too bad and if they refuse to help us then they are on their own.

The main reason that Campione can get away with whatever they want is because they are that powerful and most organization are okay with the tyranny of campiones because it is expected, and the fact that just by being able to say that their authority is backed up by a Campione they would be able to leverage incredible amounts of power in the supernatural world.

And in the Campione novels most organization are loyal and do whatever a campione wants even if they fear him because of the simple reason that if the Campione is annoyed they can trivially destroy the entire country.
I honestly don't get why people are so concerned about keeping the loyalty of the HCC. Sure they would be useful, but remember that we are a Campione. If they don't like us then its too bad and if they refuse to help us then they are on their own.

The main reason that Campione can get away with whatever they want is because they are that powerful and most organization are okay with the tyranny of campiones because it is expected, and the fact that just by being able to say that their authority is backed up by a Campione they would be able to leverage incredible amounts of power in the supernatural world.

And in the Campione novels most organization are loyal and do whatever a campione wants even if they fear him because of the simple reason that if the Campione is annoyed they can trivially destroy the entire country.
Some people like to be liked by everyone, is probably the reason.
Maybe they don't like being thought of lowly by subordinates?

It doesn't stop the HCC from serving us, but maybe they think it benefits us more to be thought of highly?
Maybe they want us to not be portrayed as brutally cunning or cunningly brutal?
If only I could read minds through the internet.
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Descent of the Thunder God

[x] Have the Committee forces retreat.
[x] Leave explosives behind

You henge yourself and transform into a non-descript suit before launching a green flare into the air to signal the general retreat of the Committee forces.

Explosive Retreat: 33 Medium Losses Taken

A number of agents rig the surrounding landscape with explosives before attempting to make an exit but are killed before they can trigger the bombs. The rest of the forces make a disorderly retreat and are sniped with spells as they flee the area. Dozens of Committee agents are killed in the retreat. Between the Sons of Raijin counterattack and the retreat at least a third of the forces that came with you are dead. These losses are going to be difficult to replace in the short term.

History Compilation Committee weakened from combat losses
Cult and sorcerous activity more likely to gain a foothold
History Compilation Committee opinion of you reduced

You hold yourself back from attacking in order to allow the completion of the ritual. The rhythmic chanting has built into a frenzy and the amount of power the head cultist is shunting into the sky is impressive. Suddenly he stops and the roar of thunder reaches your ears as the clouds above part in a massive ring. A massive bolt of lightning slams straight down and disintegrates the head cultist and the surrounded leaders. A massive spike in power catches your attention as Raijin dons his godly mantle and begins his descent. About time.

Allowing henge to dissipate as you emerge from your hiding place your mangekyo activates and tracks the nearly 2000 targets in front of you. Before the first cultist can even react you have already punched him straight across the clearing, pulverizing his torso and liquefying his organs. You stand still and wait for the counterattack.

A veritable storm of lightning strikes against you but your innate resistance to magic combined with your raiment makes it impossible for them to do a thing to you. They seem to realize exactly what you are a few moments later as they find their attacks entirely futile. When they do nothing but start to flee you decide to indulge in a combination attack.

Bringing forth two shadow clones, you flow through the hand seals for Katon: Zukokku, as your clones utilize Futon: Atsugai and Raiton: Gian respectively. The ensuing blast of lightning, fire and wind obliterates everything it touches as you and your clones sweep your attack across the clearing. The ensuing conflagration covers two thirds of the ritual area and is rapidly spreading. Many of the cultists were killed outright, the bulk of the remainder are trying to escape the fire and failing. You draw two kunai in order to kill off the rest but you hear someone clapping.

From the shadows of the conflagration what must be Raijin steps forth. Standing at nearly eight feet tall with red hair and red claws, he looks nothing like you expected. The legends primarily spoke of an ogre like appearance, but this is far more elegant. There's an element of malice and sadism in those eyes, unlike the mischievous prankster in the myths.

"I've never seen skills quite like those," you start to circulate additional chakra into your limbs as Raijin starts to speak. A god of lightning and thunder is going to be fast.

"Interesting, but they won't be enough to defeat me." Raijin smiles at you as he begins pooling lightning in his hands.

Madara vs Raijin: First Engagement

66 vs 29 Madara Victory

"That's what the last god said before I killed him." Your legs blur as you begin to close in on Raijin. Ranged combat is your weakness here, lightning is going to move considerably faster than anything you can utilize and your raiton jutsu are not going to do a thing against a god of the element.

The predictive capabilities of your Sharingan are able to read all of Raijin's tells, allowing you to know where Raijin will strike probably before even he does. You immediately convert the neutral chakra you had been funneling into your limbs into wind chakra and coat your forearms, shins, hands, and feet in dense, pressurized, swirling wind.

Deflecting Raijin's lightning infused swipe to the side, you slam your left fist into his kidney followed by an uppercut to the stomach. As Raijin reels from the blows you snap your foot into the back of his knee and push down bringing him towards the ground before channeling chakra into your foot and stomping down. Raijin screams with pain as you grind your heel into what should be a shattered knee though you have no idea how quickly he can recover from an injury like this.

Raijin's eyes glow with power as he channels a torrential amount of lightning which he launches in a massive line. Quickly dodging to the left you are grazed by a few streaks of lightning that nearly lock up your right side but you manage to ground your feet and slam an axe kick into Raijin's skull driving him face first into the dirt.

Raijin vs Madara: Raijin Makes Distance

92 vs 9 + 10 = 19 Raijin Victory

In your haste to try and kill Raijin you ignored the fact he is not only the god of lightning, he is also the god of thunder. Raijin slams his palms into the ground creating a massive shockwave of sound and force that crushes your ribs and launches you a hundred feet in the air. You manage to right yourself and utilize the wind chakra you've built up to steer yourself back to the ground. The moment you land however you see that Raijin has managed to gather a much larger portion of his power and is just about ready to obliterate you.

Raijin vs Madara: Raijin Counterattack

33 vs 54 +10 = 64 Madara Victory

You flash through the hand seals for Fuuton: Fujinheki and manage to create a wall of wind between you and Raijin just in time to deflect the barrage of lightning bolts that Raijin throws your way. The light is painfully bright, necessitating the deactivation of your sharingan for a moment. The clouds of dust thrown in the air by the explosion of lightning however present a grand opportunity. Utilizing Doton: Moguragakure no Jutsu you quickly claw your way underground and start making your way towards Raijin.

There is a stutter in his step as he pauses probably realizing you are no longer present where he was targeting. The hesitation buys you the time you were looking for and you reach up through the ground and grab his ankle and drag him partially into the earth while pulling yourself above ground. Focusing wind chakra into your hands, you form a blade of wind around your right arm and attempt to strike Raijin. He manages to block part of the blow but the rest of it slices a deep gash along his forearm and carves a furrow into his side.

"ENOUGH!" Raijin slams his hands together creating a deafening thunderclap that craters the ground around him and pushes you back. This time your footing is much more solid and you stay within melee combat range. Raijin however is having none of this as he launches himself into the air and begins wrapping the clouds around his body. They spin lazily at first but gather speed. You can see arcs of lightning start to spread, it seems likely he is incarnating into an avatar of lightning.

"Susanoo" you intone as you channel increasingly large amounts of your power into your eyes. Your mangekyo spins wildly as you incarnate a war god with chakra. Rising in the air as Susanoo appears first as a disembodied head then as his body and limbs manifest. Raijin emerges from the dark clouds as a being of pure lightning. He has not change much in terms of size, but he radiates an immense amount of power.

Madara: Susanoo vs Raijin: Avatar of Lightning

13 v 14 Raijin slight victory

99 vs 58 Madara critical strike

51 vs 48 Madara slight victory

41 vs 34 Madara slight victory Raijin Killed

65 vs 66 Raijin slight victory

Raijin forms a glowing spear nearly 30 feet long and rushes at you. Incarnated as lightning his speed is far beyond your own, the downside however is the tunnel vision and predictability of motion. Raijin's attack moves in a perfectly straight line, allowing you to angle Susanoo away from the oncoming attack and take a slight scratch that simply drains a tiny bit of chakra. As he ends up flying into the ground you draw Susanoo's blade and stab him straight in the back. The ground shatters and explodes in a massive wave of force and fire, rupturing the land for miles. Though Raijin has taken lightning as his form Susanoo's blade cuts beyond merely the physical.

Emerging from the rubble, Raijin is looking decidedly worse for the wear. The lightning that composes his body is frayed and ragged. Where he once was pure power, Raijin now looks more like a flickering light.

Drawing upon the last vestiges of his powers to create two large blades of lightning to fight your Susanoo form, Raijin uses his innate speed to dance around you but the sheer predictability of his lightning avatar prove to be his downfall. The next two dozen exchanges are in your favor as you dodge, parry and cut into his body. With every nick his body flickers more, with every blow he becomes a little more unsteady, until finally the lightning dissipates from his body and Raijin collapses in a heap on the ground. You position Susanoo's blade above Raijin's neck, before raising its blade and delivering the coup de grace. Raijin's head parts from his body and he explodes in a shower of golden light.

You've slain your second god.


I am tired. This probably needs some editing but I decided to get this out. Artwork as always has been illusive and I tried to fit in a taiko drum lead up but I couldn't find anything that worked on youtube :/ dice were definitely in your favor except for the initial strike which failed pretty bad.

The rolls are a bit confusing, as you didn't seem to keep Madara on one side and Raijin on the other, instead flipping them around several times.

Beyond that though, is there any chance I can convince you to go to a more skill reliant battle system? This "relying entirely on luck" thing you have going on right now is, honestly, one of the worst ways to roll combat. Usually, it's expected that modifiers will be added in, for both sides, so that battles aren't so dependent on chance.
I agree. It was fun, but a system based entirely on luck negates the point of any level of strength if it essentially doesn't matter, because luck alone matters.
I'm sure their opinion of us will rise if we get to work on the problems in Japan.

Your idea of compensation may work, but I don't like the cost to us and it may set a precedent.
I don't want to be handing out artifacts, jewels, and precious metals every time their opinion of us gets lowered.

If we handle the fuck up in the west, their opinion of us will probably increase.
And everything else plaguing the country.
Because it's normal for a Campione to really not give too many fucks about the organisation that pledges themselves to him.
And the good thing about this, is that we're doing it anyway to conquer and fortify Japan as our territory.

I wouldn't hand out artifacts every time it happened, but gold and whatnot is pretty close to unlimited for us due to our authority - the wealth collected by, and presumably still being collected by, every last Buddhist sect throughout history is available to us. The policy of "when you're working directly for my ends, you've got a very good life insurance policy to ensure your family is taken care of" isn't a bad standard to keep.

Giving them artifacts every now and then won't be all that bad either if they're working for us, as those artifacts would be used to our ends.

I honestly don't get why people are so concerned about keeping the loyalty of the HCC. Sure they would be useful, but remember that we are a Campione. If they don't like us then its too bad and if they refuse to help us then they are on their own.

The main reason that Campione can get away with whatever they want is because they are that powerful and most organization are okay with the tyranny of campiones because it is expected, and the fact that just by being able to say that their authority is backed up by a Campione they would be able to leverage incredible amounts of power in the supernatural world.

And in the Campione novels most organization are loyal and do whatever a campione wants even if they fear him because of the simple reason that if the Campione is annoyed they can trivially destroy the entire country.

Just because we could get away with being a tyrant doesn't mean we should. True loyalty is better than that false loyalty brought upon by fear. If they feel honored to work for us rather than just pressured to do so out of fear then we can expect them to work harder for us when we're not keeping tabs on them, and we might even have people voluntarily sacrificing themselves to save us in a pinch due to the loyalty we'd inspire. In addition, fostering a good reputation will also make it so other organizations might voluntarily desire to come under our banner.