Madara Campione Quest

[X] Work with the committee to establish a group of elite "enforcers" under your aegis to combat the rise of sorcerers and small cults. This will have long term effects but very little short term ones as they need to be trained, etc.
[X] Attempt to resolve your chakra versus magic problem
[X] Look for texts within the Golden Pagoda regarding space, time and dimensional travel

[X] Head north to Hokkaido and destroy the Sons of Raijin.

Madara believes in getting stronger, but he is arrogant. Empowering himself is not going to be his first concern until he meets someone stronger.
Empowering himself will have a higher priority than emporewing someone else, at the very least. And it is arrogance born from confidence, he doesn't let it blind him. Given Madara's last meeting with a God ended with a mutual kill, he is unlikely to underestimate his opponents.

He had also seen how utterly ineffective regular mages of this world are in the face of such enemies. It is simply more efficient to strengthen himself than waste time on the Committee. Once the urgent threats that the Committee cannot do anything against are dealt with, we can think about uplifting the organization. Right now it will gain us nothing. It even says so in the description (bolded part).

...Just, why are people voting for a long term option when there is something that is, by WoG, almost certain to kill Madara in our territory?
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On a side note why does Kureha wish to serve directly under Madara? Is this standard, is it because she wants to gain something from the pagoda as payment etc,etc?
People in that world are generally not suicidal enough to double-cross a Campione period. They have historical accounts of what happens when they try to do that. So I genuinely don't understand why Madara should kowtow before his minions.

All that they asked is to dispose of Heretic Gods, which we are doing. Can you provide any possible motivation for the Committee to risk the wrath of a Campione?

I don't think Madara is kowtowing to minions so much as affording people who can and will die on behalf of his goals and ambitions a certain degree of respect. As much as Madara is arrogant I don't believe he is one to needlessly throw lives away. Remember you aren't callous cold heart madara of the moon eye plan there is a degree of idealism left in you.
[X] The Golden Pagoda has a number of texts with lost martial arts. Learn one.
[X] Attempt to resolve your chakra versus magic problem
[X] Kureha has hinted she wishes to enter your service directly. Do you accept?
-[X] Yes
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On a side note why does Kureha wish to serve directly under Madara? Is this standard, is it because she wants to gain something from the pagoda as payment etc,etc?

Prestige, protection, adventure, wealth, glory the list is pretty long as to why a Hime-Miko that has spent her whole life at the behest of leaders who she rarely ever interacts with would want to join you.
I don't think Madara is kowtowing to minions so much as affording people who can and will die on behalf of his goals and ambitions a certain degree of respect. As much as Madara is arrogant I don't believe he is one to needlessly throw lives away. Remember you aren't callous cold heart madara of the moon eye plan there is a degree of idealism left in you.
Wasn't questioning the logic behind the given option, just the fear-mongering reasoning of the quoted post (i.e. we have to follow the Committee's lead or the will backstab us). I agree that the lives of his subordinates are something Madara would take into account when making such choices. He had been a clan head for some time, after all.
Chakra versus magic resolution has nearly 100% of the votes so there's practically no way this will lose.

36/38 votes are to wait for Raijin to manifest before killing him so that's likely to win as well.

Kureha has 65% of the popular followed by a similar number for forming enforcers at 1 less vote.

I will probably close this out around 8pm EST and hopefully get an update out this evening.
[X] Head north to Hokkaido allowing the Sons of Raijin to bring forth their God before wiping them all out.

[X] Look for texts within the Golden Pagoda regarding space, time and dimensional travel

[X] Attempt to resolve your chakra versus magic problem

[X] Kureha has hinted she wishes to enter your service directly. Do you accept?
-[X] Yes
Are you not familiar with the treacherous vizier trope?

We're not going to be actually running the bureaucracy and day to day matters; so in essence, they will.

Obviously we're killing the Heretic God for his Authority, because power. But let's keep in mind the consequences of our actions and keep in mind that these people have their own agendas.

Also, remember that there is at least one thing in this country with a very good chance of killing us. Who's to say they don't have spies right now?

You realizing ruling by tyranny and like Big Brother over an entire country is a lot more work, effort, and paranoia than just having loyal underlings?

True, but they don't know that IC. All they know is that part of the country is a big unknown and they have no information.

They do not know it's something with a good chance of chewing Madara up and spitting him out.

I agree we need more power, I just don't think we should piss all over our new organization and treat them as convenient props. Give it a little more thought than that, especially since ideally we want to build them up so that they can manage small stuff while we focus big stuff and our personal affairs.

I don't plan to be total assholes to them, but I also don't see much of a reason to put their interests above ours in any way. Unless we become the worst sort of tyrant, killing them on a whim, then they will still be better off with us than without us, even with us as a fairly terrible person who barely takes their lives and wishes into account.

Against Gods, they are completely helpless, and they need us to protect them from having Japan crushed by some Water God because it was bored. It's theoretically possible that they would try to engineer our death, or just be nuisances in general, but that doesn't benefit them at all. Just by having us associated with them, they gain a huge amount of respect from the rest of the world, and become virtually untouchable to anything short of a God or Campione.
Neat. A Campione Quest.
Since I clearly missed the voting, I'll just continue watching the proceedings warmly.

Oh and if anyone asks:
石落しの術 = Ishi Otoshi no Jutsu (lit. Rocks Dropping Technique) :p

If you're deathly serious about the technique, it's actually 天碍震星 (Tengai Shinsei/Heavens Concealed). But Rocks Fall Everyone Dies no Jutsu sounds cooler, doesn't it?
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OMG SOMEONE WHO CAN ANSWER THIS FUNDAMENTAL QUESTION. You can vote still, I haven't closed it yet still have one more hour.
Don't mind if I do, then.

[X] Establish a base of operations
[X] Work with the committee to establish a group of elite "enforcers" under your aegis to combat the rise of sorcerers and small cults. This will have long term effects but very little short term ones as they need to be trained, etc.
[X] Kureha has hinted she wishes to enter your service directly. Do you accept?
-[X] Yes. More capable underlings are always good. As long as they're loyal, that is.

[X] Head north to Hokkaido and destroy the Sons of Raijin.

Minor Reasonings:
1) Gotta get a base for future underlings and basically a physical seat of power.
2) Gotta get actual underlings.
3) Gotta get an actual underling that's NOT necessarily a mook. Also, someone to bounce off ideas regarding Chakra vs. Magic.

Major Reasonings:
1) Gotta take care of miscreants now so Madara can get some time to himself to do even more Minor stuff. Oh, and goodwill towards the lesser beings might be worth it.
I see enforcer as useful tool that will not waste our time for hunt minor cultist in the future.

And I am tempt to learn more magical martial artist but loyal undering is pretty useful
[X] Establish a base of operations
[X] Attempt to resolve your chakra versus magic problem
[X] Kureha has hinted she wishes to enter your service directly. Do you accept?
-[X] Yes. More capable underlings are always good. As long as they're loyal, that is.

[X ] Hunt down the cults and sorcerers that plague two of your major cities before they become a bigger problem.
[X] Head north to Hokkaido allowing the Sons of Raijin to bring forth their God before wiping them all out.

[X] Attempt to resolve your chakra versus magic problem
[X] Kureha has hinted she wishes to enter your service directly. Do you accept?
-[X] Yes
[X] The Golden Pagoda has a number of texts with lost martial arts. Learn one.
Oath of Loyalty and Magic
Oath of Loyalty and Magic

[x] Resolve chakra versus magic problem: 70 Difficulty Check 70 Pass

It takes a considerable amount of effort before you finally manage to isolate why channeling chakra is inadequate for spell usage. The magic of this world is almost unilaterally derived from divinity in some respect. Hime Miko's wield gifts due to their blessed lineages as descendants of Divine Ancestors. Witches are descended from Miko and are blessed by goddesses with special magical knowledge and spell casting ability. Mages cast hermetic magic that invokes gods and goddesses to grant power. Daoists invoke elements of mysticism, daoism and various quasi religious doctrines to fuel their powers. Sorcerers are likely the only exception but they substitute the powers granted by the divine with blood and sacrifice.

Once you discover this you practice using the spells Kureha has taught you only to find you've got another problem. Though your command over chakra is delicate and precise, this has not translated well in the usage of your divine powers. You are completely and utterly lacking in finesse in channeling your divinity and this is causing your spells to overload. It is embarrassing but you are effectively the genin equivalent of a god.

Spells are now open. You are terrible with them however.


[x] Kureha Accepted Into Your Service:

You had a feeling Kureha was angling for something… you just completely misunderstood what that something was. The first 4 times she opened a conversation with "Take me-" you used Kamui to escape. It made things super awkward and you started to make arrangements to conveniently send her on errands that took forever like "Negotiate with the Committee's accountants for a larger cut of the money generated from selling gold and jewels." or "I'm interested in buying a winery in California. See if you can find one I'd like. Take pictures".

It wasn't until she threatened to resign and find a new tutor for you that you actually sat down with her to listen to what she had to say. You kept fidgeting as she built up to her confession. You really wanted to be anywhere OTHER than here.

Much to your surprise, Kureha outlined her desire to bind herself to you as your follower and servant. She spoke of a lifetime of serving the interests of those who ruled the Committee without thought and care as to anything other than the increase of their own power. She spoke of her great dread in being pressed into becoming you tutor as the tyranny of the Devil Kings is well known. You could have done anything to her and there would have been no stopping you. It proved to be a lucky break however. Though you are in her words "a chauvinistic pig" you nonetheless recognized her skills and treated her seriously once she proved herself. With your new endeavor to address the threats to Japan she feels you are worthy of her service.

You are tempted to inform her that your intentions are not so altruistic, but refrain. Having her skills and knowledge bound to you is of great use and interest. Already you rely on her to handle most of the business with the Committee, taking her into your service and increasing her loyalty to you is definitely the right choice. You accept much to her joy.


The oath of loyalty transferral ceremony is one of the oddest rituals you have ever been a part of. In fact it reminds you a lot of the marriage ceremonies you read about, with the white dress, flowers everywhere and innumerable guests. When you bring it up with Kureha later she blushes furiously and runs away before returning to explain that despite the similarities the two of you are not actually married. You're left a bit confused since that isn't what you asked at all.

Kureha pledged on her magic to serve you loyally as part of the ritual. Wary though you were, a few drops of your blood were mixed with hers and seals were inked on your shoulder as a binder and as a means to guarantee her loyalty.The seal is also useful beyond assuring Kureha's loyalty as it allows you to gauge her general health, location, as well as mana pool. In return for her loyalty, you allowed Kureha to pick a number of magical artifacts from the Golden Pagoda. They are not on the level of divine tools such as the Raiment of the Buddha but they are strong enough to give her an edge over any mundane threats and possibly scratch a god if matched appropriately with her powers.

The first thing you have Kureha do as your loyal servant is to start gathering members of the Committee to create an enforcer unit. She promises she will find you members and mentions something about mountain schools she needs to visit.

Seishuuin Kureha now part of your retinue

[x] Create an enforcer unit: 89 Great Success

Kureha manages to gather a hundred members from what she calls the "Swordfighting Association" across a number of different deep mountain schools from around the country. Apparently these schools are privately funded by the History Compilation Committee to training future agents and staff while the Sword Fighting Association is something like a club devoted to martial arts for those that will encounter the supernatural. How interesting. You instruct the members to prepare whatever enhancements spells they use along with their weapons. You have Kureha join in preparing too.

"Madara-sama… this is a demonstration bout correct?" Kureha ask with trepidation. The smirk you give her is not reassuring in the slightest.

"No." The crowd immediately panics before attempting to reign it in but it's already too late. Your sharingan is active and you blur into motion.


Much to your surprise despite being fairly young the general combat abilities of the men and women Kureha has managed to gather is pretty high. They would probably make the cut for chuunin back in your home world though most would have a heavy ninjutsu focus. This is definitely something you can work with though and you tell Kureha as much before leaving a shadow clone behind. First things first is taijutsu training. When they meet the standards for fresh jonin you'll consider opening the vaults of the Golden Pagoda for them to withdraw enchanted weapons and armor.

Elite level candidates recruited into your Enforcers in training.

[x] Head north to Hokkaido allowing the Sons of Raijin to summon their god before wiping them all out.

Encounter Roll: 4 Massive Failure

The informant the History Compilation Committee managed to place within the Sons of Raijin has come through and provided just about every detail you can conceive of regarding the enemy's plans. Everything from the location, the exact process of the ritual, when they will begin down to the hour, the number of cultists that will be present, even the general abilities of the most dangerous members is available. You shake your head at the sheer incompetency that allows for such a massive security breach though it has certainly worked in your favor.

Evacuation Plan:

[x] Have the History Compilation Committee start the evacuation immediately though this is likely to tip off the Sons of Raijin as a mass exodus occurs. They may choose to continue the ritual regardless though.

[x] Have the History Compilation Committee evacuate as you fight the cultists and heretical god. Civilian and Committee casualties are likely to be much higher

[x] Strike in the time frame between when the ritual completes and Raijin descends upon the earth. Have the Committee evacuate the civilians as you wipe out the cultists and draw Raijin away. High Difficulty Option (+20 bonus due to high knowledge)

Attack Plan:

[x] Have the Committee commit forces to fighting the cultists (+ 5 to strike roll, -10 to all evacuation plan choices)

[x] Committee forces screen evacuees from cultist attacks while you wipe them out and engage Raijin (+10 to evacuation plan rolls, higher casualties for Committee forces, reduced civilian casualties)

[x] Committee forces focus only on evacuation (+15 to evacuation plan rolls, reduced civilian and Committee casualties, -5 to rolls against Raijin due to energy expended)

Kureha assignment:

[x] Stay behind to train Enforcers (speeds up training for Enforcers)

[x] Assign to evacuation plans (+5 to evacuation plan rolls, chance of death)

[x] Assign to attack plans (+5 to attack plan rolls, chance of death)

[x] Fight Raijin alongside you (+5 to Raijin fight rolls, high chance of death)


I'll post Kureha's character sheet right after this, it'll have some unknowns though. Unfortunately you can't inject your Youth into Kureha to grant her your protection like Godou so sending her to battle gods if VERY dangerous despite the equipment you've given her.

Also you were all stupidly lucky with these rolls especially the encounter roll. If that had been the roll for fight in the west you would have gotten into a normal level encounter and probably won.
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Kureha Character Sheet
Character Sheet:

Seishuuin Kureha

Age: 22


Hime-Miko of Fire

Magically bound

Specialization: Hime-Miko Abilities and Daoist Arts


Descendant of ??? - The Divine Ancestor that is Kureha's ancestor is not known.

- Kureha has always had that touch of brilliance that allowed her to learn rapidly and excel in everything. This has translated well into combat as she is capable of applying her skills with extreme prejudice. +10 to learning, + 5 to combat rolls.

Daoist Master - Kureha's intelligence and natural command over her magic has allowed her to ascend to the heights of the Daoist Arts. A master before she was even twenty, she is already well on her way to being considered a Daoist Grandmaster.

Beautiful - Kureha is the physical embodiment of the Yamato Nadeshiko ideal. Men will sacrifice much to curry her favor.


Magic Armor

Sage's Necklace

Amplification Bracelet
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Once you discover this you practice using the spells Kureha has taught you only to find you've got another problem. Though your command over chakra is delicate and precise, this has not translated well in the usage of your divine powers. You are completely and utterly lacking in finesse in channeling your divinity and this is causing your spells to overload. It is embarrassing but you are effectively the genin equivalent of a god.
Shadow clones can fix this.
[x] Strike in the time frame between when the ritual completes and Raijin descends upon the earth. Have the Committee evacuate the civilians as you wipe out the cultists and draw Raijin away. High Difficulty Option (+20 bonus due to high knowledge)

[x] Have the Committee commit forces to fighting the cultists (-10 to allevacuation plan choices)
[x] Assign to evacuation plans (+5 to evacuation plan rolls, chance of death)
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Encounter Roll: 4 Massive Failure

The informant the History Compilation Committee managed to place within the Sons of Raijin has come through and provided just about every detail you can conceive of regarding the enemy's plans. Everything from the location, the exact process of the ritual, when they will begin down to the hour, the number of cultists that will be present, even the general abilities of the most dangerous members is available. You shake your head at the sheer incompetency that allows for such a massive security breach though it has certainly worked in your favor.

From the sounds of this it looks like the failure is their roll rather than ours?
[x] Strike in the time frame between when the ritual completes and Raijin descends upon the earth. Have the Committee evacuate the civilians as you wipe out the cultists and draw Raijin away. High Difficulty Option (+20 bonus due to high knowledge)
[x] Have the Committee commit forces to fighting the cultists (-10 to all evacuation plan choices)
[x] Assign to evacuation plans (+5 to evacuation plan rolls, chance of death)

Take advantage of the opportunity, and while we can eat a small penalty to evacuation(especially if we mitigate it), we shouldn't eat any penalties to Raijin. He'd be hard enough as it is without a -5 to every roll of the battle.
[x] Strike in the time frame between when the ritual completes and Raijin descends upon the earth. Have the Committee evacuate the civilians as you wipe out the cultists and draw Raijin away. High Difficulty Option (+20 bonus due to high knowledge)

[x] Have the Committee commit forces to fighting the cultists (-10 to all evacuation plan choices)
[x] Assign to evacuation plans (+5 to evacuation plan rolls, chance of death)
[x] Strike in the time frame between when the ritual completes and Raijin descends upon the earth. Have the Committee evacuate the civilians as you wipe out the cultists and draw Raijin away. High Difficulty Option (+20 bonus due to high knowledge)

[x] Have the Committee commit forces to fighting the cultists (-10 to all evacuation plan choices)
[x] Assign to evacuation plans (+5 to evacuation plan rolls, chance of death)
[x] Strike in the time frame between when the ritual completes and Raijin descends upon the earth. Have the Committee evacuate the civilians as you wipe out the cultists and draw Raijin away. High Difficulty Option (+20 bonus due to high knowledge)
[x] Have the Committee commit forces to fighting the cultists (-10 to all evacuation plan choices)
[x] Assign to evacuation plans (+5 to evacuation plan rolls, chance of death)
From the sounds of this it looks like the failure is their roll rather than ours?

In case that wasn't clear I do encounter rolls to determine the difficulty of a particular fight with a number of tiers. These are done from the quest/enemy's perspective so if they roll high they are much stronger and if they roll low they are weak. I typically do something like Tier 0 is 1-10 with 1 being an epic fail, 10-24 as Tier 1, 25-49 as Tier 2, 50-74 as Tier 3, 74-90 as Tier 4, 90-99 as Tier 5, 100 is you are going to die unless you blow the dice gods for all you're worth.