[X] Go find Julia and do something with her
[X] Spend some time with Judge and whatever she ended up doing

Isnt shock more referring to color as far as hair goes?

Also id put more money on Strength's sisters over Yggdrasil, I don't think Bianca feels nearly as much guilt over Knight as she does those two.
[X] Go find Julia and do something with her
[X] Visit Flower's 'Kaiju-pen' and say hello to her beasties
[X] Save it
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[X] Soul and Truth have to be somewhere and you are back, time to track them down
[X] Iron, Mirror, and Igni ought to be around here, it would be nice to tell them Fate is well

Just go to our Yggdrasil Girls and be nice towards them. Julia will be with us fast enough, Flowers 'Kaiju-pen' isnt that much of a priority for me and Judge .... to be fair she just lost a dice-roll in my votes. :V
A weapon can not lament anything, though [BALANCE] is certainly unhappy about all the extra work :V
Well, considering Gaia's weapon is humanity... Some weapons seem capable of it.

On another note, correcting:

[x] Go find Julia and do something with her
[x] Soul and Truth have to be somewhere and you are back, time to track them down

[x] Save It~

I'm actually fine with most of plan upgrade, but we shouldn't level sun's scepter to 20.

At level 20 (which costs 850 xp), Sun's scepter offers:

An increase in her damage. Roughly 174-348k more damage at level 20. (Or roughly 193-386k total). As a sidenote, I'm not sure discipline helps control it.

An increase in her defense due to MM increase and veil. All but irrelevant due to Moon.

An increase to the damage added by Radiant Shine. It about reaches 2k at level 20. Not particularly important unless we are commanding an army.

An extra APT and a potential Milestone.​


If we want damage, we can level Moon's scepter to 23, bringing it to ~300k damage (+discipline, so 450k. More in an intercept.) - the same half again as much as Sun's average at level 20. This costs only 430 xp.

It also increases our defense due to intercept, in a far more relevant way.

It doesn't give the increase to radiant shine, of course.

It doesn't give the APT or a Milestone either, but we could get them by bringing it to level 25 for 450 more xp - or 880 total xp. That would cost 30 more xp in return for ~766k damage (+discipline, so 1,150k), which is over twice what Sun's provides.​

This is no debate that Moon's scepter is better, to be clear. They have different specialties, but Sun's scepter is just as good to focus on as Moon's, if for slightly different purposes. However, as always with exponential growth, focusing on one is (almost) always better. (I.E. one at 15 and one at 25 is much better than two at 20.) We should choose a single scepter to focus on. Moon's is just already partway there.

Of course, that falls somewhat flat if the damage reaches the point of not needing to be any higher (which varies, but the lowest I would place it is around a million.) With exponential growth, this probably comes at level 25 or 30 (Or between, but go to 30 for the APT and milestone.) So at some point you would switch.

I'm not even sure I'm a proponent of levelling a scepter at all, but I'd have to think about it.

And of course, I also think that we should get event horizon and/or reflected godlight if we get anything, but that's another matter.

Just for the sake of comparison:
Moon's to 30:

8,034k (12,000k post-discipline) Damage. (It's 22,000k with godlike strength. More with overwhelm, of course)

Sun's to 25: 2,050-4,060k Damage and ~20k Damage from Raadiant Shine

Sun's to 30: 21,313-42,466k Damage and ~200k Damage from Radiant Shine
Okay. Basing our defenses off the offense of powerful MGs...

We can survive a turn of attacks from any of the Seasons as-is, though we haven't seen all of their sheets. This also ignores disintegrate, which might kill.

It takes veil level 23 (3 million Health) to survive Unwavering Azure's max non-intercept damage, but around 26 (12 million Health) to survive the turn, assuming she gets good rolls and potentially wins a couple intercepts.

It takes veil level 25 to survive a max roll from Abyss Knight's Echo of Victory. She's dead, but it's a useful data point anyway.

The rest of Strength's arsenal is too variable, but It takes Veil level 28 to survive Eon Crusher. (32 million Health)

It takes veil level 28 (32 million) or 29 (51 million) to survive a hit from Bianca. Depends on whether Superslayer does 500% or 700%.

It takes veil level 33 (338 million) or 34 (542 million) to survive a turn full of attacks from Bianca. 34 remains sufficient against hard break, though Erase may still be lethal.

35 is the highest veil level that anything yet shown in-quest should prompt. More practically, ~28. Most practically, 25ish.

Level 15 Soothing moonlight heals for 132k, up to a theoretical 2 million via unified strands. More practically, a million. Suitable for healing veil levels ??-22. Up to 25 with omni-caster.

Level 20 Soothing moonlight heals for 2.5 million, up to a theoretical 50 million via unified strands. More practically, 25 million. Suitable for healing veil levels 27-29. Up to 31 with omni-caster.

Level 25 Soothing moonlight heals for 47 million, up to a theoretical 1,175 million via unified strands. More practically, 500 million. Suitable for healing veil levels 30-35. Up to 39 with omni-caster.

Assuming Omni-casters, level 23 Soothing moonlight (~14 million a thread, 150 million practical maximum) is the highest that should be used, considering a maximum veil level of 35. More likely, 15-20.

As usual, moonlight levels should be taken first, due to the process of training thread-unification.
Veil levels are useful for a lot of cases, and Moonlight levels should be based on them. See the spoiler above for full details, but for practical purposes, 30 Veil and 20 Moonlight are probably the most we should go for. 15 moonlight and veil up to 25 is more than likely enough.

Remember that it's best to take moonlight levels first due to the training process.

Eclipse scales fairly high in theory, because it gets good special abilities with levels and has fairly low base damage, but it's a pretty low priority except for reflected godlight purposes. Especially because we can use our weapons nonlethally.

Become whole again needs no more leveling, no matter how curious I am what it gets at level 40 or 50.

Supernova, as an AoE spell, scales near-indefinitely due to it's vast scale and potential usage against DBs. Level 40 is notable.

Scorching Sunlight is unlikely to require more than level 15 against anything it can target, but levels remain useful up to level 16-17, where a single cast deals over a million damage. Due to milestones, may be leveled to 20, where a single cast deals over 21 million damage. (Synched casts deal 80 to 125 million.)

Flight is their only non-exponential ability, but is needed against fast people. Level 20ish on moon should be enough to deal with most, especially if sun gets speed gap. That's really expensive, though, so it's basically an emergency purchase. Even then, casting Supernova should catch most fast opponents, especially at higher levels.

Event Horizon and reflected godlight are expensive mystery boxes with extensive prereqs. They should be both useful and interesting.

Speed gap is nice, but specialized. One of those "Buy if we Need it" items, though the req is annoying.

Same for Overtake Greater.

Solar seal is mostly irrelevant due to Mistress of the Tide.

Raging Shine is fairly meh. We get enough Moon damage with scepter levels, and they also give APT and abilities. It could be great, but it's a gamble, and we're fine without it.

Moon's omnicaster is useful, of course.

Julia is a plot-based purchase. We have the spare XP to do it if we want. It will almost certainly make up it's price, even now.

Celestial ascendance is...ahahahahahahaha. No. We aren't getting that much XP unless I'm horrifically off. No matter how much I want it... :(

World Eater...no need to spend on her defenses due to Mistress of the Tide. Her spells are lethal enough already. Her weapon could have levels, but even then, spending on sun's scepter generally helps more due to Radiant Shine. Spending for advanced life sense is a decent choice, as is complete connection (though that's a plot-based purchase). The other abilities haven't prompted much interest. Healing, a probable save from death, and grand devourer, which does...something related to eating people?
Jessica's next spin finally allowed her onto yet undisturbed ground and she pushed herself off, away from the nearing juggernaut
A minor narrative error (I think?). She was mentioned merely as 'the girl' prior to her introduction, and referred to as "Jessica" right afterwards, but she never gave Kaede (and thus the readers) her name.

There was an obvious change of perspective to view the events from her side (switching from Kaede's thoughts to hers), but there was never a line break to signal it.

As for whom Bianca wants to resurrect... honestly, my first and only thought was the Trinity, for obvious reasons. I can't think of anyone else who would bother Bianca to that extent.

[x] Go find Julia and do something with her
[x] Soul and Truth have to be somewhere and you are back, time to track them down
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A minor narrative error (I think?). She was mentioned merely as 'the girl' prior to her introduction, andreferred to as "Jessica" right afterwards, but she never gave Kaede (and thus the readers) her name.

There was an obvious change of perspective to view the events from her side (switching from Kaede's thoughts to hers), but there was never a line break to signal it.
This was actually on purpose; the fight scene is supposed to be faster paced, which a dozen line breaks would have broken up something fierce. I know it is not proper procedure, but that was calculated to give the whole segment a better flow.

The rest of Strength's arsenal is too variable, but It takes Veil level 28 to survive Eon Crusher. (32 million Health)
You forgot The Insurmountable Gap. It actually takes Level 29 to survive, provided that you were not hit by Bullet Hell on a few Echoes before. So the safe option would be Level 30.
It takes veil level 28 (32 million) or 29 (51 million) to survive a hit from Bianca. Depends on whether Superslayer does 500% or 700%.
Superslayer always deals 750%.
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Oh, right.

Huh. Didn't know that. That'll make several things much easier to calculate.
Superslayer generally works like a doubled Slayer, only that it targets everything.

A normal Slayer, like Soul Queller's Deathslayer, deals +500% Base Damage to anyone who has the specified Affinity. More broad things like Nightmare Child's Magical Girl Slayer deal less bonus damage because they can be applied to much more opponents.

A doubled Slayer goes in the other direction, adding 750% Base Damage to an attack if the target has both Affinities it specifies. I have no good examples on hand because those have never shown up properly in any installment of this system just yet, though. So take Brave Heart's Prime Evil Slayer, which deals additional damage to everything that has an Evil-Affinity and at least one more negative Affinity.

This is also the line where they stop stacking onto each other. There are no tripled Slayers or something like that.

Unless the target only has one affinity. Then its only 500%, because it can't mimic a multi-affinity slayer in that case.

By the way @Mellithae, I forgot to mention... Strength has a fun little party trick where she Intercepts other's Spells with her Spells, proccing all the neat bonuses in the process. Her Abilities never specify she has to use normal attacks to Intercept, which she learned to exploit if need be.

If she does do that, it pushes Eon Crusher's damage from ~20mil (~40mil) to 193,640,625 (387,281,250) Damage without Overwhelm.

So... if you actually managed to piss her off enough to pull that on you, you would need Veil Level 34 to not get wrecked in an instant.
[X] Go find Julia and do something with her
[X] Iron, Mirror, and Igni ought to be around here, it would be nice to tell them Fate is well
[X] Save it

We going to talk to Julia about her opinion of joining the Hivemind?
Isnt shock more referring to color as far as hair goes?
Shock is a style I think, describes the hair being basically pointing out in all directions.
We going to talk to Julia about her opinion of joining the Hivemind?
We already know she is interested. Wouldn't get the option if she wasn't. Naron has mentioned that somewhere.

[X] Spend some time with Judge and whatever she ended up doing
[X] Iron, Mirror, and Igni ought to be around here, it would be nice to tell them Fate is well

[X] EXP Plan Spell Upgrade (680/4389 EXP, 3709 remaining)
-[X] Upgrade Scorching Sunlight to level 15 (140)
-[X] Upgrade Soothing Moonlight to level 15 (270)
-[X] Upgrade Baleful Eclipse to level 15 (270)
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Ok why do you want Julia/Brave Heart within our Hivemind?
1. I dont think that Bianca will be happy.
2. We or her dont really gain anything from it.
3. didnt we want to give maybe Ana a few levels?
4. Why do you want to take Strength Eon Crusher? Naturally if we have the HP for it we could ask her to punch us with it. Just the question remains, what we gain from it, besides REALLY big amounts of pain.

BTW Naron is our passive vote of visiting the Yggdrasil girls every day still in effect? (the one a few chapters ago)
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Ok why do you want Julia/Brave Heart within our Hivemind?
1. I dont think that Bianca will be happy.
2. We or her dont really gain anything from it.
3. didnt we want to give maybe Ana a few levels?
4. Why do you want to take Strength Eon Crusher? Naturally if we have the HP for it we could ask her to punch us with it. Just the question remains, what we gain from it, despite REALLY big amounts of pain.

BTW Naron our passive vote of visiting the Yggdrasil girls every day still in effect? (the one a few chapters ago)
I'm talking to her to see if we DO want her in. Rather than her last seen state of latching onto us because everything she knew was a lie.
BTW Naron is our passive vote of visiting the Yggdrasil girls every day still in effect? (the one a few chapters ago)
It is, though not today because you just came back.

That aside, if I offer an Item to include someone, you can take it as WoG that
a) Pris is willing to let them in
b) They are willing to be included

I might have mentioned it before, but saying it again is no problem.

As for...
1. I dont think that Bianca will be happy.
2. We or her dont really gain anything from it.
Bianca will accept your decisions like the adult she is. While Ana came as a surprise, she already expects you to do it again and will not mind it particularly because she trusts your judgement.

That aside, the inclusions have never been the most useful in terms of getting your EXP's worth. They are mainly Story-Items.
If you go at it from the perspective of gains versus losses, then including Ana did not give you much in return, either.
For the purposes of improving our characters, I don't really think we need to invest EXP until we do meet the next challenge.

Because we are already top tier.

It is not even being complacent, it is being realistic - barring a surprise attack on Kibo as a whole we can reasonably expect to survive any challenge long enough to invest EXP. Sun taken alone by surprise has guaranteed 16k damage reduction before her modifier roll, while Ana has her Life Sense.

As such, the few options I would go for are:
1) World Eater - Complete Connection (for obvious fluff reasons)
2) Scorching Sunlight (cheap and upgrades Solar Wind)
3) Sun Flight 10 (long shot)
4) Moon Flight 20 (longer shot)
5) Baleful Eclipse 20 (longest shot, chance of ability upgrade to Unstoppable and/or something as good)
6) Celestial Ascendance (insert Dragou's laugh)

Of these 1-2 or 6 as a standalone plan would meet my voting for it. But anything with 3-5 or something else is far more likely to be ignored still.
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Bianca will accept your decisions like the adult she is. While Ana came as a surprise, she already expects you to do it again and will not mind it particularly because she trusts your judgement.

That aside, the inclusions have never been the most useful in terms of getting your EXP's worth. They are mainly Story-Items.
If you go at it from the perspective of gains versus losses, then including Ana did not give you much in return, either.
Gaining Ana is 100% worth it in story terms though!
Query, theres some speculation before that Complete Connection would cause identity issues with Ana, but we're not sure how much of that was because Pris was too unused/similar already and how much of it was Complete before Absolute(and we know Ana can't get Absolute).

How much basis does that have?
Query, theres some speculation before that Complete Connection would cause identity issues with Ana, but we're not sure how much of that was because Pris was too unused/similar already and how much of it was Complete before Absolute(and we know Ana can't get Absolute).
Complete Connection merges your memories with Ana's, allowing each side to access everything. It pushes your minds close enough together to actually communicate mentally. It also makes distinguishing who thinks what rather difficult because parts of you start to mix into her and vice versa.