Madara Campione Quest

While I DO think that the unknown threat is a Heretic God more likely than anything else, there is always a possibility it is something we can't fight just by blasting it or hitting it really hard. It is easy to forget that Campione were ENGINEERED solution against gods, so for all their power there could be someone out there who tries to engineer a solution against THEM.

Impossible for the simple reason that the Campione were created by two gods, one of whom sepecifically has an authority that grants the authorities of gods to their slayer, Cycle of Usurpation.
Impossible for the simple reason that the Campione were created by two gods, one of whom sepecifically has an authority that grants the authorities of gods to their slayer, Cycle of Usurpation.
The fact remains there is SOMETHING out there more dangerous to us than either of the Gods we have faced so far, so just rushing off to deal with it is hardly a good idea when we will likely get our teeth kicked in for trying. Securing HCC's enthusiastic help and sending our mortal spies to see just what is causing such a stir is quite a bit more subtle than just going ourselves, and exactly what we need.
Well, Raijin was a major god in Japanese mythology, and IIRC, in one legend, one of the guys assigned to protect the Dharma by the Buddha.

Don't base a god's strength just on how strong they were in legend. In campione, a major part of a god's strength comes from their ego. Essentially the more proud they are the stronger they are. That's why subordinate gods are weaker then they would be if they anifested on their own. They're under some else's power and aren't standing on their own two fet so to say. Which as JPS puts allows "minor gods to show greater resilience then half-assed major gods." Of course major gods tend to have more ego because of their legends and feats.

JPS Campione vol 6 said:
"Because there is something that has intrigued me for quite some time... For gods like you, strength and divine authority is not always proportional to how well-known you are, and there are times when minor gods show greater resilience than half-assed major gods. What is the cause of such disparity... I believe that now is a good opportunity to find out."

""As expected for gods who suffer from a lack of distinct ego, even if they are able to make full use of their powers, they are missing the kind of tenacious power that overcomes stalemates and losing situations. Dare I say, this is exactly as I imagined it?"

"Gah... How could this be! Clearly I was able to block these arrows just now—!"

Riding upon the wind in the form of the demonic bird was John Pluto Smith.

He circled leisurely in the sky as he looked down upon Vaisravana whose chest had been penetrated by a blue-white magic bullet. Had it been a normal human, it would have pierced the heart.

"If you were an actual independent deity, surely you would have evaded the returning Artemis' Arrow. Anyway, thank you for proving my suspicions correct."
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I believe this was meant to be a comical misunderstanding. The words coming out of her mouth were "Take me..." and Madara assumes she's about to say something like "to bed with you" where she's trying to say "into your service". He wanted to avoid it as it was awkward as hell.
Obviously. My point is, the joke is built around behavior I cannot envision Madara to have. Going to such lengths because of awkwardness? Being uncomfortable by it in the first place? Directly contradicted by his bluntness when he first met her, as you yourself mentioned below.
Considering how Erica treats Godou in canon, it's not that unusual. As far as Madara being a chauvinistic pig but still worthy of her service, remember that his initial meeting with her was him saying he asked for a tutor rather than someone to warm his bed - the guy doesn't exactly view women as equals unless they actually demonstrate otherwise.
Well, first, I am not questioning Madara's view of women, but the fact that Kureha is saying it to his face. They do not seem nearly as close as Erica and Godou (no interactions shown between them), Godou is super nice and mellow compared to Madara, and Kureha was just saying that she has a healthy fear of Campione's. Thus, her attitude is both rude and foolhardy.
Kudos for the Raijin fight, it was suitably epic and easy to visualize. The problem with rolls has been already voiced; I am the opinion that simple bonuses/penalties would do best, with dice being rolled for both sides of the engagement. In this instance, the most noticable problem was that pre-Compione Madara and current Madara had the same (none) modificators to rolls, which in itself makes little sense unless Raijin was that much stronger than the first god. Also, there is no practical representaion of a character's specialties. Madara, as a mainly ninjutsu combatant, should get better results with those types of attack, compared to, say, hand-to-hand. Raijin, as well, looks like an elementally-inclined god, while Bishamonten would get bonuses to melee combat.

And a minor point: there was some disconnect between the damage Madara's physical attacks had done to a Warrior God (breaking apart his armor) and to Raijin (shrugged off). That is, after the Campione power-up.

On another note, I think it would be better to employ less descriptive and more... show-y way to write the updates that have to do with important characters. Specifically, I am talking about the snippet about taking Kureha into his service. Actual dialog woud have done great there. Frankly, that part left me completely baffled about the characters' behavior, which a more detailed narrative might have prevented. First Madara acts scared? nervous? enough to avoid the issue and sends Kureha on useless missions, both wasting her time and acting uncharacteristically bothered by the situation. Then Kureha contradicts herself in a single paragraph: speaks of her 'great dread' of 'the tyranny of the Devil Kings', then immediately calls Madara 'a chauvinistic pig' and 'feels he is worthy of her service'. That's rather conceited and belligerent of her? Even disregarding the fact she is talking to a Campione, it is plain rude and insensible to go about asking to be accepted into service like that. It wouldn't be a big deal if they were comfortable with each other to that degree, but... there were no in-story signs to indicate such.

In short, maybe include some interactions with notable characters instead of general overview of events?

The lack of bonuses and modifiers etc was really a matter of oversight on my part, I should have had something in place already but didn't. Raijin is considered a major god for Japan quite a bit more so than Bishamonten.

In terms of the damage I view the breaking of the armor as superficial damage, much like your armor is part of your divinity. Raijin took real damage which is why the crit hit almost killed him so you only needed minor ones to finish him off.

I'm... pretty bad with dialogue but it's definitely something I'll work on. I meant it to at least be somewhat of a humorous take on how out of touch Madara is with human interactions. Kureha is willing to call him a chauvinistic pig because well Madara kind of is and also as a dig about the whole bed partner thing in the beginning. Besides Madara isn't really the type to take offense to small things.

I'll work on that bit though that's more of an issue with my writing than anything else.
The fact remains there is SOMETHING out there more dangerous to us than either of the Gods we have faced so far, so just rushing off to deal with it is hardly a good idea when we will likely get our teeth kicked in for trying. Securing HCC's enthusiastic help and sending our mortal spies to see just what is causing such a stir is quite a bit more subtle than just going ourselves, and exactly what we need.
Did you miss the part where every spy the HCC has sent has never reported back? ...Dude. We are Madara. We're the guy who became a Campione by killing a god with skill and brute force. We just killed a another god and are getting a new Authority. We can let the HCC deal with the cults and we go kill whoever in the west is causing this.

EDIT: Correction, they aren't dead, they just haven't found whatever it is.
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Did you miss the part where every spy the HCC has sent has never reported back? ...Dude. We are Madara. We're the guy who became a Campione by killing a god with skill and brute force. We just killed a another god and are getting a new Authority. We can let the HCC deal with the cults and we go kill whoever in the west is causing this.

EDIT: Correction, they aren't dead, they just haven't found whatever it is.
WoG said that unless the enemy rolled really low, we would die.
Actually it was if they rolled high, we'd just die.

A low roll on their part, as in a critfail, would have given us a normal encounter that we'd have probably won.

So it's still a serious threat. Also, while we are growing in power, its's entirely possible and likely they are too.
Uh, Hymn, the GM has posted on this matter.
Though I have to wonder just what is their that would be a major enough threat to a Campione that one would just die. After all their are litearally no threats from the Campione universe that could do such a thing, even for an inexperienced Campione like Madara, if only because their instincts would have warned them immediately of the danger to at least be able to dodge the initial strike.
Though I have to wonder just what is their that would be a major enough threat to a Campione that one would just die. After all their are litearally no threats from the Campione universe that could do such a thing, even for an inexperienced Campione like Madara, if only because their instincts would have warned them immediately of the danger to at least be able to dodge the initial strike.
Well, from what I've heard, the King of the End probably could, and there are a few Gods/Heroes I can think of off the top of my head that could, as current, kick our ass pretty handily. Though it does seem strange that there's a random Campione stomping threat in Japan right now.
Though I have to wonder just what is their that would be a major enough threat to a Campione that one would just die. After all their are litearally no threats from the Campione universe that could do such a thing, even for an inexperienced Campione like Madara, if only because their instincts would have warned them immediately of the danger to at least be able to dodge the initial strike.

It's not a completely instantaneous death what I had in mind, but you developed the battle lust trait too which makes it difficult to run. So you're stuck in a fight where you're completely outclassed.
Introducing the Stat System and Enforcer Suggestions
Introducing the Stat System:

The Five Aspects of God

Aspect of War: As long as humanity has warred so too have the gods. The aspect of war reflects the capability of a god in direct conflict, whether this means slaying mystical beasts or fighting heretical gods. The accumulation of all your skills in battle this represents your combat potential. Grants bonuses to all combat rolls.

Aspect of Rule: Representing your ability to govern, it is the sum of your skills in managing people, land and resources. Provides bonuses to any actions related to subordinates, resources, and other administrative tasks. High levels of rule will provide bonuses to territory you control like improving land fertility and boosting luck and trade.

Aspect of Divinity: This aspect measures the strength of your godhood. As you have donned the mantle of divinity that is inherent in your role as Campione you were granted the powers of the gods. As you grow in strength and usurp power from your enemies, so too does your divinity grow and your powers and abilities with it.

Aspect of Wisdom: The aspect of wisdom reflects your desire for knowledge and your ability to learn. Provides bonuses to learning techniques and abilities.

Aspect of Charm: Your ability to charm and persuade is represented by the aspect of charm. Grants bonuses to interactions with humans but also other Campione.

I've updated the character sheet for Madara with the stats.

For the base numbers for the aspects I rolled a 5d5 then went straight down the line (Rolled 5, 3, 4, 2, 2) . Then I did traits which add bonuses to those stat numbers. As you can see on the stat sheet authorities add a big chunk to your base stats passively plus their effects.

I've also listed Madara's general skills. You can work on and improve these. The way I'm running with this is that S rank = trait = bonus. Because this is a god's stat system being a "very good" taijutsu fighter doesn't make the cut.

These stats can be improved, one of the big ways is I will add personal actions so you can practice using your authorities, or research new martial arts techniques, learn corporate governance and so on and so forth and thus develop skills and traits that boost your capabilities as a god. As might be obvious with the stats and the way we're oriented you're basically a god of war and this is your strongest aspect by far. Your aspect of rule is decent since you've run a clan before and you have an authority from a god of wealth.

If anyone has input on this stat system and things they believe need to be changed or added please let me know. These numbers are the modifiers for rolls in a given type.


I'm still working out how I want to implement the Raijin authority. I'm trying to prevent a black lightning/godspeed carbon copy so this will take a while longer.

Additionally I wanted to request input for your Enforcer group! Since this is basically your own individual organization you get to name it, pick themes, so on and so forth. Pictures are definitely welcome.

If you have a suggestion for this it should go something like:


Theme: Hip hop ninjas

Equipment Type: Ninjas wearing beats by dre.

Picture: N/A

A more serious version would be:

Name: Sorceror Hunters

Theme: Knights Templar

Equipment Type: Heavy armor, close ranged weapons.

Name: Shinobi of God

Theme: Shinobi

Equipment Type: Light, mobile clothing, versatile weaponry.

I'm still working out how I want to implement the Raijin authority. I'm trying to prevent a black lightning/godspeed carbon copy so this will take a while longer.
Lightning flash - God speed, discharged in a single stroke that could be used with an attack. Takes time to build up enough power proportionate to the distance, and speed, which manifests as a electrical discharge around the Campione.

Ride the Storm - The ability to run on air, clouds or lightning as long as you keep moving at high speed. Incidental ability to grasp or step on electrical phenomenon without harm, possibly being carried along or redirecting them with practice.

Drums of Thunder - Eight drums that can each summon aspects of a storm, played in combination it summons a tremendously destructive storm, played individually they summon clouds, wind, rain and lightning(each controlled by a pair for increase/decrease). Usage frequency limitation,.
[ ] Vajra: Possessing the properties of both the diamond and the thunderbolt that is its namesake, Vajra is an indestructible weapon capable of taking the form of either a sword or spear. Capable of emitting a powerful blast once per a day. +10 to weapon attack rolls and once per day ability

[ ] Shichiseiken: A beautifully crafted silver blade, the sword's style adjusts to the user's preference. Sharp enough to be able to pierce a god's divinity it is also indestructible. +5 to melee combat rolls.

I got a question about these artifacts and some of the wording.

Vajra gets +10 to weapon attack, while Shichiseiken only gets +5. Shichiseiken is to melee combat rolls though.

Does that mean Shichiseiken's bonus would apply even in, say, a taijutsu bout?

The description says the style of the blade adjusts to the user's preference, but does that mean going from gladius to jian to katana, or more extreme like katar to sword to gunbai?

Is being able to pierce a god's divinity significant or noteworthy?

Gotta say, in the less extreme interpretations of Shichiseiken, it seems significantly inferior to Vajra.
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I like Knight Templar's so mostly going to steal from OP.
Name: The Jade Dragons

Theme: Knights Templar

Equipment Type: Medium weight armor, close ranged weapons, with a single long range weapon carried just in case it's needed.


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I got a question about these artifacts and some of the wording.

Vajra gets +10 to weapon attack, while Shichiseiken only gets +5. Shichiseiken is to melee combat rolls though.

Does that mean Shichiseiken's bonus would apply even in, say, a taijutsu bout?

The description says the style of the blade adjusts to the user's preference, but does that mean going from gladius to jian to katana, or more extreme like katar to sword to gunbai?

Gotta say, in the less extreme interpretations of Shichiseiken, it seems significantly inferior to Vajra.

Vajra is only weapon attack. Shichiseiken is all weapon combat but really what I meant was both attack and defense. I probably need to redo these with the new stat system since these bonuses are huge and the phrasing is bad.

Shichiseiken transforms it's blade to fit you but it's a one time thing not a shifting transformation. So for instance you might have it zanbatou style or maybe Noda chi so on and so forth. That would be open to a vote.