Alot of the arguments are why I made my own vote. I dislike the current leading vote as it makes it sound like we are colluding with Thanos. I don't want to attack because we risk too much, but I want to make it clear why sanctions were put up.
Basically to say Titan will stay weakened until Asgard recuperates
Edit: Also don't push Thor away please. If he leaves there's a chance he'll come back, but if we push him away he'll stay stubborn till the end of time. Also trading our brother for the invader seems in bad taste.
@Darkcore41 apologizing isn't banishing Thor. You are accusing quite a few people for wanting to diss him entirely when some do just wanna say sorry to Thanos.
Finally I think we can all say that or top priority is bringing back Odin and Frigga so that they could sort this out. And I mean ODIN AND FRIGGA. Not just Frigga s we can powergame our way to the top. If one wakes up before the other we vice the throne to them, but we try to wake both up at least.