Lost Eden [Exploration; Survival]

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    Votes: 2 7.4%
  • Worldbuilding (Exploration)

    Votes: 18 66.7%
  • Quests (Plot)

    Votes: 7 25.9%

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[X] Set up camp. Find a tree to shade you from the rain, and set up camp off the road. It will keep you out of sight in case bandits patrol the road. However, camping off road means that you may attract unwanted guests from the wilderness. The dark obscures your vision, and the thick overgrowth prevents the lightning from illuminating the forest floor. However, you can check your pack before it gets completely dark, and hopefully there will be a firestarter in there.
[X] Continue traveling down the road. You will be able to reach the settlement much quicker, but the frigid temperatures will wear you down quickly. Thankfully your clothing is insulated against the weather. You will constantly be in a state of alertness, which may serve you well if you run into trouble.

I usually vote for resting, but I'm assuming that the next step down on condition won't significantly hamper us.
We don't see anything that might constitute shelter do we?

There might be something. But it's hard to tell due to nightfall approaching. If you want, you guys could go into the forest to seek shelter. Your "Lady Luck" skill might come in handy and you might be able to find something. But don't forget that luck is fickle. :p

This is interesting... Sucks that I got here too late to vote for designated marksman and bolt action...

I'm sorry. I wanted you guys to go the marksman route too. :( In the original story I wrote, my Wanderer was used a bolt-action rifle and specialized in CQC.
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[X] Continue traveling down the road. You will be able to reach the settlement much quicker, but the frigid temperatures will wear you down quickly. Thankfully your clothing is insulated against the weather. You will constantly be in a state of alertness, which may serve you well if you run into trouble.
[X] Continue traveling down the road. You will be able to reach the settlement much quicker, but the frigid temperatures will wear you down quickly. Thankfully your clothing is insulated against the weather. You will constantly be in a state of alertness, which may serve you well if you run into trouble.
[X] Continue traveling down the road. You will be able to reach the settlement much quicker, but the frigid temperatures will wear you down quickly. Thankfully your clothing is insulated against the weather. You will constantly be in a state of alertness, which may serve you well if you run into trouble.
Welcome to Eden - Part I
{X} Continue traveling down the road.

You are tired, but your rest will be much more worthwhile once you reach the safety of the nearby settlement--however far that may be. The temperature drops slowly but steadily, and you can feel it piercing your flesh through your thick garments. However, these cold nights are nothing for the average Wanderer like yourself. You steel your self and march on forward, your boots splashing against the road as the mud sucks in your soles with each step. You adjust the strap of the pack to your liking, as it begins to feel uncomfortable on your shoulders. The thought crosses your mind that you have yet to check the contents of the bag you relieved from the dead militiaman. However, you figure you will do it once you reach the settlement. Looking through a bag in the darkness is just silly and will result in things getting lost or jumbled around.

"Where am I going?" You think to yourself as the path before you dims and the clouds blend into the darkness of night. You remember vaguely where the ambushed convoy was going. There was a conversation overheard where one man mentioned a place called "Alphonse". Perhaps that was the destination? You didn't know, as you dozed off in the back of the truck afterwards. Across Eden there were numerous settlements, many disconnected from the main roads that were constructed through the efforts of the Wanderers and The Coalition's forces. You chide yourself in not pursing the topic with those two men before you were violently awoken to the sound of shouting and gunfire.

The night envelops you quickly. Perhaps it was your long uneventful trek across the road that made you lose sense of time, or maybe it was that you misjudged the time of day. Regardless, you soon find yourself in pitch black darkness. This is nothing new to you, or to those who subsist of the endless frontier of the wilderness. Navigating by lightning was something you had learned in your early days as a Wanderer. It was simple and effective, and required nothing more than sight and common sense. With a flash of lighting you quickly scan the the edge of the brush for any signs of movement or unusual shapes. The fact that you were traveling on the road made it easier, since you didn't have to worry about falling into any caves or pools of water while stumbling around in the wild.

However, whether by luck or destiny, Eden seems to light the way for you. From the thick vines that wrapped the land in its eternal embrace emerge small, glowing buds. They wriggle about slowly, almost as if they were living creatures rather than simple plants. Each bulb blinks softly, emanating a warm azure glow from within. They pulse slowly, at first in unison, then becoming more disorderly. Each oscillation grows more intense as the glow intensifies in luminosity. Finally the light show reaches its climax as the flickers of buds burst into a steady beryl-colored flame

From this radiance of light is born a warm, delicate blossom that stretches is petals lazily as it wakes from its slumber. A glowing orb of light manifests itself from the stigmata of each flower. The small, white flames waltz slowly and almost lovingly alongside each awakening petal. Their movements are graceful as they dance, swirling lazily to the endless symphony of rain and rumbling thunder around you. The sight is enough to slow your quick march to a near full-stop, as you gaze upon what can only be described as a sea of dancing souls guiding you along an empty path. The show is only momentarily stopped by a flash of lightning a the flowers go dim like prey scattering in the presence of a hunter. But as the rumbling follows the flash, the lights quickly return and resume their dancing.

Such is the nature of Eden. For all its dangers and all its horrors, as a place where the darkest and most twisted of human natures reveal themselves, it is a land of unparalleled beauty. Where the moon no longer looks down upon you, Eden lays out a blanket of stars to help you find your way. Where the rain drenches your body and the cold eats away at your soul, from the earth Eden sprouts powerful and magnificent trees over your head to shield you. All Wanderers especially had learned to respect and revere the land of Eden, as it was a harsh but merciful place where only the smart the strong and occasionally the compassionate survived. But most importantly of all, it was their beloved home. Wanderers learned to be one with Eden. To live and die as they saw the earth decided.

Perhaps that was why Wanderers were the only ones who were able to do the jobs that they did. Perhaps the degree of spirituality that you and all the other Wanderers shared with Eden was simply a means of coping with the harsh conditions you were forced to live in when you first woke to that cloudy sky. But you don't give it any more thought. The forest of light lifts your spirits and fills you with a small sense of euphoria as you gaze upon them. Your pace quickens once more, and you move quickly along the road. Perhaps it is because your body is going numb from the cold or because you are walking at quite a brisk pace, but you feel a little warmer now. And warm is always a good thing.

Every now and then you stop to rest for a few moments. It is just enough to gather your breath and take some time to admire the ensemble of dancing light and rolling thunder. The cold nips at you now and again, but you simply tug your damp, thick scarf over your face and trudge on. You don't know when you will hit the settlement, and you don't know how far you have to go. But traveling through a sea of stars before you die of hypothermia doesn't sound like a bad way to go, you suppose. Living a life of loneliness and freedom isn't all so terrible.

[X] Eat your combat ration. Your hunger has become greater. It is always a good idea to keep yourself fed if you want to stay in good survival shape! A full Wanderer is a fighting Wanderer!
[X] Feel around your pack for a canteen. Traveling around has made you thirsty! It is always good to keep yourself hydrated. Alternatively, if you find some spare cloth in the pack, you could make a Soak Cloth to suck on while you walk around.

You are in good spirits!
You have warmed up a little!
You are now moderately hungry.
You are now moderately thirsty.

Items Obtained


  • Name: Nameless Wanderer
    Gender: Female
    Unique Skill: "Lady Luck"
    Condition: [] [] []
    Moderate Hunger
    Moderate Thirst
    Minor Cold
    Moderate Fatigue
    Minor Bruising

    Gear/Armor: Wanderer's Cloak and Dagger
    "This attire is common among Wanderers in the wild. The clothing set is often made up whatever can be scavenged and bought at a reasonable price, often leading to the look, make, and quality varying greatly. However, there is one thing that all Wanderers clothe themselves for, and that is the rain and the cold. Wearing this, you will be fairly comfortable throughout your journey while not attracting too much attention to yourself. Your clothes are also rather insulated against the weather, so unless you jump in a river you will be fairly dry. The thickness of the clothes also lends to some protection against blades and blunt force weapons. Bear in mind that the Wanderer's Cloak and Dagger has little in the way of armor, meaning that you will be very vulnerable to small arms fire. Evasion will be the key to your survival rather than fighting.

    The Cloak and Dagger comes with a gas mask for low-oxygen and highly toxic areas and, as its name suggests, has a sheath in both forearms to store a Survival Knife and other tools that a Wanderer may need on his or her journey."
    - Cold Resistance: [] [] [] []
    - Water Resistance: [] [] []
    - Melee Resistance: [] []
    - Firearms Resistance: []
    Pack: Traveler's Pack
    " Survivors and Wanderer's alike in the wilderness of Eden worship the Traveler's Pack. It is hardy, sturdy, and fairly waterproof. While fairly basic, it boasts a number of pockets to store various items needed for survival, and also comes with two straps to store long rifles. It can also be used as a pillow, and can be quite comfortable despite whatever you may put in it. The traveler's pack is love! The traveler's pack is life! Respect the traveler's pack and it will respect you!"

  • Storm Rifle
    "An old rifle from a civilization long before Eden. The weapon is still in fine working condition despite countless eons of neglect and wear, demonstrating the quality and craftsmanship of whomever was responsible for its construction. It seems to fire some kind of powerfully charged round. Its prowess in combat situations is to be revered and respected, but it doesn't seem like you'll be able to get much hunting use out of it. The white plating on its body is rather eye-catching, and as an artifact may attract the attention of unwanted guests. Don't expect to find much ammunition for this weapon, as what few stockpiles that exist are either sealed or under some form of government control.

    It is capable of both single and fully automatic fire, and comes with iron sights that automatically adjust to the shooter's light sensitivity when fighting in dark conditions."
    Class: Artifact - Rifle
    Condition: [] [] [] [] []
    26/48 (Loaded/Maximum)
    Magazines: 1/1 (In Use/Maximum)
    Ammunition Type: Storm Rounds

    Remmington Model 870
    "An old weapon from a bygone age. They have been found in many hidden caches all over Eden, and are quite common amongst travelers, bandits, and soldiers alike. It is a pump-action, 12-gauge longrifle that fires a spray of pellets from each shell. However, unlike traditional rifles, it can be loaded with specialized ammunition for a variety of situations. Its effectiveness in close quarters is not to be underestimated. However, contrary to popular belief it functions exceptionally well at longer ranges too. Overall a robust and reliable weapon that will serve the shooter well.

    This model features no stock and a slightly shorter barrel which allows for faster drawing while being lighter, at the cost of fewer shots before needing to reload and increased felt recoil. It comes with no sights, so it is slightly more difficult to aim at range compared to other firearms. The vibrant wood used in its construction makes it a rarity on par with an artifact."
    Class: Antique - Rifle - Shotgun
    Condition: [] [] [] []
    Ammunition: 2+1/4+1 (Loaded+Chambered/Maximum+Chambered)
    Shells: 5/1/2 (Buckshot/Fragmentation/Magnum)
    Ammunition Type: 12-Gauge

    Survival Knife
    "A common knife with many applications. It is small enough to be easily handled and carried, yet robust and long enough to be used as a viable defense weapon and hunting tool. While not as effective in combat as a military-grade knife, it is very common amongst travelers and if used right and cared for will serve one very well."
    Class: Melee - Tool - Blade - Knife
    Condition: [] [] []

  • Wanderer's Cloak and Dagger
    [1] Survival Knife [Condition: Worn]

    [1] Compass

    [1] Colt Model 1911 Magazine [7/7]
    [5] 12-Gauge Buckshot [Condition: Poor] [Bloody; Muddy]
    [1] 12-Gauge "FRAGMENTATION" [Condition: Poor] [Bloody; Muddy]
    [2] 12-Gauge "Magnum" [Condition: Poor] [Bloody; Muddy]

    Traveler's Pack
    [1] Storm Rifle [Condition: Excellent]
    [1] Remmington Model 870 [Condition: Good]

    [1] Infantry Survival Ration [Condition: Good]
    [?] Unknown Stuff

  • "Wanderer's Survival Set"
    "In the wilderness of Eden, only those who are quickest, strongest, and smartest survive. Whether by pure luck or experience, Wanderers have learned to thrive beyond the safety of the settlements despite all odds. Whether it be simple survival skills like foraging or complex self-defense techniques, Wanderers have familiarized themselves with the necessary abilities to keep them alive.

    Be wary of a Wanderer's appearance, as many of them only grow more formidable and knowledgeable with age."

    "Lady Luck"
    Whether it was being the sole survivor of a mass Shade attack, or simply returning from a suicide mission alive, others have told you that you were blessed with ungodly luck. You may find a mass of wealth, or a life-long companion on your journey through this miraculous luck. You have made grave errors on your travels, only to be saved by sheer coincidence. However, luck is rather fickle and has an odd way of changing. It would be best not to rely on chance and gambles to get you through the day, but you never know what surprises it may have in store for you.

A/N: Let me know if you think the pacing is too slow or too fast. I feel like I got a bit too lost in exposition in this entry. The next entry will be more plot focused so we can get the ball rolling a bit more.
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[X] Feel around your pack for a canteen. Traveling around has made you thirsty! It is always good to keep yourself hydrated. Alternatively, if you find some spare cloth in the pack, you could make a Soak Cloth to suck on while you walk around.
---[x] Suck on a Soaked Cloth

Water is way more important than food in the short term.
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[X] Feel around your pack for a canteen. Traveling around has made you thirsty! It is always good to keep yourself hydrated. Alternatively, if you find some spare cloth in the pack, you could make a Soak Cloth to suck on while you walk around.
---[x] Suck on a Soaked Cloth

Hydration> full stomach
[X] Feel around your pack for a canteen. Traveling around has made you thirsty! It is always good to keep yourself hydrated. Alternatively, if you find some spare cloth in the pack, you could make a Soak Cloth to suck on while you walk around.
---[x] Suck on a Soaked Cloth

Pace is good for me so far and the current magical wonderland forest setting is making me jealous.
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[X] Feel around your pack for a canteen. Traveling around has made you thirsty! It is always good to keep yourself hydrated. Alternatively, if you find some spare cloth in the pack, you could make a Soak Cloth to suck on while you walk around.

Water is more important
[X] Feel around your pack for a canteen. Traveling around has made you thirsty! It is always good to keep yourself hydrated. Alternatively, if you find some spare cloth in the pack, you could make a Soak Cloth to suck on while you walk around.
---[x] Suck on a Soaked Cloth
[X] Feel around your pack for a canteen. Traveling around has made you thirsty! It is always good to keep yourself hydrated. Alternatively, if you find some spare cloth in the pack, you could make a Soak Cloth to suck on while you walk around.
---[x] Suck on a Soaked Cloth
[X] Eat your combat ration. Your hunger has become greater. It is always a good idea to keep yourself fed if you want to stay in good survival shape! A full Wanderer is a fighting Wanderer!
[X] Feel around your pack for a canteen. Traveling around has made you thirsty! It is always good to keep yourself hydrated. Alternatively, if you find some spare cloth in the pack, you could make a Soak Cloth to suck on while you walk around.
---[x] Suck on a Soaked Cloth

Water first, then food.
X] Feel around your pack for a canteen. Traveling around has made you thirsty! It is always good to keep yourself hydrated. Alternatively, if you find some spare cloth in the pack, you could make a Soak Cloth to suck on while you walk around.
---[x] Suck on a Soaked Cloth
Welcome to Eden - Part II
{X} Feel around your pack for a canteen.

You have been walking for awhile, and with your growing thirst you decide to stop for a few minutes to rest. It is too dark to look into your pack even with the ambient lights of Eden, so you decide to just feel around to see if the previous owner of the pack carried perhaps a spare canteen in his pack.

A flash of lightning illuminates the muddy gravel road, and you quickly glance about for a suitable resting place. You find a nearby rock formation covered in vines and a few large trees. Without a second thought, you move towards the formation and plop down next to the tree. From the trunk exudes a strange warmth. It feels almost as if the tree was a living breathing creature. It is faint but noticeable as the cold on your back slowly fades away from leaning against it. The flowers begin to re-emerge from their hiding places. Fireblossoms some called them. You have heard others call them soulblooms as well. Every settlement and village seemed to have their own names for them.

You unbuckle the straps of the bag, then loosen the notch around the rim. Reaching in, you feel around in the dark for a canteen or something to contain water. Your hands clench around something solid and round, and through your gloved hand you feel a something along the lines of a spout or a cap. You pull out a small flask of some kind. Unscrewing it you sniff at its contents. The liquid in the flask is bitter-smelling and stings your nose slightly. Alcohol perhaps? You don't know, but are pretty sure. Alcohol was fairly difficult to obtain in Eden. This was partly due to the difficulty in raising any kind of crops in the drenching rain. If not being used to drown one's sorrows in, it would be rather useful as a bartering tool for someone who wanted to do so.

With a sigh, you bite off your glove and feel around again for some kind of cloth or fabric. If not a canteen, you could probably make some kind of sponge or something to absorb the ambient moisture. Soak cloths were rather common in Eden. No traveler left home without one. It could be made from almost anything that wasn't treated against the rain, and could be used for gathering water or as a cold compress for wounds and aches. Your fingers brush against something soft and rough, and you manage to tug out some cloth gauze. This would work just fine.

While cold, the rain was unusually clean. It was a mystery how Eden did not just flood instantly with the amount of water that fell every day. Some had suspected it had something to do with the mysterious moss that grew everywhere. But for you, you were just glad thirst would never be an issue. Freezing to death on the other hand was a different story entirely. You take the cloth and wipe the glistening boulder. A sudden flash of lightning leaves you in pitch darkness, but soon the warm lights of the forest return to accompany you. The cloth grows damp after being left on the stone for a few minutes, and you squeeze out the contents into your mouth. It tasted a bit salty and bitter, most likely from the cloth being not too clean, but you manage to hydrate yourself for the time being. You remember to never drink too much unless it has been warmed by a fire for obvious reasons.

You continue this pattern for many hours into dawn. The black skies soon lighten into a dreary gray, and the fireblossoms slowly begin to leave you. One by one their lights fade, flickering like a dying flame before pulsing ever more slowly and falling silent as the morning light comes. The blooms curl up into buds and tuck themselves underneath the vines and bark that they emerged from. Soon, you are left alone again in a gray and silent forest as the shrouded sun rises over the land once again.

What are your thoughts?
"Good night guys... Until next time..." (Calm)
[X] "And it was just getting good too!" (Extroverted)
[X] "It's about fucking time the sun came up..." (Bitter)
[X] Write in.

The rain seems to thin as morning comes. You don't feel as many droplets hitting your coat as you did before. With the orchestra of flowers and lights gone, your fatigue now catches up with you. It is not much nor is it too severe, but enough to be of inconvenience to you. You rub the sleep from your eyes with a wet glove, the cold stinging your skin. The road ahead of you looks as empty as ever, with no sign of a settlement in sight. You sigh, somewhat crestfallen that a night's worth of travel had turned up nothing.

Suddenly, you hear a rumbling noise in the distance. You pause briefly to focus your senses. It is faint at first, just one. Then there is two; three; four; many. You recognize the sound as much as any other Edenian: motorized vehicles. The light rain of the morning allows you to catch the vehicles just before they come into view.

As you predicted, you see a dark green vehicle pop up on the horizon. It seems to be a smaller and lighter one, less armored but faster. However, it is quickly followed by a larger, more armored vehicle. You notice heavy weapons on those vehicles, mounted machine guns, and what appeared to be canister launchers for firing ordinance. It must have been a convoy of some sort. Perhaps another trading caravan going towards a settlement or outpost.

Or it was probably the bandits who attacked you, returning to finish scavenging the remains of the wreckage after the Shades had taken their time picking off the survivors...

[X] Dash into the forest. You don't know who they are or what they want. You will wait for them to pass you by. It is better to be safe than sorry...
[X] Wait for them by the side of the road. They may be allies, or at least friendly enough to give you a ride to their destination. Bandits usually do not use the main roads, nor do they travel in such large convoys. But there is a first for everything...
[X] Write in.

Your condition has changed to "Poor".
Your thirst has been quenched!
You are now moderately cold.
You are now very fatigued.

Items Obtained
Soak Cloth:
"Soak cloths are among the most common items in Eden. They are carried by all travelers and are used for a variety of tasks ranging from a medicinal or cold compress to a makeshift water cloth that can be used to rehydrate if a canteen is no longer available. It is very simple to make and while it is also relatively mundane, its uses in the wilderness of Eden invaluable to both experienced and novice travelers.

Be careful not to mix up soak cloths, as attempting to use a drinking cloth as a medicinal compress may result in life-threatening infections if placed over an open wound!"
Condition: [] []
Quality: [] [] []
Number Obtained: 1

"Flasks are small and easy to carry in addition to being very common in Eden. The quality and design of flasks are varied and numerous, often ranging from ornate decorations of gold and silver to simple iron and steel. They can store any kind of liquid, but generally using them to store some kind of important fluid like alcohol or medicine will be more worthwhile. Flasks are significantly smaller than canteens, so using them to store water would be rather wasteful unless absolutely necessary.

This flask has some foul-smelling liquid in it. Most-likely alchohol. It would be best to appraise this at a merchant to see it's worth, as alcohol is higly coveted by all in Eden."
Condition: [] [] []
Quality: ?
Number Obtained: 1


  • Name: Nameless Wanderer
    Gender: Female
    Unique Skill: "Lady Luck"
    Condition: [] []
    Moderate Hunger
    Moderate Cold
    Severe Fatigue
    Minor Bruising

    Gear/Armor: Wanderer's Cloak and Dagger
    "This attire is common among Wanderers in the wild. The clothing set is often made up whatever can be scavenged and bought at a reasonable price, often leading to the look, make, and quality varying greatly. However, there is one thing that all Wanderers clothe themselves for, and that is the rain and the cold. Wearing this, you will be fairly comfortable throughout your journey while not attracting too much attention to yourself. Your clothes are also rather insulated against the weather, so unless you jump in a river you will be fairly dry. The thickness of the clothes also lends to some protection against blades and blunt force weapons. Bear in mind that the Wanderer's Cloak and Dagger has little in the way of armor, meaning that you will be very vulnerable to small arms fire. Evasion will be the key to your survival rather than fighting.

    The Cloak and Dagger comes with a gas mask for low-oxygen and highly toxic areas and, as its name suggests, has a sheath in both forearms to store a Survival Knife and other tools that a Wanderer may need on his or her journey."
    - Cold Resistance: [] [] [] []
    - Water Resistance: [] [] []
    - Melee Resistance: [] []
    - Firearms Resistance: []
    Pack: Traveler's Pack
    " Survivors and Wanderer's alike in the wilderness of Eden worship the Traveler's Pack. It is hardy, sturdy, and fairly waterproof. While fairly basic, it boasts a number of pockets to store various items needed for survival, and also comes with two straps to store long rifles. It can also be used as a pillow, and can be quite comfortable despite whatever you may put in it. The traveler's pack is love! The traveler's pack is life! Respect the traveler's pack and it will respect you!"

  • Storm Rifle
    "An old rifle from a civilization long before Eden. The weapon is still in fine working condition despite countless eons of neglect and wear, demonstrating the quality and craftsmanship of whomever was responsible for its construction. It seems to fire some kind of powerfully charged round. Its prowess in combat situations is to be revered and respected, but it doesn't seem like you'll be able to get much hunting use out of it. The white plating on its body is rather eye-catching, and as an artifact may attract the attention of unwanted guests. Don't expect to find much ammunition for this weapon, as what few stockpiles that exist are either sealed or under some form of government control.

    It is capable of both single and fully automatic fire, and comes with iron sights that automatically adjust to the shooter's light sensitivity when fighting in dark conditions."
    Class: Artifact - Rifle
    Condition: [] [] [] [] []
    26/48 (Loaded/Maximum)
    Magazines: 1/1 (In Use/Maximum)
    Ammunition Type: Storm Rounds

    Remmington Model 870
    "An old weapon from a bygone age. They have been found in many hidden caches all over Eden, and are quite common amongst travelers, bandits, and soldiers alike. It is a pump-action, 12-gauge longrifle that fires a spray of pellets from each shell. However, unlike traditional rifles, it can be loaded with specialized ammunition for a variety of situations. Its effectiveness in close quarters is not to be underestimated. However, contrary to popular belief it functions exceptionally well at longer ranges too. Overall a robust and reliable weapon that will serve the shooter well.

    This model features no stock and a slightly shorter barrel which allows for faster drawing while being lighter, at the cost of fewer shots before needing to reload and increased felt recoil. It comes with no sights, so it is slightly more difficult to aim at range compared to other firearms. The vibrant wood used in its construction makes it a rarity on par with an artifact."
    Class: Antique - Rifle - Shotgun
    Condition: [] [] [] []
    Ammunition: 2+1/4+1 (Loaded+Chambered/Maximum+Chambered)
    Shells: 5/1/2 (Buckshot/Fragmentation/Magnum)
    Ammunition Type: 12-Gauge

    Survival Knife
    "A common knife with many applications. It is small enough to be easily handled and carried, yet robust and long enough to be used as a viable defense weapon and hunting tool. While not as effective in combat as a military-grade knife, it is very common amongst travelers and if used right and cared for will serve one very well."
    Class: Melee - Tool - Blade - Knife
    Condition: [] [] []

  • Wanderer's Cloak and Dagger
    [1] Survival Knife [Condition: Worn]

    [1] Compass

    [1] Colt Model 1911 Magazine [7/7]
    [5] 12-Gauge Buckshot [Condition: Poor] [Bloody; Muddy]
    [1] 12-Gauge "FRAGMENTATION" [Condition: Poor] [Bloody; Muddy]
    [2] 12-Gauge "Magnum" [Condition: Poor] [Bloody; Muddy]

    Traveler's Pack
    [1] Storm Rifle [Condition: Excellent]
    [1] Remmington Model 870 [Condition: Good]

    [1] Infantry Survival Ration [Condition: Good]
    [1] Alcoholic Flask [Capacity: Full]
    [1] Soak Cloth [Capacity: Full]
    [?] Unknown Stuff

  • "Wanderer's Survival Set"
    "In the wilderness of Eden, only those who are quickest, strongest, and smartest survive. Whether by pure luck or experience, Wanderers have learned to thrive beyond the safety of the settlements despite all odds. Whether it be simple survival skills like foraging or complex self-defense techniques, Wanderers have familiarized themselves with the necessary abilities to keep them alive.

    Be wary of a Wanderer's appearance, as many of them only grow more formidable and knowledgeable with age."

    "Lady Luck"
    Whether it was being the sole survivor of a mass Shade attack, or simply returning from a suicide mission alive, others have told you that you were blessed with ungodly luck. You may find a mass of wealth, or a life-long companion on your journey through this miraculous luck. You have made grave errors on your travels, only to be saved by sheer coincidence. However, luck is rather fickle and has an odd way of changing. It would be best not to rely on chance and gambles to get you through the day, but you never know what surprises it may have in store for you.


A/N: I'm experimenting with non-plot choices that instead will serve to develop the main character. Thoughts that you decide on will determine how the Wanderer will interact with others, as well as how others see her externally (demeanor, personality, etc.). Let me know what you think about this idea.
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[X] "Good night guys... Until next time..." (Calm)
[X] Wait for them by the side of the road. They may be allies, or at least friendly enough to give you a ride to their destination. Bandits usually do not use the main roads, nor do they travel in such large convoys. But there is a first for everything...
[X] "Good night guys... Until next time..." (Calm)

[X] Stay near the road, but in the forest, so you can get an idea of who these vehicles belong to, where they're going, and their purpose when they get there.

Also, any chance you could switch the inventory to the accordion? The current set-up doesn't display well on mobile.

Pseudo-edit: Anyone know a site that works for embedding images on SV?
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