Madara Campione Quest

I think it also works well since Madara moves fairly quickly and often. Maybe if charges could be built up so you can string a few instead of one and break and one and break hmmm... I really like your drum idea too
Well, if you use it for very short bursts, you probably won't need much charging under that schema. Good for rapid changes of direction.

The drums well...I looked up Raijin, and the drum ring is pretty iconic to his image. It's almost like Thor with his hammer, Raijin's specific appearance varies, but he always has the ring of thunder drums.
If anyone has input on this stat system and things they believe need to be changed or added please let me know. These numbers are the modifiers for rolls in a given type.
Chakra Monster - When you were mortal your chakra was famous for its strength, volume and potency. Becoming Campione has made this even more apparent. +1 to Divinity, + 2 to War
As being a Chakra Monster grants stats, does being the reincarnation of Indra Otsutsuki grants anything?
Divine Ancestors are still trivial in the presence of a Campione, and if we meet another Campione or God, diplomacy would be the farthest things from our mind.
Huh interesting scenario..basically a god comes down ratner weak one, rather than battle, it talks to us. He wants us to spread his religion and in return for Belief or Faith gives us specific boost in anything under his Domain and Authority.
Thats if were willing to listen.
Because you want them to deal with things where power is second to manpower?
What I mostly meant by that is that Campione don't negotiate with mortals: they RULE them. No matter who they are, command from Campione is essentially automatic sentence of servitude to any mortal not MONUMENTALLY stupid, and in case they'd still try to refuse the Campione in question could just order HCC to brainwash them or kidnap their families or whatever to force compliance, and they WOULD do it (with snappy "simon says" joke to boot).

Of course, we are unlikely to do it, but the fact remains that our authority will most likely enable even our underlings to handle all negotiations with normal humans without breaking a sweat, and we don't actually need to pay attention to those.
What I mostly meant by that is that Campione don't negotiate with mortals: they RULE them. No matter who they are, command from Campione is essentially automatic sentence of servitude to any mortal not MONUMENTALLY stupid, and in case they'd still try to refuse the Campione in question could just order HCC to brainwash them or kidnap their families or whatever to force compliance, and they WOULD do it (with snappy "simon says" joke to boot).

Of course, we are unlikely to do it, but the fact remains that our authority will most likely enable even our underlings to handle all negotiations with normal humans without breaking a sweat, and we don't actually need to pay attention to those.
That method however, gets you a lot of passive aggressive resistance, like we've seen in canon from the western Campione. They bow and scrape and do their damndest to make the APPEARANCE of doing what the Campione asks, while also working in the opposite direction to undermine the Campione's mission in deniable ways or just slacking off.

The only ones to actually have the full support of their organization in canon were those who actually tried to seek cooperation rather than domination, in which case they actually work hard for you.
That method however, gets you a lot of passive aggressive resistance, like we've seen in canon from the western Campione. They bow and scrape and do their damndest to make the APPEARANCE of doing what the Campione asks, while also working in the opposite direction to undermine the Campione's mission in deniable ways or just slacking off.

The only ones to actually have the full support of their organization in canon were those who actually tried to seek cooperation rather than domination, in which case they actually work hard for you.
...I really think you're extrapolating way too much from Voban's example there. Especially when he's frankly so successful. The other obvious example of a willful and tyrannical Campione is Lu Hao, and she's even MORE successful.

It may be NICE to rally people to your cause and treat them like precious snowflakes, but there are times when ruthlessness and spending mens' lives for your own gain will get better results. I doubt our people are happy they were sent up against the Raiden cultists to die in droves, and then we casually slaughtered said cultists with no effort. It looks like we basically threw their lives away for nothing. But their deaths gave us information, and would have warned us of a trap.

Now sure, we can praise them and try to ensure next time they don't take losses. But letting the Society beg off on helping us, or trying to go it alone to ensure they don't get hurt, is probably a road to failure.
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...I really think you're extrapolating way too much from Voban's example there. Especially when he's frankly so successful. The other obvious example of a willful and tyrannical Campione is Lu Hao, and she's even MORE successful.

It may be NICE to rally people to your cause and treat them like precious snowflakes, but there are times when ruthlessness and spending mens' lives for your own gain will get better results. I doubt our people are happy they were sent up agains the Raiden cultists to die in droves, and then we casually slaughtered said cultists with no effort. It looks like we basically threw their lives away for nothing. But their deaths gave us information, and would have warned us of a trap.
Luo Hao - Her chief disciple slacks off whenever he can be sure she's not watching, and has severe Issues. The rest of the organization take their lead from him
Salvatore - His minions are more like babysitters who spend all their time cockblocking him when possible.
Godou - His minions go above and beyond the call of duty in getting things done for him at great personal risks.

The only one other than Godou who have their minions do ANYTHING but clear the runway to the nearest Heretic God is Madame Aisha and she has a mind control Authority.
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Luo Hao - Her chief disciple slacks off whenever he can be sure she's not watching, and has severe Issues. The rest of the organization take their lead from him
Salvatore - His minions are more like babysitters who spend all their time cockblocking him when possible.
Godou - His minions go above and beyond the call of duty in getting things done for him at great personal risks.

The only one other than Godou who have their minions do ANYTHING but clear the runway to the nearest Heretic God is Madame Aisha and she has a mind control Authority.
Yeah, and if Godou weren't the protagonist with an Authority specifically suited to protecting his minions and Plot Armor said minions would be dead. For that matter, if Godou weren't the protagonist Voban would have Liliana and Yuri both still working for him. It's a harem anime.

The more reasonable proof of Voban and Luo Hao's success is how they were doing before encountering Godou. Pretty well! Even Voban's plans to summon Heretic Gods didn't exactly work out too badly for him.

...Also, just thought I'd mention, trying to turn Madara into a harem protagonist is NOT cool with me, despite it's evident success.
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I'm not counting the harem, who're personal support based on personal relationships. I'm talking about the Historical Preservation Society's level of support for him compared to the other Campione and their respective organizations.
Yeah, the GM has outright stated that while the HCC will obey us pretty much no matter what their opinion of us affects how hard they work for us. Low opinion means they do the bare minimum, high opinion means they take independent action to do us favors even if we didn't ask them to - basically they'd take bonus actions on our behalf.
Yeah, the GM has outright stated that while the HCC will obey us pretty much no matter what their opinion of us affects how hard they work for us. Low opinion means they do the bare minimum, high opinion means they take independent action to do us favors even if we didn't ask them to - basically they'd take bonus actions on our behalf.
Sure. But we still need to ask them to do things, and a lot of those things might be things they don't like.

And I just wanted it pointed out- if we refuse to ask them to do difficult things like handle cultists for us whilst we're fighting Heretic Gods just to improve their opinions, we're opening ourself up for nasty surprises.

Godou only does as well as he does because Plot Armor. He should be dead a dozen times over.
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Luo Hao - Her chief disciple slacks off whenever he can be sure she's not watching, and has severe Issues. The rest of the organization take their lead from him
Salvatore - His minions are more like babysitters who spend all their time cockblocking him when possible.
Godou - His minions go above and beyond the call of duty in getting things done for him at great personal risks.
Luo Hao - Not harem protagonist
Salvatore - Wishes he was a harem protagonist.
Godou - Harem protagonist.
Huh interesting scenario..basically a god comes down ratner weak one, rather than battle, it talks to us. He wants us to spread his religion and in return for Belief or Faith gives us specific boost in anything under his Domain and Authority.
Thats if were willing to listen.

Not going to happen, as if a God goes down they become a Heretic God so they don't need worship and an abberation by themselves. And even if he gives a blessing it doesn't work for Campiones. And that is besides the fact that even meeting gods causes the battle instincts of a campione to trigger.
Sure. But we still need to ask them to do things, and a lot of those things might be things they don't like.

And I just wanted it pointed out- if we refuse to ask them to do difficult things like handle cultists for us whilst we're fighting Heretic Gods just to improve their opinions, we're opening ourself up for nasty surprises.

Godou only does as well as he does because Plot Armor. He should be dead a dozen times over.

I'm not saying we shouldn't ask them to do things - they work for us, after all. I'm simply saying that we shouldn't treat them like disposable tools whose lives don't matter, as we get benefits from them not having a poor opinion of us.