Lady Luck: A Roll to Dodge Adventure (IC)

Arriving back within my pocket realm, I immediately began making a mad dash for the Banishment Field. My time here was incredibly limited before the next pulse, and I needed to register myself and Anne before that happened. As I entered the room containing the device, Anne's avatar right beside me. We soon reached the gently spinning device, and I placed my hand on it before prying open the casing.

Once I had access to the machine's innards I yanked the power supply cable, before booting up my development suite to register myself and Anne as top-level users. Sighing, I told Anne "Now, if we were still operating under rules that made sense, that should have worked. However, we aren't so we're basically just rolling the dice on everything." And with that I plugged the power supply back in. Curse you Lady Luck.
We Just Write threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Patch the Banishment Field Total: 4
4 4
As the slaves bowed before it and the newly formed sun rose from behind, the terraformer slowly pushed itself upward, mechanical legs straigthening to bring the agent of the Creators to its full height.

It would have been much more impressive if the bug was any bigger than a baby's hand.

"Salutation, slaves of the Empire. This unit is your temporary Overseer until further notice. Our mission is to prepare this planet for habitation by constructing the ultimate Utopia."

It can see the blueprint flying through its circuits, images of grand skyscrapers that pierced the atmosphere, sprawling urbans that covered continents, deep mines that ran through the planet's core. Gargantual replicators plants churning out tons of goods every second. A monument to industry and science, to the glory of the Creator.
munchkinomatic threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Steroid Conscrusant +1 Total: 5
5 5
That did not go as planned.

That did not go any where near as planned.

"Fuck.........." the Entity stewed in its anger, it had created a glorious form but in turn said form had become aware and decided to attack the world.

This was unnacceptable in the extreme.

Maybe the body could be salvaged, if a portion of the Entity's will was merged into the current mind to bring it to heel and cease its pointless destruction.

(+1 to merge rolls)
Culexus96 threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Merge my will into the Avatar Total: 1
1 1
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> Agitated observation: Fuckin hell, first what ever made that fucking thing happen, and I'm now A FUCKING POOR MANS SENTINEL! Seriously, I apperently became a robot.

> Reserved forbearance: Well, it seems at least I'm now a giant robot at least. I have much more personal killing power!

> Knowing cognizance: But that wont really mater in regards to the dice now.....

> Mischievous recongition: Hmmmmm, wait.... I got an idea. Yes, to put them under my comand!

> Expanding Acessment: Wait, I can make it funnier, but how?

> Repeat of previous line: Hmmm, I think I got it!

> Repeat: And it'll get them self replicating, yes!

> Chaotic Action: Well, now, time to do it, after all, the best way to get fun is to say firsty We come in peace !"
EternalLurker threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Probe-Mind! Total: 4
4 4
Between the expertise of your shipwrights and the power of the White Lantern ring, it's not even remotely difficult to rebuild it. In fact, you even make some improvements in its design to prevent this from happening again! This placates the lawyers.

+1 to all construction rolls. The Washington Monument gets +1 to its next roll to dodge.
"Well, now that that's been handled," Captain Egret noted, as the satisfied lawyers returned from whence they came, "now would be a good time to have some words with that President fellow."

He hopped off of the ship, and looked at the sails. "Ironside, Penfold, stay with the ship, in case someone else with Lady Luck's blessing tries to start shit while I'm out."

Ironside and Penfold saluted. "Aye, sir!"

Captain Egret nodded. "Cardiff, you're with me. If those lawyers are any indication, then we're going to face a lot of legal stuff in the near future. I'll need you to act as a guide."

Cardiff jumped off the ship, and landed next to the Captain. "Aye, sir."

After the group was split up, Captain Egret and Cardiff started walking towards the White House. "Okay, so how are we going to do this?" Captain Egret asked. "Give them the standard Marine boilerplate?"

"The one for dealing with non-hostile kingdoms, anyways. They might respond badly to demands to surrender or face the wrath of a Buster Call."

There was a pause. "Can we even make a Buster Call?" Captain Egret asked. "I mean, the fleet's probably big enough, but..."

"Even if we normally can't, from what I gather, you would have roughly a 33% chance of summoning the Golden Den Den Mushi anyways."


Eventually, they reached the doors. "Hang on a minute," Captain Egret cautioned.


"We still don't know who made that mess in the White House in the first place. I'm going to try to perceive who did it."

"Ah, right. I'll step back."

Once Cardiff had done so, Captain Egret closed his eyes and concentrated. Every action had a cause, and every crime had a perpetrator. That included whatever had caused the accident that he and his crew had to clear up. Whoever was responsible for smashing up this building, they would not hide from the eye of Justice!

MrEgret threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Detect Criminal Scum Total: 1
1 1

You're about to focus on creating a sun... when a sun pops up! Guess you don't have to.

One thing out of the way. That was good. It was a shame that they didn't make one themselves, but they were able to rely on others to do the task.

The cathedral, still hovering over Las Vegas, shivered. Something was coming. Something big. They had to hurry and act before they ran out of time.

Time to split the worlds back into two. Back to split them to be back to being in their right forms.
Random Tale threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Split the Worlds! Total: 6
6 6
Each Player: You blink. One moment, you were just going about your normal life. The next second, you're... where are you, actually?

You look around. Wherever "here" is, it's rocky and barren. You don't see a single other living thing in the area. The rocks are kind of pretty, though, with a good variety of colors. Still, you don't exactly want to be here...

Before you get much more of a chance to get your bearings, a woman appears in front of you. She looks... well, to be honest, your first impression is "holographic". Like she's not actually there, just a flickering image of a woman with long black hair and wearing what looks like a Roman toga.

"Hello?" she says, frowning. "Is this thing on? Ah, good!" She clears her throat. "If you are seeing this message, then congratulations! You've gained a once-in-a-lifetime boon. But let's not get ahead of ourselves. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Lady Luck." She pauses. "At least, I think that's what my name would translate to in your language."

"Anyway, you might consider me omnipotent. I'm not, but for your purposes, I might as well be. I have created entire universes, populated them, and destroyed them. I have been a goddess, a demon, a normal person, a tyrant, a savior, a sidekick... in short, I have experienced virtually everything there is to experience."

"And I am extremely bored."

"So I'm fixing that by giving you a fraction of my power. From now until the end of time, all actions you take have an equal probability of succeeding."
She smirks. "And whatever you're thinking of -no matter how wild, out there, or impossible it may seem- it includes that."

"All those roles I listed earlier? Any of those can be you. Or you can surprise me and take a different path. In fact, please do," she grins. "I gave you this power so that I could watch you and be entertained. So my only caveat is, be entertaining."

"Oh, and by the way, to make things more interesting, I plopped you on an uninhabited planet with a bunch of other people who have the same ability."
She frowns slightly. "Although if you're not part of the first batch, the planet wouldn't be uninhabited anymore..." She shakes her head. "Anyway, point is, you're not the only one with these abilities. What you do about that is up to you."

She leans forward toward you, her eyes sparkling (literally) and a grin on her face. "You can do anything."

"So what will you do?"

With that, the hologram vanishes, leaving you in a barren landscape and a lot of questions.

So then. What will you do?

OHHHHHHHHHH. I can't believe this! Amazing,isn't it?

Just thinking about my dream being true makes me extremely excited.

"Using 100% power of the brain?" I mumbled

"Using 100% of the brain!" I shouted
P.P.M.S.L.T threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: 100% brain power Total: 1
1 1
The bear lay on the Captain's chair of the newly christened S.S. Honeyclawroar - in ursine-speak of course - and surveyed the planet Kronoha, the bridge's view screen showing them an unparalleled view of the world from just outside the exosphere.

It was breathtaking and it was theirs, and a Forest grew on every landmass, carpeting it in the soft glow of trees. Far more than a home for the bear who called itself Captain and Ruler; the Forest was it and it was the Forest. And so it knew everything that happened within sight of its canopies and within growing distance of its roots.

But there was one particular individual which caught the bear's interest. A single stem grew from the cracks hidden in floorboards, tunneling its way through just hardened concrete.

(OOC: +1 Forest rolls, @MrEgret, Also, thinking about it, I have no idea of his name so I'll just roll for Telepathy.)

Edit: Hello Mr. Egret
Zeitgeist Blue threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Hello Mr. Egret Total: 3
3 3
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PHASE 20: Wir sind die Pfeifer von Hamelin

Rolls to dodge are here.

Kintsugi groaned. She rolled over and slithered back onto her helicarrier. She quickly drew herself and stabbed down.

"Take me to a quiet place with shade and clean water."

An alarm goes off. "Warning. Out of fuel. Please refuel for maximum gas mileage."

Why does he have an odd vibe about him? Is he a reality warper too?

Anyway, perhaps I could have him teleported to whoever he is looking for.

I'd rather not have him around for longer. His presence is just creepy...

((@Crimson Doom, does this include the bonus to teleport rolls?))

You wave your hand and-



After a mercifully brief period of disorientation, things return to norma- Wait, are the planets separate again???

But aside from that, you sense something. A connection to whatever it was that the man had been drawing on. A connection to the strange being he served...

+1 to all Cthulhu rolls.

Suddenly, a bat flies down and turns into a man who looks an awful lot like Count Dracula.

"Pardon me, sir," he says with a slight bow. "I seek a man known, as improbable as it sounds, as 'Slug Slinger'. Have you seen him, perchance?"

Realizing that he and his new followers may be vulnerable to attack by vicious predators who are far more powerful than either group, Dinac attempts to summon around him a fortress full of traps and fun.

Lost and stuck in a strange world, unsure where your portal is... best to have some stability, and with the blessing of Lady Luck, you can get it fairly easily.

Well, you get the fortress, anyway. The odds of finding true stability are, ironically, rather low at the moment.

Your fellow kobolds flee into the fortress and lock the doors. Consequently, they miss the moment when the one planet becomes two again.

You may name your fortress as a free action.

...He just got Befriended, didn't he? God damn it, why couldn't he have done it the normal way and not via giant pink laser?

Ah well, with a devotion to miss Takamachi in his heart, Jake will use it to go and find her and allies! And, well, maybe protect this world if they needed to. But before then, he must look the part! And that means going through his alt-selves memories for the relevant information needed.

"I hope one of me has a de-aging spell or something." Jake murmurs. "No way a nine-year-old would like having a 21 dumbass as a friend..."

Drawing on the memories of one of the many, many versions of you with magic, you manage to de-age yourself to the physical age of 9! You keep your mental and emotional age, but then again, in Nanoha-verse, that seems to be par for the course.

Suddenly, a man in a robe appears from nowhere. "Ah. I have found you," he says tonelessly. "Though now you warp reality like the Master, you are but a child in such things." A sinister smile appears on his face. "Allow me to show you the power of the Master you scorned."

Green lightning crackles around you, penetrating every inch of your skin!

SlugSLinger is Dead.

The mansion is mine! The golden gate bridge can go elsewhere. This place is mineeee. I raised my hands and telekinetically shoved the monument somewhere else. Overlord moving in, thank you very much.

You successfully shove the bridge off to the side! It seems to be crumbling where you tore it off its foundations, but whatever. This spot is yours now!, if only you knew where your mansion had gone off to. And why the planets appear to be separate now.

Well. This is something.

"Ancalagon. I want you to fuse with the Afterlife."

Well. Let's see if this works...

Ancalagon roars triumphantly and... fades away?

Growls reverberate through the air, sounding unsettlingly like an evil chuckle. Then, a version of the Grim Reaper wearing a scaled cloak and tall enough to look you in the eye appears in front of you. "Thank you, 'Master'," the figure sneers. "Turns out that fusing with the Afterlife makes me nondraconic, which means I don't have to obey you any longer. I'll thank you with a quick death."

His scythe bursts into flames, and he charges at you! Only swift reflexes keep you from being beheaded there and then; as it is, you've got a large gash over virtually your entire right side, completely distracting you from the planets splitting apart.

Tyrannops is Wounded.

+1 to all fuse rolls.

No I'm now a thing like that stupid Corpse Emporer this sucks.
I left my minions and mind crusher. I must return
Time to fall

You fall, but you fall with style. Trailing flames, radiating light, you land back in Las Vegas right in front of a camera crew reporting on the strange occurrences. Specifically, your Mind Crusher, who appears to just be standing there, waiting for instruction.

Immediately after you land, things change, and the planets seem to no longer be combined.

+1 to next fire roll.

Enydnu, eh? Curious. I wonder if she's a patron of whatserface the Luck Lady or just someone new.

"Uuuh... no. Haven't, er, seen any dragons here, neither living nor... living impaired."

...I wonder if she'll be concerned that I'm technically undead. Am I? Does coming back from the dead make me undead? Or am I just... 're-alive'? Metaphysics are confusing.

Either way, I should probably keep quiet on that point.

"...I could bring you some? I guess?"

[throat clearing noise]

"I wish that all dragons - undead or otherwise - currently in the area would appear over... the Washington Monument."

Hey, look at that, it's the Washington Monument! Hey, that means I'm in DC!

. . .


Several hundred dragon figurines appear over the Washington Monument. You barely notice, given your current freakout, although you feel a little better when you see a figure in white start tearing through what's left of the White House. You can probably blame it all on him.

Wait... did... did Enydnu just drop dead?

...she's getting back up. And her eyes are pure black now. That can't be goo-.

Ahh! She's attacking! Shootitshootitshootit why isn't it dying!

"Give in," she hisses, her voice deeper and more growly than before, her armor sputtering from the shots from the Walker. "Give in and serve Ancalagon the Black."

She then proceeds to be upstaged slightly by the planets splitting apart.

Well they stopped attacking... that was good. And they've sworn allegiance to me. Well, I am okay with them serving me. Composing my features into my best professional face,

"Au of the clan Gold, while I am not keen on having any servants under me, I want you to do something for me. I will be departing the planet shortly, and I wish to have someone oversee the development of this planet. I want you to guide your people and mine, and make a prosperous species. Spread throughout this planet. Create cities of such grandeur, and a prosperous civilization. I will leave a portion of my fleet to guard this planet and oversee your progress. Do you agree to these terms?" I ask.

He looks to his fellow tribesgolems and they nod as one.

"Yes, I will do as you wish. I would like to know, who are you? You look so completely different from us and your golems."

"I... am just a human. And as for who I am? Just call me Pharaoh. Good luck Au." And with that I bid them farewell and returned to my Supercarrier in orbit.

Hmm... what should I leave behind... I'll probably leave behind 2 Assault Carriers, 3 Battlecruisers and 8 Frigates. It's not too big of a dent to my Firepower, seeing as I have 3 Supercarriers anyways. I wonder what happened to my starting planet... Well let's go back to check... Opening up the FleetCom channels,

"I want some ships to remain here to watch over the planet and protect it if necessary. I'll send details to the Commanders of the ships privately, as for the rest of us, we shall be returning to see what happened to the world that we left some time ago."

(OOC: I'll do a roll for the golem spreading thing when I eventually go back to that planet. I need to name it though.)

Edit: I'll name my planet Aulem. I'm too lazy to think out of a plotline now and I have no creativity with naming. Is this fine? @Crimson Doom

Making it back to the planet is a piece of ca- WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON?!

The planet is fused with Earth now? When did that happen? And, and, the giant purple humanoid off in the distance! And now the planet's split into three planets! And now some starry figure is attacking one of them! What the heck?!

+1 to next delegation roll.

Seeing Kenta look around in confusion, the girl facepalmed.

She should've remembered something like this could happen. And judging by his relatively fresh physical state and lack of white powder on his clothes, he hadn't even triggered yet. She'd have to send him back-

-and put him through the worst day of his life, and help along the plot of the webnovel he was from. Which, she had to admit, was still pretty grim.

She was in a great position to change things up a little. The androids didn't look like they were planning on attacking him anytime soon. Maybe they just weren't interested in non-powered people.

She'd help him out later. For now, it seemed like someone was in danger. Both from his mind and others.

"Kester, I'd like you to teleport these people here."

"Now? The hooded one looks dangerous."

"Good point." She beckoned, and the two ravens flew to her. "Tell the others to go to the clearing. Be ready to use your rings."

They flew off, and soon after that the rest of the flock touched down in the clearing, forming a circle.

The girl walked out of the stone house and into the clearing.

"Okay, do it now."

The preparations are made and Kester gets ready to teleport the... wait, is one of them dead now? And... what's the other one doing...?

"Gghhhhh..." Kester grunts in pain, then unexpectedly fires a weirdly glitchy beam of white light at you, bringing you back to normal life only to kill you immediately afterwards. The last words you hear before dying for the second time are Kester's, trancelike and horrifying. "All... hail... Cthulhu..."

Whisper1 is Dead.

"What in Tartarus was that?" Sharp Spear screams once arriving near me.

"Congratulations in completing our mission" I answer unsure.

"Why did I suplexed Galactus I didn't wanted to that?"

Oh "Look we can try to discover how that happened later" I interrupt "Now we have to deal with him"

"Any idea how?"

"Feed him Life energy" I answer trying to summon white energy constructs.

"That was my original plan and I needed time to get the quantity necessary" He mutters while trying to imitate me.

"All actions have same chance of success for me, so I can do something that would take a hour in a second"

(OOC: Does this roll benefit of my +1 to summon food?)

You manifest several constructs, and Galactus does stop to absorb them. But he still seems intent on attacking you; all you've done is slowed him down.

Then things get weird. One planet becomes three, and then some starry figure arrives and starts attacking one of them. Even Galactus pauses in confusion.

Arriving back within my pocket realm, I immediately began making a mad dash for the Banishment Field. My time here was incredibly limited before the next pulse, and I needed to register myself and Anne before that happened. As I entered the room containing the device, Anne's avatar right beside me. We soon reached the gently spinning device, and I placed my hand on it before prying open the casing.

Once I had access to the machine's innards I yanked the power supply cable, before booting up my development suite to register myself and Anne as top-level users. Sighing, I told Anne "Now, if we were still operating under rules that made sense, that should have worked. However, we aren't so we're basically just rolling the dice on everything." And with that I plugged the power supply back in. Curse you Lady Luck.

Thankfully, this time it seems to be working as intended! Thank goodness.

Then, someone in some sort of knight-themed power armor appears! "Die, and join the ranks of Ancalagon the Black!" he hisses, just before the program kicks him out.

As the slaves bowed before it and the newly formed sun rose from behind, the terraformer slowly pushed itself upward, mechanical legs straigthening to bring the agent of the Creators to its full height.

It would have been much more impressive if the bug was any bigger than a baby's hand.

"Salutation, slaves of the Empire. This unit is your temporary Overseer until further notice. Our mission is to prepare this planet for habitation by constructing the ultimate Utopia."

It can see the blueprint flying through its circuits, images of grand skyscrapers that pierced the atmosphere, sprawling urbans that covered continents, deep mines that ran through the planet's core. Gargantual replicators plants churning out tons of goods every second. A monument to industry and science, to the glory of the Creator.

As you envision the blueprints, the buildings begin to appear, crowding out and breaking the trees around you! Regrettably, it doesn't seem to be doing much more than that, but on the other hand, self-replicating buildings. They only stop when they hit the ocean, encompassing the entirety of the small island you're on.

Frankly, the fact that the planets have split apart is irrelevant to you right now. You'll expand regardless of which planet you're on.

+1 to next building roll.

That did not go as planned.

That did not go any where near as planned.

"Fuck.........." the Entity stewed in its anger, it had created a glorious form but in turn said form had become aware and decided to attack the world.

This was unnacceptable in the extreme.

Maybe the body could be salvaged, if a portion of the Entity's will was merged into the current mind to bring it to heel and cease its pointless destruction.

(+1 to merge rolls)

You reach out your cosmic senses and try to mesh your sense of charity into the avatar, but to no avail. Thankfully, some oddity has split Kronoha into three planets, and the avatar is busily attacking the uninhabited one. You have time to figure out a way to make things right.

> Agitated observation: Fuckin hell, first what ever made that fucking thing happen, and I'm now A FUCKING POOR MANS SENTINEL! Seriously, I apperently became a robot.

> Reserved forbearance: Well, it seems at least I'm now a giant robot at least. I have much more personal killing power!

> Knowing cognizance: But that wont really mater in regards to the dice now.....

> Mischievous recongition: Hmmmmm, wait.... I got an idea. Yes, to put them under my comand!

> Expanding Acessment: Wait, I can make it funnier, but how?

> Repeat of previous line: Hmmm, I think I got it!

> Repeat: And it'll get them self replicating, yes!

> Chaotic Action: Well, now, time to do it, after all, the best way to get fun is to say firsty We come in peace !"

The OMACs seem to take well to this programming (although you do note that they aren't just robots, and instead are unwilling cyborgs, which explains how you wound up as one). This leads to particularly odd dissonance when you consider that their behavior hasn't changed any: the metahuman you detected earlier is under attack by them, and seeing them shoot to kill while shouting "We come in peace" tickles your funny bone. Still, the metahuman seems to be doing alright, for being outnumbered three to one, and actually seems to be absorbing energy from them to keep himself from dying.

Then the planet splits, and the robot part of you seems to be having a brief Blue Screen of Death moment trying to process it.

"Well, now that that's been handled," Captain Egret noted, as the satisfied lawyers returned from whence they came, "now would be a good time to have some words with that President fellow."

He hopped off of the ship, and looked at the sails. "Ironside, Penfold, stay with the ship, in case someone else with Lady Luck's blessing tries to start shit while I'm out."

Ironside and Penfold saluted. "Aye, sir!"

Captain Egret nodded. "Cardiff, you're with me. If those lawyers are any indication, then we're going to face a lot of legal stuff in the near future. I'll need you to act as a guide."

Cardiff jumped off the ship, and landed next to the Captain. "Aye, sir."

After the group was split up, Captain Egret and Cardiff started walking towards the White House. "Okay, so how are we going to do this?" Captain Egret asked. "Give them the standard Marine boilerplate?"

"The one for dealing with non-hostile kingdoms, anyways. They might respond badly to demands to surrender or face the wrath of a Buster Call."

There was a pause. "Can we even make a Buster Call?" Captain Egret asked. "I mean, the fleet's probably big enough, but..."

"Even if we normally can't, from what I gather, you would have roughly a 33% chance of summoning the Golden Den Den Mushi anyways."


Eventually, they reached the doors. "Hang on a minute," Captain Egret cautioned.


"We still don't know who made that mess in the White House in the first place. I'm going to try to perceive who did it."

"Ah, right. I'll step back."

Once Cardiff had done so, Captain Egret closed his eyes and concentrated. Every action had a cause, and every crime had a perpetrator. That included whatever had caused the accident that he and his crew had to clear up. Whoever was responsible for smashing up this building, they would not hide from the eye of Justice!


You concentrate and you see the culprit! He's hiding in a bunker beneath the White House, surrounded by bodyguards in black outfits! Well, he won't escape justice!

You run off towards the bunker, leaving Cardiff to follow as best she can and completely ignoring the large purple robot thing. You meet resistance, but a thought lets your ring ricochet their attacks back at them, leaving them unable to stop you from tearing the bunker away.

"You foul criminal! You'll pay for wrecking the White House!"

The man blinks at you, clearly confused. "Son, I'm the President. Why would I wreck my own house?"

Thankfully, before you can do anything even more embarrassing, the planet splits, leaving everyone wondering what was with the two planets in the sky and not focusing on you.

Only then do you notice the voice speaking in your mind. @Zeitgeist Blue

One thing out of the way. That was good. It was a shame that they didn't make one themselves, but they were able to rely on others to do the task.

The cathedral, still hovering over Las Vegas, shivered. Something was coming. Something big. They had to hurry and act before they ran out of time.

Time to split the worlds back into two. Back to split them to be back to being in their right forms.

Ignoring for the moment the flaming man falling from the sky, you concentrate and split them apart! Now it's once again Planets Earth and Krogoth...

...and Kronoha?

Wait, how'd you wind up with a third planet...?

Then again, given that a figure looking like it's made of stars seems to be doing its level best to destroy Kronoha, maybe accidentally making that planet was a good thing after all...

"Now I remember," Fortuna remarks, "why I attempted to retire from Lady Luck's shenanigans."

+1 to all separation rolls.

OHHHHHHHHHH. I can't believe this! Amazing,isn't it?

Just thinking about my dream being true makes me extremely excited.

"Using 100% power of the brain?" I mumbled

"Using 100% of the brain!" I shouted

Suddenly, you go into a seizure! Frantically, you try to make it stop through force of will...

...and somehow, you succeed.

...or did you? You swear you can see two planets in the sky right now...

+1 to next roll to dodge seizures.

The bear lay on the Captain's chair of the newly christened S.S. Honeyclawroar - in ursine-speak of course - and surveyed the planet Kronoha, the bridge's view screen showing them an unparalleled view of the world from just outside the exosphere.

It was breathtaking and it was theirs, and a Forest grew on every landmass, carpeting it in the soft glow of trees. Far more than a home for the bear who called itself Captain and Ruler; the Forest was it and it was the Forest. And so it knew everything that happened within sight of its canopies and within growing distance of its roots.

But there was one particular individual which caught the bear's interest. A single stem grew from the cracks hidden in floorboards, tunneling its way through just hardened concrete.

(OOC: +1 Forest rolls, @MrEgret, Also, thinking about it, I have no idea of his name so I'll just roll for Telepathy.)

Edit: Hello Mr. Egret

Using the trees to transmit your thoughts turns out to be easier than you expected, even with the planet splitting in two... no, three, and you successfully make contact!

Hmm? Some of the trees on one of the planets (not the one you're on) seems to be absorbing a lot of extra energy. Where's it coming from?


SlugSLinger has access to all of his alternate selves. Unfortunately, by doing so, he has also attracted the attention of every single one of his enemies, and they are out for blood... ideally SlugSLinger's, but some of them might happily attack others.

Current enemies: Validar (+1 to next roll to dodge OMACs), random Cthulhu cultist, Dracula.


The creature that Krogoth the Entity accidentally created is out to destroy Planet Kronoha! He's currently trying to destroy the unoccupied Planet Kronoha.


Guess what? An evil dragon is currently the god of the afterlife. As his first act, he slew every single Dragonsbane Paladin and reanimated them as his slaves. They'll be wandering everywhere, attacking whoever they come across...


Planet Krogoth and Lyrical Nanoha Earth are now separate, though they can still be seen from each other. There is also a Planet Kronoha, which shares all the qualities of both planets but is completely uninhabited.
Lost and stuck in a strange world, unsure where your portal is... best to have some stability, and with the blessing of Lady Luck, you can get it fairly easily.

Well, you get the fortress, anyway. The odds of finding true stability are, ironically, rather low at the moment.

Your fellow kobolds flee into the fortress and lock the doors. Consequently, they miss the moment when the one planet becomes two again.

You may name your fortress as a free action.
I name this fortress...KOBOLDHEIM!

...because it belongs to kobolds. Anyway, a fortress may protect the people, but it doesn't provide essentials. Thankfully, those can be gained too.

First off, a well.
Muhkat Lomorki threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Well of Water Total: 5
5 5
I look to the chaos, then to Galactus, then to chaos again.

He looked pretty distracted by it too, I had my chance.

"You ate Life energy!" I scream pointing at Galactus "so have this!" A white ray flew towards Galactus.
ziizo threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: WHITE LANTERN GALACTUS Total: 5
5 5
Drawing on the memories of one of the many, many versions of you with magic, you manage to de-age yourself to the physical age of 9! You keep your mental and emotional age, but then again, in Nanoha-verse, that seems to be par for the course.
Jake marveled at his new- well, old form, really. He felt so much... Tighter, strung up, and shorter. Like a rubber ball being squeezed tightly. He was shorter than his original height, but even as a 9-year-old, Jake was a full head taller than most other children his own age.

"Aahhh~" Jake tried his new voice. "Damn it, back to that high pitched kid voice again-"

Suddenly, a man in a robe appears from nowhere. "Ah. I have found you," he says tonelessly. "Though now you warp reality like the Master, you are but a child in such things." A sinister smile appears on his face. "Allow me to show you the power of the Master you scorned."

Jake takes a step back in fear.


Green lightning crackles around you, penetrating every inch of your skin!

SlugSLinger is Dead.

This isn't fair. Not fair at all.

He died before even seeing one of his childhood idols, to the hands of a faithless idiot who served an outer god. After uncovering so much, to die just like that-

"UNACCEPTABLE!!!" the soul belonging to the being known as SlugSLinger screamed in the abyss between life and the one after. "I REFUSE! FUCK YOU DEATH, I'M GETTING BACK OUT AND KILLING THAT TWAT EVEN IF IT'S THE LAST THING I DO!"

And with the knowledge of his many alternate selves, maybe he could do just that.
SlugSLinger threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Back to LIFE! +1 alt-self Total: 5
5 5
An alarm goes off. "Warning. Out of fuel. Please refuel for maximum gas mileage."
Kintsugi's jaw dropped open. Then she screamed.


It was very loud. Kintsugi repeatedly dragged herself from the floor and stabbed down again, not bothering with filling in the holes with gold as her tail lashed behind her.

"Empty? WHAT DO YOU MEAN EMPTY?" Snarling, she then punctuated each of her words with a fresh stab. "Refuel? Fine. Be! Full! Right! NOW!"

Then she stabbed the floor a few more times for stress relief. By the time she was done, the floor could have made an honest impression of swiss cheese.
Camellia threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Recharge! Total: 6
6 6
Yeesh. You know what, I'll deal with the mansion later. Can't be too hard to make a new one, anyway. Then something shifted.

Looking up at the sky, I noticed 2 other planets. Elegant. But...

Something was missing.

Oh, right.


No, wait, I did that already.

Maybe if all the planets became moons!

Yeah, that sounds about right. Moons around a gas giant.. A gas giant made out of Oxygen Difluoride.

I cackled as I created the planet, shifting the orbits of the three-present planets into one of moons around the chemically-unstable giant.
Shard threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: OF2 Gas Giant. Buaahhahahah! Total: 5
5 5
"Pardon me, sir," he says with a slight bow. "I seek a man known, as improbable as it sounds, as 'Slug Slinger'. Have you seen him, perchance?"
What is Dracula doing here?

Wait, Slug Slinger? Why does that sound like the username of an SV member?

Still, another person looking for someone like what the reality warper was doing a whole ago?

I decided to wave my hand and somehow give him the power to know where Slug Slinger is. Hopefully, that would help.
UbeOne threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Dracula knows where Slug is Total: 4
4 4
You concentrate and you see the culprit! He's hiding in a bunker beneath the White House, surrounded by bodyguards in black outfits! Well, he won't escape justice!

You run off towards the bunker, leaving Cardiff to follow as best she can and completely ignoring the large purple robot thing. You meet resistance, but a thought lets your ring ricochet their attacks back at them, leaving them unable to stop you from tearing the bunker away.

"You foul criminal! You'll pay for wrecking the White House!"

The man blinks at you, clearly confused. "Son, I'm the President. Why would I wreck my own house?"

Thankfully, before you can do anything even more embarrassing, the planet splits, leaving everyone wondering what was with the two planets in the sky and not focusing on you.

Only then do you notice the voice speaking in your mind. @Zeitgeist Blue
There was a loud WHACK, and Captain Egret was suddenly face-down on the ground, with a steaming bump on the back of his head.

Cardiff massaged her fist, while frowning irritably. "Guh. That's my idiot Captain for you," she griped. "Far too reckless for a man of his rank..."

She then saluted the increasingly befuddled President of the United States. "Apologies for the actions of my CO. He received a false positive when trying to determine who destroyed the White House, and he tends to let his zeal for administering justice override his common sense. I'm Lieutenant-Commander Cardiff of the Global Marines, and the idiot that attacked your bunker is Captain Egret of same. I believe that some explanations are in order..."

While Cardiff tried to smooth things over with the President, Captain Egret became dimly aware of another presence in his mind. Recognizing it as being vaguely similar to the telepathic presence that he experienced a while back. Experimentally, he thought a greeting. Of sorts.

Nnnnnh... State your name and intention, unnamed presence, so that this dishonored Captain can return to his misery...

(OOC: This roll is for Cardiff's attempt to negotiate with the President. If she can use my +1 to negotiation rolls, then she is doing so. Otherwise, this roll is unmodified.)

MrEgret threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: I can explain... Total: 2
2 2
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*insert cricket sounds here*

My mind just stopped working as I took in the massive clusterfuck around me...

I wonder what it would be like to have Morgan Freeman's voice?
pharaoh122 threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: The Voice of God Total: 4
4 4
Ancalagon roars triumphantly and... fades away?

Growls reverberate through the air, sounding unsettlingly like an evil chuckle. Then, a version of the Grim Reaper wearing a scaled cloak and tall enough to look you in the eye appears in front of you. "Thank you, 'Master'," the figure sneers. "Turns out that fusing with the Afterlife makes me nondraconic, which means I don't have to obey you any longer. I'll thank you with a quick death."

His scythe bursts into flames, and he charges at you! Only swift reflexes keep you from being beheaded there and then; as it is, you've got a large gash over virtually your entire right side, completely distracting you from the planets splitting apart.

Tyrannops is Wounded.

+1 to all fuse rolls.
"No.. Ancalagon.. You may serve yourself.. But I have a Army!" I roared, bringing myself up to my full height and summoned my dragon army.
Tyrannops threw 1 6-faced dice. Total: 6
6 6
> Seems like I can make some modifications to the computery bits right now, I'll just change the in-thought process to resemble actual human speech.

>Hmm, that does look quite funny.

>Seems like they're going to kill the guy before he's converted into another one of them.

>Thats just self-replication though, if I didn't think they were closer to sentinels in origin, I might of not done it.

>Ah well, ya make mistakes.

>Anyways, I currently now need to see if the git's got good enough abilities to actually converse with, otherwise I'll just let nature take its course.

> Now where is that....

>Here it is!

EternalLurker threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: SCANNING... Total: 4
4 4
Now that the banishment field was up and running, I couldn't help but feel that there was another thing I was missing to keep my home safe from any who might attack me. Suddenly, my mind shot back to when most of my equipment just... disappeared. No, I would be having NONE of that!

Back to the workbench, I began designing a specialized set of Reality Stabilizers. Unlike my previous disastrous attempts, these wouldn't simply quash all reality warping. Instead their fields were focused, designed to block a specific type of reality warping. More specifically, it would shield against those who attempted to use Reality Warping to attack or subvert.

While I could have simply had them suppress such efforts, I soon hit upon a much more statistically favorable course of action. As it turned out, Lady Luck's curse (not a blessing; nothing that led to this much chaos could EVER be a 'blessing') allowed two types of 'rolls'. Suffice to say, ensuring the target got a type 2 roll and boosting said roll would be far more effective than simply attempting to suppress a type 1 roll.

As I finished the first batch, I asked Anne "Could you please use your drones to get these set up throughout Asylum? Optimal distribution is a staggered grid with a separation of 20 km."

To this, my synthetic daughter replied "Maybe" in an incredibly bitter tone, before elaborating "I can't ever be truly certain about the outcome of my actions thanks to that freaking probability curse." Still, her drones took the devices away for installation just the same.

(Desired Crunch: Asylum and anyone/thing that is supposed to be here gets to roll to dodge at +1 against attempts to attack or sabotage them with Reality Warping.)
(+1 for stabilizing reality)
(+1 for having to do with my pocket dimension)
We Just Write threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Reality Shield Total: 1
1 1
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She was dead (again), and Kester was brainwashed. All because of her-


Right. Berating myself is a waste of time, anyway.

A pause, then the same calming wave, filtered slightly differently to emphasize different points-

No, I get what you mean. This is just how I deal with things.


She ignored it. What was this about Cthulhu anyway? Weren't those just stories? Who wished those stories into existence?

...her clairvoyance still worked. No one seemed to have actually done that. Strange.

People were getting into shenanigans again. Including that (apparently rather silly) admiral she'd talked to. Funny.


A feeling of trepidation. Not hers. A jumble of memories, all related to mutilation, mechanization, freezing. Hers, but she hadn't been the one to think of them.

All this, as she felt her thoughts get very, very cold.

I'm sorry, Nim. But I have to try.

There was only one fitting course of action for such abominations.

Write them out of existence. Now.
Whisper1 threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Ret Gone? Total: 5
5 5
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So falling flaming fireball, good enough for now.
When I land I cause a crater and an explosion for a few feet. I then walk out with out a scratch as my armour is on fire, it's not causing pain in any form more like when you were a boy and the flames would help warm you up.
Where in the warp did that come from, no matter it is time start your plans to rule this world and start your journey to conquer terra where Horus failed where you will not fail and prove you are a Choas God now.
But there are many steps to this that most happen and if you learned anything from decades of war, plans most change but they will get you from point A to point Z eventually.

"Where was I, Oh yes greetings mortals I am Lord Scoro master of the warp, holder of the warp keys, master of spells, King of 10 worlds of great note, created of the vortex of Carvex, Purger of 5 alien worlds, and Defender of my chosen."

Your not lying just adding things in to the true to make it sound better.

"I have come because I am bored so, what is it you want mortal."
I then point to random dude in the crowd and continue
"I will meet with your leader when ever some one in charge comes to take me to this leader of yours, but for now I will take requests at a price but not this one, this one is a freebie."

Rolling to find some thing to do in the desert, count be summon more minions, another Defiler you choose.
Lord Scoro threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Things to do Total: 6
6 6
Several hundred dragon figurines appear over the Washington Monument. You barely notice, given your current freakout, although you feel a little better when you see a figure in white start tearing through what's left of the White House. You can probably blame it all on him.

Wait... did... did Enydnu just drop dead?

...she's getting back up. And her eyes are pure black now. That can't be goo-.

Ahh! She's attacking! Shootitshootitshootit why isn't it dying!

"Give in," she hisses, her voice deeper and more growly than before, her armor sputtering from the shots from the Walker. "Give in and serve Ancalagon the Black."

She then proceeds to be upstaged slightly by the planets splitting apart.

OH GOD I DON'T EVEN UNDERSTAND WHAT'S HAPPENING. Everything is so confusing and I can't deal with this.

Fuck it. There's only one thing to do.

I slip into the gunners seat.

Target everything.
RadioactiveSpoon threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: DESTROY THEM WITH LASERS Total: 4
4 4
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The terraformer gazed upon its creation with pride. A planet fit for habitation within less than a week. Soon, the Creators will come, their massive star ships will block out the heavenas they descended onto this planet and claim their rightful place. So, it waited.

Anytime now, they will come.

It waited, and only the empty sky answered.

Perhaps, this is not yet enough, perhaps they require protection. If that is so, it will construct the best defensive system of all. A raygun, the Creators love raygun. It will be the most powerful raygun in the universe, it will blast holes through gods!

"Attention, slaves of the Empire. Your new order is to construct a new weapon system to defend this city."

EDIT: The Creators will be pleased.
munchkinomatic threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Raygun +2 Total: 4
4 4
You reach out your cosmic senses and try to mesh your sense of charity into the avatar, but to no avail. Thankfully, some oddity has split Kronoha into three planets, and the avatar is busily attacking the uninhabited one. You have time to figure out a way to make things right.
It said something about the current situation that even the Entity's patience was begining to grow thin.

The damnable Avatar refused to fall in line and it was becoming almost a wasted effort to stop it.

Still, if the Entity failed to bring its own creation to heel then how could it consider itself a being beyond compare?

Grasping at the wayward avatar the Entity began to pour its will and a fraction of its intellect within the being, hoping to overcome the avatar's own personality with the Entity's own.
Culexus96 threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Override Avatar's Mind Total: 1
1 1