Swords 5/5
Daggers: 5/5
Concentrated Mischief
Payback king
One eye
Lawful Loki
Healing magic
Teleportation magic
All this stuff above I am for sure on board with getting rid of.
Stuff I am still on the edge about getting rid of are
Maybe enchanting magic to, it was Loki's first magic and his primary so he probably has a strong attachment to it so we should get a decent boost from it. We can hire enchanters to enchant our stuff or just ask Amora to enchant it for us, we don't really use it much anyway. We also have not trained it since around turn 12, or something like that.
Our second eye, on edge about this because there is a chance of insanity but there is also the possibility that Thor gave up his emotions or attachments as well as his eyes and that is the cause for how he acts, from what I remember Rune King Thor inthe comics was not insane, could be wrong though which is why I am on the fence, would definitely cause us to be closer to Thor in terms of power though, we could have Osmond make prosthetics and yes I understand we would not actually be able to see through them, we would however still look like we had eyes which is a good thing.
Thinking about training up some skills to sacrifice to the well, some have brought up the fact we would have to be attached to them for them to count for much so we cannot just train them up to do this because of it, but Loki does not yet know he can sacrifice skills or anything but his eyes, which means he would see it as him trying to get stronger and be proud of it and have some attachment to his hard work, in the comics I vaguely remember a blue spirit thing that told what the well did so he should learn of what it does then.
Thinking about sacrificing two of our ribs to it, you can live a relatively normal life with up to six ribs gone and I am thinking of taking out two, because if the sacrifices are based around attachment there is not many things we are more attached to than our body.
Shapeshifting, now that it is known Loki is a Jotun we don't really have much need for this, I am on the fence about it because it is incredibly useful in a lot of situations and we might regret not having it later, we would also get a decent boost from this since we would be sacrificing the only thing we have to hide our heritage and look like the mother and father we have that raised us which is pretty significant to Loki.
This is just my thoughts so far, any suggestions or reasons as to why some of the stuff I typed is stupid? I typed way to much....