Lets Read: World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War

Well that's the thing. Normally you'd expect that, but Brooks kind of overlooks the extremely important consequences of the Redeker Plan here. Because he seems to just casually internalize that nations "must" abandon most of their population to die to "maintain order" and keep up continuity of government, and that in the abandoned areas, everyone will just die except for small enclaves that can easily be swept up and reabsorbed easiy.

@veteranMortal looks at this differently, arguing something like:

"Look, surviving this kind of zombie apocalypse is hard but it's not THAT hard if you use your brain.
With a side of 'hey, if all these places are abandoned to die then they're probably going to lose their loyalty to the government real fast'. It's notable that the various enclaves generally don't seem to have fully bucked off 'I'm an American' as an identity. They just disagree with the remaining national goverment that it was the national government, rather than another enclave.
Both make some kind of sense I guess?
Of course structures would develop wherever more than a handful of people survived, but on the other hand in the handful of years the Zombie War lasted, most of these groups would still fully identify as whatever they were before it, rather than form any national or semi-national identity beyond their former countries.
The places with the new national identities are the ones abandoned by their former nation's Redeker plan. You bet your ass that if my government deliberately left me to be eaten by zombies they wouldn't be my government anymore, ever, under any circumstances.

Even if my new nation was the Grand Duchy of Fuck Those Guys, population Me.
Yeah, I had to go back and edit that into my post because I hit 'submit' and forgot to finish it.

Brooks tends to forget that people have agency as soon as the camera is no longer focused on them. Survivors are heroic and brave but don't actually do anything except passively survive* and then normally just rejoin the unquestionably valid national government. Governments don't actually have to do anything to maintain legitimacy, because they're modeled as these omniscient unaccountable unmoved movers. There's a reason the only political structure that's described doing anything in the post-Redeker era in any detail is what VeteranMortal calls the 'old junta' under Colin frickin' Powell, and why it's described in such glowing terms that are designed to convey the idea of an omniscient benevolent unaccountable unmoved-mover that can order anyone to do anything but isn't responsible to anyone.

*(Brooks: of course they don't, it's right there in the name, man!)
OOC: It also takes incredible gall to go, "You know what's best for a survival situation/pandemic? A massive change in economic systems to one more privatized and capitalist."

Even if capitalism WAS better, and fuck no it isn't, in the middle of an economic/national/military/etc implosion/crisis is about the worst time ever to have to change these things... which is why revolutions that actually seek to better the world are difficult, because you have to manage hard things in shitty circumstances.

E: And it isn't, so you're privatizing the economy meant to try to keep people from dying of a Plague (of zombies in this case.)
It isn't difficult to get there.
It's honestly insane just how deep the double-think goes for these Junta bastards.
"Oh, sensible quarantine must be some authoritarian shitshow, unlike abandoning 80% of the population to be consumed so that us Hard Men can claim our rightful place as the Rulers of All We Observe' or the entire 'the only way the Cubans could produce the supplies necessary to prosecute the Z War is by mass slave labor, and not because they didn't abandon basically everything and then purposefully kill off the people who had the critical knowledge to rebuild things.'

Just... Wild.

And I would take you up on the offer, but I'm like, 60% sure that whatever remains of the FBI has my face plastered on some Most Wanted board in their office.

buy the reviewer's depiction of Cuba
I mean, Castro's political and military sense is why he survived the dozens and dozens of assassination attempts by the Americans.

Then you have a relatively stable country capable of mostly sustaining itself (through raw necessity, since they're not able to import large amounts of materials or products,) I could absolutely see Cuba coming out... not *perfect*, but definitely a lot better than the countries we've been largely shown.

Combine this with the Fash hellstates that most of the other countries are, and you have a vested interest in making it as broadly open and valuable to come there, since that's essentially free population with decent odds of highly valuable Skilled Workers fleeing other countries. The fact that this is essentially free brownie points for the government by implementing the policies they've always talked about is just the gravy on top to make this Cuba one of the best places to live.

I can't prevent myself to find a bit suspicious that literally every socialist or communist country did great after the war,
Well, given most of the non-Soc/Com states abandoned most of their country to die via Zombie and then had to essentially rebuild a functional nation state from the Political Elite, I full agree that they would do better. Bigger Population, more Industrial Power maintained through the Z-War, and governments that don't have to spend significant amounts of their extremely limited resources policing their own citizens to maintain absolute control over their lives.

I would say the same thing between West and East Berlin, or Britain and Nazi Germany.

Fascist States are inherently less productive than non-fascist states.
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Tbh, I'm pretty sure it's been mentioned that a couple of liberal democracies also didn't pull a Redeker, and they also seem to be doing mostly fine?
OOC for one second:
Turns out that an open and clearly communicated directive on what the plague was, what symptoms it had, the nature of the infection, how it spread and the absence of a cure was enough to prevent a panic and allow for relatively straightforward containment.
It was not easy living, however. These people, no matter what their prewar occupation or status, were initially put to work as field hands, twelve to fourteen hours a day, growing vegetables in what had once been our state-run sugar plantations. At least the climate was on their side. The temperature was dropping, the skies were darkening. Mother Nature was kind to them. The guards, however, were not. "Be glad you're alive," they'd shout after each slap or kick. "Keep complaining and we'll throw you to the zombies!"

Even socialist prison guards are prison guards, but the resettlement camps didn't work like this, so you'll excuse my doubt. Even before they were as lax as they were to me, they didn't keep people in resettlement camps for long - there were millions upon millions of people arriving, they couldn't possibly guard them all in camps like this. You got two to three weeks, then got moved on to a more permanent home.

People had to work in a farm or a factory, sure. There was no alternative - Cuba was not a wealthy country, America's blockade had seen to that, and it wasn't a breadbasket. Feeding as many people as they suddenly had to was Cuba's real crisis, so spare me the crocodile tears that everyone had to work.

12 or 14 hour shifts were not commonplace.
The projection is fucking astonishing. Like, "we routinely abuse prisoners and threaten to kill them in unreasonably heinous ways, so everyone else must do it, too"?? Also, love the very casual way he interjects 'plantations' into the narrative and heavily implies the Cuban government was enslaving people with different skin colours.

People have been looking a little too closely at the CSA's wartime atrocities lately, for the government's liking, I think. This guy does as he's paid to, after all, and the junta would really like it if we all stopped pointing out the veritable boneyard in their closets, but failing that they can try and point south and say everyone was doing it.

It was an ingenious idea - some Florida Cubano came up with it - and the camps were drained in six months. At first the government tried to keep track of all of them, but that soon proved impossible. Within a year they had almost fully integrated, the "Nortecubanos," insinuating themselves into every facet of our society.

Does he think people are stupid? Or just uninformed? Is this just carelessness?
I mean, his target audience is the junta and their mouthpiece interviewing him ... so likely yes.
This is late, I had a power cut before posting it lmao.
On the subject of Zombie Types,

Frankly that meme is likely as not to arise from this book, rather than the other way around. As I mentioned earlier in my discussion, the three Vraks series books Imperial Armor books, which are basically a novel-length analysis of a Death Korps campaign and from which much of the Death Korps lore is consolidated... this doesn't happen. Like, using entrenching tools as an improvised weapon gets mentioned maybe twice in hundreds of pages. Because the Death Korps has bayonets and trench knives and other weapons that are actually dedicated to their purpose. For that matter, it's noted that they rarely use the entrenching tool to actually dig trenches, but more for spot maintenance - the trenches are dug by big excavators on a Leman Russ chassis, like you'd expect when digging thousands of kilometers of elaborate earthworks.

I don't know where, exactly, entrenching tool mania came from, but it wasn't the Death Korps, it just got associated with it from elsewhere.
I suspect Russia. Supposedly they have an absolute obsession with entrenching tools, possibly connected to the parallel obsession with WWII. Super Manly Spetznaz doing backflips and throwing sharpened shovels and the like. Though googling it is a bit tricky since supposedly they actually did hand them out and try it for real recently.
I do not believe that Max Brooks is particularly fascist. I think he was a more or less mainstream American liberal/conservative who was born into wealth and had never doubted the neoliberal ideological orthodoxy despite having some dissatisfaction with 2000s America. The fascism of the book is just an outgrowth of those unexamined metanarratives, combined with Brooks not particularly caring to think through everything about his worldbuilding.

If you genuinely believe in liberal democracy being a meritocratic hierarchy then of course keeping the people at the top of the hierarchy alive is one of the most important things to do in a crisis, you need the right people around to keep everything running properly. If you genuinely believe that capitalism is the only viable system then of course all the communist states will collapse. And so on and so forth.

The book is an unintentional case in how liberalism can become fascism.
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The book is an unintentional case in how liberalism can become fascism.
Combine this with a pop culture understanding of history/non-American foreign cultures with the mindsets of "if we are to survive, we must have order" and "surviving means hard decisions" that often appear in post-apocalyptic fiction.

(The Howard Dean insert makes a disparaging comment later on about Clement Attlee that pretty much confirms the former.)
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I wanna know how my home country of Australia fared, personally. Suspect the book won't be covering it, alas.
The zombies were eaten by emu.

This building isn't "energy-independent" really - you can't really get a skyscraper to be "energy independent - it runs off the Juragua plant, and is the central office for most of the industry in Cienfuegos.
Sure you can, just stick a nuclear reactor in the basement. ;)

China doesn't seem to be doing great, Cuba was already explicitly doing great in the novel and the reviewer just flips around the stated reasons for this, and there aren't that many other communist countries in the world circa 2011 or whenever.
China fought a nuclear civil war. Admittedly between communist and 'communist' factions, but still.

I suspect Russia. Supposedly they have an absolute obsession with entrenching tools, possibly connected to the parallel obsession with WWII. Super Manly Spetznaz doing backflips and throwing sharpened shovels and the like. Though googling it is a bit tricky since supposedly they actually did hand them out and try it for real recently.
Maybe. They do love their Backflipping Hatchet Attack, but I definitely recall the meme existing before the Ukraine war.
The absolute cope happening with this, uh, interview. Cuba's not perfect but it's leagues better then what's going on in the States. Pretty desperate attempt to keep them from losing their population to Cuba and a dozen other places. But I don't think that brain drain is going to be stopping anytime soon, not unless something changes dramatically. I suspect it's just going to get harder and harder to legally leave the States in the future.
OOC: It also takes incredible gall to go, "You know what's best for a survival situation/pandemic? A massive change in economic systems to one more privatized and capitalist."

Even if capitalism WAS better, and fuck no it isn't, in the middle of an economic/national/military/etc implosion/crisis is about the worst time ever to have to change these things... which is why revolutions that actually seek to better the world are difficult, because you have to manage hard things in shitty circumstances.

E: And it isn't, so you're privatizing the economy meant to try to keep people from dying of a Plague (of zombies in this case.)
In a bit of fairness to Brooks, Cuba explicitly wasn't under nearly as much direct threat as other countries, because (in author-canon) they were a fairly large island nation that successfully put themselves under quarantine. So converting their economy was less an exercise in "reorganizing things while we are using them to fight zombies" and more an exercise in "reorganizing things while the zombie threat is remote."

That doesn't make it good, but it does make it that little smidgen less dumb.

China fought a nuclear civil war. Admittedly between communist and 'communist' factions, but still.
Exactly. They're not doing great.
TBQH I think a lot of the American elite like Brooks will never forgive the fact that most of the stupid of the early war on terror came from the elite rather than the population. And not the PMC either.
This is way late, but, what does PMC mean? It's clear from context that it isn't "paramilitary corporation" so I don't know what it is
1) "Those elite anti-zombie fast-reaction companies were actually the Gestapo" - check.
2) "Yonkers was an Inside Job" - check.
3) "A coalition government was literally the End of Democracy" - check.
4) "Avowedly hostile warlord states should have been left in peace, and anyone who fought them was actually the SS" - check.
5) "Any government which implemented Redeker was fascist" - Bingo! I have bingo!

This is going to be one of those sorts of threads, isn't it?

@veteranMortal Imagine botching the reclamation of a single mid-sized archipelago so badly that your battalions were in tatters and your dead outnumbered your living. This post brought to you by the "we took back a continent with California and a box of scraps" gang.

And furthermore, as a proud forklift-operator of the DeStRes tradition (who can now play Tetris blindfolded, true story), I will not allow anyone to type the name Arthur Sinclair without the title "czar."
We could answer you, but I guess it's simpler to wait for you to stop posting because your own government hanged you for accessing seditious networks in Cuba 😔
How's that junta boot leather taste?

Throw a rock into a crowd - chances are good you will hit someone who has killed, stole, or ate human flesh in the last ten-to-twenty years. Oh, but it was a survival situation, right? Lifeboat ethics. Whatever happened - that's between them and their conscience.

But the government is a little ugly or harsh to quell dissent? Utterly unforgivable.

People have bitched and moaned about restriction of civil liberties during wartime since... ever, I think? If the government actually hanged everybody who raised a whisper of defiance, it would have swiftly run out of citizens.
OOC: Okay, having in-universe dissenters and Junta supporters is great, but let's be careful not to clutter and derail the Let's Read with a fictional argument. Real-life political arguments on SB/SV are bad enough.
[Still OOC, since I have no clue how NZ fared in WWZ or this interpretation thereof, and I suspect Brooks didn't either]
The places with the new national identities are the ones abandoned by their former nation's Redeker plan. You bet your ass that if my government deliberately left me to be eaten by zombies they wouldn't be my government anymore, ever, under any circumstances.

Even if my new nation was the Grand Duchy of Fuck Those Guys, population Me.

There is a fundamental bargain underlying any form of government: the governed give their loyalty and their tax-revenue, and in return the government uses those resources to provide the governed with services, the sine qua non being protection. Any government that enacted Redeker completely and utterly abrogated that fundamental bargain with every last single soul they abandoned — they betrayed them, and I use that word deliberately! — and those who survived that betrayal would be perfectly within their rights to create their own government that would keep such a bargain (blackjack and hookers optional) and to tell any and all representatives of the old government who might come along to take a long walk off a short pier! That they'd had their chance to do right by their citizens, but they didn't just 'fumble' the ball but deliberately threw it away, and now they had absolutely zero standing to expect any kind of sympathy or allegiance from those they knowingly and with malice aforethought left behind to be fucking eaten by fucking zombies.
Throw a rock into a crowd - chances are good you will hit someone who has killed, stole, or ate human flesh in the last ten-to-twenty years. Oh, but it was a survival situation, right? Lifeboat ethics. Whatever happened - that's between them and their conscience.

But the government is a little ugly or harsh to quell dissent? Utterly unforgivable.

People have bitched and moaned about restriction of civil liberties during wartime since... ever, I think? If the government actually hanged everybody who raised a whisper of defiance, it would have swiftly run out of citizens.
OOC: So, when's the "help help the new CIA found out I was on the Cuban internet and an Alpha Team killed my family" coming?