Fusie has a powerful scrappy butch aesthetic going for her and scoffs at conventional beauty standards.

a thing i wanna note in my edits is that that isn't A Thing All Lady Fusiliers Are, it's just how Fusie is. this is the machine that looked at her horribly scarred up face and was like, dang, that's hot. girls are gonna love this.
I loved this story, thanks for writing.

Is the sequel going to be announced here?
yes, absolutely!

if you liked it, i recommend my other work. Maid to Love You is a romance set in the same universe, while Castles of Steel hits the same "lady soldier breaking a glass ceiling" beats, just about an alt-1910s era navy rather than a sci-fi regency utopia.
Fusie has a powerful scrappy butch aesthetic going for her and scoffs at conventional beauty standards.

a thing i wanna note in my edits is that that isn't A Thing All Lady Fusiliers Are, it's just how Fusie is. this is the machine that looked at her horribly scarred up face and was like, dang, that's hot. girls are gonna love this.

this opens up the possibility of a High Femme Fusie somewhere, w/ exquisite make up and the capacity to punch me through a wall whilst dressed as a redcoat

I sit on the left side of the pup tent, sticking a bayonet into the melted scar on my chest. The blade catches and I twist, popping the charging panel open. I throw the bayonet onto my brown Caçadore jacket, discarded on the right side of the tent, and plug myself into one of the two connections on the field battery. Then I lie back and think.

My partner is dead. Memory destroyed, processor gone, batteries deflagrated — nothing left of Soldado 'Teo' Fuzileiro but some spare knee joints. Teo was practically a boxie, only with the unit five years. Stars, what a shame…

I find the feeling, pin it down, cover all of the jagged edges and then rip it out. Zip it, mark for deletion.

Five years is enough, for a soldier. What more can we ask for?

The thoughts keep coming, and I let them move into the open. Never again will we sit companionably in a hide, or skirmish up a field in perfect harmony...

Find. Pin. Envelop. Destroy.

Never mind. His whistling always annoyed me.

So now that it's happened, it's time for the tactical analysis. How can I stop it from happening again? This planet is pretty old, in the freezing outer reaches of the Brazilio-Portuguese Empire. The locals had wiped themselves out before their Industrious Revolution and now I'm here accompanying the archaeologists sifting through the ashes. The life on this planet were not the sort for great works of art. They were not the sort for grand architecture. They were the sort for a wire across the door and a thermal lance down the corridor. Lesson: Always go first through the door. If I had done that then I'd be dead and he'd be…

Find. Pin. Envelop. Destroy.

Lesson: Let the boxie lead through the door. If the lance had hit me the section would be leaderless.

I file it away with the other lessons of service, the ones I've been taught the hard way:
Anspeçada Teodora 'Dora' Fuzileira, a hard-driving bastard if ever there were, killed in action 21060603. Lesson: Act aggressively when required, it reduces risk in the long run.
Private Theodore 'Ted' Rifleman, know-it-all bife from the 60th, killed in action 21390408. Lesson: Always stick with your partner while you're reloading.
Soldada Teodora Fuzileira, killed in action 17700101. Lesson: -​

I check my memory again. I hadn't been close with Teodora, obviously. I can't remember the nickname she used, or the sound of her voice, or what she looked like. I can't remember working with her, or sitting with her in the tent. I can't remember how she died. It must not have been important.

I check my feelings about Teo again, conducting a final sweep for sorrow or guilt or anything else that could impede my combat functionality. Nothing. Unfortunate that he's dead, but that's how it is. Before I drifted into a blissful sleep, I was aware that I had come into this tent thinking about resigning, but I couldn't imagine why. If I weren't out here, doing this, then humans would be at greater risk. It's better to let the machines fight the wars, do the dying. There's no human cost.
this opens up the possibility of a High Femme Fusie somewhere, w/ exquisite make up and the capacity to punch me through a wall whilst dressed as a redcoat

Oh, if that's your speed, allow me to recommend the third work of note in the Maids/Fusie verse: "In Another World All Of My Maids Are Robots?", to be found on @DragonCobolt's Patreon.

It's, uh. Smut. Very smutty smut. But a fun read in its own right.
this opens up the possibility of a High Femme Fusie somewhere, w/ exquisite make up and the capacity to punch me through a wall whilst dressed as a redcoat


i actually put a nod to this concept in the edited version im doing, where back in her original company B-section has a Sergeant Dora as well, but said Dora is very much high femme.

Also there's a passing line indicating that makeup for Doras so inclined can include anodizing lol.
Sumner sat down as well, clearly buzzing with excitement, and unfolded a map between us. On it was a crudely rendered landmass I'd never seen before, but I soon realized it was a part of this world, identifying our city, the gate, the desert to the north and the mountain forest, several other urban areas and a squiggle of roads and train lines. And in the northern valley, not ten kilometers from the old fortress, a glowing blue icon.

"That's them, then?" I asked, tracing a path from the city up to it. A dotted line formed behind my finger, the label trailing it listing the distance, marking terrain and elevation, calculating how long it would take to march. "Their base?"
Have I mentioned that I love this setting? You mention unfolding the map, as though it's made of paper; but then it's clearly updating itself in real time based on substantial calculations, so clearly it's computerized and any looking like a paper map is purely for the aesthetic. But it's also all so off-hand that it feels completely natural.

But it wouldn't work: they had siblings that would be endangered, the system was too big for one mission queen to crush.
Possible typo? Should "mission" be "missing"?

"We did it at Port Nowhere and they didn't much care for it, call it a classic." he said with a shrug. "Course, we did that in vacuum gear and with chemical cannons. But there's a reason it never goes out of style, ma'am."

I was struck for a moment picturing Old Theo as he would have been then, two hundred years past, in the uniforms from the paintings. Those fancy frock coats with the black shoulders, lined with pockets of magazines stuffed with caseless ammunition for their mechanical muskets. Must have been something.
I know I quoted this because it says something. But I've lost track of what I noticed it says. I do particularly appreciate the mix of styles implied by Old Theo's mention of the different gear they were working with.

It's also not great for blokes with received genders, you know?" Kelly pointed out from beside me, pressed as far into the dirt as he could get to avoid the storm of fire.
This is the best release of tension I could ask for in this moment. They're pinned down in an impromptu trench, in the middle of a firefight for their lives, and in their downtime between shots they're having a digression about gendered insults.

I need you to know they I laughed out loud for like twenty seconds at this.

Change like that had to come from within, they're just be replaced with another like them, but it didn't make me feel any less like I'd be doing the planet a favour if I broke his skull.
Possibly "they're" should be "there'll"?

the ensigns and NPCs clustering around me
This use of "NPCs" is a bit weird, did you mean "NCOs"?

This is actually another machine name, Eugene/Eugenia Nepotism are the HR Bots.
This earned you a funny.
Actual Sequel
my apologies for the bump to this thread, just want to make sure everyone sees.

i've decided to rewrite the sequel because the first attempt wasn't working, and I've started it here. It has a new title and will be following a completely different (and much better planned) plot.

So here we are...

Lieutenant Fusilier takes The King's Shilling!
Edited eBook Release of Lieutenant Fusilier in the Farthest Reaches!
So I'm still struggling with the sequel (im laying out the ground work to do a third draft, and hope to release the first 50k words of it all at once), but in the meantime... the first book is, finally, done. After years of refinement, rewrites, expansion, and professional editing, this reworked version of the novel is much improved over the original in every respect. I'm incredibly proud of it, and I hope you enjoy it.

The ebook is avaliable in PDF and EPUB form on both DriveThruFiction and Itch.io. If you pick up the ebook version from either place, you'll get a discount code to get the print version at-cost when it becomes available (which will hopefully be within the month).

It also has an amazing new cover by Molly Skyfire on twitter (who I cannot link directly due to NSFW-ness), who did a killer job rendering our stainless-steel subaltern in all the deliberately misleading glory she deserves. finally, there's a little 3d printable figure there of fusie, if you're into that!

The edited version is quite an improvement! I already liked the first draft, but there are some new details and new scenes and it all flows together just a little better.

One big change I noticed is that Kennedy has a lot more screen time early on, which introduces a few plot points that come up later and helps sell her romance with Dora. The conlang scene was so cute!

The other big change is that Dora actually goes through with fake-assassinating the rebel. Which is a shame, because faking her death by decapitation was such a clever move, but I'm guessing it's to underscore how Dora doesn't have an easy way out as the commander.

Also, Dora and Theda don't end up having sex, but Miriam still assumes they did, which I think is funnier.
Love the model, makes me want to buy a .25mm nozzle, the .4 really is too chunky for some features here. On the other hand, maybe I can just scale her up a bit? Will update if I manage to get something presentable.