Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Black King on Dec 2, 2019 at 9:29 AM, finished with 77 posts and 12 votes.

  • [X]Strong Bonds and Building Buisness
    [x] Princely Loki
    [x] Princely Loki
    -[X] Study: So you could be a great tactician instead? A general even.
    --[x] War, DC 65
    --[x] Tactics, DC 70
    -[x] Discuss Osmond's future goals. DC 55
    -[X] Attempt to convince the Instructor to continue lessons? DC ???
    -[x] Try to add on lending to Phoenix Financial DC 60
    -[x] Become a Justice of Asgard. DC ???
    -[x] Become an official advisor to the King. DC ???
    -[x] Train your new pet to be...more stealthy. DC 60
    -[X] Teach your Roc to talk. DC ???
    -[X] Visit the Library, you've heard so much about all of the different books! So much opportunity, so little time...
    --[x] Continue Learning History. DC 65
    -[x] Enchant Something
    --[x] A collar/ring pair. The collar for your pet, the ring for Loki. While wearing the ring, you know where your pet (who is wearing the collar) is at all times and what it is feeling, and you are also alerted if it is in any danger.
    -[X] Relationships: Spend time with some of your favorite people in the world!
    --[x] Elym
    --[x] Osmond
    --[X] Sigyn
    -[x] Gain a new hobby
    --[x] Role-playing. (Journeys and Jotuns? Creating the Asgardian version of Dungeons and Dragons.)
    [X]Strong Bonds and Building Buisness
    -[X] Train:
    -- [X] With the All-Father, DC 40 Diplomacy, DC 75 Martial
    -[X] Train your pet to fight (increase its abilities) DC 50
    -[X] Cultivate your friendship with Sigyn. DC 50
    -[X] Attempt to convince the Instructor to continue lessons? DC ???
    -[x] Try to add on lending to Phoenix Financial DC 60
    -[X] Expand your Phoenix Fincancial to do more. DC 140
    -[X] Gather information about the specific imports and exports of Asgard. DC 80
    -[X] Research Nornheim. DC 65
    -[X] Visit the Library, you've heard so much about all of the different books! So much opportunity, so little time...
    -- [X] Continue Learning Science. DC 55
    -[X] Train your current magic(s). Strengthen them. DC 50 x2
    -[X] Relationships: Spend time with some of your favorite people in the world!
    -- [X] Sigyn
    -- [X] Mother
    -[X] Try to further master your magic you discovered. DC 55 x2

Magic #3, Roll = 77
Magic #4, Roll = 55

Winning Vote:

-[z] Train:
-- [z] With the All-Father, DC 40 Diplomacy, DC 75 Martial
-[z] Train your pet to fight (increase its abilities) DC 50
-[z] Cultivate your friendship with Sigyn. DC 50
-[z] Attempt to convince the Instructor to continue lessons? DC ???
-[z] Try to add on lending to Phoenix Financial DC 60
-[z] Expand your Phoenix Fincancial to do more. DC 140
-[z] Gather information about the specific imports and exports of Asgard. DC 80
-[z] Research Nornheim. DC 65
-[z] Visit the Library, you've heard so much about all of the different books! So much opportunity, so little time...
-- [z] Continue Learning Science. DC 55
-[z] Train your current magic(s). Strengthen them. DC 50 x2
-[z] Relationships: Spend time with some of your favorite people in the world!
-- [z] Sigyn
-- [z] Mother
-[z] Try to further master your magic you discovered. DC 55 x2
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Turn Thirteen Results
-[z] Train:
-- [z] With the All-Father, DC 40 Diplomacy, DC 75 Martial

Diplomacy Roll: 30+14=44
Bare success.

As expected, the king is incredibly busy. So much so that it takes all of Loki's nonexistent charm to even so much as have a conversation with his father, regarding training. The All-Father has heard of Loki's martial prowess, both from Erling and from Thor, so he is somewhat interested, he's just not...sure that he'd be of much help. However, Loki convinces him otherwise.

Martial Roll: 9+30=39
A bad failure.

Loki is wrong. The whole training is...awkward to say the least. It just...nothing matches. Loki uses his hands mostly, and is good with a sword and a dagger, and Odin uses Gungnir, the mighty spear forged by the Dwarves. As such, there is no synergy, there is no...gain from their training, and it is definitely a waste of the King's time. Even when Loki picks up a spear it just...doesn't work. At all. It's disappointing to say the least.

Increase DC for this action next turn.

-[z] Train your pet to fight (increase its abilities) DC 50
Roll: 41+30=71
A success!

While training with the All-Father doesn't go well, training with Hábrók goes well. The pet roc is more than just accustomed to battle now, and can actually attack Loki's enemies with frightening accuracy, and follow his directions and orders. It may even stand a chance against the average Asgardian soldier as it stands.

Unlocked Hábrók's Martial Score (18)
Hábrók can fight with Loki and help him, and follow his orders/fight on its own/join in strategies devised by Loki.

-[z] Cultivate your friendship with Sigyn. DC 50
Roll: 59+14=73
A success!

A sad truth of Loki's life, is that Loki has one friend outside of his pet roc, and her name is Sigyn. And despite his awkwardness, the two continue to mesh and grow closer as time passes. It's to the point that they could truly be called friends, and no longer amicable acquaintances. And this makes Loki happy. Finally he had a friend.

-[z] Attempt to convince the Instructor to continue lessons? DC ???
A bad failure.

Ylva is a busy woman who quite frankly has her hands full with her current classes. So when Loki asks for her to continue his lessons, as much as she liked her bright former student, she must decline. The former awkwardness and rumor of him liking her certainly didn't help either. But overall, it's her busy schedule that is cited as the reason for her refusal.

This action is not available next turn.

-[z] Try to add on lending to Phoenix Financial DC 60
Roll: 561
A god-like success!

Loki was good with money, that much was obvious. Despite his issues with outright publicly starting his own business, he was still damn good at all things financial. Loki has also lent money before, and that too has gone well. But this...this was unexpected nonetheless. When Loki adds a lending service to Phoenix Financial, he expects it to succeed of course, but he does not expect such...monumental or widespread success.

It seems like instantly, once the lending capabilities are added, there is an immediate uptake of...well almost half of Asgard using his service. Which is...strange and welcome, but not outside of the realm of possibility. When the people who take out loans increases even more...Loki starts to be amazed, just a little bit, that much he can admit. But when it spreads to other realms, that is when Loki's mind is blown at the sheer success that he's achieved. How? Why? When? None of these questions can be answered as nothing can be pinpointed so easily, but the success is still there. And of course, Loki is happy to take in the influx of money he receives from the interest and payment of said loans.

A normal man or business might be worried about having enough money to loan, or about receiving their money back, but Loki...Loki is a prince. With a successful Debt business already, and experience in loaning money. So having enough is not a problem. As for receiving his money back, Loki cannot only Enchant, but he can Bind people to their word and thus has absolutely nothing to worry about. No, Loki will be just fine. And Phoenix Financial will be...more than fine.

Lending spreads to other realms (Pick 2)

[] Vanaheim
[] Nornheim
[] Nidavellir
[] Alfheim
[] Midgard
[] Jotunheim (counts as 2)
[] Muspelheim (counts as 2)
[] Outside of the Nine Realms (counts as 2)

+1 Stewardship
Loki gains the trait God of Coin: Half DC to all Finance actions.

-[z] Expand your Phoenix Fincancial to do more. DC 140
Roll: 162+ ??? (bonus from Lending)
A good success!

Not that Phoenix Financial needs to expand given it's immense success with lending, but Loki is a man of change who likes to spread his arms wide and far. The efforts to expand are admittedly helped by the huge boom in Phoenix Financial's cliental, and now Loki just had to decide what he was expanding to.

What does it do now? Besides it's amazing lending business?
[] Banking
[] Trade
[] Investments
[] Currency Exchange

-[z] Gather information about the specific imports and exports of Asgard. DC 80
Roll: 26+32=58
Failure. far too busy with Phoenix Financial's expansion and lending service to worry much about the rest of Asgard's financial situation (the few things he doesn't know). So that has to be put on the backburner.

It's unfortunate really.

-[z] Research Nornheim. DC 65
Roll: 19+24=43

Nornheim is...well Loki wishes he had the time, but with Phoenix Financial blowing up the way it did, he just...well Nornheim seems less important to him at the moment. He had to make sure his business was running correctly and could handle all of the incoming clientele.

Sadly, researching Nornheim falls off of his schedule.

-[z] Visit the Library, you've heard so much about all of the different books! So much opportunity, so little time...
-- [z] Continue Learning Science. DC 55
Roll: 19+20=39

It really is unfortunate to Loki's more...academic mind that the distractions of Phoenix Financial seem to effect his every move. Or maybe he's just making an excuse? Either way, his trips to the library, while relaxing, are ultimately fruitless and he learns nothing. It's disappointing for someone who's been so...successful with such things in the past. Yes, it definitely had to be Phoenix Financial. That was it...

-[z] Train your current magic(s). Strengthen them. DC 50 x2
Roll: 50+12=62

Luckily, Loki's concentration is not so fried that he cannot work on and improve his magics. It would be folly for him to not continue to improve some of the very things that allowed him to make his business what it is today. And Loki was not the type.

Roll 2: 49+12=61

What does he improve (2 choices, can choose the same thing twice) ?
[] Binding/Sealing
[] Forging
[] Enchantment (takes both)

-[z] Relationships: Spend time with some of your favorite people in the world!
-- [z] Sigyn

As said before, Loki and Sigyn have grown close. Beyond acquaintances or a friendly neighbor, but...they were real and actual friends. It did Loki good to have someone close who he can talk to and cool down with, to get his mind of the busier things of life. And Sigyn seemed to appreciate his presence as well.

Roll: 65

Sigyn is officially Loki's Friend.

-- [z] Mother

Spending time with Mother was always great and surprisingly fun. It also helped to dispel the lingering thoughts that she may be somehow disappointed in Loki or that she thought him incapable of responsibility. Loki supposed he was just taking her rejection of his last few questions to heart and that Mother loved him the same as she always had, and that she was proud of him. And of course, she let him know just that.

Roll: 75

-[z] Try to further master your magic you discovered. DC 55 x2

Going deep inside of his core, Loki meditates as he molds and manipulates magic, trying to strengthen it, and further it to new levels. He tries often as he can, and he achieves the desired result.

Roll: 77

What does Loki improve?
[] Enchantment (1.5)
[] Forging (1)
[] Binding (.5)

Roll: 55

Unfortunately further attempts fail. Loki is just...spread too thin, trying to do too many things at once. It's a shame really, he was so close.

2 hour Moratorium
What does the history skill do mechanically? @KnowledgeKing

It means Loki knows things about Asgard and other realms. Lowers DC on some actions. Mostly knowledge-gaining actions.

Would Loki get more respect narratively for having a commitment based job (with an action locked) as opposed to not having a job?

Depends on the job and from who. A teaching job gets respect from people who respect that. Treasurer...well it's a job for the kingdom so it's very respected. Same for Justice.
[] Nornheim
[] Nidavellir

Gives us something to leverage with the dwarfs and the queen.

[] Enchantment (takes both)
[] Enchantment (1.5)

[] Banking

banking is the foundation for everything including stabilizing currency.
[] Vanaheim
[] Nidavellir

[] Investments

[] Binding/Sealing x2

[] Enchantment (1.5)
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Ahhh, good sweet money, how I have missed you. To think to of all things, we would get something related to being a God of Money! We might as well be The Tywin Lannister of Asgard at this point, though we might need a Lion as a pet/mascot...
[] Nornheim
[] Nidavellir

[] Binding/Sealing (×2)
[] Enchantment (1.5), we are the Tony Stark coin now. Though, if we want to take Asgard out of it's isolation, wouldn't Trade be more suited? Or Banking will serve as a better foundation for our bussiness?
I'm thinking banking because of how important that is to stabilizing currency. I have no idea how the stock exchange is there that's skipping in the tech tree.
I'm thinking banking because of how important that is to stabilizing currency. I have no idea how the stock exchange is there that's skipping in the tech tree.
If we go banking, we will need to develop resources to defend what people store in our bank.

We will need to build a new vault, design safety and security measures, and employ personnel.

Something I think we could do is establish some kind of ID card/tablet that is enchanted to initiate monetary transfers between people conveniently, safely, and securely.

That way people who do business will work with us to get an ID card. Plus if there is a crime, fraud, or investigation we could look back at the transaction history.

Plus having an ID that is useful like that could heavily increase Asgard's importance beyond the nine realms.

[] Banking
[] Trade
[] Investments
[] Currency Exchange
Banking - stable for the institution and Asgard itself

Trade - various cultures coming together

Investments - mad profits, to the moon, Wolf of wallstreet!

Currency Exhange - healthy mix of stability and various cultures coming together. Encourages stability of the overall universe.

I think ID could work for currency exchange the best.
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If we go banking, we will need to develop resources to defend what people store in our bank.

We will need to build a new vault, design safety and security measures, and employ personnel.

Something I think we could do is establish some kind of ID card/tablet that is enchanted to initiate monetary transfers between people conveniently, safely, and securely.

That way people who do business will work with us to get an ID card. Plus if there is a crime, fraud, or investigation we could look back at the transaction history.

Plus having an ID that is useful like that could heavily increase Asgard's importance beyond the nine realms.
Don't we have binding and enchanments to stop fraud and replace id's. I want to see if we can give out mortgages and repo in case of bankruptcy.

If we got banks could we get repo and mortgages? Also how would you implement it, would it be a roll every turn to see if people default and give us stuff? @KnowledgeKing
Question @KnowledgeKing , cab we further expand pheobix going forward or would doing so require further success of this magnitude?
What do we have to do to get repo added to the Buisness? @KnowledgeKing

I don't understand the question. Repo?

@KnowledgeKing How is Thor's reputation? Like is he popular on Asgard? Does he have a number of friends?

Thor's basically canon. So yeah. He has the Warrior's Three and Sif. Others like/admire him.

If we got banks could we get repo and mortgages? Also how would you implement it, would it be a roll every turn to see if people default and give us stuff? @KnowledgeKing

Repossess stuff? Not really. Enchantments and Bindings take care of anything that would lead to that. Mortgages are just loans. And no, you just make money. No need for rolling.

Question @KnowledgeKing , cab we further expand pheobix going forward or would doing so require further success of this magnitude?

You can. You'll see what the DC is on the upcoming turn.
[X] Vanaheim
[X] Nidavellir

[X] Currency Exchange
Get everyone on the Asgardian coin standard. Travel the realms.

[X] Binding/Sealing x2
[X] Enchantment (1.5)
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