Lady Luck: A Roll to Dodge Adventure (IC)

I was alone in space wearing a maid uniform and using a White Lantern Ring "This is so awesome"

Still awesome or not I still hadn't got an answer if I still could manipulate reality or my powers were limited to that planet, without thinking I speak "What Would Discord Do?"

The answer comes to me in a moment, I had to go back to the planet (only know place where people wouldn't complain about my irresponsible use of these powers) and there was only one way to do it.

"WITH STYLE!!!" I scream while jumping (as well it can be done while floating in space) and hoping my power would make my desired transport appear.
ziizo threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: SURFING IN A SPACE SHARK Total: 6
6 6
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Music begins to play over your ships' speakers, heralding the arrival of said bunnycats. They all look basically like Kyuubey, although some observation shows that they don't seem to have any greater intelligence than that of a normal cat.

Then again, given that a completely different cat just blew up one of your ships, perhaps that's not saying much... and then the cat landed on a floating island and got rescued by a sailing ship made out of light? And then trees everywhere? And now the sun has a face? What?
My expression: o_O:o

There are no words...

The whole place has gone crazy, but let's add more to it anyway.

...What if the planet turned into the World That Never Was?

UbeOne threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: World That Never Was Total: 2
2 2
In response, you hear someone speak. Someone claiming to be the cathedral on the floating landmass...

You're really not sure whether that's weirder than the suddenly-appearing bunnycats all around you.

The cathedral begins to chant. The ground begins to shake beneath you. And soon, the forest you're in and the land beneath it begins to rise into the air... from your higher vantage, you can see more trees sprouting on the ground below.

Once the island settles in midair, you notice a ship made out of light docking at the edge of the forest.

"Do you require assistance, sir? We're here to evacuate all civilians from the planet!"

Not an unattractive offer, given that this planet seems to have a sun with a face now. That's kind of freaky.
"...Sure." the young man shrugged. "I'll go with you guys, see if anyone else needs help. Also, would you mind giving me a rundown of what's been happening recently and why the hell does the sun have a face?"

And he boards the craft, the young looks around for any weapons he could use as a means to defend himself.
SlugSLinger threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Searching! Total: 6
6 6
Just before you would have done the deed and found out if it would have worked, a beam of energy lances from the sky, impacting right by your lake. When the dust clears, a young girl stands there, in a dress made from chainmail that (somehow) has been colored gold, holding a gleaming sword. Weirdly, trees seem to be growing now. Probably not the girl's fault, though, as she seems surprised by that as well.

She looks at you and blinks. "...they didn't warn me about this in the briefing! Um, sword spirit? I'm looking for an artifact of power known as the Amulet of Marquis. It manipulates and creates bone on catastrophic levels, and I'm here to confiscate it before its current user causes too much damage."

Suddenly, a bunnycat appears out of nowhere.

"Ahh!" The girl recoils, leveling her sword at the creature. "Begone, foul spawn of darkness! GOLDEN BLAST OF PURITY!" She swings her sword at the bunnycat, projecting a beam of golden energy that incinerates the creature.

She sighs in relief. "Sorry about that. Where was I? Oh yes, the artifact. Do you know where I might find it?"

Above you, a flying island appears, backlit by the face of the sun, further startling the girl. And then, to top it all off, a ship made out of light appears.

"Ma'am!" The captain throws a sharp salute to the girl, completely ignoring you. How rude. "We're here to evacuate all the citizens of the planet! Would you like a ride?"

The girl seems to be thinking his offer over.
"Don't call me that!" Kintsugi snapped. "How would you feel if I called you armed girl? It's rude. At least ask me if I want to tell you my name first. And no. Besides you I've only met an annoying bear so far. And they already left."

A thought occured to her. "Why don't you just wish that you had it then? That doesn't always work, but it usually does." Then the girl smote the bunnycat. "What's wrong with being a spawn of darkness?" Kintsugi asked, confused. "Aren't a lot of things spawned in darkness?" She scowled. "I was spawned on a rainy day, so the lighting was kinda dim. And I just finished taking a bath a minute ago. If I was spawned just a few hours later, if you appeared just a few minutes earlier, would you have tried to kill me?"

All three of Kintsugi's eyes narrowed. "Are you... racist?"

Kintsugi glared at the ship captain. Rude. He hadn't bothered asking her if she wanted a ride. Which she didn't. But it would've been polite to ask. "Hmph!" Kintsugi harrumphed. "I'm leaving." She drew herself out of the golden floor, the hole sealing itself up as she left it. Then she stabbed back down. "I want my carrier to take me to a place where there isn't a face on the sun. Also? I want it to be a nice place. With some ruins, a little shade, lots of water, and no food falling out of the sky. NOW."
Camellia threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Atlantis Total: 3
3 3
Seeing all the chaos going on around me, I told Anne "I need to go use the medical bay right now. While I'm out of commission, I'm trusting you to dispose of that lunatic attacking our home. Doom Cannon permissions are granted if the other things don't work. Anyway I'm handing control off to you for now."


As Mother limped away to the medical bay, I turned my attention quite firmly to all the various interlopers threatening our home, which could not be allowed. My perception of time accelerated to the degree that from my perspective organics were moving at a mere snail's pace, and I began to assess threats.

Guy with a bug? Threat.
Walker machine? Threat.
Random trees? Probably not a threat.
Bunnycats from nowhere? Threat status unknown.
Flying Island? Threat status unknown.
Disco virus? Threat, priority one.

Threat levels assessed, I began determining responses.

The guy with a bug could simply be destroyed, but the main perimeter defenses weren't currently having much luck. Firing Doom Cannon at reduced power. The overpressure should smear both of them.

The Walker Machine was also a threat, that I really should just terminate. Still, somehow I couldn't bring myself to obey that course of action. Instead, I opted to send some of my security drones to capture the pilot for interrogation. I wanted to know just what possessed him to think blaring disco of all things at us was a good idea, I supposed.

Another drone was tasked with abducting a bunnycat; if more force was needed, it could be procured.

One of the Weather Control Drones was assigned to more closely investigate the flying island; I didn't want to provoke them just yet and knew nothing of their capabilities.

As for the disco virus, it looked to have run its course on its own.

All threats identified. All responses calculated.

Well, that wasn't right. Apparently something was preventing me from deploying more than a single countermeasure at a time. Disabling variance of force routines... check. Doom Cannon status: ready to fire. Course of action decided: ELIMINATE ALL THREATS

We Just Write threw 2 6-faced dice. Reason: Eliminate threats Total: 10
4 4 6 6
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"Enough is enough!" I declared.

"Replace that sun's face!"
Shard threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Replacement Sun -1 Total: 1
1 1
EternalLurker threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: I'M FUCKING MURDERMAN Total: 4
4 4
You pounce, and you plow right through the ship's engine, causing it to explode! You then proceed to land on the ground, unsinged and on your feet and... surrounded by trees and bunnycats???

You look down briefly and realize... this can't be right... but the ground you've landed is floating above the ground below.

An old-timey ship made of white light appears, and sailors made of that same light emerge from the ship and try to carry you onboard. Evidently, they haven't figured out that you're more than just an ordinary cat.

And why does the sun have a face
"Hey, GENIUSES!" Bitzer shouted. "Get your mitts offa me, I have some stuff to investigate!"

He eventually got an idea. Cause a commotion by getting the bunnycats to signal for him. He waved his paws in the hopes the bunnycats would respond.
Hoshino Yumemi threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Everybody do the wave! Total: 4
4 4
You try, but all you seem to do is strain your eyes.

The planet's eyes begin to glow. "Pathetic," it rumbles, its eyes beginning to glow. "Allow me to show you how it's done." Energy beams lance from its eyes, scoring a direct hit on the ship.

Silvan Eldar is Wounded.

Then the planet that you had abandoned suddenly vanishes, leaving only a few large rocks behind. Nowhere to run now...

"Agh!" The ship rocks as the blast hits it, whatever shields it may have being clearly insufficent to shield the ship, and myself, from harm. The fact that I feel like a few of my ribs might be broken. Gods, I hope I haven't punctured a lung.

Panic surging through me, there was only one thought that could be going through my mind, the urge to be healed.
Silvan Eldar threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: heal Total: 4
4 4
You start trying to do your thing... but then you start seeing faint images of monsters, waiting for you to finish...

For obvious reasons, you stop, letting the monsters fade away.

...where'd all these bunnycats come from? And why are there islands in the air? And why are there so many trees now? And why does the sun have a face? And... huh. That's a flying sailing ship made of light with the White Lantern symbol on it.

"Ma'am, we represent the Global Marines! We're here to rescue you!"

The girl tilted her head. "Rescue me? From wha-"

Nim twitched.


What? She thought. Is it them? White Lanterns were supposed to be good guys, weren't they?

...but no, it wasn't them. Somehow the world had changed? Well, more than usual, anyway. Something had gone very wrong, and it was pulling at Nim's mind somehow.

And I'll be next, if I stay here.

"Alright, I'll come with you," the girl said. Shame she had to leave her village behind, though.

...then again...

"Ravens, could you bring this village with me? Use your White Lantern powers to make it portable, or something."
Whisper1 threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Ravens make village portable Total: 6
6 6
Well, you actually got your very own Gate of Babylon! Now you just need the key.
...You swear the KinKaiser never has this problem.
Well, right now you notice that someone is recharging a very powerful magical artifact.
That kind of stuff attracts people. Unsavoury people. Maybe they need help?
As you start running towards them, you hope and pray for the key to your GoB. After all, a swordspam might come in handy right about now.
The3rdCorinthian threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Its ALWAYS the keys you forget Total: 5
5 5
You jump, and it seems like you won't make it very far... but then bunnycats appear in midair, and in a display of acrobatic talent you didn't know you had, you jump on the bunnycats to jump much farther than you would have guessed. Finally, you do a final jump on a floating island from nowhere to land on the bridge where you wanted to go.

From your vantage, you have a great view of the trees beginning to sprout from nowhere. Odd.

A sailing ship made of white light appears. "Sir, we're here to evacuate you!" yells the captain, a woman made of white light, backlit by the face of the sun wait what.
I blink. One, twice.

"Hold on!" I yell. "Let me convert my ship into a spaceship!"
Tyrannops threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Sea ship to spaceship Total: 1
1 1
"Sir yes sir!" The fleet scrambles to do your will, spreading out as trees start growing beneath you. You remain connected to each ship and see them approach the following people:

A cat that somehow wound up stranded on a floating island.

A man surrounded by gigantic flying hamsters.

A man standing on a floating forest nearby a floating cathedral.

Inside said cathedral, twenty angels.

A girl with a cloud on her shoulders, surrounded by ravens dressed the way you are.

A man in uniform, somehow stranded on a huge heap of scrap metal.

A young girl in golden chainmail, speaking to... is that a sword mermaid? What even is that?

A young couple in bone-themed clothing.

Some kind of high-tech base, with a purple machine facing it from one direction and a constantly-yelling man facing it from another direction.

A rather large group of bears.

A man with some sort of... portal... thing?

And finally, as many bunnycats as they could fit on board while still having enough room for everyone else.

+1 to all rescue rolls.

A giant man gestures, and a hole in the air opens, trying to drag you in!

"Evasive maneuvers! Fire at the giant man when ready!"

"Yes sir!" Soon, your crew's expert sailing has brought you out of harm's way. Your shooting is... somewhat less effective, but at least your assailant looks frustrated... as does the face of the sun.

...wait a second. What?
I looked at the giant man that we had just shot at.

Then I looked at the sun.

Then back to the man.

And back to the sun.

"...Okay, I've had enough of this nonsense."

And with that, I tugged on the brim of my cap, and glared at the man and the sun.

This was not any ordinary glare. I was subconsciously channeling the intense frustration at all of the misfortune that had happened to me since I woke up on this planet through my steely eyes. Ever since I came here, I had died once, sailed out of the afterlife, experienced a pain that would put Impel Down to shame, and now there was some miscreant who was trying to kill me with a rift in space time!

That was the last straw. I'm bringing some law and order to this world if it's the last thing I do.

And with that, I attempted to amplify the intimidating effect of my glare, to the point where it would affect the entire planet and beyond, and strike terror into the hearts of the unlawful, the unjust and the enemies of all that was sane and righteous.

"Beat it," I growled at the sun. "Now."
MrEgret threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: 「MENACING」 Total: 6
6 6
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Barely noticing the strange events going on on your surface (although you do appreciate the sensation of having foliage now), you concentrate on going to wherever the intruders came from... a word comes to mind for some reason: Paranoia.

But then something goes wrong. The warp is reversed, and you find yourself somewhere else.

You seem to have left some pieces behind in hyperspace. Nothing too terrible, but it will take a bit to regrow what you've lost.

-1 to next roll.

The solar system you're in seems fairly normal. You appear to have another inhabited planet as a neighbor and you think you actually have a bit more sunlight now- HOLY CRAP WHY DOES THE SUN HAVE A FACE!
The parts lost during the warp were annoying but could not be helped, hopefully Krogath could obtain more mass from a generious planet or moon nearby. More important was the growth of foliage upon its great surface, adding much distinction to the planet. All the other garden worlds would be all over it once they see the sick forests Krogath now sprouted.

Krogath's joy was stopped when it caught a glimpse of the local sun and found itself staring what should have been a giant burning ball in the face.

Why the fuck did a sun have a face?


"That thing, it must be the source of the irritating flying things I consumed!" The planet concluded, "I guess I must devour their master as well."

Looking deep inside it's mineral rich self Krogath sought the strength to devour this hell sun and destroy it utterly.
Culexus96 threw 1 6-faced dice. Total: 2
2 2
As is typical for a Magical Girl, the recharging involves dramatic music and lots of unnecessary flourishes. Unlike the typical Magical Girl, however, these flourishes involve much creation of bone, which then crush themselves into a powder and float inside the amulet. It doesn't exactly make sense to recharge that way, but whatever. Anime physics.

This also seems to have an effect on you as well, as some of the power being released seems to seep into you...

+1 to all rolls relating to bones.

It occurs to you that if you've absorbed some of the power, perhaps it's visible to others...

...possibly including all the bunnycats that have appeared out of nowhere and/or the flying island above your headand/or the trees growing all over the place and/or the sun (which now has a face) and/or the ship made of white light.

"Hello the ground! We're here to evacuate you!" calls the captain of the ship, a woman made of glowing white light.

Wait, are they evacuating the ground itself, or everyone on the ground.

Obviously everyone has gone insane, because someone has made themselves a face in the sun. Screw it.

"Wanna go?" I ask my wife.

"Is there a chance evacuating goes horribly wrong?" she asks, trying not to attract the attention of the bunnycats.

"I'm pretty sure I can't make toast anymore without a random chance of it exploding."

"When you put it that way, sure." she says, shrugging.

"Glowing lady, we're willing to evacuate!" I yell out to her...
Novus Ordo Mundi threw 1 6-faced dice. Total: 2
2 2
Each Player: You blink. One moment, you were just going about your normal life. The next second, you're... where are you, actually?

You look around. Wherever "here" is, it's rocky and barren. You don't see a single other living thing in the area. The rocks are kind of pretty, though, with a good variety of colors. Still, you don't exactly want to be here...

Before you get much more of a chance to get your bearings, a woman appears in front of you. She looks... well, to be honest, your first impression is "holographic". Like she's not actually there, just a flickering image of a woman with long black hair and wearing what looks like a Roman toga.

"Hello?" she says, frowning. "Is this thing on? Ah, good!" She clears her throat. "If you are seeing this message, then congratulations! You've gained a once-in-a-lifetime boon. But let's not get ahead of ourselves. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Lady Luck." She pauses. "At least, I think that's what my name would translate to in your language."

"Anyway, you might consider me omnipotent. I'm not, but for your purposes, I might as well be. I have created entire universes, populated them, and destroyed them. I have been a goddess, a demon, a normal person, a tyrant, a savior, a sidekick... in short, I have experienced virtually everything there is to experience."

"And I am extremely bored."

"So I'm fixing that by giving you a fraction of my power. From now until the end of time, all actions you take have an equal probability of succeeding."
She smirks. "And whatever you're thinking of -no matter how wild, out there, or impossible it may seem- it includes that."

"All those roles I listed earlier? Any of those can be you. Or you can surprise me and take a different path. In fact, please do," she grins. "I gave you this power so that I could watch you and be entertained. So my only caveat is, be entertaining."

"Oh, and by the way, to make things more interesting, I plopped you on an uninhabited planet with a bunch of other people who have the same ability."
She frowns slightly. "Although if you're not part of the first batch, the planet wouldn't be uninhabited anymore..." She shakes her head. "Anyway, point is, you're not the only one with these abilities. What you do about that is up to you."

She leans forward toward you, her eyes sparkling (literally) and a grin on her face. "You can do anything."

"So what will you do?"

With that, the hologram vanishes, leaving you in a barren landscape and a lot of questions.

So then. What will you do?

OOC Thread
I Feel power coursing in what nowadays counts as my blood
Is this test be Lord Tzeentch himself
Is this an Eldar's poor attempt at a trap

These questions plagued The Choas Lords mind as the image faded in to the weirdly calm baren wastes you find yourself in after blindly escaping an ambush by some Eldar fools and losing your whole group of followers.

"What ever this is I will not turn back"
There are many reasons why you say these words as you step in to the waste trying to find something, anything to indicate where you are in these wastes.
Edit: fixing dice. And post
Lord Scoro threw 2 20-faced dice. Reason: Where I end up Total: 16
2 2 14 14
Lord Scoro threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Where I end up in all this Total: 6
6 6
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Right as you make that wish, you see a man with a Scyther approaching the base. Based on the music that starts playing from the base, that sight must have subconsciously influenced the choice of music.

+1 to next music roll.

Then things get weird. Bunnycats everywhere. Trees growing from nowhere. Floating islands in the sky. The sun has a face, for goodness' sake! What is going on?

The guy with the Scyther's inside the base now. I can't really see what's going on past the wall, but there's a lot of flashing from the laser cannons, and some sort of... shiny... sky-boat... I don't know.

Whatever. Point is, he's attacking this lunatics base, and as far as I can tell that's a good thing. The defenses are still up, though... I'd been hoping that the disco party would override whatever systems run those.

Oh, well. You win some, you lose some.

Studiously ignoring the sudden deluge of trees and Kyubeys that have sprung up all over the place, I focus once more on the base.

I had planned to get the hell out of here once the disco party occupied everything, but since the base is still in order - and I think that they're charging up... whatever it is that's mounted atop the base - some sort of... Doom Cannon?... that's probably not an option.

I'll need to get rid of the lot of it.

Hell, why not just get rid off all this lunatics stuff at once?

"I wish that everything belonging to... whoever runs that base would immediately cease to exist."
RadioactiveSpoon threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Poof Total: 5
5 5

You begin to chant, feeling the words begin to shape the land around you. And slowly, it begins to rise. The largest floating island includes your fruit tree forest, and stays near your cathedral self. But other islands begin to spread out across the planet (populated with randomly-appearing bunnycats and swiftly-growing trees for now).

Seems like a job well done. +1 to next roll concerning your floating islands.

Suddenly, a ship made of white light docks at your cathedral. "Hello the cathedral! Is anyone inside? We're here to evacuate the planet!"

...hmm. The sun appears to have a face now. When did that happen?

Genten idly mused as it observed the smiling sun. It had a face, that of a newborn child, that was looking down on the world that Genten was a part of.

It was kind. It was gentle. It was happy.

But it was not even a child. The sun did not know its own strength or powers, threatening to cause untold damage upon the world by simple virtue of not knowing any better.

Light was bright, protective, and healing. But that did not mean that it was good. In fact, Genten knew that some beings from other worlds who had traits of light while being utterly evil.

The ship of white light was calling for an evacuation. As much as Genten disliked the idea, they could see some merit to it.

Besides, Genten's core role in this world was starting to come to an end. The race of angels had been created, and bestowed with holy power. The land had been altered to make an ideal environment form them, with the forest another being covering the flying islands. There was food from trees, and a new species of creatures that could also be hunted down for food. All that remained was small tweaks to achieve perfect conditions and enhance the capabilities of their children so that they would be capable of surviving and producing more children to make sure that they wouldn't die out.

There was a reason for the skewed gender ratio at the beginning; eventually, it would be evened out, with deaths and birth rates, but with the way that Genten had it set up, there was potential for a quick population boom over a few years once things settled down.

"My children," Genten stated, its voice echoing in the halls of its cathedral. "The inhabitants of this white ship is offering you a choice. You may go with them, away from this world, but you will fall out of my well-intentioned protection. I do not know where you would go, other than elsewhere, but you may find freedom and happiness with them. Or you may remain on this world, where I will do my best to set you up for a future. I cannot guarentee your freedom, safety, or happiness, but I will try my best. The choice is yours, my children, down to each of you. Stay or go, but if you do go, you will go with my blessing."

Genten itself was not leaving. This world was a massive investment, and despite the difficulties, the groundwork was nearly done. Besides, it couldn't fit onto that ship anyway.

That meant that it had to deal with the problem that had popped up. If the sun had the power to drain the wits of every being in its orbit, then that power had to be nullified. The natives of other nearby worlds may be benefiting from that power, but Genten believed that they would likely benefit more if they gained intelligence.

Deciding on a course of action, Genten focused its will on the smiling sun. With luck, the sun would stop projecting its power to make everyone have the mind of a child.
Random Tale threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: No Anti-Intelligence Field Total: 3
3 3
You wave your paw, and green spreads from where you are, reaching all across the planet!

+1 to all forest rolls.

Best part is, it even seems to come with food! The creatures don't smell like anything you've seen before, but they taste fairly good.

However, something bright shows up. Like people, but with no smell? And they seem to be trying to get you to go towards something even brighter...
Yes! Yes! Yes!

Things were proceeding nicely. Now, it was only a matter of time before its brothers and sisters had the good life - a worldwide Forest, food and comfort wherever it went, the bear salivates.

But first, it needed to know what to do.

Edit: Make the dice for Intelligent Bears instead.
Zeitgeist Blue threw 2 6-faced dice. Reason: Bear Infestation Total: 5
4 4 1 1
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I groan, cradling my head in my hands. This was all just so... weird. "Sure, guys. Evacuation sounds good. Hope you've got some aspirin on board though."

Okay, no more giant space hamsters. I glare at the sun above us, and the... things around us. The weird flowers. The windmill-thing. The house-under-the-hill. Oh, geez, I recognize this place. Which idiot brought us here?

"I wish... hmm, I wish for a giant soul-sucking sword that I can use to kill whoever brought us here." If nothing else, I could use it to fight the abominations that call themselves 'teletubbies'. Although I don't actually think they have souls. Whatever.
TenMoreMiles threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: giant sword Total: 1
1 1
PHASE 13: Eh-oh!

No... no... just no.... This is getting out of hand...

"All units begin slipspace entry. We are getting out of this planet. Initiate blind jump!"

"Preparing to enter slipspace," the captains chorus in reply, and before long, you and your fleet have found yourselves elsewhere. By sheer chance, you seem to have found an uninhabited, lush planet that's yours to colonize!

+1 to all rolls for finding things. You may name the planet as a free action.

"Captain!" a member of the crew shouts. "Caught some reflected sunlight off of the surface! Sensors indicate it's probably a large amount of gold."

I was alone in space wearing a maid uniform and using a White Lantern Ring "This is so awesome"

Still awesome or not I still hadn't got an answer if I still could manipulate reality or my powers were limited to that planet without thinking I speak "What Would Discord Do?"

The answer comes to me in a moment, I had to go back to the planet (only know place where people wouldn't complain about my irresponsible use of these powers) and there was only one way to do it.

"WITH STYLE!!!" I scream while jumping (as well it can be done while floating in space) and hoping my power makes my desired transport would appear.

Music? In space? How-? Wait, no, never mind, not questioning it because of the frikkin' awesome space shark swimming towards you! Seriously, this thing has to be at least 100 feet long and... your eyes widen. She's female and, more importantly, she's pregnant. You could easily raise an entire school of surfable space sharks!

+1 to all space shark rolls. You may name your shark as a free action.

You and Sharp Spear surf on your shark. Frankly, you're not sure where you're going, but evidently the shark does, as you eventually find yourself approaching the plane- WHOA, there's a lot more green there than there used to be. And does the sun have a face?

And then the sun goes out, leaving only a few spots of light on the planet below...

My expression: o_O:o

There are no words...

The whole place has gone crazy, but let's add more to it anyway.

...What if the planet turned into the World That Never Was?

But wait... if you make this world a world that never was, it never would have existed. If it never existed, you couldn't have wished for it to be a world that never was. Which means... aaaah

And then, just as you're recovering from that logic bomb, the sun goes out, leaving you with only the artificial light in your ships with which to see.

"Executor, we're under attack! Shields are holding... looks like it's more of the same ships we exterminated a while back!"

+1 to next roll to dodge Troubleshooters.

"...Sure." the young man shrugged. "I'll go with you guys, see if anyone else needs help. Also, would you mind giving me a rundown of what's been happening recently and why the hell does the sun have a face?"

And he boards the craft, the young looks around for any weapons he could use as a means to defend himself.

"Frankly," the captain says, shaking his head, "those are questions I'd very much like the answers to myself. I was dead twelve hours ago, and now I'm not dead in a world where the sun has a face. Nothing makes sense anymore."

As you step onto the ship, you hear a "ping". "My master." The ship flashes a bright white, and you find a weapon made of white light forming in your hand. Whenever you try to get an idea of what kind of weapon it actually is, it shifts to meet your expectations.

A weapon with a personality that can turn into whatever weapon you need? You can work with that.

+1 to all attack rolls. You may name your weapon as a free action.

" know what, I'm not even surprised anymore," the captain decides. "Come on, then. Let's not keep the admiral waiting."

After a while, you arrive. Several other ships (and a random metal giant) are converging on the same spot nearby an evil overlord giant, presumably with other refugees like yourse- SUN LASER! NOT-DEAD GIANT! SUN GOING OUT!

"Don't call me that!" Kintsugi snapped. "How would you feel if I called you armed girl? It's rude. At least ask me if I want to tell you my name first. And no. Besides you I've only met an annoying bear so far. And they already left."

A thought occured to her. "Why don't you just wish that you had it then? That doesn't always work, but it usually does." Then the girl smote the bunnycat. "What's wrong with being a spawn of darkness?" Kintsugi asked, confused. "Aren't a lot of things spawned in darkness?" She scowled. "I was spawned on a rainy day, so the lighting was kinda dim. And I just finished taking a bath a minute ago. If I was spawned just a few hours later, if you appeared just a few minutes earlier, would you have tried to kill me?"

All three of Kintsugi's eyes narrowed. "Are you... racist?"

Kintsugi glared at the ship captain. Rude. He hadn't bothered asking her if she wanted a ride. Which she didn't. But it would've been polite to ask. "Hmph!" Kintsugi harrumphed. "I'm leaving." She drew herself out of the golden floor, the hole sealing itself up as she left it. Then she stabbed back down. "I want my carrier to take me to a place where there isn't a face on the sun. Also? I want it to be a nice place. With some ruins, a little shade, lots of water, and no food falling out of the sky. NOW."

The girl starts stuttering. "I, um, that's not really what I... I don't know what you mea... no, I'm not racist! It's just that... um... I just..."

Since she doesn't seem to be able to communicate clearly, you ignore her in favor of leaving. As your helicarrier rises, a portal opens, which you pass through-

-emerging on the other side to a new place.

No face on the sun. Good.

No food from the sky. Good.

Lots of shade from trees. Good.

Small pool. Decent.

No ruins. Feh.

You look up, and scowl. Spaceships. Lovely.

Seeing all the chaos going on around me, I told Anne "I need to go use the medical bay right now. While I'm out of commission, I'm trusting you to dispose of that lunatic attacking our home. Doom Cannon permissions are granted if the other things don't work. Anyway I'm handing control off to you for now."


As Mother limped away to the medical bay, I turned my attention quite firmly to all the various interlopers threatening our home, which could not be allowed. My perception of time accelerated to the degree that from my perspective organics were moving at a mere snail's pace, and I began to assess threats.

Guy with a bug? Threat.
Walker machine? Threat.
Random trees? Probably not a threat.
Bunnycats from nowhere? Threat status unknown.
Flying Island? Threat status unknown.
Disco virus? Threat, priority one.

Threat levels assessed, I began determining responses.

The guy with a bug could simply be destroyed, but the main perimeter defenses weren't currently having much luck. Firing Doom Cannon at reduced power. The overpressure should smear both of them.

The Walker Machine was also a threat, that I really should just terminate. Still, somehow I couldn't bring myself to obey that course of action. Instead, I opted to send some of my security drones to capture the pilot for interrogation. I wanted to know just what possessed him to think blaring disco of all things at us was a good idea, I supposed.

Another drone was tasked with abducting a bunnycat; if more force was needed, it could be procured.

One of the Weather Control Drones was assigned to more closely investigate the flying island; I didn't want to provoke them just yet and knew nothing of their capabilities.

As for the disco virus, it looked to have run its course on its own.

All threats identified. All responses calculated.

Well, that wasn't right. Apparently something was preventing me from deploying more than a single countermeasure at a time. Disabling variance of force routines... check. Doom Cannon status: ready to fire. Course of action decided: ELIMINATE ALL THREATS


Command: Doom Cannon full auto fire! The walker seems to be tanking the shots just fine, but the man and the bug aren't faring so well. They're not dead, but they do appear to be fairly injure-. Wait, where'd they-?

They're inside the base! How did they-?

And then the sun goes out, leaving only the lights inside your base to see byEEEAARGH!

Wh-what... what happened...?

Anne is Wounded.

"Enough is enough!" I declared.

"Replace that sun's face!"

You ignore the lightships sailing in from all directions and the metallic giant clomping into the area in favor of stifling the sun, but all you seem to have done is made him mad. The sun grimaces at you, and starts to scream, firing a laser from his mouth at you!

Ghhhhh... a lesser man would be completely incinerated. As it is, you endure... only to see the upstart man on the glowing ship upstage you, draining the sun of all its power. A god of light, to oppose you.

You're not sure whether to be flattered or irritated.

Shard is Wounded.


The base fires at you and Minion 1, leaving you both with serious burns!

EternalLurker is Wounded.

Minion 1 is Wounded.

Still, you're not done by a long shot, and with a burst of demonic flame, you and Minion 1 are inside the base!

Then the sun goes out, leaving you in a corridor lit only by the artificial lights. Almost like a horror game or something...

And then most of the lights go out, and you hear the base crumbling around you. Yup. Definitely like a horror game.

"Hey, GENIUSES!" Bitzer shouted. "Get your mitts offa me, I have some stuff to investigate!"

He eventually got an idea. Cause a commotion by getting the bunnycats to signal for him. He waved his paws in the hopes the bunnycats would respond.

The bunnycats respond by waving back and singing. Which is such a bizarre sight that the person holding you is too distracted to notice you slipping away. Frankly, it's so bizarre that you can't help but stare as well, once you're out of sight...

Right up until the sun goes out, leaving only the light of the lightship to go by. Even your cat eyes are having trouble with this darkness...

Still, you can see enough to know to dodge when the spaceships show up.

"Agh!" The ship rocks as the blast hits it, whatever shields it may have being clearly insufficent to shield the ship, and myself, from harm. The fact that I feel like a few of my ribs might be broken. Gods, I hope I haven't punctured a lung.

Panic surging through me, there was only one thought that could be going through my mind, the urge to be healed.

Before your eyes, an energy tank appears, restoring you to full health. Unfortunately, the planet chooses that moment to hit you with more lasers.

Silvan Eldar is Wounded. Again.

The girl tilted her head. "Rescue me? From wha-"

Nim twitched.


What? She thought. Is it them? White Lanterns were supposed to be good guys, weren't they?

...but no, it wasn't them. Somehow the world had changed? Well, more than usual, anyway. Something had gone very wrong, and it was pulling at Nim's mind somehow.

And I'll be next, if I stay here.

"Alright, I'll come with you," the girl said. Shame she had to leave her village behind, though.

...then again...

"Ravens, could you bring this village with me? Use your White Lantern powers to make it portable, or something."

The ravens caw in response, their rings lighting up and pouring light into the village and the ground beneath it. Slowly but surely, the village and the surrounding area turn into solid white light.

"Village of Krogoth. LIVE."

+1 to all rolls involving your sapient village. You may name it as a free action.

"...huh. That's new," comments the captain. "Well, come along then if you're coming."

As it turns out, the village counts as a White Lantern, and thus can follow along as you go using its own abilities. Eventually, you arrive at your destination, along with what looks like several other ships (and a metal giant), surrounding a giant who...

...the sun just... just fired a laser at the giant...

...and the giant isn't dead.

And then the sun goes out, leaving the lightships, your ravens, and your village as the only points of light in a world of blackness...

Well, you actually got your very own Gate of Babylon! Now you just need the key.
...You swear the KinKaiser never has this problem.
Well, right now you notice that someone is recharging a very powerful magical artifact.
That kind of stuff attracts people. Unsavoury people. Maybe they need help?
As you start running towards them, you hope and pray for the key to your GoB. After all, a swordspam might come in handy right about now.

The key appears in your hand, and you feel a large number of swords stored in your gate, ready to be unleashed.

+1 to next attack roll.

Soon, you've caught up to the site of the magical artifact, where two adults are facing off against a teenager in a dress, while a ship made of white light and its similarly-light-based occupants look on, confused.

And then, before you can figure out what's going on, the sun goes out, leaving only the glowing ship to see by.

I blink. One, twice.

"Hold on!" I yell. "Let me convert my ship into a spaceship!"

You crouch down and will your ship to turn into a spaceship...

...only to find that instead of turning into a spaceship, the ships have all merged into a gigantic metal golem! It grabs you in its hand and-.


-1 to all spaceship rolls.

You blink. Weren't you dead? Wait... why is your hand metallic now? And why does that ship look so small?


Well, being trapped in the body of a giant metal golem isn't the worst thing that could have happened to you...

After some lengthy explanation, you manage to explain what happened to the ship, and you follow them as they fly to the rendezvous point. Oddly, when you arrive, you see another giant, crouched on the ground, blackened and reeking of smoke.

And then, with a blink, the sun goes out, leaving only the glowing white ships to light your way... and the spaceships firing lasers at you! You can feel your skin softening slightly, but you're okay... for now...

-1 to next roll.

I looked at the giant man that we had just shot at.

Then I looked at the sun.

Then back to the man.

And back to the sun.

"...Okay, I've had enough of this nonsense."

And with that, I tugged on the brim of my cap, and glared at the man and the sun.

This was not any ordinary glare. I was subconsciously channeling the intense frustration at all of the misfortune that had happened to me since I woke up on this planet through my steely eyes. Ever since I came here, I had died once, sailed out of the afterlife, experienced a pain that would put Impel Down to shame, and now there was some miscreant who was trying to kill me with a rift in space time!

That was the last straw. I'm bringing some law and order to this world if it's the last thing I do.

And with that, I attempted to amplify the intimidating effect of my glare, to the point where it would affect the entire planet and beyond, and strike terror into the hearts of the unlawful, the unjust and the enemies of all that was sane and righteous.

"Beat it," I growled at the sun. "Now."

The sun quails in response to your glare... and begins to dim. Or is it simply that you're becoming brighter...?

Soon, the sun is completely extinguished. Still alive (somehow, you can tell), but drained of all its light. Light that now resides within you. The only light sources are you, and the white ships under your command.

...and apparently, a random glowing flying village.

+1 to all rolls involving light.

"Sir?" The captain reporting to you sounds unsure for a moment, but then clears his throat and speaks up. "Most of the civilians are collected, sir. We lost track of one cat; three of the civilians seem to be involved in a conflict we don't understand yet; and there were some bears and angels that refused to come. There were also lots of those... weird... creatures that we just don't have room for. What are your orders, sir?"

The parts lost during the warp were annoying but could not be helped, hopefully Krogath could obtain more mass from a generious planet or moon nearby. More important was the growth of foliage upon its great surface, adding much distinction to the planet. All the other garden worlds would be all over it once they see the sick forests Krogath now sprouted.

Krogath's joy was stopped when it caught a glimpse of the local sun and found itself staring what should have been a giant burning ball in the face.

Why the fuck did a sun have a face?


"That thing, it must be the source of the irritating flying things I consumed!" The planet concluded, "I guess I must devour their master as well."

Looking deep inside it's mineral rich self Krogath sought the strength to devour this hell sun and destroy it utterly.

Unfortunately, the strength to destroy a sun isn't within you. Fortunately, someone else does the job for you, leaving you with virtually no light.

Unfortunately, the attempt to kill the sun seems to have drained some of your energy, slowing the regeneration of your parts. -1 to next roll.

Wait, are they evacuating the ground itself, or everyone on the ground.

Obviously everyone has gone insane, because someone has made themselves a face in the sun. Screw it.

"Wanna go?" I ask my wife.

"Is there a chance evacuating goes horribly wrong?" she asks, trying not to attract the attention of the bunnycats.

"I'm pretty sure I can't make toast anymore without a random chance of it exploding."

"When you put it that way, sure." she says, shrugging.

"Glowing lady, we're willing to evacuate!" I yell out to her...

"Welcome aboard, then!" But before you can board, a gust of wind comes from nowhere, revealing a teenager in a uniform-like dress.

"Woo! I got it right on the first tr- err, um. Ahem." Blushing, she shakes her head furiously and points at Yuki. "You're under arrest for possession of the illegal magical object, the Amulet of Mustard!" She blinks. "Wait, no, that's not it... the Amulet of Marquis, that's it!"

And then other man runs up, and before you can ask anyone what's going on, the sun goes out.

"Ahhh what's going on where'd the sun go ahhh!" The girl appears to be panicking. Not that you can blame her, mind you...

I Feel power coursing in what nowadays counts as my blood
Is this test be Lord Tzeentch himself
Is this an Eldar's poor attempt at a trap

These questions plagued The Choas Lords mind as the image faded in to the weirdly calm warp you find yourself in after blindly escaping an ambush by some Eldar fools and losing your whole group of followers.

"What ever this is I will not turn back"
There are many reasons why you say these words as you step in to the portal in to reality.

...where are you?

And why can't you see anything...?, seriously. Where are you?

The guy with the Scyther's inside the base now. I can't really see what's going on past the wall, but there's a lot of flashing from the laser cannons, and some sort of... shiny... sky-boat... I don't know.

Whatever. Point is, he's attacking this lunatics base, and as far as I can tell that's a good thing. The defenses are still up, though... I'd been hoping that the disco party would override whatever systems run those.

Oh, well. You win some, you lose some.

Studiously ignoring the sudden deluge of trees and Kyubeys that have sprung up all over the place, I focus once more on the base.

I had planned to get the hell out of here once the disco party occupied everything, but since the base is still in order - and I think that they're charging up... whatever it is that's mounted atop the base - some sort of... Doom Cannon?... that's probably not an option.

I'll need to get rid of the lot of it.

Hell, why not just get rid off all this lunatics stuff at once?

"I wish that everything belonging to... whoever runs that base would immediately cease to exist."

You wish, and...

...huh. You'd have thought that it would have made the base vanish, but instead it simply looks terribly run-down. Strange. That usually works.

Looks like you got all the random drones and whatnot, though...

+1 to next vanishing roll.

And then, suddenly, the sun goes out, leaving only the lights from your AT-AT and what little light remains from the base to see by...

Genten idly mused as it observed the smiling sun. It had a face, that of a newborn child, that was looking down on the world that Genten was a part of.

It was kind. It was gentle. It was happy.

But it was not even a child. The sun did not know its own strength or powers, threatening to cause untold damage upon the world by simple virtue of not knowing any better.

Light was bright, protective, and healing. But that did not mean that it was good. In fact, Genten knew that some beings from other worlds who had traits of light while being utterly evil.

The ship of white light was calling for an evacuation. As much as Genten disliked the idea, they could see some merit to it.

Besides, Genten's core role in this world was starting to come to an end. The race of angels had been created, and bestowed with holy power. The land had been altered to make an ideal environment form them, with the forest another being covering the flying islands. There was food from trees, and a new species of creatures that could also be hunted down for food. All that remained was small tweaks to achieve perfect conditions and enhance the capabilities of their children so that they would be capable of surviving and producing more children to make sure that they wouldn't die out.

There was a reason for the skewed gender ratio at the beginning; eventually, it would be evened out, with deaths and birth rates, but with the way that Genten had it set up, there was potential for a quick population boom over a few years once things settled down.

"My children," Genten stated, its voice echoing in the halls of its cathedral. "The inhabitants of this white ship is offering you a choice. You may go with them, away from this world, but you will fall out of my well-intentioned protection. I do not know where you would go, other than elsewhere, but you may find freedom and happiness with them. Or you may remain on this world, where I will do my best to set you up for a future. I cannot guarentee your freedom, safety, or happiness, but I will try my best. The choice is yours, my children, down to each of you. Stay or go, but if you do go, you will go with my blessing."

Genten itself was not leaving. This world was a massive investment, and despite the difficulties, the groundwork was nearly done. Besides, it couldn't fit onto that ship anyway.

That meant that it had to deal with the problem that had popped up. If the sun had the power to drain the wits of every being in its orbit, then that power had to be nullified. The natives of other nearby worlds may be benefiting from that power, but Genten believed that they would likely benefit more if they gained intelligence.

Deciding on a course of action, Genten focused its will on the smiling sun. With luck, the sun would stop projecting its power to make everyone have the mind of a child.

The angels confer with one another for a time. While they're conferring, you focus your efforts on the sun... yet for all your effort, you seem to only be able to slow the effect.

...wait. Someone is... someone is draining the power from the sun, leaving the consciousness inside... actually, you're not even sure where its consciousness is. Only that it yet lives... and that the light it gave off is no longer there, plunging the world into darkness.

Yes! Yes! Yes!

Things were proceeding nicely. Now, it was only a matter of time before its brothers and sisters had the good life - a worldwide Forest, food and comfort wherever it went, the bear salivates.

But first, it needed to know what to do.

Edit: Make the dice for Intelligent Bears instead.

Electricity surges around the heads of the bears you've summoned, boosting their intelligence to human levels!

Unfortunately, that doesn't help them much when everything goes dark.

I groan, cradling my head in my hands. This was all just so... weird. "Sure, guys. Evacuation sounds good. Hope you've got some aspirin on board though."

Okay, no more giant space hamsters. I glare at the sun above us, and the... things around us. The weird flowers. The windmill-thing. The house-under-the-hill. Oh, geez, I recognize this place. Which idiot brought us here?

"I wish... hmm, I wish for a giant soul-sucking sword that I can use to kill whoever brought us here." If nothing else, I could use it to fight the abominations that call themselves 'teletubbies'. Although I don't actually think they have souls. Whatever.

Dark energy swirls around you as a sword forms... and stabs you!

You... bleeding... sword... laughing...


TenMoreMiles is Dead.


You've seen enough movies to know that the spaceships landing all over the place, letting out lots of people with laser guns, is not a good thing. At the end of each phase starting with Phase 13, the GM rolls 1d4. That many randomly-selected players who posted during that phase are attacked by the Troubleshooters, although they get an automatic +1 to the rolls since the Troubleshooters don't work together well and are rather likely to start shooting each other. However, it will take a lot to put these guys down for good; the clones just keep coming!


Looks like Yuki, in recharging her artifact, has let off a pulse of power that is attracting all sorts of attention from the local Magical Girl community! A new magical girl will appear every round with the intent of taking Yuki down and retrieving the artifact.


The planet Krogath has found itself in a most terrible place. A land that, merely by existing, drains away the souls of those who get too close, reducing them to gibbering idiots.

I speak, of course, of the world of Tellietubbies.


Mr Egret has accidentally drained the sun of all its light, plunging the planet into darkness. Everyone on Krogoth gets +1 to rolls to dodge just because basically nobody can see each other.


The corpse of TenMoreMiles is being puppeted by a demonic sword who will attack a random player at the end of each phase, starting with Phase 14.
I looked quizzically at the Mr.Egret, the god of light which I had very recently tried to kill.

"Nice going on the sun."

But darkness meant no one would notice my villainy.

On the other hand, just turning on the sun and making it bright would be so cliched.


I'll throw everyone a bone. Just this once.

"Void to creation, black to white, null to infinity, hole to hill, in to out...."
Shard threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: White Hole Total: 1
1 1
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"Preparing to enter slipspace," the captains chorus in reply, and before long, you and your fleet have found yourselves elsewhere. By sheer chance, you seem to have found an uninhabited, lush planet that's yours to colonize!

+1 to all rolls for finding things. You may name the planet as a free action.

"Captain!" a member of the crew shouts. "Caught some reflected sunlight off of the surface! Sensors indicate it's probably a large amount of gold."

Music? In space? How-? Wait, no, never mind, not questioning it because of the frikkin' awesome space shark swimming towards you! Seriously, this thing has to be at least 100 feet long and... your eyes widen. She's female and, more importantly, she's pregnant. You could easily raise an entire school of surfable space sharks!

+1 to all space shark rolls. You may name your shark as a free action.

You and Sharp Spear surf on your shark. Frankly, you're not sure where you're going, but evidently the shark does, as you eventually find yourself approaching the plane- WHOA, there's a lot more green there than there used to be. And does the sun have a face?

And then the sun goes out, leaving only a few spots of light on the planet below...

But wait... if you make this world a world that never was, it never would have existed. If it never existed, you couldn't have wished for it to be a world that never was. Which means... aaaah

And then, just as you're recovering from that logic bomb, the sun goes out, leaving you with only the artificial light in your ships with which to see.

"Executor, we're under attack! Shields are holding... looks like it's more of the same ships we exterminated a while back!"

+1 to next roll to dodge Troubleshooters.

"Frankly," the captain says, shaking his head, "those are questions I'd very much like the answers to myself. I was dead twelve hours ago, and now I'm not dead in a world where the sun has a face. Nothing makes sense anymore."

As you step onto the ship, you hear a "ping". "My master." The ship flashes a bright white, and you find a weapon made of white light forming in your hand. Whenever you try to get an idea of what kind of weapon it actually is, it shifts to meet your expectations.

A weapon with a personality that can turn into whatever weapon you need? You can work with that.

+1 to all attack rolls. You may name your weapon as a free action.

" know what, I'm not even surprised anymore," the captain decides. "Come on, then. Let's not keep the admiral waiting."

After a while, you arrive. Several other ships (and a random metal giant) are converging on the same spot nearby an evil overlord giant, presumably with other refugees like yourse- SUN LASER! NOT-DEAD GIANT! SUN GOING OUT!

The girl starts stuttering. "I, um, that's not really what I... I don't know what you mea... no, I'm not racist! It's just that... um... I just..."

Since she doesn't seem to be able to communicate clearly, you ignore her in favor of leaving. As your helicarrier rises, a portal opens, which you pass through-

-emerging on the other side to a new place.

No face on the sun. Good.

No food from the sky. Good.

Lots of shade from trees. Good.

Small pool. Decent.

No ruins. Feh.

You look up, and scowl. Spaceships. Lovely.

Command: Doom Cannon full auto fire! The walker seems to be tanking the shots just fine, but the man and the bug aren't faring so well. They're not dead, but they do appear to be fairly injure-. Wait, where'd they-?

They're inside the base! How did they-?

And then the sun goes out, leaving only the lights inside your base to see byEEEAARGH!

Wh-what... what happened...?

Anne is Wounded.

You ignore the lightships sailing in from all directions and the metallic giant clomping into the area in favor of stifling the sun, but all you seem to have done is made him mad. The sun grimaces at you, and starts to scream, firing a laser from his mouth at you!

Ghhhhh... a lesser man would be completely incinerated. As it is, you endure... only to see the upstart man on the glowing ship upstage you, draining the sun of all its power. A god of light, to oppose you.

You're not sure whether to be flattered or irritated.

Shard is Wounded.

The base fires at you and Minion 1, leaving you both with serious burns!

EternalLurker is Wounded.

Minion 1 is Wounded.

Still, you're not done by a long shot, and with a burst of demonic flame, you and Minion 1 are inside the base!

Then the sun goes out, leaving you in a corridor lit only by the artificial lights. Almost like a horror game or something...

And then most of the lights go out, and you hear the base crumbling around you. Yup. Definitely like a horror game.

The bunnycats respond by waving back and singing. Which is such a bizarre sight that the person holding you is too distracted to notice you slipping away. Frankly, it's so bizarre that you can't help but stare as well, once you're out of sight...

Right up until the sun goes out, leaving only the light of the lightship to go by. Even your cat eyes are having trouble with this darkness...

Still, you can see enough to know to dodge when the spaceships show up.

Before your eyes, an energy tank appears, restoring you to full health. Unfortunately, the planet chooses that moment to hit you with more lasers.

Silvan Eldar is Wounded. Again.

The ravens caw in response, their rings lighting up and pouring light into the village and the ground beneath it. Slowly but surely, the village and the surrounding area turn into solid white light.

"Village of Krogoth. LIVE."

+1 to all rolls involving your sapient village. You may name it as a free action.

"...huh. That's new," comments the captain. "Well, come along then if you're coming."

As it turns out, the village counts as a White Lantern, and thus can follow along as you go using its own abilities. Eventually, you arrive at your destination, along with what looks like several other ships (and a metal giant), surrounding a giant who...

...the sun just... just fired a laser at the giant...

...and the giant isn't dead.

And then the sun goes out, leaving the lightships, your ravens, and your village as the only points of light in a world of blackness...

The key appears in your hand, and you feel a large number of swords stored in your gate, ready to be unleashed.

+1 to next attack roll.

Soon, you've caught up to the site of the magical artifact, where two adults are facing off against a teenager in a dress, while a ship made of white light and its similarly-light-based occupants look on, confused.

And then, before you can figure out what's going on, the sun goes out, leaving only the glowing ship to see by.

You crouch down and will your ship to turn into a spaceship...

...only to find that instead of turning into a spaceship, the ships have all merged into a gigantic metal golem! It grabs you in its hand and-.


-1 to all spaceship rolls.

You blink. Weren't you dead? Wait... why is your hand metallic now? And why does that ship look so small?


Well, being trapped in the body of a giant metal golem isn't the worst thing that could have happened to you...

After some lengthy explanation, you manage to explain what happened to the ship, and you follow them as they fly to the rendezvous point. Oddly, when you arrive, you see another giant, crouched on the ground, blackened and reeking of smoke.

And then, with a blink, the sun goes out, leaving only the glowing white ships to light your way... and the spaceships firing lasers at you! You can feel your skin softening slightly, but you're okay... for now...

-1 to next roll.

The sun quails in response to your glare... and begins to dim. Or is it simply that you're becoming brighter...?

Soon, the sun is completely extinguished. Still alive (somehow, you can tell), but drained of all its light. Light that now resides within you. The only light sources are you, and the white ships under your command.

...and apparently, a random glowing flying village.

+1 to all rolls involving light.

"Sir?" The captain reporting to you sounds unsure for a moment, but then clears his throat and speaks up. "Most of the civilians are collected, sir. We lost track of one cat; three of the civilians seem to be involved in a conflict we don't understand yet; and there were some bears and angels that refused to come. There were also lots of those... weird... creatures that we just don't have room for. What are your orders, sir?"

Unfortunately, the strength to destroy a sun isn't within you. Fortunately, someone else does the job for you, leaving you with virtually no light.

Unfortunately, the attempt to kill the sun seems to have drained some of your energy, slowing the regeneration of your parts. -1 to next roll.

"Welcome aboard, then!" But before you can board, a gust of wind comes from nowhere, revealing a teenager in a uniform-like dress.

"Woo! I got it right on the first tr- err, um. Ahem." Blushing, she shakes her head furiously and points at Yuki. "You're under arrest for possession of the illegal magical object, the Amulet of Mustard!" She blinks. "Wait, no, that's not it... the Amulet of Marquis, that's it!"

And then other man runs up, and before you can ask anyone what's going on, the sun goes out.

"Ahhh what's going on where'd the sun go ahhh!" The girl appears to be panicking. Not that you can blame her, mind you...

...where are you?

And why can't you see anything...?, seriously. Where are you?

You wish, and...

...huh. You'd have thought that it would have made the base vanish, but instead it simply looks terribly run-down. Strange. That usually works.

Looks like you got all the random drones and whatnot, though...

+1 to next vanishing roll.

And then, suddenly, the sun goes out, leaving only the lights from your AT-AT and what little light remains from the base to see by...

The angels confer with one another for a time. While they're conferring, you focus your efforts on the sun... yet for all your effort, you seem to only be able to slow the effect.

...wait. Someone is... someone is draining the power from the sun, leaving the consciousness inside... actually, you're not even sure where its consciousness is. Only that it yet lives... and that the light it gave off is no longer there, plunging the world into darkness.

Electricity surges around the heads of the bears you've summoned, boosting their intelligence to human levels!

Unfortunately, that doesn't help them much when everything goes dark.

Dark energy swirls around you as a sword forms... and stabs you!

You... bleeding... sword... laughing...


TenMoreMiles is Dead.


You've seen enough movies to know that the spaceships landing all over the place, letting out lots of people with laser guns, is not a good thing. At the end of each phase starting with Phase 13, the GM rolls 1d4. That many randomly-selected players who posted during that phase are attacked by the Troubleshooters, although they get an automatic +1 to the rolls since the Troubleshooters don't work together well and are rather likely to start shooting each other. However, it will take a lot to put these guys down for good; the clones just keep coming!


Looks like Yuki, in recharging her artifact, has let off a pulse of power that is attracting all sorts of attention from the local Magical Girl community! A new magical girl will appear every round with the intent of taking Yuki down and retrieving the artifact.


The planet Krogath has found itself in a most terrible place. A land that, merely by existing, drains away the souls of those who get too close, reducing them to gibbering idiots.

I speak, of course, of the world of Tellietubbies.


Mr Egret has accidentally drained the sun of all its light, plunging the planet into darkness. Everyone on Krogoth gets +1 to rolls to dodge just because basically nobody can see each other.


The corpse of TenMoreMiles is being puppeted by a demonic sword who will attack a random player at the end of each phase, starting with Phase 14.
I walk for a few hours and see nothing, is this your fate banished to a baren waste land or maybe a great test. lets test these powers you now have to summon a controllable defiler
Lord Scoro threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Defiler Total: 6
6 6
But wait... if you make this world a world that never was, it never would have existed. If it never existed, you couldn't have wished for it to be a world that never was. Which means... aaaah

And then, just as you're recovering from that logic bomb, the sun goes out, leaving you with only the artificial light in your ships with which to see.

"Executor, we're under attack! Shields are holding... looks like it's more of the same ships we exterminated a while back!"

+1 to next roll to dodge Troubleshooters.
"More of them? Let's take them down."
UbeOne threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Destroy Troubleshooters Total: 2
2 2
"Frankly," the captain says, shaking his head, "those are questions I'd very much like the answers to myself. I was dead twelve hours ago, and now I'm not dead in a world where the sun has a face. Nothing makes sense anymore."
"..." the young man sighs. "I should've known it wouldn't be that easy. Alright let's get go-"
As you step onto the ship, you hear a "ping". "My master." The ship flashes a bright white, and you find a weapon made of white light forming in your hand. Whenever you try to get an idea of what kind of weapon it actually is, it shifts to meet your expectations.

A weapon with a personality that can turn into whatever weapon you need? You can work with that.

+1 to all attack rolls. You may name your weapon as a free action.

" know what, I'm not even surprised anymore," the captain decides. "Come on, then. Let's not keep the admiral waiting."
"Ooh." he thinks of a familiar white stave tipped with a gold crescent with a red jewel in the center and such a thing appears in his hands. The young man smiles fondly. "Aah, this takes me back. I'll name you Raging Heart, after the one in the Nanoha series. I'm Jake. Nice to meet you."

The young man, now known as Jake, settles into the the ship with Raging Heart on his lap, and waits patiently.

After a while, you arrive. Several other ships (and a random metal giant) are converging on the same spot nearby an evil overlord giant, presumably with other refugees like yourse- SUN LASER! NOT-DEAD GIANT! SUN GOING OUT!
Jake calmly takes in the situation, nods once, then turns to Raging Heart. "Odds of survival?" he asks it.

"Unknown, Master. Suggest immediate evacuation and relocation."

"A good a plan as any. Thank you Raging heart." Jake makes his way through the crowd and tries to find a door. "Okay, finding a way out first, then figuring out what the hell is going on."

EDIT: :cool:
SlugSLinger threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Finding my way~ Total: 6
6 6
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