Lady Luck: A Roll to Dodge Adventure (IC)

PHASE 14.1: I forgot the Magical Girls
I just realized that I forgot to factor in the Magical Girls, so here's a bonus update to address that:

@Novus Ordo Mundi "...oh. The sun's back... and it's brighter." The girl shakes her head and glares at Yuki. "This is your fault! Yours and the Amulet of Majesty!" She charges, her leg turning in a perfect spinning kick... which collides with a bone barrier that Yuki puts up instinctively. A snap is heard, and based on the girl's whimpers of pain, it wasn't the barrier that cracked...

Wind Girl is Wounded.

@Random Tale Suddenly, an eight-year-old girl emerges from the shadows wearing a black catsuit.

She glances at the angels, seeming unsurprised by their presence. "Pardon me, but I am seeking the Amulet of Marquis, an artifact that manipulates bone on a global scale. Have you seen it?"
Dinac exits through the portal and decides to setup an advertisement for his wealthy place. So, he shouted out to the people,"HEAR ME, MY NEW CUSTOMERS! WELCOME TO DINAC'S AFTERLIFE RESORT OF SPLENDOR! NO GNOMES ALLOWED, OF COURSE!"
Muhkat Lomorki threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Advertising Total: 1
1 1
I did it as a joke to the warp due to one a defiler is rare as hell and even worse none of them are sane.
The Goddess who gave new powers it seems was not lying to you at all as you stare at the defiler suddenly in front of you with no sacrifices, no warp, no ship, nothing. Even more ridicules is it is acting like some mortal pet and you can feel it's power, it's engine, it's guns, all of it with no demon energies at all with perfect control.
As you spend the next 10 minutes starting at this impossibility that even the uncontrollable gods themselves could not preform with out good reason, a massive revaluation smacks you like a Khrone battle ax to the face.
You have the powers the Goddess of luck said you did, to do anything.
The power only the gods of Choas had in their hands. You have achieved by insane luck your final goal in all this war and death, to join the gods in power as valuable members, blessed to join them in the warp, to assend your brothers in arms. But you have gone even farther you have joined the gods themselves, granted your powers are like a candle fire to their infernos that burn worlds just by looking at them, but still the power is yours.
As millions of questions, possibilities, theories, and revelations explode from your head you start to laugh a insane howl with the the screams of demons themselves from a stray though.
What now?
You have no answer because with no master now you have nothing to do unless you want to do it, with your ultamite goal achieved you have no goal, but then you know your goal as you drift in to memories, the corpse emporer the great foe to the gods and now you he must finally die, and you could be the tipping point in the scales.
Was this all a plan by Tzeentch who knows but now you have a mission to kill the corpse emporer once and for all.
(Roll to summon cults)
Lord Scoro threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Cults Total: 3
3 3
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Intending to consume the other planet, you move towards it... and accidentally knock it out of its orbital path, flinging it away before you can consume it.

...well, that's one way to get rid of it... but you're still damaged.
Well, that was annoying, where would mighty Korgath obtain additional mass now?

Sadly that question would have to wait as the sun chose that moment to reappear, this time twice as bright as before, sapping the very moisture in Korgath's grand body.


Seeking deep within itself, Korgath focused on the last water upon its surface, attemtping to form oceans of unlimited fresh water for any being that was fortunate enough to be upon the greatest planet ever.
Culexus96 threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: UNLIMITED FRESH WATER OCEANS Total: 4
4 4
EternalLurker threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: SUN POWER! Total: 3
3 3
You make the AT-AT jump... and then it jumps again. Some practice reveals that your AT-AT can do double jumps all it wants, but no more than that. Flight, it seems, is not yours to use today.

. . .

The Pimpwalker can double jump.

Well, of course it can. Pimp vehicles require suitably pimp hydraulic tricks. And nothing is more pimp than the Pimpwalker.

It looks like the nutter with the robots escaped, but the base is wrecked and the drones are gone, so I'll count it as a victory. That said, they are a supervillain, so they'll probably be back for vengeance someday... eh. I'll deal with that when we come to it.

I turn the Pimpwalker away from what's left of the base - which at this point is basically an angry guy with a scyther shouting a lot - and take advantage of the newly discovered Double-Jump capabilities to bunny hop my way into the distance. All I need now is dramatic background music.

. . .

"I wish I had my choice of background music at all times."

(+1 for Music Roll)
RadioactiveSpoon threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: MUSIC. Total: 4
4 4
As I stepped into a gleaming metallic hallway lit by sofly glowing LEDs, I asked "Anne, how are you handling things?"

My daughter responded "It still hurts, but I think I'll be alright soon. So, what now?"

As I thought, I noticed a white fuzzy creature rubbing against my leg and purring. After a few minutes, I answered "We can't assume that just because we've got a new home, it will stay secure. We have to take measures to ensure we'll remain safe."

And with that, i focused my will once more, enforcing it upon reality

Forming Action Plan

Implement pocket dimension security features
-Attempting to enter this realm without my explicit permission (which may be rescinded at any time) will result in being dumped in some other random chunk of the multiverse
-Anyone who does so also has all their Declarative Memory since arriving in this new and bizarre world completely wiped; Skills are still retained.


The effort from forcing a persistent effect upon reality flowed away, as Anne asked "So, mom? Want me to dispose of all these bunnycats?"

To this, I replied "No, let them stay. I think I've taken a liking to them. Also, I've got a name for the pocket dimension we're in: Asylum"
We Just Write threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Pocket Dimension Security Total: 2
2 2
You blast a beam of light (not unlike the one you used last time you couldn't see the sun) up at the sky. After a bit, you hear screaming from the shadows, but before long, the sun begins to regain its light. Weirdly, you're retaining your own light; wherever the sun's light is coming from, it's not having any effect on your own internal reserves of light. And... is it just you, or is it brighter than it used to be...?
Hum. Okay, that was also not what I was going for, but definitely an improvement, in a visual sense.

Now to see to the rest of the civilians. I wasn't sure if anyone had been hurt or killed after the sun had went out, so...

Ah, the heck with it. If I helped anyone that didn't deserve it, then I could always punch them later.

"If one does not temper justice with mercy, then one risks conflating justice with vengeance, order with tyranny, and zeal with hate. As a Marine, I cannot let myself be swayed from the path of Justice, and so I must learn to use compassion as well. Therefore, let Death be reversed to Life, and let all wounds be healed. I am Captain Egret of the Global Marines, and the people of this world are under my protection."

As soon as I said this, I envisioned a wave of healing light sweeping across the entire planet, healing all wounds reviving all corpses that it touched.

"Here's hoping for a miracle."

EDIT: The miracle never happen.
MrEgret threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: EVERYBODY LIVES! Total: 1
1 1
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A quaint little village indeed. I'll need more eventually, but first, a way to keep my planet safe. Orbital defenses up the wazoo. Orbital Stations armed with Super MACs, plasma torps, every offensive weapoms possible. And a Ring of them surrounding the planet should be fine.

Edit: Oh come onnnnnnn!
pharaoh122 threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Orbital Defense stations!!! Total: 1
1 1
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You blink. You could have sworn that there wasn't a door there before. But there one is, sitting with no apparent support from its surroundings.

Naturally, you open it.

Inside, you see a wood, filled with trees and pools of water, but no signs of life. Something niggles at you... a sense that timespace is warping in this wood...

+1 to all dimensional travel rolls.
"What the shit?" Jake blinks. Where the hell was this?

He looks around, cautious. Seeing nothing, he walked forward. When nothing bad happened, he relaxed a bit and moved on. Wherever this place was, timespace warping or no, it has to lead somewhere. Hopefully, nowhere bad but lady luck was a fickle mistress. Beautiful and glorious, but fickle.

"Well," Jake scrunched up his nose. "Nothing ventured, nothing gained..."

Taking a calming breath, Jake stalked forward.

EDIT: :cool:
SlugSLinger threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Random Encounter, or Something Total: 6
6 6
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Black Hole.. Gravity.. Pain..










Might even be blown to safety.. the vacuum of space doesn't hurt.

A collapsing star
Creates a supernova
That will engulf all-

SO - Darkness- to light!
Shard threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: SUPER... NOVA!!!!!!!! Total: 5
5 5
"The intelligence-draining effect seems to have ended," Kester said. "I am no longer experiencing its effects."

<confirmation. relief>

"Really? That's good," the girl said.

It seemed to be hotter now though. Maybe a cloud cover would help.

Wasn't there a really huge storm earlier? Maybe she could bring those clouds back. Without so much thunder and lightning and rain, of course.
Whisper1 threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Cloud cover? Total: 5
5 5

You concentrate, sending the power of light back into the sun. Success! +1 to next light roll.

...wait. Is the sun brighter now than it used to be?

On Planet Krogoth, the sun is back! Still has a face, though, and is actually twice as bright as before.
Krogoth knocked the other planet away, which means that the intellect-draining properties of that planet no longer apply.
The Troubleshooter ships have vanished.
I just write's base has inexplicably vanished.


Looks like Yuki, in recharging her artifact, has let off a pulse of power that is attracting all sorts of attention from the local Magical Girl community! A new magical girl will appear every round with the intent of taking Yuki down and retrieving the artifact.


Why is the sun so bright...? At the end of each round beginning at round 16, dehydration will start to kick in, and everyone on Planet Krogath who needs water will get -1 to all rolls.

If Genten had eyes at this point, they'd be rolling them.

The path to hell was paved with good intentions, it seems.

Still, there was time to fix it. While Genten didn't need water (in their current form), their children needed it. If they were to survive, someone would have to make sure they got enough to drink.

There were options. Move the sun a little further away, turn the brightness down, make more water, make clouds-

@Random Tale Suddenly, an eight-year-old girl emerges from the shadows wearing a black catsuit.

She glances at the angels, seeming unsurprised by their presence. "Pardon me, but I am seeking the Amulet of Marquis, an artifact that manipulates bone on a global scale. Have you seen it?"


With a mental sigh of a long-suffering person, Genten tried to twist their will to simply summon the Amulet.

While this would cut into the time they had to deal with the problem of the sun, if previous patterns held, it was possible that the global problem would be dealt with quickly. The Amulet, on the other hand, seemed like it was a much smaller problem that had the potential to rise out of control. Best deal with it now, in order to prevent it from getting out of hand an needing global influence.

"Prepare to move, my children," Genten intoned in warning.
Random Tale threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Summoning Amulet of Marquis Total: 6
6 6
"...oh. The sun's back... and it's brighter." The girl shakes her head and glares at Yuki. "This is your fault! Yours and the Amulet of Majesty!" She charges, her leg turning in a perfect spinning kick... which collides with a bone barrier that Yuki puts up instinctively. A snap is heard, and based on the girl's whimpers of pain, it wasn't the barrier that cracked...

Wind Girl is Wounded.

Well, this isn't going well. Alright, we need to..

"Sorry about that." Yuki says as the teenager is holding her leg in pain. "I mean, you did attack me, but I didn't..."

She can't be heard over the wailing of the girl. Shit, we should probably do something about this.

"Look. I didn't steal any amulet, and I'm not your enemy. Look, I'm going to try and heal your leg. Maybe that way you'll believe me." Yuki says, as I can start to feel reality starting to warp again. I'm not sure this is the best course of action, but I really don't like the idea of just leaving the poor girl here. Maybe she won't attack us. But knowing our luck...

(OOC: +1 For Yuki doing it. I'm assuming because it's a bone that broke, +1 for dealing with Bones)
Novus Ordo Mundi threw 1 6-faced dice. Total: 3
3 3
The heat. It burns. Even underneath the boughs and leafy canopy of the Forest the sun beats down on the bears, more oppressive than a dozen summer days. You could see heatwaves move through the trees and the bears, with their thick fur, were sweating profusely.

This would not do. The Forest was a home - their sanctuary and provider! And in this, it too shall protect bear kind.

Grow! Grow your leaves thick and branches wide! Drink the sun and thirst even more that you may trade a desert's sun for the coolness of spring!
Zeitgeist Blue threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Heat-repellant Forest Total: 4
4 4
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PHASE 15: Fatality

Rolls to dodge are here.

Kintsugi sniffled, and lowered herself. Then she turned around and slithered into the little pool.

She put her head down. "More please. Cover this planet with water, a lot of water. Fresh please."

It came out a little garbled, having been spoken underwater, but she hoped that it would turn out okay.

You lift your head out of the water and... looks exactly the same.

Oh, come on! Can't the universe throw you a bone for once?!

...not literally.


Alright. If I can't get into space, space will come to me.

Pressure. So much pressurRRRRAAAAAHHHHHH-!

Tyrannops is Dead.

Bitzer never felt more in control of his own destiny than he did at that very moment.

...he also never felt like he was FALLING FASTER THAN HE EVER DID AT THAT VERY MOMENT!

This wouldn't do, especially not the whole falling thing!

He thought in a panic. He needed ships of his own! Yeah, a whole fleet of spaceships! Cat spaceships, for cats! To travel around and NOT CRASH INTO THE GROUND!

"C'mon, red lights, do your stuff!..." he begged, looking for that power...

Suddenly, your fall is halted! You look around and find yourself in a spaceship, designed to be cat-friendly. Somehow, it all smells like you. How did that happen? You're pretty sure you've never marked this as your territory...

You glance out the window and see a whole fleet, as you requested! +1 to all cat spaceship rolls.

...wait. What's that ligh-AAAARGH!

Bizter is Dead.


Fortunately, someone was able to make the enemy ships go away anyway.

But the sun, it's too hot and bright...

Perhaps it should be twice its current distance from here?

You concentrate and you move the sun... but not quite as far as you intended. Closer to 1.5x further away. Still, better than before.

...wait. Is it... exploding?! The force field is broken!

No. You refuse to let this happen! You concentrate and recreate the forcefield, reinforce it, and you weather out the explosion.

Eventually, it stops. The planet is still scarred, but at least it's still intact.

Well, if nothing else it worked rather well.

So, with my failure at Planet-creation erased from existence, I decided it'd be best to leave for another locale.

"Adam. Take us to.....Equestria."

A brief pause, then... "I've scanned all the databases, Lady, but the appears to be no record of a place called Equestria. I can't find the location."

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" after failing to burn the planet I stood there like a idiot, a perfect position to Krogoth (that seem to have gained sentience) to hit us and send us spinning without control trough space.

"Dammit I will destroy this place and get my revenge" I screamed while the gravity of the planet trowed me around like a rag-doll.

Using the White Ring powers I managed to stabilize myself and hold into the planet "To the sun with you!" I screamed trying to do the impossible and throw the planet I am in.

Your ring is up to the task of throwing the planet... but only barely. At the rate the thing's moving, it'll probably impact the sun in about two centuries, assuming nothing knocks it off course in the meantime.

Dinac exits through the portal and decides to setup an advertisement for his wealthy place. So, he shouted out to the people,"HEAR ME, MY NEW CUSTOMERS! WELCOME TO DINAC'S AFTERLIFE RESORT OF SPLENDOR! NO GNOMES ALLOWED, OF COURSE!"

Unfortunately, there are no people in the area of your portal. Only bunnycats.

...why are they looking at you like tha-?

Ahh! Get back! Get back, foul things! Get back, I say!

You're in no real danger yet, but these things sure are distracting... -1 to next roll.

I might it as a joke to the warp due to one a defiler is rare as hell and even worse none of them are sane.
The woman who gave new powers it seems was not lying to you at all as you stare at the defiler suddenly in front of you with no sacrifices, no warp, no ship, nothing. Even more ridicules is it is acting like so mortal pet and you can feel it's power, it's engine, it's guns, all of it with no demon energies at all with perfect control.
As you spend the next 10 minutes starting at this impossibility that even the uncontrollable gods they selves could not preform with out good reason a massive revaluation smacks you like a Khrone battle ax to the face.
You have the powers the God of luck said you did, to do anything.
The power only the gods of Choas had in their hands. You have achieved in by insane luck your final goal in all this war and death, to join the gods in power as valuable members blessed to join them in the warp, to assend your brothers in arms. But you have gone even farther you have joined the gods themselves granted your powers are like candle fire to their infernos that burn worlds just by looking at them but still the power is yours.
As millions of questions, possibilities, theories, and revelations explode from your head you start to laugh from a stray though.
What now?
You have no answer because with no master now you have nothing to do unless you want to do it, with your ultamite goal achieved you have no goal, but then you know your goal as you drift in to memories, the corpse emporer the great foe to the gods and now you he must finally die, and you could be the tipping point in the scales.
Was this all a plan by Tzeentch who knows but now you have a mission to kill the corpse emporer once and for all.
(Roll to summon cults)

Without much ado, several dozen people are transported in front of you!




"Awww, how cute!"

"Ahhh, we're all gonna die!"

The people seem to have no allegiance to... anyone, really. Perhaps you could change that. Should probably do something quickly, before they notice your ominous appearance and your Defiler.

Well, that was annoying, where would mighty Korgath obtain additional mass now?

Sadly that question would have to wait as the sun chose that moment to reappear, this time twice as bright as before, sapping the very moisture in Korgath's grand body.


Seeking deep within itself, Korgath focused on the last water upon its surface, attemtping to form oceans of unlimited fresh water for any being that was fortunate enough to be upon the greatest planet ever.

Water forms all over your surface, cooling you down. It's not unlimited, but there's enough of it that it's not evaporating off anytime soon.


You raise your hand to the sky and energy begins to funnel into you from the sun!

Unfortunately, before you can complete the process, sudden music from nowhere startles you, causing the absorption to stop... all in all, you figure you got perhaps 50%.


. . .

The Pimpwalker can double jump.

Well, of course it can. Pimp vehicles require suitably pimp hydraulic tricks. And nothing is more pimp than the Pimpwalker.

It looks like the nutter with the robots escaped, but the base is wrecked and the drones are gone, so I'll count it as a victory. That said, they are a supervillain, so they'll probably be back for vengeance someday... eh. I'll deal with that when we come to it.

I turn the Pimpwalker away from what's left of the base - which at this point is basically an angry guy with a scyther shouting a lot - and take advantage of the newly discovered Double-Jump capabilities to bunny hop my way into the distance. All I need now is dramatic background music.

. . .

"I wish I had my choice of background music at all times."

(+1 for Music Roll)

Suddenly, guitar music begins playing!

Hmm. You're not sure you want that one right now- Ah! It changed to something more appropriate! Perfect!

+1 to next music roll.

As I stepped into a gleaming metallic hallway lit by sofly glowing LEDs, I asked "Anne, how are you handling things?"

My daughter responded "It still hurts, but I think I'll be alright soon. So, what now?"

As I thought, I noticed a white fuzzy creature rubbing against my leg and purring. After a few minutes, I answered "We can't assume that just because we've got a new home, it will stay secure. We have to take measures to ensure we'll remain safe."

And with that, i focused my will once more, enforcing it upon reality

Forming Action Plan

Implement pocket dimension security features
-Attempting to enter this realm without my explicit permission (which may be rescinded at any time) will result in being dumped in some other random chunk of the multiverse
-Anyone who does so also has all their Declarative Memory since arriving in this new and bizarre world completely wiped; Skills are still retained.


The effort from forcing a persistent effect upon reality flowed away, as Anne asked "So, mom? Want me to dispose of all these bunnycats?"

To this, I replied "No, let them stay. I think I've taken a liking to them. Also, I've got a name for the pocket dimension we're in: Asylum"

"Recognized: I Just Write, A-01," an automated message chimes. Wait, from where? The base is trashed, and Anne looks as mystified as you.

"Installing updates... Error. Updates could not be installed as written. Reconfiguring... Updates reconfigured. Entrances to Asylum have been reinforced against those without permission to enter. No other updates installed."

Hum. Okay, that was also not what I was going for, but definitely an improvement, in a visual sense.

Now to see to the rest of the civilians. I wasn't sure if anyone had been hurt or killed after the sun had went out, so...

Ah, the heck with it. If I helped anyone that didn't deserve it, then I could always punch them later.

"If one does not temper justice with mercy, then one risks conflating justice with vengeance, order with tyranny, and zeal with hate. As a Marine, I cannot let myself be swayed from the path of Justice, and so I must learn to use compassion as well. Therefore, let Death be reversed to Life, and let all wounds be healed. I am Captain Egret of the Global Marines, and the people of this world are under my protection."

As soon as I said this, I envisioned a wave of healing light sweeping across the entire planet, healing all wounds reviving all corpses that it touched.

"Here's hoping for a miracle."

You begin to glow, and a dome of light expands from your body, spreading across the entire planet!

...unfortunately, a quick inspection of the people around shows not even the slightest bit of healing.

A quaint little village indeed. I'll need more eventually, but first, a way to keep my planet safe. Orbital defenses up the wazoo. Orbital Stations armed with Super MACs, plasma torps, every offensive weapoms possible. And a Ring of them surrounding the planet should be fine.

Edit: Oh come onnnnnnn!

The orbital stations pop into existence... and aim downward. Towards you.


Desperately, you raise a dome of stone and shout for everyone to get into the ships and turn on the forcefields. And barely -just barely- you and your settlement survives. But you can see the stations charging up for another shot...

"What the shit?" Jake blinks. Where the hell was this?

He looks around, cautious. Seeing nothing, he walked forward. When nothing bad happened, he relaxed a bit and moved on. Wherever this place was, timespace warping or no, it has to lead somewhere. Hopefully, nowhere bad but lady luck was a fickle mistress. Beautiful and glorious, but fickle.

"Well," Jake scrunched up his nose. "Nothing ventured, nothing gained..."

Taking a calming breath, Jake stalked forward.

You walk for... who knows how long. But as you walk, you sense something... you sense your alternate selves from every universe.

And you can sense that there is a way... a way to link to every version of you. To draw on their skills, their weapons, their abilities.

In moments, it is done. +1 to all alt-self rolls.

Black Hole.. Gravity.. Pain..










Might even be blown to safety.. the vacuum of space doesn't hurt.

A collapsing star
Creates a supernova
That will engulf all-

SO - Darkness- to light!

The sun bubbles... and explodes! You're propelled outwards into space, eventually colliding with a planet that, for some reason, was moving steadily towards where the sun used to be.

+1 to all rocket propulsion rolls.

"The intelligence-draining effect seems to have ended," Kester said. "I am no longer experiencing its effects."

<confirmation. relief>

"Really? That's good," the girl said.

It seemed to be hotter now though. Maybe a cloud cover would help.

Wasn't there a really huge storm earlier? Maybe she could bring those clouds back. Without so much thunder and lightning and rain, of course.

You wave your hand, and clouds appear in the sky!

...brr. Why is it so cold?

+1 to next weather manipulation roll.

If Genten had eyes at this point, they'd be rolling them.

The path to hell was paved with good intentions, it seems.

Still, there was time to fix it. While Genten didn't need water (in their current form), their children needed it. If they were to survive, someone would have to make sure they got enough to drink.

There were options. Move the sun a little further away, turn the brightness down, make more water, make clouds-


With a mental sigh of a long-suffering person, Genten tried to twist their will to simply summon the Amulet.

While this would cut into the time they had to deal with the problem of the sun, if previous patterns held, it was possible that the global problem would be dealt with quickly. The Amulet, on the other hand, seemed like it was a much smaller problem that had the potential to rise out of control. Best deal with it now, in order to prevent it from getting out of hand an needing global influence.

"Prepare to move, my children," Genten intoned in warning.

You cast your mind about and find the Amulet easily.'s brimming with power. No wonder the girl wants it.

With a thought, you teleport the amulet at the feet of the girl in black.

She nods, picking up the Amulet. "Thank you. You have saved the Fortuna Magical Girl Agency a good deal of effort and, more importantly, saved a great many lives. Should you ever require our aid, you have but to ask, and we will do so."

After a few more pleasantries, including an exchange of names (hers is, appropriately enough, Shado), the girl melts into the shadows and departs.

+1 to all Magical Girl rolls.

Well, this isn't going well. Alright, we need to..

"Sorry about that." Yuki says as the teenager is holding her leg in pain. "I mean, you did attack me, but I didn't..."

She can't be heard over the wailing of the girl. Shit, we should probably do something about this.

"Look. I didn't steal any amulet, and I'm not your enemy. Look, I'm going to try and heal your leg. Maybe that way you'll believe me." Yuki says, as I can start to feel reality starting to warp again. I'm not sure this is the best course of action, but I really don't like the idea of just leaving the poor girl here. Maybe she won't attack us. But knowing our luck...

(OOC: +1 For Yuki doing it. I'm assuming because it's a bone that broke, +1 for dealing with Bones)

Mending the bone comes easily. "Huh," Yuki comments. "I just realized... I'm using the Amulet's power for this, but there's a lot of its power that's stored inside me because it doesn't have anywhere else to go... I... I think the Amulet's still charging!"

"Yeah... kinda why we need it bound properly..." the girl grunts, trying not to let the tears of pain show and failing miserably. "It'll just keep charging and charging until boom! Everything explodes."

With one final "crack", the girl's leg finishes healing. There's still some blood and bruising, and as she stands, it's clear it still hurts. But it's better than it was.

"Th-thanks," she mutters.

Then the Amulet vanishes!

"Whaaaa? Where'd it go?!" the girl panics.

After a moment, though, another girl appears from the shadows. "Breeze. I have the Amulet. Let's go."

She sighs in relief. "Oh good. Glad things went well for someone." She turns to you and Yuki. "I, uh, kinda owe you one. If you need a favor, say 'Summer Breeze, I need your help!' I'll come and help as soon as I can! But for now, my people need me! Bye!" And with that, she vanishes in a swirl of wind.

+1 to next Summer Breeze roll.

The heat. It burns. Even underneath the boughs and leafy canopy of the Forest the sun beats down on the bears, more oppressive than a dozen summer days. You could see heatwaves move through the trees and the bears, with their thick fur, were sweating profusely.

This would not do. The Forest was a home - their sanctuary and provider! And in this, it too shall protect bear kind.

Grow! Grow your leaves thick and branches wide! Drink the sun and thirst even more that you may trade a desert's sun for the coolness of spring!

The trees shift, become more efficient at intaking energy and storing it for later...

...and just in the nick of time, too, and fire and heat and light is everywhere! Even the newly-changed trees can't keep up with all of it, but without them, there would have been much more damage.

+1 to next fire absorption roll.

The sun exploded! And now nobody can see anything. Again. Except... Why are the trees all glowing and radiating heat? At least there's some visibility...
Oceans! Oceans everywhere!
What the heck was that wave of light?


SlugSLinger has access to all of his alternate selves. Unfortunately, by doing so, he has also attracted the attention of ever single one of his enemies, and they are out for blood... ideally SlugSLinger's, but some of them might happily attack others.
Now that I had some reassurance that someone couldn't just come charging straight in here, there was another important matter that needed to be dealt with. Namely the fact that I still had lots of injuries, and Anne was heavily damaged.

With that knowledge in mind, I quickly found a workshop within the realm I'd created, and began to do what I did best: build. As I worked, several small robots began to take shape. Equipped with a variety of tools, they would easily be able to repair damage to anyone, organic or synthetic. Unlike the medical bay I'd had previously, these machines could perform their task automatically, with no need for further input. On top of all that, they were self-replicating with a population density limiter, meaning I wouldn't have to worry about manually replenishing their population should any of them be destroyed.

I came out of my musing, as Anne called over the intercom and told me "Mom, one of the bunnycats just electrocuted themselves on a power conduit that it apparently thought was edible! What do I do!? I was never taught how to deal with this!"

I replied "don't worry, I've got a prototype robot that should be able to patch them up nicely. I'm activating it now." as I closed up the casing on the first of my Medical Repair Bots (Also to be known as Merebs). I watched intently as the little machine began its startup sequence, a heavy spanner ready behind my back in case it needed to be put down.
We Just Write threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Automated heal-bots Total: 1
1 1
Okay. Enough of this. I just wanted to go and rest (for a awhile) and not have horrible wounds applied on me again and again.. Though battle scars were totally fine..

I made a home, didn't I? A mansion with everything I wanted. Well, I could return.

But screw flying. Apparently everyone was doing that already. Gotta one-up them on that.

What better than to just skip the part called 'Travelling'?

I mean, it's just a warping of spacetime such that I was no longer here but there. Couldn't possibly be that hard, after all that I've already done, including smashing the laws of no infinite energy into tiny little pieces. And for that, I'm a god. I do things puny mortals can't. And heck, why was I even bothering to rationalize this?

Space and Time was mine to command. Just twist and stretch here, there and -
Shard threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Teleport. Teleport to mansion. Total: 1
1 1
"I will destroy this planet!" I exclaim.

'Let's see fire failed, violence failed too, what else I know that could destroy worlds' I think "I know basketball"

I start running and then jump forming the desired object with my white lantern ring.
ziizo threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: UNLIMITED SLAM WORKS Total: 4
4 4
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...Welp, there wasn't a friend or idol waiting here. A bit disappointed, but alas, such good things cannot be wished for. They must instead be rightfully earned.

"At least I got a boat load of powers." Jake flexes his hands, power crackling between hia fingers. "Now let's up the ante. Raging Heart, brace yourself."

Jake put his hands together and concentrated. Among the infinite number of his alternate selves, there had to be a few who knew how to travel between dimensions. Which meant Jake could borrow those same skills for his own use. He just needed to bring up those powers, and visualize his destination.

He imagines a beautiful young woman with auburn hair tied to a side tail, wearing a blue and white instructor uniform. He imagines her standing against a sea breeze, hand holding a brilliant red gem.

Nanoha Takamachi.

First stop on Jake's Dimension hopping tour; Mid-Child circa MGLN StrikerS.
SlugSLinger threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Dimension Hopping +1 D-Travel Total: 1
1 1
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EternalLurker threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: PSYCHICBABLE Total: 2
2 2
You concentrate and you move the sun... but not quite as far as you intended. Closer to 1.5x further away. Still, better than before.

...wait. Is it... exploding?! The force field is broken!

No. You refuse to let this happen! You concentrate and recreate the forcefield, reinforce it, and you weather out the explosion.

Eventually, it stops. The planet is still scarred, but at least it's still intact.
That was so close. Who had the brilliant idea of blowing up the sun?

This time, I opted to cast force fields around each ship in my fleet, giving them a permanent additional layer of shields on top of their own.
UbeOne threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: More shields more shields Total: 4
4 4
Krogath raged, thing were happening, things to small i scale for it to notice or deal with quickly.

It pained the mighty planet to admit it but maybe its gloriously huge form was a hinderance, not a gift.....

All that it had experienced since its first thoughts were pain and trial after trial, it was as if the universe itself had some sort of hatred for it.

"Maybe a physical body is not what is best for me?" The planet pondered, the scorched land of its surface reminding it of how easily targeted it was, "Yes, I must become something else if I am to find peace in this great universe."

Confident in itself, the planet known as Krogath focused everything it had to free its conscious from the earthy shell it inhabited, to send it into space and build itself a new form out of the very energies of the cosmos themself.
Culexus96 threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: COSMIC ENERGY BODY Total: 1
1 1