Looking Glass (MLP)

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AN// This is a continuation of the New Beginnings. (MLP) series. Massive thanks to @Arratra for betaing this one!

Now, on with the story!


The insects chirped in the night, the jungle lit by nothing but the moon and the stars far above.

I spread my wings and jumped towards the next thick branch on the next tree with a single silent beat of my wings.

Landing on silent hooves, I stretched before peering down into the darkness. A couple of trees had been cleared away and a crystal spire had been placed.

"You don't have to check each yourself," Flower Rain said as she landed next to me.

"No," I answered, ""But I want to see at least a few of them before we pull the lever."

Flower sat down and started to adjust her braided mane, "Last one?"

I smiled and looked at her, "Date morning?" I asked.

Flower shifted slightly and put her hoof back down, "...Yes."

"Well," I said, "We better get back then. Sorry for dragging you along with me in the first place. This isn't really your job."

That got a smile from the small thestral, "No, but I wanted to see them too, your majesty."

"Let's head back," I said and spread my wings, jumping into the air and climbing upwards past the crowns of the forest and the stars above.

And the dozen of thestral guards circling above the trees, two of them pulling a sky carriage.

Pulling up higher, I banked around before going down to land on the sky carriage. Moments later, Flower landed next to me.

"All ready, sir?" Moon Glow asked from where she was sitting in the carriage. The pegasus was wearing a pair of night seeing goggles.

"All ready," I told her, "Thank you for indulging me, Moon Glow. I know you don't like when I do excursions into the forest."

"All part of the job, sir," she said with a smile, "Alright everypony!" she added, raising her voice, "Back to Nocturnis!"

The ponies pulling the carriage shifted course and everypony else fell into formation around us.

I took a deep breath, taking in the clear night air, looking up towards the moon shining far above.

My Luna. My Moon. My Sky.

She'll be here in a few nights. In time for the ceremony to turn the shield bubble on. It was as good of an excuse for her to be able to visit as any.

Cadence, Shining Armor, Sunburst and Flurry Heart were on the way as well.

It was only right to invite them. They did pay for most of this in any case, every single of the obelisks making up the shield domes were imported from the Crystal Empire.

If they had not given them to us, we would not have been able to do this for decades more.

Nocturnis was starting to come into view. Shining sparkles of light in the darkness of the forest, like stars moved down from the skies to the treetops.

It was beautiful.

Some thought the most beautiful city in Equestria was Canterlot. They were wrong, so very wrong. Dead wrong.

But I couldn't blame them, most had never been to Nocturnis.

But this project, this shield…

…It would change everything. We'd be able to clear some land along the river for farming. Keep the large predators away from the city.

Make day ponies feel safe to visit. We could have tourists! Make things safe enough to attract investors!

A way for us to grow, to become independent from the support of the rest of Equestria. I hate that we have to keep having to loan money.

I know Sunshine didn't mind at all and they could afford it, but…

I wanted to show we could do this.

But tourists and becoming more independent from the support required greater safety, such like the dome shield.

Of course, all of this assumed they could stand being around the dangerous thestrals. I glanced to the side to see Flower nibble on a slice of apple from her bag, the tiny bat pony looking up towards the stars.


Dangerous scary bat ponies.

The village approached into the distance and we swept in across the outskirts, passing above the school. One of the buildings that were always kept brightly lit on the inside. While most students were thestrals, a significant percentage were day ponies and even the unicorns weren't really old enough to keep a light spell going for that long.

I glanced down the side as we passed the market square. Stands were set up and ponies were milling around. Food stands set up, the scents of grilled meat rising up against us.

Well, if anything good came of this in the end, it was ready access to barbecue. Even if most recipes were Griffin so far from natural reasons. Still, we were getting better at it. Some of the spices we found so far were really great.

Damn, now I'm hungry. Well, it is getting to be lunchtime, maybe I'll head down to the market after we land.

We started to head down towards the palace's landing platform. We circled the throne room once on the way down before landing.

I jumped off the carriage, "Thanks everypony," I said, looking around, "I just wanted to see some for myself. This is a big step forward for our entire town. Thanks for escorting me."

"All in a night's work, sir!" Moon Glow said, saluting.

I smiled at them and nodded before I headed inside, Flower moving to follow and I paused to look at her, giving her a side motion with my head, "What are you still doing here, go have fun."

Flower smiled before she bowed, "Thank you, your majesty. See you tonight?"

"Tonight," I agreed, "Now go have fun!"

She smiled and took to the air, jumping off the platform. She worked hard, she deserved to enjoy life whenever possible.

Wish she had told me she had plans, I would have insisted she didn't come.

Entering, I headed up the ramp towards the throneroom where I was promptly ambushed. For a split second I suspected treachery, but it was even worse.

Starlight Glimmer and a stack of paperwork.

I seriously have to talk with Cadance about her when she's visits. Maybe if Starlight found somepony, she'd relax a bit and I might as well get an expert on the job.

Besides, that'll distract her from me, Sparks and Sunny.
The sky was clear above, the stars shining brightly as we waited by the train station.

I looked to Twilight as she shifted her wings, looking towards the tracks.

"You look nervous," I told her quietly, moving close to put my side against hers.

Twilight sighed softly, "...Sorry," she said and took a slow deep breath, letting it back out, "Tonight we'll turn it on and I've been working on it for so long."

I smiled at her, "It'll work, don't worry. The small one did work nicely," I said and glanced up towards the very slight shimmer in the night sky. You could just barely make it out across the stars, making them glimmer.

The absolutely first place we had put beneath a test dome had been the train station. Because this was the one place we absolutely had to keep on the ground so it had been a good place to drop the first dozen obelisks at and see if it worked at close to full size.

Sparks shifted, leaning softly against me, "I know. But I also haven't seen my brother for a year and a half."

"I know," I said quietly and nosed at her ear, "Too bad your parents couldn't come too."

They had not been in Canterlot, both of them off to conferences. We should have sent the invitations earlier.

My fault.

"And Princess Celestia," Twilight agreed, "But somepony needs to stay and run the rest of Equestria."

I nodded.

I missed her. Still saw her for lessons every couple of nights, but even so. Dreams were just not the same.

My ears perked up at the sound of the incoming train and I looked towards it, seeing a light far into the darkness.

"They're here," Sparks said and gave me a quick hug with her wing before she pulled back and shook her head, her magic running across her and adjusting her hair and tail before she glanced at me and I felt her magic across me as well.

I smiled, raising my wings and posing a bit for her.

Sparks quickly blushed slightly and poked my side with her wing.

I winked at her again and then took a step back as the train came into the station, folding my ears against my head to keep the worst of the metal against metal break sounds as it started to slow down.

Moon Glow whistled and ponies quickly moved to form an honor guard on each side of the door.

It only took a couple of moments after the train stopped before the door opened and a full squad of Night Guard exited. They smoothly moved out and slipped into the holes in formation left by the Nocturnis guard.


Luna stepped out onto the platform. As beautiful as the night sky, her long mane moving in an ethereal wind.

I slowly walked closer, "Luna," I said softly with a small smile.

"Page," she answered with a small smile of her own, taking another step closer, her nose touching mine softly.

I looked up into her eyes.

"Oh just kiss already, you're not fooling anypony," Cadence said as she walked past to give Twilight a hug.

Well, when she's right, she's right and I moved closer, kissing Luna deeply. Luna made a small happy sound, her large strong wing slipping around me and pulling me closer.

When I finally paid attention to the rest of the universe again, everypony else had already disembarked the train and I smiled up at Luna, "You know, at some point we should actually try to do a normal royal welcome."

Luna smiled and moved up next to me, slipping a wing across my back, "What is the fun in that, My Page," she said and nosed at my ear, brushing past the feathers attached to my mane there..

Twilight stepped up to hug Luna as well, "Welcome to Nocturnis."

"Thank you, Twilight," Luna said with a smile.

I looked at Shining Armor and Sunburst, raising my hoof, "Hey guys, how was the trip?"

Shining smiled and tapped his hoof against mine, "Long."

"But not unpleasant," Sunburst added and tapped his hoof against mine in turn, "I'm looking forward to seeing the dome."

"Me too," I agreed, "The dome for the train station worked nicely. Getting the large one up will be such a game changer."

"Uncle Page!"

I ducked down and caught the little bundle of energy into a hug before she could tackle me off my hooves, "Hi Flurry," I said with a grin.

Damn, what do they feed her! I swear, she's growing like a weed!
Sunset walked into the room, floating her helmet from her head and shaking her mane back. Her magic ran through her mane, releasing it from its braid.

I leaned forward to watch from my spot next to Luna, looking past her as I did. I always found the view of Sunset doing that fascinating for some reason.

Which from the way she kept doing it after getting back home told me that she realized that.

Sunset crossed the room and jumped onto the bed, sinking down next to us before leaning against Luna with a small sigh, "Hey... how was the trip?" she asked.

"It was fine, Sunset," Luna answered and slipped a wing across her back, "Page said you were with the guard."

Sunset nodded, "We have been on high alert, doing sweeps of the inside perimeter. We need to make sure nothing big is inside the dome or wanders inside before the shield goes up tonight. Wouldn't be good if we brought the dome up, ponies dared to go down onto the surface and got eaten by something that stayed hidden inside."

I rolled onto my back, looking up at them, "You know, you could very easily leave that to the regular guard. You have the very good excuse of... you know, not having wings!"

Sunset smiled tiredly, looking at me, "Would you have? Besides, I can hold my own by teleporting."

Luna lit her horn and started to help Sunset off with her armor, "Even so," Luna said quietly, "I would have told you the same thing about that as I would have said to Page. Stop being dumb."

Sunset grinned, "Too late for that," and let Luna remove the armor to float it over to hang it over a stand by the wall, "But we're almost done."

Groaning softly, Sunset stretched out, "Mmm... Twi with her brother's family?"

I nodded, "Making sure they get settled in okay."

"Train went okay?" Sunset asked, looking up at Luna, raising her head and giving her a small nuzzle, "The work the train ponies did to get it working again was amazing."

"Didn't notice anything," Luna said and nosed, "I understand a Pegasus flies ahead while in the jungle?"

"Nocturnis guard, a team of five that rotates," Sunset agreed and relaxed again, "Make the train ride a day longer because it has to slow down a little, but makes things a lot safer. The train running again made a massive difference."

The year it took to get it up had been a difficult one.

A very difficult one. It has been tough for all of us and we had a lot of shortages.

Some of the most urgent and low volume items had been able to be shipped in via airship, such as medicine.

But a lot of things had run out or gotten really low.

But the ponies of Nocturnis had come together. Everypony had worked together, found alternatives, and gathered what food we needed.

We had refused special treatment too. We ate the same as everypony else, our grain supplies were limited to non-thestrals as they needed it a lot more than us. Well, more than me anyway, Twilight and Sunset got the same rations as everypony.

It had been an eight month period where I had run out of tea.

At least for the first three months, then an enterprising earth pony had discovered a plant you could make something approaching tea from. I mean, it wasn't tea, tea. But it was still pretty decent.

Even now when we have real tea, I still prefer the local blend in the mornings. There wasn't any caffeine in it that I could detect and it was very mild which was nice.

But we got through it.

Even now when things were up and running, our imports were way down compared to before. Sure, tools, metals and such, but our food imports? Something like twenty percent of before.

Most of which was grain for the non-thestral ponies and spices. Some fruits that didn't grow here yet such as apples.

But when it came to what we had to have in the food department, we were fairly self-sufficient already, at least when it came to pure calories.

In a few days the dome was up and we could clear some ground for rice along the river and...

We would be self-sufficient. At least when it came to food. Maybe we could even start farming animals for meat.

We were actually doing this.

Luna nodded, "In any case, it seems to be working," she said before she smiled at me, "I should prepare to lower the moon."

"We'll be here when you return."

Smiling, she gave me a small kiss before slipping off the bed and heading to the balcony.

As she did, Sunset scooted into the spot Luna had vacated and rested her head against my chest. I pulled her softly closer as I looked towards Luna, "You're exhausted," I told her quietly.

"Mmm," Sunset mumbled, "...Need to be up at sunset again."

"Sunny," I said and nosed at her ear, "You work too hard."

That got a small snort from her and a sleepy look, "Says you."

"I learned, so can you."

She made a small sleepy sound, "Mmm... only another night. Then we're done."

I stroked her mane as she fell asleep.
I slowly slipped out of the peace of sleep at the movement next to me. I grumbled and tightened the hold with my wing.

"Page... need to go..." Sunset said softly and stirred again.

"...Stay. Early..."

She sighed softly against my neck before she carefully untangled herself and slipped out of the bed. I forced an eye open to look after her. Just in time for Sparks to scoot into the place Sunny had evacuated and my entire vision was filled with mane.

I closed my eye again, relaxing. It was early. Luna was deep asleep behind me still.

Twilight sleepily rolled over with a small groan of protest, shifting until her nose was beneath my chin before she settled down again, already back asleep.

But I couldn't fall asleep again. Tonight was the night.

The night we change Nocturnis.

But the sun was still well above the horizon, light filtering in through the bubble of darkness over the bed. Enough to keep it from waking Sunset or Twilight, but I could still see it.

Hours until Luna would get up. Way too early.

Slipping my wing across Twilight's, I held her tighter, pressed my nose against her mane and slowly started to return to the dream realm.

Sparkles shimmered through the dream realm and Luna smiled at me as I returned to it, "What happened?" she asked.

I smiled and stretched my wings, "Sunny got out of bed, woke me up," I said, "She works too hard."

Luna raised an eyebrow at me.

"I know, I know. But things are about to get better for everypony. And I may just ban Sunny from her position leading the guard to get her to slow down."

Luna smiled and shook her head, "Sunset would not appreciate that."

"...No," I admitted and sighed, "And I wouldn't do that. And admittedly it has been crazy with all the preparations for the activation of the shield. I may have been the least busy pony actually, all I did was write a speech."

That got a wider smile from her and she bumped her nose against mine, "Welcome to politics."

"Poly-Tics. Multiple bloodsucking insects," I said, "Yeah, that seems about right."

Luna laughed and moved up next to me, slipping her wing across my back in a hug, "I see you are familiar with the noble and venerable houses of Equestria."

I sighed and leaned against her, "Indeed. How are things on that front anyway? Your sister says everything is fine, but..."

"In reality, it is," Luna admitted, "Nothing they find overly upsetting has been happening lately so matters have calmed down to the usual simmer."

"That's good I suppose," I said with a small frown.

Luna nodded, "Especially after they started to calm down from the second changeling invasion."

I grinned at that, "They actually call it that? Overdramatic much?"

"Very," Luna agreed, "But it did calm down fairly quickly."

Changelings joining the Canterlot workforce.

I had spent special time squashing nightmares. Or if I had the time, turning them around to be nice ones during the first couple of weeks of the Canterlot hive 'invading' canterlot. It had definitely been an adaptation period for everypony involved. Ponies or Changelings.

But apparently it was difficult to keep being nervous around beings that make you coffee.

"I was glad to hear that," I said and rested my head against her neck, "But I suspect we may stir things up a little soon."

Luna shifted her head to look down at me, "What do you have planned?" she asked suspiciously.

I smiled at her innocently, "What? Me?"

Luna tickled a feather along my side and I grinned,

"Nothing planned, just natural consequences," I admitted, "With the shield up, we will be able to stop just surviving down here. We'll start farming for real. Exporting exotic fruits, wines. We found some spices similar to pepper that some of us think may become popular. It is going to mess with the market in the rest of Equestria. Some ponies won't be happy."

"That always happens," Luna admitted, "Markets are always shifting and ponies are always unhappy about it."

I nodded, "I know, and I'm mostly worried about the villages close to the edge of the jungle. They have traditionally been the source of these kinds of things. We're about to be in a position to outcompete them with both quality and quantity. That will cause resentment and that will spread."

Luna flicked one ear and then touched her nose against mine, "Work with them."

"I plan to try."

If nothing else, having a bunch of friendly ponies to help interface with the rest of Equestria would be very useful. Even if they only did it from greed.
Everypony was gathering.

I could see them gathering outside the balcony of the throne room in the small square there. I took a slow and deep breath, trying out Sparks usual technique to calm down.

Funnily enough? Actually worked a little.

"I don't like speeches," I admitted quietly. Luna smiled and stretched her wings before folding them again,

"You are good at them."

I glowered at her, "You just say that because you don't need to do it."

Luna smiled, "That as well," and moved closer, sitting down and leaning against my side, "I'll stay to the side. This is your, Twilight's and Midnight's moment. I don't want to take any attention away from you three."

I slipped a wing around her, resting my head against hers, "You wouldn't. Right?" I asked, looking at Twilight as she entered, "You and Midnight got this entire thing done. None of us could have done this without all your hard work."

Twilight blushed softly, "Page, that-"

"Is completely accurate," I told her softly but firmly and pulled her close to my other side, "Seriously Twilight. Without you and Midnight… no decursing, no Nocturnis and now no magic barrier. Celestia, Luna, Cadance, myself… none of us could have done anything you two have done. Without you two, Nocturnis would not exist."

"And neither would it without you!"

"So can be said about everypony in Nocturnis," I said and gave her a quick hug before glancing towards the balcony, "...Getting to be time."

Midnight entered through the door and looked at us, "We're all ready to go."

"Well, let's get this done then," I said and got up, "Let's not let ponies wait."

Twilight nodded firmly and got up as well. Luna smiled and nosed at my ear before pulling back and getting to her hooves, "Indeed."

I took a deep breath, "Let's go," I said and walked out onto the balcony, Twilight quickly moved to walk next to me and Midnight joined up next to her, shaking her mane back quickly before we walked out into public view.

The stars and moon shone above, the crowd and square lit only with the heavenly lights and softly glowing crystals.

The conversations died out and everypony turned in our direction.

The majority were thestrals, but I could see pegasi, unicorns, earth ponies. Two griffins even towards the back up on the roof of one of the buildings, they moved in a month after the train started to run again. That had been a welcome surprise.

I glanced down at the speech I had written, floating in my magic before I looked out across the crowd again.

I had spent hours writing this. Hours more poking, editing, perfecting.

"You know," I said and looked out across the crowd, letting my voice carry, "I had this entire speech all planned and ready," before I tossed the stack of papers over my shoulder, "Well, that was a waste of time. I should just stop doing that."

That got slight chuckles.

I smiled and continued, "Because when I look at all of you and remember all you have done, all you have accomplished, any words I may have put together seems feeble against all that," I said and put a hoof on the railing, "Building this place. The dangers of the forest. The lack of supplies after the train accident. Everything we've all gone through and you have met every challenge you have faced with an energy and determination I found very humbling."


"And now we enter a new chapter in the story of Nocturnis," I continued after a deep breath, "In a few moments, Princess' Midnight and Twilight will activate the barrier that will cover the entire village with a barrier to keep the large predators away from our village. For the last few days our brave guards have patrolled the area to make sure none enter and now it is almost time," I said and then smiled at Twilight, "Princess' Twilight and Midnight… each and every one of you have them to thank from being released of the curse. And now they have given us all a chance to become more than we are. A way to safely touch the ground."

It started as a soft rumble.

The sound of hooves against wood. Ponies were stomping their approval. It crashed down over us and I took a deep breath, turning to look out over the gathered ponies.

Midnight shifted a bit uncomfortably.

I gave them a firm nod, "Go."

Twilight shared a look with Midnight and they nodded. They turned to face each other, their horns glowing bright, lighting up the entire square up with a blinding light in the otherwise dark light.

Their horn tips touched before they threw their heads back, horns towards the sky and beams of light shot from their horns towards the clear sky.

There was a flash of light high in the sky and a shimmering field spread across the sky out of view from the village towards the horizons.

The glowing sheath of energy shimmered, fading away to just a slight shimmer in the stars.

Twilight and Midnight breathed heavily, Twilight shooting me a smile, "It's done," she said then looked out over the crowd and raised her voice, "It's done!"

Now it was more than stomps in approval.


The cheers got louder, the platform rumbled with the stomping of hooves. I grinned and reared up, spreading my wings, lighting up my horn to amplify my voice over the celebrations, "So tonight we celebrate the second of Nocturnis new holidays!" I yelled loudly, "The NIGHT OF THE TWINS!"

Twilight and Midnight both gaped at me as the cheering redoubled.
"Is it always this quiet?" Luna asked from next to me on my throne. I lounged next to her, leaning against her.

I smiled and looked around the mostly empty throne room. The only pony in the room other than us was Flower, the small thestral working at a desk as she went through some paperwork.

"Not really," I admitted, "But I expected that tonight would be dead quiet after yesternight. Way too many ponies with hangovers."

I had been putting off every duty I could for more Luna time while she was here, but audience time was for my ponies directly, even if I didn't expect anyone to show up after that epic party. I'm just glad said epic party distracted Twilight and Midnight for long enough for their anger with me to calm down. Not to say Sparks had not made her annoyance known last morning, not that I minded, she's sexy when angry.

If also scary.

"And I also remember giving somepony else the night off," I then added, shooting Flower a firm look.

Flower finished writing something before spitting her pen out and sticking her tongue out at me, "If I did, who would get this done? Besides, I plan to skip out after lunch, Your Majesty."

Luna grinned and nosed at my ear, "Are we sure she's not related to Grey Velvet?" she murmured quietly.

I smiled at her and shrugged.

In all honesty, it wouldn't surprise me. I relied on Flower the same way Celestia relied on Velvet. Without her, I wouldn't even know my own schedule. Honestly, I have no idea where my schedule even is.

What night is it?

There was a knock on the door and Starlight poked her head in, "Prince Page, there is a collection of ponies here to see you."

I looked at her in surprise. I really hadn't expected anypony to show up today, "I see, well, let them in," I said.

Luna gave my ear a teasing lick before scooting off the throne to sit innocently on the floor next to it.

I startled but before I could or say anything, the door opened and a group of ponies entered.

Minx! I'll have my revenge!

They were a mixed group, three thestrals, a unicorn, a earth pony and a pegasus. At the front of the group was a thestral, her flame cutiemark standing out brightly against her grey coat.

Spicy Pepper walked up and then bowed deeply, her wings spreading, "Your Majesty," she said and then also bowed to Luna, "Princess Luna."

The rest of her group did the same but they all seemed content letting her do the talking. But there was something about their demeanor...

What are they up to?

"Pepper," I said with a smile, "What can I help you with?" I asked.

Ever since after the train crash, Pepper had really stepped up. She still ran her food stall, but now more local foods than just noodle dishes and she had become a bit of a community leader.

Pepper got up and brushed her mane back, "Actually, Prince Page," she said with a smile before lowering her hoof, "That is what we're here about."

Am I getting deposed? Can I be that lucky?

"In what way?" I asked, flicking one ear.

Pepper smiled, "...I'm not even going to pretend to be able to mimic the way you make speeches, your majesty, but everything you said about Princess Twilight and Princess Midnight last night applies to you ten times over."

I shifted slightly uncomfortable but didn't interrupt as she continued,

"It wasn't just last night we realized that, we have every since we arrived here," she said before she raised her hoof to intercept my protest, "I know you say we built this, not you, my Prince, but... without you, we never would have. We had been scattered across the lands, alone. Afraid. Even the year without the train was still better than when I grew up. None of us are rich, Nocturnis isn't a rich town, but everypony in town pooled some bits to get you something."

I didn't quite know what to say about that.

Pepper smiled and glanced back motioning for the earth pony, "Leaf?"

He nodded and stepped forward, reaching into his satchel and pulled out a polished wood box and passing it over to her. Pepper took it and then turned back to me, "We ordered this made custom by a jeweler in Canterlot," she said and turned it towards me, opening the box to reveal a silver circlet, "We wanted our Prince to have a crown."

Now I really didn't want to know what to say. I glanced at Luna only to see her smiling towards Pepper.

Then I moved down from the throne towards Pepper, "...Thank you," I told her, looking over her group, "I didn't expect to need one," I then admitted.

"You don't," one of the other thestrals said. I recognized her as well, Swift Dice, one of my guards, "You're our Prince, crown or no crown. But you deserve one."

I looked across them, meeting each of their eyes. Then I took half a step back and bowed to Pepper.

Moments later I felt the silver circlet settle onto my mane, resting just above my horn and I stood back up, "...Thank you," I said quietly before I smiled, "How do I look?"

Luna walked up next to me, smiling at the ponies before she looked at me, "Like a Prince."
Sunset smiled at me, "I think it looks good. And Luna is right, you deserve it."

"Did you know about this?" I asked her before looking at Twilight. Twilight shook her head but Sunset smiled,

"Where do you think the measurement came from?" she said and then shrugged, "They felt more comfortable approaching me than an alicorn."

I sighed softly and lifted the circlet off my head, turning it in my magic, "...At least it fits then…"

"You don't seem happy," Luna said quietly as she jumped onto the couch next to me. I sighed and shrugged my wings, shifting to lean against her,

"It's not that," I said and glanced up at her, "I do appreciate the gesture, but this was expensive. I don't like ponies spending their bits on jewelry for me when they need it for… I don't know, food!"

Luna's magic took the circlet from mine and settled it back onto my head, "You're not just a pony, My Page. You're a symbol for these ponies and they need you to be. Let them."

I sighed softly.

Twilight nodded, leaning to look at me from across Luna, "She's right you know, Princess Cel-"

I sighed again as I rubbed my eyes with a fetlock, "I know, I had that speech too," I admitted.

Twilight smiled and jumped off the couch, stretching a bit, "So listen. Besides, don't you have a lesson around now?"

"I do," I admitted, "Thinking of canceling."

"Go," Luna said and nosed at my ear, "I need to patrol the dream realm as well."

"And I need to meet up with Midnight," Twilight said and looked towards Sunset, "Wanna come?"

Sunset sighed, "I would, but I have a meeting with Moon Glow. I can stop by later though if it finishes in time," she said and slipped off her chair, shooting Luna and me a smirk, "Behave now."

Luna, being the older and more mature pony, responded by slipping a wing around me and rolling me onto my back as she moved in for a kiss with a grin.


Eventually I found myself in the dream realm, looking at Celestia's dream portal. Instead of its usual silvery blue, the blue was now the cloudy black and whirling silver of a nightmare.

Not a Nightmare, just a regular bad dream.

Taking a deep breath, I then touched my horn to the agitated surface and stepped through into an almost pitch black forest. The wind was howling and it was raining hard enough that it was only moments until my coat and mane was completely soaked through.

The wind tore at the trees and the thickly falling rain, branches hitting branches and trees smashing together.

It was a really bad storm.

Where i-

I caught a flash of pink and white towards one side, curled up tight against the roots of an upturned tree, hiding the best she could in the limited protection it gave against the elements.

Moving closer, I saw a young Celestia. Alicorn, but very young. Middle teens if at that.

Well, enough of this.

I tapped my hoof against the forest floor, solidifying the dream and at the same time, I send a pulse of magic out into a shield bubble around where we were to keep the water and the wind away.

I couldn't actually cast that one in the real world, but here it was no problem at all.

Celestia flinched before she blinked and raised her head, looking around and brushing her soaked mane away, "Page?" she asked, her voice still a bit unsteady but quickly getting better.

"It's me," I confirmed and tapped my hoof, applying a bit of will to create a ready campfire before lighting it with a spark of my horn, "You doing okay there?"

Sunshine slowly unfolded herself and slowly stretched as water started to outright steam off her. I was meters away and I felt her heat stronger than I felt the fire.

She slowly relaxed again before frowning down at the previous grass beneath her, now ash. Frowning to herself she got up and scooted onto some fresh grass, "I'm fine," she said and sighed, giving me a small smile, "...Been ages since I had this dream. Almost forgot about this."

"What happened?" I asked and settled down next to her.

Celestia sighed, "I was being stupid and got caught out in a storm. It was before I really grew into my abilities."

"You could get cold? Even then?"

She shook her head, "No. But it wasn't fun being wet and afraid," she said and glanced out through the shield bubble at the storm, "I did manage to get back home the next day."

I nodded, "It wouldn't have been. Especially for a little filly."

Celestia smirked, "I'd have you know that at this time I am considered fully adult."

I shook my head and poked her side with my wing, "So… what's on the menu tonight, Sunshine?"

Celestia flicked one ear, "I was thinking about economics, but how about magic tonight? You have been wanting to practice your spell casting."

"Works for me," I agreed, "What scene would you like?"

"This one works, we'll work on your fire magic," she said before she smiled playfully, "I figure having things be covered with water is a good idea."

"Well, at least you're fireproof."
I took in the scent of the forest, gliding down through the quiet night, passing between the thick trees, banking around a heavy branch before my hooves landed on the ground.

Folding my wings, I took a deep breath, listening to the sounds of the animals, the brushing wind, the sound of the village above and in the distance.

I took the chance to get down to the ground to see how it felt while Luna was busy with a meeting with our small astronomers guild. Okay, so it was just one unicorn doing it so the guild might be stretching things a bit, but still.

Not to say that the ground levels were anything approaching safe, plenty of things the size of ponies that thought we would look tasty.

So solo excursions were still discouraged but I wanted to feel what it was like for a little bit.

In a couple of days survey work would start along the river. We could start expanding.

I took another deep breath, listening before I felt something and turned my head towards the left, "...Discord."

The draconequus poked his head out from behind a thick tree, "You noticed me!"

I smiled and nodded, "Heard you I think," I said and turned towards him.

Discord floated out from behind the tree, shrinking as he moved closer to keep looking the same size.

"Almost never had a pony notice me," he said, "Well, there is Pinkie Pie."

"She's a special case," he then continued, growing to full size, "I'm surprised my main monkey. You don't seem unhappy to see me?"

I shrugged my wings, "I know you've been around Nocturnis since the beginning."

Discord looked at me in surprise, his eyes growing several sizes, "You do!?"

I smiled at him, "Of course I do. Fluttershy lives here, I know you have been staying with her since she got her own place."


"Besides, nothing to be angry about," I said and looked at him again, "If our roles had been reversed, I'm not sure if I would have been as restrained about things. Seeing somepony we live afraid like that, needing to hide…"

Discord didn't say anything, he just watched me before he nodded, "Chaos magic is no longer working on you."

"I guessed that," I said and sighed, "The decursing, right?"

Discord nodded, "Yes," he said and floated up again before smiling, "This means I can stop hiding!"

"This is not a license to cause chaos for my ponies," I told him firmly, "They have enough difficulties as is. Fluttershy has found a place she's happy, don't ruin it for her."

He paused and then floated back down, "Oh."

I sighed and shook my head, "Discord, I'm not saying stop being you. Just don't riskponies' lives. This place is dangerous enough as is."

Discord flashed out of reality and I blinked before looking up to find him curled around my horn like a snake, "Ah, but wouldn't that be predictable?"

"Not really, you don't really hurt ponies," I said and then shook my head to shake him off, "Just consider if what you do will make Fluttershy sad or not."

He flashed back to his normal form, landing with a flip, applauds appearing from somewhere as he bowed.

"A good point, battsy!" Then he snapped his fingers and were gone, leaving me in the dark forest.


To say that he worried me wasn't even half of it. Yes, he was much better now, especially with Fluttershy around but…

…Fluttershy wouldn't be around forever.

Or maybe she would. If Discord had anything to say about it Fluttershy was likely to outlive all of us, Alicorns or not.

That'd be interesting.


I glanced up towards the direction of the village. If Discord could help Fluttershy, could he do so for Sunset as well?

I'd give him anything.

But it was all a theory. I had no real idea if he could do anything like that in the first place.

Pushing that thought from my mind, I took another deep breath, taking in the scent of the forest. Nothing dangerous, but…

Being on the ground like this definitely made me nervous. Quite a bit actually. I spread my wings and threw myself into the air and landed on a branch a couple of meters up.

That's better. I immediately felt safer.

I really hope that doesn't develop into a phobia or anything. That'd suck.

There was a buzzing of wings and Amber landed before me, "Sir."

"Amber," I said, giving her a nod, "I think I'm about ready to head back now. I didn't detect anything, nothing around."

Amber shook her head, "Nothing dangerous."

I had of course asked her to make sure the area was empty of predators before I went down. I'm not quite that dumb.
I poked my head carefully into the lab. Glanced around, a shield at the ready.

Nothing exploded or looked like it would, "Is it clear?"

Midnight poked her head out from the other room where they kept the books, "is what clear?"

"The lab. Nothing will shrink me or explode me or something?"

Midnight stepped out in the main room, "No, just get in here," she said, rolling her eyes.

Pushing the door open, I slipped inside, "So, what's up?" I asked as I looked hesitant at a bottle of bubbling purple liquid sitting on the table.

"Don't worry, that's an experiment for enchanted wine," Midnight said, "It's to always keep carbonation."

"Oh," I said and relaxed, "So it worked?"

Midnight made a small sour face as she walked up next to me, "A little too well. It never loses carbonation."

"So, wasn't that the point?"

"Even after you drink it."


That sounded unhealthy.

…Wonder what they tested it on?

"Anyway, that's not what I wanted to talk to you about," Midnight said and ignited her horn, causing several scrolls with charts to float out of the book room, "I wanted to fill you in on the readings from the dome."

I looked at her in slight alarm, "Anything wrong?"

She shook her head, "No. It seems stable. But as Twi has been too busy to check up on it," she said, smiling at me, "I figured I should keep an eye on it and thought you would like a report."

"...Sorry, we kind of heaped all of that on you, didn't we?" I asked with a small frown and shifted my wings, "Sorry. Didn't mean to do that."

She stuck her tongue out at me, "Relax, you all have Luna visiting. You all deserve some time off."

"So do you."

"I have been. Cut most work other than checking the readings for the last couple of nights," Midnight admitted with a shrug, "But it's really fascinating. Getting a lot of things we didn't with the first smaller one."

"Oh? Like?"

She floated one of the scrolls onto the table and flattened it out, "Well, for one thing, the-"

The door opened to interrupt her and Talon walked in, carrying a stack of books, "Here are the books you wanted!"

"Thank you," Midnight said, shooting him a smile, "Put them on the table?"

"Sure thing!"

I looked after the dragon for a second, "I swear, he's a little bit taller everytime I look," I told her quietly.

"He's growing," Midnight answered softly, "Still a baby dragon, but... he's growing faster than I am now."

So was Spike.

Wonder how big they'd get, some dragons were absolutely massive.

Talon returned to the main room to join us, "...Page, you have a minute?" he asked as he got close.

"Sure," I said and smiled at him, "What's up, Talon?"

"I have been thinking," he said and glanced at Midnight, "I want to join the guard."

I blinked at him in surprise, "Really? Why?"

"Because I want to help my home," he said and then looked nervously at Midnight, "I know I help out around here, but I could do a lot more keeping the village safe there. I'm strong, not smart like you. All I can do here is fetch things and hold a wrench. I could do a lot of good in the guard."

I glanced at Midnight. She looked thoughtfully at him,

"...I don't know," she said after several long moments, "The guard can mostly fly, you don't have wings."

"Plenty of earth ponies and unicorns in the guard too. Neither do they."

Midnight didn't look happy, "It's dangerous."

"Everything here is dangerous!"

I felt a small tremble beneath my hooves and I glanced at Midnight. Nope, not her. No flowing mane nor glowing eyes.

Talon turned to me, "Please? You know I could do a lot of good there."

"Talon, you're not old enough to-" Midnight started to say before he interrupted her.

"I'm older than some of the ponies in the guard! I'm only six years younger than you!"

And that's my cue to duck out of this before it get wor-

The vibrations got worse before a giant blue whirling portal opened in the air above us.

I had just enough time to look up in surprise before it sucked us in.
I slowly started to come too. I was laying on something hard and my head hurt.

Slowly I forced my eyes open against the glaring light.

To nopony's surprise, this didn't help my headache and I squeezed my eyes shut tight again.

I heard... crying. And I was somewhere glittering and purple. And laying on the cool hard floor.

What the hell happened, last I remembered was visiting Midnight to talk about the shield and then...

What the buck happened. Damn it, Midnight you said nothing would explode me!

I slowly pushed myself onto my hooves to look arou-

"Vamponie!" somepony yelled and then something fast and heavy hit me from the side.

I didn't have time to resist or do anything really. Or even understand what was going on.

I hit the floor, bounced off something hard and then came to a rolling halt, my head ringing.

"Rainbow! No!"

My vision blurred, threatening to darken at the edges.

Something touched my back, "Page! Page! Are you alright!?"

"Not so loud," I managed to answer, "Think... I hit my head. Or my head hit me."

I blinked my eyes slowly but firmly. Focus, damn you!

Slowly the world came back into focus and I slowly started to push myself back up.

A hoof rested on my back, "Stay down," Midnight said firmly, "Fluttershy, get some water."

Fluttershy, why were sh-

Rainbow. Midnight has said Rainbow. Rainbow was not in Nocturnis... which meant either was I out for a long time or we had moved somewhere.

I turned my head, spotting a familiar Crystal table taking up the middle of most of the room. I could see... Luna and Celestia. Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity and The Pink One.

Puzzle pieces fell into place with a resounding thunk as my hamster climbed back onto its little wheel and went back to running.

"We're in your world," I told her quietly, looking up at Midnight.

Midnight nodded and then looked over at Celestia and the rest, "We are," she said seriously.

"We just managed to find you," Celestia said and moved a bit to the side, revealing Starlight Glimmer. The unicorn looked tired and wore a magic suppressor ring around her horn, "Starlight came to her senses and decided to assist us."

"Twilight, who is that?" Applejack asked and looked at me.

Midnight rubbed her forehead with her hoof, "This is Prince Blank Page of Equestria," she said with a tired sigh, "Which is who you just assaulted, Rainbow."

I slowly pushed myself up onto my hooves to sit. My head felt like it was splitting apart. My vision was blurry.

"Oh Celestia, you're bleeding," Midnight said and I felt a hoof press against the side of my head. I almost wobbled.

I groaned and tried my best not to pass out, "You know," I said, "I can't help but think I got the worst deal when it came to landings here."

"Just lay down again," Midnight said, "We'll figure this out and get you back, I promise. Just focus on not hurting yourself, okay?"

I should be feeling worried about being in a different universe or timeline or whatever, but I just couldn't gather the energy for it.

But my head felt like it was splitting in two and my mind felt like it was stuffed with cotton clouds.

Letting Midnight guide me to lay down again, my eyes felt heavier than the sun and I floated off into darkness.


I slowly started to wake up, forcing my eyes open and looking out over the richly decorated room. The walls shimmered softly in the moonlight coming in through the window.

My head hurt.

Where... am I? How did I get here?

Last thing I remembered was... I was talking with Midnight in her lab, Talon wanted to join the guard and then... I woke up here.

Slowly I pushed myself up to sit.

My head hurt, but it didn't get any worse. I reached up with a hoof to feel it. I had bandages around my head. Oh. Head injury.

Would explain the memory loss, yes.

Still had no idea where I was though. Didn't look like a cell of some sort, that window was glass and didn't have bars on it. It looked more like an expensive hotel room or guest room. Somewhere rich.


But where? Hmm. Crystals. Crystal Empire?

Prisoner or rescued?

The lack of bars leaned towards being rescued, but could be political prisoner and they were just polite. Could be magically warded.

Carefully and quietly I climbed off the bed and moved over towards the window as silently as I could before I reared up to reach and look out.

That's... that's Canterlot at the horizon. I could literally see Canterlot through the window.

This angle would put me in... Ponyville? Or thereabout?

Ponyville doesn't have a structure like this.

I slowly sank down to sit.

But I knew of a Ponyville that does have a structure like this. Midnight had told me all about it. Her Ponyville in her universe had a crystal castle.

I was in Midnight's home universe.

Oh buck.

My mouth suddenly felt very dry and I closed my eyes tight, forcing my breathing to remain even. Don't panic. You're not stuck. She got from here to our place and now somehow they got at least me here. Likely her as well.

If they can do that, they can send me back home too.

I'm not stuck. I'll see everypony again.

I'm not stuck. Don't panic.

Panicking never helps anyway.

I put my hoof on my chest, taking a slow deep breath before extencing it as I breathed out. Sparks' calming down technique helped a little.

I did it again.

Then I put my hoof back down and stood up. Okay. I knew where I was. Where I was didn't mean I was safe, no way to know yet who was in control here, for all I knew it could be... okay, not evil Celestia, it was way too dark for that.

But it could be Nightmare Moon, The Storm King or even Chrysalis. Okay, not Chrysalis, then I would have been glued to a wall or in a pod. So Changeling takeover was unlikely.

Closing my eyes, I listened hard before letting out a chirp of echolocation. It was inaudible to a non-thestral, but it gave me a map of the room I was in. All the walls felt equally solid, the door sounded like some kind of crystal and through it I could hear a pair of muddled spots.

Couldn't see through walls with it, but if somebody stood just outside, I could usually detect it from the dampening of the echo.

I was under guard.

Under guard, but is the place magically warded? Teleporting with an injured head was not a good idea.

Could I risk a short teleport, just outside?

Going to have to, had to know what was going on before anypony realized I was awake.

Moving as close to the window I could, I cast a quick teleport spell and disappeared from the room.