Triple Triad, then.
thinking about a guy who was Better at doing Arts And Crafts than Rinoa and the Owls
The guy in charge of Timber Maniacs appears to be complaining about how shounen mangas are the best-selling books in this fallen age instead of whatever his paper is about, which is a funny bit to have in a game that feels so much like a shounen.
Inside the pub, we find a drifter who's stuck in town since the trains are no longer running, drinking and complaining about the resistance being responsible for his trouble while the locals berate him for it. We give him his card and he gets out of the way of the door, thanking us by letting us keep the card and giving us another one as an extra (although both are worthless).
…you know, technically, I don't think she has the authority to make that call. She's no longer an instructor, just a senior SeeD, and the Timber Team has a contract with Rinoa which should overrule anything but a direct order from the hierarchy. But, well, we know that the SeeDs are all hungering for action from Dollet, so they immediately jump to the call.
Quistis: "We need to restrain him!"
Squall: "What do you think you're doing?"
Seifer: "It's obvious, ain't it!? What are you planning to do with this guy?"
Squall: "...Planning to do?"
Squall, mentally: "(That's right… He knows Rinoa. Is that why he's here?)"
Zell: "I get it! You're Rinoa's…"
Seifer: "Shut your damn mouth! Chicken-wuss!"
Quistis: "He broke out of the disciplinary room, injuring many in the process."
Squall, mentally: "(Zell, please.)"
Squall: "Be quiet."
Zell: "Instructor, I know! You're gonna take this stupid idiot back to Garden, right!?"
Squall: "Shut up! NO!"
President Deling: "I see… So you're all from Garden. Should anything happen to me, the entire Galbadian military will undoubtedly crush Garden. You can let go of me now."
Seifer: "Nice going, Chicken-wuss! You and your stupid big mouth! Take care of this mess! Instructor and Mr Leader!"
[Seifer starts walking backwards off the stage, still holding Deling at gunblade point.]
Sorceress: "Don't be ashamed to ask for help. Besides, you're only a little boy."
Seifer: "I'm not… Stop calling me a boy."
Sorceress: "You don't want to be a boy anymore?"
Seifer: "I am not a BOY!"
Rinoa asks where Seifer is, they tell her they don't know, she asks if he'll be alright, but nobody has any idea, so we just leave.
On the way out, Rinoa explains that the Galbadians found the Owls' base and destroyed it, though the Owls themselves managed to escape unharmed. They have to skip town now; Rinoa asks Squall and the others if they know a safe place for her to stay, and adds that this is "an order from their clients."
Daughter: "She'll be fine. The legend goes… That my mother took down many soldiers with her strength, cooking, and beauty."
Selphie: "That 'beauty' part sure makes it sound like a legend."
Selphie. Selphie what the fuck. Why are you so rude. What did that poor woman do to you.
I suspect this is the item "Girl Next Door", which is rather less obviously porn from the name.Which makes another Timber Maniacs staff sound even more inappropriate: they refer to themselves as a "person involved in Art" (katakana "art", hence the capitalization), responsible for editing a publication called "Nude Jacket: Pretty Girl Edition". This publication keeps selling out, while the rest of Timber considers it controversial. Still, as this person says, that is Art.
I have to wonder how the English translation handled that.
To be fair to Square, I'm pretty sure from FFVII onwards they just plain have enough disk space to always make sure "generic party member dialogue" from your selectable others is at least somewhat personalized. FFVI's problem was iirc one of both dev time and memory available on an SNES cartridge, but now we're on disks. Full games fit on these things with the FMVs taking up 90% of the space, a few extra dialogue pointers to go "Zell/Quistis/Selphie is your extra party member, personalize the line slightly" is easy to fit in there.The Japanese script site had Zell in the party here, and interestingly this line is the same, except using Zell's speech patterns (ie the "ze" ending).
Similarly, when the fourth party member shows up a bit later (Zell in Omicron's playthrough, Selphie in the Japanese site author's playthrough), that line is also in the respective speech patterns: Selphie draws out the last syllable of her sentence, as a cutesy "oh? What's happening?" way.
It's a bit of unexpected care put into the "generic party member line" dialogue.
How do the german joke goes? "A nazi is somebody else's grandfather"?Occupied France was three collaborators and 40 million resistance members
You think they had to take the train like our group? Like, when they were aboard, did they stopped the chase, and sat next to each other in silence 'till the doors opened? Or the chase continued all over the train, probably to the sound of yakety sax?Also did Seifer literally break out of containment and then do a cross-continental trip with Quistis hot on his heels, literally chasing him all the way to the TV studio?
I'm hoping you're joking, but - please don't sound like a fascist.Man, we need to Retvrn to this style of town design in Final Fantasy
Can't dom without consent.Soooo, you're just... not going to mention the massive mommy dommy energy emanating from the sorceress? You betray yourself.
This was followed in basically all other languages: German uses 'Hexe', Italian 'Strega', Spanish 'Bruja'. French seems to be another outlier, apparently they used 'necromancienne'? I'm guessing because the most common word for witch in French would be 'sorcière' which, again, would be closer to sorceress...
Ah, then sorcière would be the most fitting, thats the kind of witch that majo und the other european translations usually represent.So I can see the French translation team drawing a blank. Necromancer is just bad though. If they had Sorceress in mind, they may have wanted to avoid Sorcière due to the connotations. Also don't know in the Anglo word, but sorcière in French is generally used for ugly old hags with a completely different aesthetic than this game's Sorceresses.
I end up picking a party made up of Rinoa, Squall and Quistis for the time being.
It's also the name of the creepy musical theme that plays in the scene with the sorceress, also featuring the FITHOS LUSEC WECOS VINOSEC line."SUCCESSION OF WITCHES" is exactly what I'd name my Final Fantasy Black Metal cover band, if I had one.
'How do you pair Quistis and Riona with Tifa and Aerith?'– the greatest thread in the history of forums, locked by a moderator after 12,239 pages of heated debate,
I honestly had to stop and think about that, but given that I haven't played 8 I just went with "Well Rinoa just seems like it's gonna get revealed that she has some magic thing going on with her, and that's kinda like Aerith"'How do you pair Quistis and Riona with Tifa and Aerith?'– the greatest thread in the history of forums, locked by a moderator after 12,239 pages of heated debate,
What, no.I honestly had to stop and think about that, but given that I haven't played 8 I just went with "Well Rinoa just seems like it's gonna get revealed that she has some magic thing going on with her, and that's kinda like Aerith"
Bro I invite you to stay in your lane, I will joke about the vernacular of hoeless freaks who would call me slurs all I please.I'm hoping you're joking, but - please don't sound like a fascist.
Thank you.
They call me slurs too, which is why I'm wary hearing this kinda speech, 'cause I don't know you.Bro I invite you to stay in your lane, I will joke about the vernacular of hoeless freaks who would call me slurs all I please.
'How do you pair Quistis and Riona with Tifa and Aerith?'– the greatest thread in the history of forums, locked by a moderator after 12,239 pages of heated debate,
I think the Terra-Celes and Aerith-Tifa dynamic was played with a bit by Squaresoft. The flanderization of Aerith in Advent Children and the Compilation turned her into a Wifegirl while Tifa's Coolgirl aspects were played up. Terra and Celes were presented as Wifegirl and Coolgirl, respectively, when they were first introduced; I think Terra actually remains Wifegirl throughout even as Celes begins defrosting from her Coolgirl characteristics.Coolgirl: Faris/Terra/Aeris/Quistis (prototype: adult Rydia)
Wifegirl: Lenna/Celes/Tifa/Rinoa (prototype: Rosa)
Genkigirl: Krile/Relm/Yuffie/Selphie (prototype: child Rydia)
Yeah, in the Italian translation of FFVIII Sorceress is indeed "Strega", which is generally used to translate "Witch". Of course, the male form of "Witch" in Italian is "Stregone", which is always the translation for "Sorcerer"; we don't have separate terms for the two, and generally Italian has very few words for magic users, as "Wizard", "Magician" and "Mage" would all be translated as "Mago", which doesn't have a female form (you would just use "Strega", so, "Witch"), and "Spell" would be translated as either "Magia", which is actually the translation for "Magic", or "Incantesimo", which is actually the translation for Enchantment - there isn't a specific word for it. The same goes for Warlock, which generally is just left in English when people use it.Another translation issue:
'Sorceress' is the wrong word.
The japanese uses 魔女 (majo) which is translated as 'witch' in basically any other work or context.
In fact, the phrase 'fithos lusec wecos vinosec' that is being repeated in the opening is an anagram of 'love' and 'succession of witches' indicating that 'witch' was the intended word in English.
This was followed in basically all other languages: German uses 'Hexe', Italian 'Strega', Spanish 'Bruja'. French seems to be another outlier, apparently they used 'necromancienne'? I'm guessing because the most common word for witch in French would be 'sorcière' which, again, would be closer to sorceress...
Now obviously both sorceress and witch refer to female magic users. However witch definitely evokes very distinct and more sinister connotations.
So, this is the first time that FFVIII completely fell on its face because of it, but this was actually to be expected when we consider the way FFVIII is structured.Also did Seifer literally break out of containment and then do a cross-continental trip with Quistis hot on his heels, literally chasing him all the way to the TV studio? I get that the game wants me to wonder about Seifer and Rinoa's connection instead of that but I can't, none of this is holding together for me.
It's all just Things Happening. Which is a shame because it hurts what is otherwise a pretty high-tier introduction from the Sorceress.
(Seifer's transcontinental escape, the Galbadian guards being both too numerous for the SeeD to assault but easily dispatched by Seifer so he can meet the Sorceress first, etc.), and the story suffers as a result.
Now, I think that FFVIII does an excellent job of stringing its setpieces together and only rarely falters, but when it does, the artificial nature of the events is almost invariably a result of trying to get to a certain setpiece and having to work around its predetermined elements.
Of course, this is ultimately my opinion - maybe I'm wrong, and other people can find a different way to explain why as well made a game as FFVIII occasionally has these illogical sequences in it? I'm always happy to read other people's opinions about this sort of thing.
As for the 'too many guards' and 'easily bypassed guards' I just read that as Rinoa not knowing what SeeDs are actually capable of, and the SeeDs not giving a shit about her mission. Her entire crew is running on gut vibes and instincts at this point, and the SeeDs themselves aren't invested in their success.
Rinoa herself recognizes that the SeeD aren't actually members of the team, but are weapons to be pointed at things she wants fucked up, they're not on board with anything they're doing and their supposed expertise does not apply to planning operations.