"Fire at will!"

Instead, just moments later, I heard Theda call for fire, and then everything else was drowned out by the snap of muskets firing, the fog thickened by the discharging coolant as stun blasts flashed uselessly into the forest. I shouted for them to stop, but nobody could hear me over the din as every gun fired all at once. Snarling, I thumbed the selector on my sword two clicks and a red and yellow pulse flared out of it, and a moment later the fire dropped off.
Theda just fuuuucked up, and in more ways than just the insubordination. Her whole complaint is that Dora is taking too much responsibility. Theda thinks that machines can't make decisions. That's why she's been such an ass to Dora.

What is she doing here? Trying to usurp the Lieutenant's position because she thinks she can do a better job of it than Dora can. Theda has decided that she needs to make decisions. She's taking responsibility.

I can't wait for Dora to feed Theda her own arguments.

For some reason, she was carrying the company flag casing, a long cylindrical tube on her back. Properly, that ought to be with the colour sergeant. Maybe they were hurt, and I had just missed it, too busy fucking up.
This also seems... somewhat suspicious. I don't think that Theda has any more on-paper authority than Old Theo or the other sergeants in Dora's unit, does she?
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In the maidverse there are a few qualities that a monarch must have, chief among them immaculate handwriting. For some nations it is customary for monarchs to last less than a year, as carpal tunnel inevitably sets in.

It is, however, the highest honor a nation can bestow on a calligrapher.
Ah. Yeah, there are a lot of places that probably get one of these from the Regency Council. It has exquisite penmanship, I'm sure.
Though there are a surprising number of places historically on the receiving end of British colonialism that the Brits probably never even got around to in this timeline, such as practically the entire Middle East. Which may very well have birthed a nation of space Ottomans, somehow. Space Ottomans sound fun to figure out.

However, China is (one of the multiple) exception(s); the drug trafficking that gave rise to the Opium Wars was already underway as early as 1820, so Britain legit has something to say 'sorry' for.
The Perry Expedition was 1853, so that's probably another thing that got butterflied away. Which means that Japan is still all samurai? And not, like, actual samurai, the kind that were basically fancy bureaucrats because Japan hadn't had a war in two centuries and would have been crushed in a foreign conflict anyway because they'd been doing the isolationism thing? Somehow that seems incredibly fitting for this setting.
Chapter 18.5 - A Given Definition of Survive
Finally, we began moving up onto higher, dryer ground, heading toward the camp. It was established in a rocky outcropping atop a high point in the ground, which meant we traded the omnipresent mud for an uphill journey on uneven ground. Predictably, we had not made it far when one of the howitzers got bogged down, its pedrails clanking loudly as it spun helplessly against a smooth, rounded stone in the path.

The column came to a halt, and I could feel the ambush in my frame. I raised my sword, preparing to call to present arms to either side of the path, and suddenly it began in a flash of purple and blue light bursting among the unit, accompanied by the snap of vegetation bursting.

"Face left! Left and ready! Hold fire until my order!" I called, my sword flaring to life as I indicated off the path. "Face left and make ready, damn you!"

This time, the fire did not let up immediately, more shots streaking nearly randomly through the fog. I glanced over to check on the gun on the other side of Beckham's section, and Lieutenant Kennedy, hovering over the gun to oversee its extraction, was struck by multiple blasts of blue light, slipping down and off her horse.

Turning back to my own line, another blue impact scattered off Sumner's shield, another striking a Theo in the leg, who dropped to a knee with a curse. I pushed the ensigns behind the line, raising my pistol to the murk. Farther down, I could see purple streaks sparking off the Theos and Doras, weapons wavering. Then silence, for a moment.

"Steady everyone! Hold until they come back!" I called, projecting my voice loudly down the line. "If anyone fires early there will be hell to pay!"

There was a few long, tense seconds more, then more purple flashes out in the forest, closer this time, impacting our line.


This time, the weapons snapped all at once, an enormous cloud of white smoke erupting ahead of us as every weapon discharged in a volley that like the forest up from the inside. Just for a brief instant, the bursting light backlit through the foliage, and I saw the silhouettes of a dozen humanoid forms suspended in the beams, stumbling and falling.

"Good shooting!" I called, turning back to the line, waiting as the blue indicator lights along their muskets all blinked back to life at once. Then, about three down from me, one of the weapons dipped, and a Dora pitched forward with a warbling, electronic groan. Before she'd even touched the ground, there was a gout of white-hot flame which from her middle as her batteries touched off, and a burst of steam as she hit the mud.

Beside me, Sumner screamed, and Kelly just stared. I immediately clamped down on my own horror, the guilt at the first losses to my command.

"First rank, advance two paces and close up!" I called, and the soldiers began moving forward, creating a corridor between the lines. I didn't even have to call for it: our trauma mechanic rushed forward, a Thomas in a yellow and red jacket who dashed to the fallen soldier's side, fire suppressor already spraying. I tore myself away.

"Ensigns, eyes front." I ordered, and we waited.

About a minute later, the gun was finally freed, and the fallen Dora was carried by two of the men to our company supply wagons. There was a half-a-dozen other machines with minor damage, nearly all of them clustered at the rear of the line, and the Theo struck in the leg seemed superficially fine, save that he simply couldn't move his limb at all. Our casualties sorted, we began moving again, weapons held ready, and I pushed the unsteady ensigns forward.

"Is… is that Dora d-dead?" Sumner asked, her face white. Kelly was still just silent.

"We're a tough lot, you know." I said, doing my best to assure her. "We're not like humans, the different parts of our systems don't degrade if one fails. As long as her processors are intact, and it's the most heavily armoured part of us, she might be okay."

Sumner nodded weakly, and the two of them started looking a little more alert. I could break the truth to her, that it was more complicated, later. They might plug that Dora into a power pack and flip her on and she'd be fine. Maybe.

Or maybe the power surge blew out her engines and fused her joints, and she more or less needs a whole new frame. Maybe her processors fried into an irrecoverable mess, and if we reconnect her drives somewhere she ends up having to reconcile her old memories and a new processor, a total personality change overnight. Maybe her hard drives were wiped by the flash of heat and electricity, and she wakes up a blank slate. Maybe she just never boots up at all.

Theos and Doras could survive almost anything… depending on what you'd be willing to accept as survival.

Ahead of us, Lieutenant Kennedy's limp form was loaded onto the back of one of the artillery wagons, one of the regimental nurses at her side.

Sorry for the short update. I should have attached this to the earlier chapter but I was having trouble staying awake. More coming, but this was a natural end-point.
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Theos and Doras could survive almost anything… depending on what you'd be willing to accept as survival.

Ouch. My usual flippant joke about how refits on some machines consist of lifting up the serial number and sliding a new unit in underneath get real nasty when it's playing with the building blocks of personhood.

That said, I wonder if robots have ever tried changing their processors or even having multiple processors available, or is that too risky? Goodness knows there are times when I wish I could hot-swap my cognition out for something a bit less stressful without much risk of damage to my core self.
Ouch. My usual flippant joke about how refits on some machines consist of lifting up the serial number and sliding a new unit in underneath get real nasty when it's playing with the building blocks of personhood.

That said, I wonder if robots have ever tried changing their processors or even having multiple processors available, or is that too risky? Goodness knows there are times when I wish I could hot-swap my cognition out for something a bit less stressful without much risk of damage to my core self.
I cannot imagine this would at all be something that would not fuck you up considerably, that sounds incredibly traumatic. Maybe I'm wrong, but people who have personality shifts after brain damage and stuff often have really hard times with it.

Though it's inverse got me thinking about plural robots and dual-booting OSes lol.
Ahead of us, Lieutenant Kennedy's limp form was loaded onto the back of one of the artillery wagons, one of the regimental nurses at her side.
noooooooo, not the cute artillery lieutenant D:

Beside me, Sumner screamed, and Kelly just stared. I immediately clamped down on my own horror, the guilt at the first losses to my command.
Yeah, I'm not sure there's a lot you could have done about that without adopting entirely different tactics, like adopting a formation that lets the unit drop and cover and just barely getting up on its elbows to return fire. I'm actually kind of surprised the loss ratio appears to be so heavily in the humans' favor - skirmishers in a jungle against an infantry bloc attempting to move quickly, I'd have expected snipers to have been picking robots off basically at their convenience. Perhaps this the humans' general tech advantage showing? The Theos+Doras appear to handily outrange their enemies, they look quite a bit more durable, their muskets are still set to stun, and they have armored units (the officers) to attract the bulk of the fire.
noooooooo, not the cute artillery lieutenant D:

Yeah, I'm not sure there's a lot you could have done about that without adopting entirely different tactics, like adopting a formation that lets the unit drop and cover and just barely getting up on its elbows to return fire. I'm actually kind of surprised the loss ratio appears to be so heavily in the humans' favor - skirmishers in a jungle against an infantry bloc attempting to move quickly, I'd have expected snipers to have been picking robots off basically at their convenience. Perhaps this the humans' general tech advantage showing? The Theos+Doras appear to handily outrange their enemies, they look quite a bit more durable, their muskets are still set to stun, and they have armored units (the officers) to attract the bulk of the fire.
Yeah, the thing about this is that they get away with their Napoleonic tactics on the dint that their troops are all basically walking tanks. If you were thinking 'tough human', start thinking 'armoured terminator'.
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That said, I wonder if robots have ever tried changing their processors or even having multiple processors available, or is that too risky? Goodness knows there are times when I wish I could hot-swap my cognition out for something a bit less stressful without much risk of damage to my core self.
I cannot imagine this would at all be something that would not fuck you up considerably, that sounds incredibly traumatic. Maybe I'm wrong, but people who have personality shifts after brain damage and stuff often have really hard times with it.
...you know, I could see it in a particular sort of ritual setting. It'd still be a pretty fucked-up amount of dangerously mind-altering, but I can see the most devoted of some machine-buddhist sect making pilgrimage to the resting place of the guru who founded the sect, to have said guru's processor installed and read the sacred texts again with the guru's mind. And then reinstalling their own processors and writing commentaries on the experience.
Though it's inverse got me thinking about plural robots and dual-booting OSes lol.
This is actually super cute and I want to meet these characters now.
They're still probably feeling the theo/doras out, and just in case, you probably want to have a decent amount of firepower before you pick a fight, just in case you need to pull a break contact drill.

And it looks like the first lesson they learned is that it takes a volley to make shooting really stick. I'm half surprised they aren't gunning for the humans, but formations and shields probably protect them from casual sniping.

I half wonder if Theda's early order would've made sense with Prussian equipment. I wouldn't put it past her to be so dead set on ignoring Dora that she hasn't accounted for the different weapons.
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I half wonder if Theda's early order would've made sense with Prussian equipment. I wouldn't put it past her to be so dead set on ignoring Dora that she hasn't accounted for the different weapons.
...Oh. The planet is covered in fog. The robots are armed with laser muskets. I guess I don't know if the stunners operate the same way, but the muskets' effective range is probably low even compared to what Dora is used to. IIRC the prussians do something a bit more skirmishery which'd include more focus on aim and I wouldn't be surprised if she's way overestimating her effective range. It's kind of interesting how basically everything she does wrong boils down in some way to "not updating on new observations".
The Perry Expedition was 1853, so that's probably another thing that got butterflied away. Which means that Japan is still all samurai? And not, like, actual samurai, the kind that were basically fancy bureaucrats because Japan hadn't had a war in two centuries and would have been crushed in a foreign conflict anyway because they'd been doing the isolationism thing? Somehow that seems incredibly fitting for this setting.
Yeah, Japan was actually in a pretty good place to enter the Regency-esque Machine Age, given the initial impetus of the machines rapidly proliferating in Japan in the first place.

I think the butterflied Perry expedition would still... happen... or something like it, it's just that it wouldn't have to involve violence? More of a "uh yeah, please stop executing our shipwrecked sailors, and these cool robots you found on some of the shipwrecks are not just flukes and hi!"
Yeah, Japan was actually in a pretty good place to enter the Regency-esque Machine Age, given the initial impetus of the machines rapidly proliferating in Japan in the first place.

I think the butterflied Perry expedition would still... happen... or something like it, it's just that it wouldn't have to involve violence? More of a "uh yeah, please stop executing our shipwrecked sailors, and these cool robots you found on some of the shipwrecks are not just flukes and hi!"
Now I'm wondering if the likely initial fuzziness of the robots' civil rights status would work for them there? If they're machines, not people, they don't need to be executed for attempting to violate the isolation order, so they can be brought in by the one or two points that're still trading. At which point they immediately start manufacturing more of themselves. And then it's basically a matter of time - they'd take over the shogunate the same way they took over everywhere else and steadily slide the place toward opening back up.

You know, most of the world has standardized on the same basic patterns of robot, like Theos and Doras as soldiers with name changes and some slight tweaks, but Japan's robots might be uniquely divergent. From about 1820, when someone first got a self-reproduction-capable robot into the country, until ~1855 when the borders opened, they would have been the only major country that wasn't continually exchanging designs with the rest of the world, and as a result it would have been easy for them to end up with a bunch of novel patterns. From there I can only imagine them maintaining those unique patterns to this day!

tl;dr Japan has samurai bots. :V
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Chapter 19 - Wrong Answer
We made it to the camp without further incident, moving slowly with weapons in hands, the skirmishers doubling back through the forest along the sides of our line and probing for any stunned bodies. A report over the wireless updated us that Lieutenant Kennedy, while not dead, was incapacitated such that Gunnery Sergeant Teodor would be taking over her duties for the foreseeable future.

I kept turning the ambush over in my head. The differing weapon fire and its effects, and how their attack was distributed, they were clearly trying to take out the officers, but non-lethally. They were using stunners too, but only targeting humans with them. The Theos and Doras in the line got full-power blasts. But they also weren't aiming for pure attrition, otherwise they'd be taking constant shots as the column moved, not firing small volleys.

They weren't trying to stop us. They were experimenting.

That was… concerning. Especially because their stunners seemed to punch through force screens way too easily, given how their lethal fire didn't seem nearly so dangerous to us. Far more on the second attack than the first, though… perhaps they were gauging what power settings they'd need to hurt us.

And they were persistent with targeting the officers, too. That meant they were smart enough to recognize them. That did not bode well for this expedition.

Finally, the last of us filed into the camp, past the hastily reinforced barricades which our machines were already reinforcing. It was a good spot if nothing else, about a half-a-dozen temporary structures erected at clear, rocky top of the hill, rising just high enough to give a commanding view of the surrounding forest, stretching on in all directions. The structures were nestled among high, jutting stones that crowned the hill, and something about it just seemed incongruous. I didn't know anything about geology, but I did know that I'd never seen natural terrain like this.

Not far away, down the hill into a valley, we could just see the dig site, a square clearing in the forest with a much larger and more rugged looking path clearing the way. The forest there was thinner, smaller trees spaced out across exposed rocky shield. Only about a mile and a bit away, apparently with the disadvantage that every time it rained the entire valley became a temporary river. Hence the remote base on the high ground.

Ahead of us, Lieutenant Kennedy was propped upright against the side of one of the buildings, still quite unconscious, yet seemingly unmarred. If it was a stunning weapon, it was unlike any we had, and Dr. Bell was looking her over carefully, one of the nurse machines standing by with an array of strange medical tools. Ensign Darley was up and about, though leaning against one of the artillery pieces a bit dazed. I walked the line of my section quickly, looking over the soldiers, paying attention to the injured ones. Nothing too bad, the worst being a Dora struck in the left hand missing three fingers.

And then I came to Sergeant Theda.

"Sergeant. A word." I said, trying to resist the urge to grab her by the collar and pull her along. I could see in her eyes that she knew she'd screwed up, taken it a step too far. Stiffly, she followed me toward the nearest structure, what looked like a barracks for some of the machines on the support team.

"Out. Everyone." I said, pushing through the door. The half-dozen machines, Adams and Eves in a sorry state, vacated quickly, the door swinging shut behind us.

"Ma'am?" she said apprehensively, as I turned and did my best to stare her down.

"For a machine who doesn't think we should be taking responsibility, you sure took some interesting initiative today." I said, walking a circle around her. "I thought we had this sorted, but apparently..."

"My apologies, ma'am." she said, her voice even, neutral, feigning being unaffected. "I thought…"

"You're not programmed to think, Sergeant. You obey orders. That's what they built you for, right?" I said, halting in front of her. "Right?"

"Yes, ma'am." she snapped, clearly on the edge of losing her temper. I finally had real leverage on her, a mistake that was all her own. The anger I was feeling was rapidly being transformed into a smug glee that I finally had something I could use.

"Why'd you order them to fire, Sergeant?" I asked, "Tell me why you thought it was a good idea."

"I believed you would not give the order. That you were hesitating, not biding your time." she said, the anger building in her voice, "That you would let us down. Abandon us."

That she thought that lowly of me stung.

"And you thought you ought to give the order instead." I summarized. "You know, I'm starting to think all of this… the perfect soldier act… I'm starting to think it's bullshit. You sure as hell don't behave like you believe it. You're putting it on."

She just glared.

"I don't think you believe any of the shit you say. You know… I think you're projecting. You tried to imagine what you'd be as an officer, and assume I'd be as cowardly, as stupid, and as selfish as you'd be. Right? Am I right?"

I could see her weighing her options, I could actually hear her fan speeding up under her collar as she thought it over. Considered her position. Considered how screwed she was.

"No, ma'am." she said. "I assumed because you have proven yourself incapable."

I don't know what came over me, but that was the final straw. I stepped to her and pushed, and she hit the wall with such force the wood buckled and cracked. I stepped as close as I could, slamming my hand next to her head, nearly punching clear through the structure.

"The only person who proved themselves incapable of their duties here is you." I snarled, my face inches from hers. She glowered, fans racing, having no response, but not willing to give an inch. In that moment, I didn't care about any of the official punishments, about her getting demoted or sent back to the Prussians. All I wanted was for her to say that she was wrong.

"Well?" I insisted.

"Go to hell, ma'am." she responded tersely.

"Wrong answer."


I stepped outside and pointed to the nearest two Theos, ordering the Sergeant be placed under arrest, and I strode to Captain Murray to explain the situation. She had nodded grimly and said she had my back through the legal proceedings. Within minutes, Theda was dragged out in cuffs, one of the soldiers carrying the flag case she'd had on her back, and we stuffed her in one of the camp's storage sheds for lack of a space. She didn't say a word, just glared.

The private who'd arrested her handed me the flag case, and when I opened it, I found not a standard, but a steel barrel. Pulling it loose, I found myself holding a needle rifle, its ammunition bundled around it in a tight coil of bundled metal. Unsure what to do, and with a runner calling the officers into the main tent, I slung it over my shoulder for now.

We gathered inside the hastily set up space just as a Dora was placing down a sturdy wooden table from inside one of the buildings. In the corner was a man in a tweed suit, small and mousy looking, who I assumed must be Joseph Parlow, standing nervously to the side with a valet at his side.

Any questions we had about why we were here were answered a moment later as another soldier came through the door with something over his shoulder. He dropped it unceremoniously onto the table, where it sprawled out limply across the ground, and a second later a Jeanette, a nurse machine, stepped forward. She looked like an older model than most, and was dressed much differently than I was used to. Like a human, almost.

On the table was, unmistakably, an alien life form. It reminded me somewhat of a crab, if a crab was shaped like a person. It had a small mouth with four prominent teeth set at the end of a head that seemed to be a sort of boney crest, and it was covered in mottled blue chitinous plates from head to toe. If it had eyes, I couldn't see them, and it wore no clothes save for a metal bracelet of some sort.

"Well, this is the guy." she said casually, her voice indicating… Hungarian? "Last night a couple of them tried pressing up the northern path and one of the workers shot it in the chest, right here-"

She indicated with the end of a pen to a scorched hole punched through the lower portion of its chest plate, about where the bottom of the ribcage would be on a human.

"So it pitched over and its friends left, taking its weapon with it. It was not dead when our machines brought it back, but there wasn't a lot I could do given I knew nothing of its biology. And that it kept trying to attack me, which wasn't pleasant. After it expired, I took some samples and began an autopsy. First conclusions: it shares 0% of its Punnett strings with any of the native life, and I'm pretty sure it's about a month old at the outside."

"Um, if you'll excuse the question, what exactly is it, nurse?" one of the lieutenants asked, and the Jeanette stuck her hands in her pockets with an exasperated look.

"I'm sorry. Doctor Zsanett." she said, "I'm both the medical and biological expert on the expedition. And if you're asking if a creature like this has ever been encountered before, not to the best of my knowledge. We've been calling them Stalkers, because that's what they've been doing to us. Now, important notes."

She took the end of the pen, inserted it under one of the plates, and lifted it slightly, and with a horrible squealing noise and a terrible odor the thing's chest was hanging open. I couldn't tell if it looked like that because it was a weird alien, or because of the musket blast to the side.

"So, I can't much tell you about its innards because I don't know what most of it does, but pretty sure this is a combination heart and lungs of sort. Digestive tract is rudimentary at best, with bypassed components that look quite atrophid." she explained, pointing to things as she went like she was explaining to students, "Really not a lot in there, and it's tough as hell, we ended up having to use one of the rock saws to cut its chest open and it ruined the blade. Organs are separated by what I can only call blast walls, and it's got some impressive redundancies. That said, if it's got sexual organs, I can't find them."

"Charming." Beckham said, holding his nose. "Just lovely."

"Wait, I haven't shown you the best part." she said, moving the pen up. This time, she pulled open a part of the crest on the side of the head, exposing the interior of the skull, and I was suddenly very glad I couldn't feel nauseous. "Right, so here's the brain, and you'll notice it sort of looks squished? Just like the digestive tract, this thing's ancestors once had a lot more brain than it does, and it seems to have given it up in favour of more skull."

"This biology lesson is quite fascinating, Doctor, but can you get to the point?" Lieutenant Colonel Harrison asked from the other side of the room.

"Right, yes. It's my belief that this is, in essence, a biological machine. An engineered warrior with restricted mental and physical capabilities which can be grown quickly."

"It's a Theo made of meat." I summarized.

"Yes, exactly, thank you." she said, glancing at me. She then did a double take, looking back somewhat confused. "Why've you got a machine officer?"

"Why've you got a machine doctor?" I retorted.

"Because I went to medical school." she said, shaking her head. "Okay, not for her brains. Questions?"

"Um, do you think it's intelligent? Like us, I mean. Is it a person?" Captain Teague asked.

"Dunno. Might be. It's always a bit of a grey era when you're dealing with something organic. That said, I imagine whoever engineered it did some serious work on its psychology if it was going to be useful, so even if it's smart, it might not be able to hold a conversation or even pass a mirror test. Big unknowns."

"It's got to be somewhat smart. They weren't just attacking randomly." I said, "Um, can I share an observation from the attack?"

"Go ahead, Lieutenant, please." The Lieutenant Colonel said.

"Ah… so the enemy was using a combination of stunners and destructive energy weapons, basically, right?" I said, to general agreement around, "Well, I had a good view of the column from the rear as we were attacked, they did not use them randomly. They were deliberately targeting officers with the stunners, and most of the destructive rounds went into the centers of our infantry column, far away from the officers. Almost like they were going out of their way to not hit humans with anything that might be lethal."

"Well, don't much like the implications of that." Beckham muttered.

"Further, they did a lot more damage on the second attack than the first. I think they might have turned up their guns between attacks. I think it was them trying to figure out our weaknesses." I said, "I think they were testing us."

"Well… that is rather disturbing." Lt. Col. Harrison said, stepping out in front of the group. "That said, It doesn't much change the next part of the plan. My conversation with Mister Parlow here indicates that his dig has almost certainly unearthed what he calls a gateway, and he said he was in the process of trying to activate it when they were first attacked. He suspects these Stalkers may be some sort of guardian left behind, or else something attracted to the signal it gave out during his attempts at activation. In any case, they have continually attacked the dig crew since their arrival, and have destroyed seven machines thus far while seizing the site as well as repeatedly probing this camp."

He gestured out of the tent flap, and I knew just beyond it was the valley and the site.

"The morning after next, we will be pressing an attack on the site in an attempt to take it and hold it, because clearly they are interested. Our level of lethal engagement will depend on their numbers and response, but if they can be negotiated with, it's the only leverage we think they value. And if they can't, we absolutely can't let them have it. We're leaving them a day in case they are smart enough to try and talk, but after today, I don't have high hopes."
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combination heart and lungs
They were deliberately targeting officers with the stunners, and most of the destructive rounds went into the centers of our infantry column, far away from the officers. Almost like they were going out of their way to hit humans with anything that might be lethal."
Pretty sure that second sentence is missing a "not".
"Yes, exactly, thank you." she said, glancing at me. She then did a double take, looking back somewhat confused. "Why've you got a machine officer?"

"Why've you got a machine doctor?" I retorted.

"Because I went to medical school." she said, shaking her head.
Yeah, well she went to officer sch--oh haha, got you there

Knew the needle rifle would come back up.
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Quite good, quite good... and we have the "biological Theos" speculation going on, too. Someone's calling it, or Sketch is adapting masterfully on the fly.

As for Japan, I bet their Theo-equivalents... hm, I want to say robo-samurai using energy swords and traditional (spring-steel) bows with a hell of a reach. Against a lot of things that might actually be viable!

But... nah, they're probably robo-musketeers, just with a Tokugawa flavor.